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Finding Stone (The Stone Brothers Series) (Volume 1)

Page 11

by T. Saint John

  "Dr. Stone. It's not my place to say this, but I feel like it's important here." Missy says.

  "What is it? Do you know what's wrong with her? I ask curiously.

  She whispers near my ear, making sure I'm the only one to hear. "Molly is pregnant.” PREGNANT? Molly has my baby inside her!

  Brayden is back with the gurney. I place her on the bed and raise the side rails.

  "Brayden can you go check on my patient in three please." I don’t want him to be around when I bombard Missy with questions.

  "She's my friend; I want to help," he says. Instantly I feel better about him. She needs all the friends she can get.

  "I know. I understand, but we have to undress her. I think she would be more comfortable with Missy doing that." I say and I watch as he gets what I am saying. He leaves without argument. Molly has come back to. She just moans and says she needs a nap. She turns to her side and falls fast asleep. I am not overly concerned because she looks exhausted.

  "Missy, when did Molly find out she was pregnant?"

  "She found out a little over two weeks ago?" She replies.

  "You're sure she's pregnant?"

  "Yes. I was there when she took the test."

  FUCK. Why didn’t Molly tell me? What are her plans? Does she want to terminate the pregnancy? Is that why she didn't say anything? Is that the right decision she was talking about? I am getting pissed that she has kept this from me. I call for an OB consult. I let her sleep undisturbed for about half an hour.

  Finally, she is starting to wake up. She looks around. Fear comes over her.

  "I'm ok, I've just been stressed. I need to get up and get back to work." She looks at Missy with tears in her eyes.

  "Molly, just stop! I've called for an OB consult," she looks at me and turns pale.

  "I'm sure you'd feel more comfortable if Missy waits outside while I ask you some questions before Dr. Chaney gets here," I say, hoping to get a moment alone with her.

  "No. I would like Missy to stay."

  "Okay, have it your way."

  Why would she want Missy to stay? Why hasn't she talked to me? Missy said she found out over two weeks ago. Oh, shit. She wanted to talk to me earlier today when she walked in on Avery touching my chest. She must have wanted to tell me then. Did seeing me with Avery help make her decision to have an abortion? Could that be what she meant when she walked off and said she knew she was making the right decision?

  I believe in a woman's right to choose. I know I offered her the morning after pill. I didn't push it, though. I honestly thought we would be okay. My chest feels tight. I feel like I can't breathe. What's happening to me? I have never wanted children before. However, I never had someone like Molly either. I want her. I want them both. I don't want her to get rid of my baby. Our baby. I feel crushed. How do I convince her to change her mind?

  "Molly, please don't k..." Just then, Dr. Chaney shows up.

  He eyes me when I stay put. Hopefully, Molly doesn't kick me out.

  "Okay, lets get started," he says. He picks up her chart and starts reading. "It's say here that you had a positive home pregnancy test. Have you passed out before today? When was your last period? Have you had blood work done? Do you have a regular Ob doctor?"

  Molly tells him when her last period was and just shakes her head no.

  Dr. Chaney continues, "Do you want us to call the father for you?" I am pretty sure he is still wondering why I haven't left. Again, Molly shakes her head no and starts to cry.

  "Okay, no need to get upset. I am going to order some blood work and do an ultrasound to see how far along your are."

  I know the exact date and time of conception. He lifts her gown. I can't help but stare at her stomach. My baby is in there. I feel so overwhelmed.

  "Here you go. It's right here," he says pointing to the screen.

  There it is. My baby. A little bean. Everything looks good. Actually, everything looks perfect. She won't make any decisions without talking it over with me. Sitting here looking at the screen I realize that I'm desperate to be a father to this baby. I want to do this with Molly. I want to be in their lives. This baby, though unplanned, was made with no regret. If she wants Missy and Dr. Chaney here to witness this, that’s fine by me.

  "Are you planning on having an abortion? Jesus, Molly. Were you even going to tell me?" I ask, all of my emotions on my face clear for everyone in the room to see. I am mad, sad, but most of all scared of her answer.

