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Finding Stone (The Stone Brothers Series) (Volume 1)

Page 15

by T. Saint John

  "Molly, please stop. Listen to what you are saying. I mean really listen. One thing you need to know for sure is that I am always going to be on your side. Always. I've heard you talk repeatedly about how great your parents are. How much they love you. How much you love them. Just think about your conversation. Did they say anything mean? Anything hurtful? Anything resentful? You're lucky Molly to have parents like that, ones who would do anything in the world for you. Give your parents the answers they need. Just the little bit of time that I was around them last night, I saw how concerned they are for you and how much they love you. They are trying to come to terms with it all. Do you think maybe you let your anger and emotions get the best of you? They aren’t going to be happy overnight."

  "I know. I hate that you are right. I was hurt. I hated that they questioned my judgment."

  "Think how they feel. They probably are feeling that they did something wrong as parents. They aren't just questioning you. They are questioning themselves as well. I mean you left here with a plan. You are gone just a few months and those plans have changed."


  I see what he's saying. Now that I am calmed down, I realize they weren't really questioning me. They were just asking questions, questions about my life, this baby, about Noah. I feel awful. They have always been so good to me. I acted like nothing but a spoiled child.

  I decide I have had enough of feeling sorry for myself and change the subject.

  "Would you ever consider moving to Kentucky? I mean, not now. I love Chicago and the relationships I'm building there. Maybe down the road?"