  I hear Missy inhale sharply. She quietly exits the room. I need to thank her later. Dr. Chaney gives me a glaring look but also leaves the room.

  Chapter 18


  "You know what Noah. I can't deal with this right now."

  "You can't deal with this! Were you even going to tell me so that I could DEAL WITH THIS?" I'm so pissed.

  "You told me no commitments, one night, keep it a secret. I'm only following your instructions. A baby is a huge commitment. I didn't know how to tell you!"

  "That is my son or daughter that I put inside of you. You don't get to make this decision by yourself. I should have the right to know anything where my child is concerned. I should have been told the minute you found out!" My anger is escalating.

  "You are not going to bully me. The law says differently. This baby is in MY belly. I get to control what happens while its in there." Fuck, she's right.

  "Stop saying YOUR CHILD. I got you fucking pregnant. ME. I remember cumming inside you. It is OUR CHILD. Was that your plan then?" I know I am shouting and the whole E.R. can probably hear. Right now, I don’t care.

  "Look, Noah. I never considered an abortion. You made it clear that this was a one night only thing. I was hurt when you said keep it a secret, that you wanted to keep me a secret. I don't expect anything from you! You shouldn't expect anything from me! I have had a lot to think about. I do want you to be a part of our baby's life. I am moving back to Kentucky. You can still see our baby. Just think of it as a win-win for you. Your secret will be safe. The girl you knocked up and your baby hidden away in another state."

  Now she is just being a bitch.

  "Stop this, you're just being a bitch Molly. You never told me. You never gave me a chance. I will not let my child be raised without me. I don't want to be apart from my child." Just hearing myself says those last words, breaks the dam holding my emotions.

  'Don't take my baby, Molly, please," my voice cracks.

  "Noah, you offered me a morning after pill. You told me to keep all of this a secret. I know you don't want kids. I'm being a bitch? I meant it when I said you were an asshole,” she says, as she wipes tears off of her face.

  Seeing that, hearing her say the things she has said, feeling the things that I'm feeling, I decide to lay it all out.

  "If you would have even made eye contact with me you would know." I say.

  "Know what, Noah?"

  "That I love you." I say. My heart feels like it's going to pound out of my chest.

  "Please Noah, don't do this to me. You love no one, not even yourself."

  I have screwed this up so much. She's right though, but that was in the past. Now I just need to convince her that I have changed. I need to convince her that somehow she has woven her way into my heart and soul. The baby is just an extra gift. A gift of love that she has given me.

  "Noah, this isn't fair to me. It's not fair to this baby. What's changed? Why all of the sudden do you think you love me?" she says.

  For the first time in my adult life, I'm going to say what I have hated to admit, especially to myself.

  "I love people, Molly. I love my brothers. They have been the most important people in my life. We only had each other growing up. You know what though, I learned a hard lesson early in life. Love doesn't always last, it's not always easy and sometimes it's not enough. I loved my father and he hated me. I loved my mother and she left me. I have kept myself from loving anyone else. The people who I have loved always made me feel like I was never enough! I have bee
n fighting my feelings for you since the day we met. The night our baby was conceived is when I knew there was no going back to the man that I was before. I was afraid I wouldn't be enough for you, but I do know that I love you."

  There I admitted it. Out loud. I just want to be enough. She's looking straight in to my eyes. I feel like she can see every part of me.

  "You are enough, Noah. You are more than enough for me and for our baby."

  Just hearing her say that makes something explode in me. "Molly?"

  "Yes Noah."

  "Marry me."


  "Noah. We have time. I'm not going to marry you. Not now anyway." He is crazy. My baby's dad is crazy.

  "Molly, let me ask you. Do you love me?"

  How do I answer this? "Honestly, Noah, I’ve never been in love before. I know that how I feel for you, I have never felt for another man. I know that the things you make me feel, no one else has ever made me feel before. I know that when I am near you, I want be even closer. You make me feel safe and protected. After what you just told me, you make me feel loved." I let out a deep breath.

  This has been such a long day. I'm completely exhausted.

  "Okay. So marry me," he says again.

  "Give me time, Noah. I'm not saying no. It's just all of this has happened so fast. I know that I love you, but I'm waiting for the ball to drop. I'm still adjusting to the fact that I am going to be a mother. I can't say yes if I still have doubts." I hope that doesn't hurt him.

  "Alright. I have another question," he says with humor.

  "Really, I'm so tired Noah. What do you want to know?"

  "Will you be my girlfriend?" I crack up laughing.

  "This is all so ass backwards. You get me pregnant. You ask me to marry you. Now you want me to be your girlfriend?"

  "Well, what do you think?"

  "Yes. I will be your girlfriend. Now can I go home? Wait, I have a question for you? Am I a secret girlfriend with a secret baby?”

  I know I'm being a smartass. Blame it on the hormones.

  "Dammit, Molly. No secrets," he says with agitated humor.

  "Good. We are enough for each other. No secrets, no regrets." I feel relieved.

  "Can I come by later? I want to check on you, check how you're feeling," he asks.

  "Sure." Crap, he is going to see my apartment. It's nothing like his. I feel a little embarrassed.

  "What's wrong?"

  Well, I don't have the things you have. I just want you to realize that I don't live the way you do."

  "Molly, honestly, I couldn’t care less. I'm older you than you by ten years. I have worked hard for what I have. You are just starting out in life. " He runs his hands through his hair then he adds, "This is going to be our life isn't it? You're going to drive me crazy, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. You make me feel alive."

  "This is what you have done to me. You've turned me into a crazy crying pregnant woman. I can't stop crying."

  He starts laughing, "Molly, I love you. I love your craziness and I definitely love you pregnant. I want a lot of children. One baby out and another goes in. I want everyone to know how much I love you and how much I will enjoying loving you," he says in all seriousness. I consider calling the psych ward. One baby in, one baby out. He must be on drugs.

  "Okay," I smile. "On that note, I’m exhausted. I need to get some rest and we have a lot to talk about later." He grabs my hand and walks me out into the ER. Everyone is staring.

  I hope like hell no one has died since no one is doing their job. Missy comes running to hug me. Brayden comes over slower but he's smiling. I love the support of my new friends. In front of the entire E.R., Noah bends down and kisses me. He places his hand on my belly and rubs a circle around it. I swear, you could hear a pin drop. That is soon shattered as I walk past Avery and hear, "slut.” I look at her and roll my eyes. Grow up. Hopefully, after that display she will back off Noah.

  Noah came over to check on me after he got off of work. It was a good visit. We talked about our night together. He told me he was sorry. He didn't mean for things to get blown out of proportion. I guess we were both too stubborn to admit our feelings over these last few weeks. I feel like now we can start over, start off on the right foot. I feel excited, nervous, and happy. It was late when he left, so he decided to go back to the hospital and stay the night there. He has to be back for a sixteen-hour shift tomorrow. Today has been on the most emotional days I have ever experienced. Now to bed, I'm exhausted. It takes no time for me to fall asleep.

  I wake up when I hear a loud noise. I look at the clock and it's 2 A.M. I hear footsteps, and then I hear another loud noise. What's going on? I know it isn't Noah. He left around midnight. Did he come back? I know better than to go look. I grab my phone and call Maddox.

  "Molly? Everything okay?" He sounds tired but alert.

  "Maddox, someone is trying to get in my apartment," I whisper.

  "Molly, get into your closet. I'm on my way. Don't worry I have my work cell. I will call the cops and then Noah."

  "Maddox I'm scared. Please help me," I cry.

  "I am getting into the car. Just stay put. Stop talking to me. I don't want them to know where you are."

  "Maddox. Please hurry. I'm so scared."

  "Dammit, Molly, stop talking. Leave your phone connected. Do not hang up. I'm in my car. Ten minutes. I've contacted the police as well."

  I fumble through my closet. I find a tennis racket that was from a failed high school sport attempt. What am I going to do if he gets in?

  All I think about is Noah and our baby. My baby. How am I going to protect it?

  I hear the door break open. Hearing footsteps get closer. Someone is in my room. I know this is it for me...the closet door swings open.

  "Come here, bitch!" He grabs me by my leg dragging me out. “NO!” I scream out hoping someone hears me. I pray that Maddox is close. I do all I can do and start to fight. Fight for me. Fight for Noah. Fight for our baby. Fight for our future.

  Chapter 19


  My phone is ringing. What time is it? Two in the morning. When I wake up enough, I see it's Maddox. Why's Maddox calling me?


  "Noah. Someone is breaking into Molly's place right now. I told her to stay on the phone with me. She's hiding in her closet."

  I jump out of bed. I have always hated sleeping here. Right at this moment, I have never been happier. When I left her place, I decided to come here because I had to be back in a few hours.

  "I stayed at the hospital. She's just a few streets away. I'm going over.” I hit the floor running.

  "What can you hear?" I'm scared for her. Hating that she is afraid and I'm not there to protect her. I should have just stayed with her. I didn't even ask. We were getting along so well. I didn't want to push my luck. Oh God, my baby. Our baby.

  "Noah, hurry. I heard the door break open." I can barely feel my legs. My heart is pounding in my ears.

  "God, Maddox. I'm going to be a daddy. She's pregnant."

  "Shit. I'm around the corner," he says.

  "I'm here. I'm going up."

  "I'll be right behind you."

  Taking two steps at a time, I see that her door has been forced open. I hear Molly begging. She is fighting him. I don't even think; I just rush him. Grabbing him by the hood, I slam him to the floor. I have never wanted to kill a man until this moment.

  Since he was caught off guard, it allowed me to land a couple of disarming punches. He's strong. He must realize he is fighting for his life. Only one of us is going to walk out of here alive. I've already decided it will be me. He lands a couple punches, one to my chin, and one to the side of the head. Never in my life have I been so thankful to know how to take a punch. I will not be sidetracked. I am fighting for Molly, my baby, for our lives together. His nose is bloody. His eye is swollen. His mouth busted. He spits at me.

  Then he starts to scream at me, "That all you got motherfucker!" I rush at him a
gain, taking him to the ground. I feel a hand on my shoulder.

  "Noah, stop! Get Molly and get out of here," Maddox states in a firm voice. I hadn't noticed him come in. The mention of Molly's name stops me. I rush to check on her.

  "Baby, are you okay? Did he hurt you?" She is sitting on the floor with her arms across her knees crying.

  "I think so. I don't know." Her voice is shaking.

  "Let me take a look at you. We should head to the E.R." It’s the best way to know what's going on.

  "No, just get me out of here. "

  "I'd rather you go to the hospital, Molly, in case we need to run tests for the baby." I hope she agrees.

  "I don't have cramping. He didn't hit me in the stomach. He dragged me from the closet. I started struggling against his hold, kicking, screaming and hitting at him, then you came in," she explained.

  "You said you didn't know if you were okay."

  "Mentally, I mean. I'm scared, Noah. I don't want to keep living like this, being afraid. They've been watching me, following me."

  "Just come home with me. I can check you over when we get there. I won't be able to sleep if I'm worried about you and the baby." She might not agree to marry me yet, but I will take her moving in.

  "Thank you. I want to do that. I feel safe with you. Please, let's leave now." YES!

  "Noah, get Molly out of here. I have this covered. The police are on their way," Maddox says. "Just get her out of here." I don't ask any more questions. I want Molly out too.

  I turn to thank him and see the guy reach behind his back.

  I scream Maddox's name and cover Molly. Then I hear two gunshots. Molly starts screaming. I look up and see Maddox with his gun in his hand. Sirens fill the air. I look up at Maddox and say, "Thanks, brother. You have no idea what you've done. You've saved my everything." I take a deep breath and exhale. I know this man will never come after her again.

  After talking to the police and giving our statements, they let us leave. I called the hospital and got my shift covered. We head to my place.


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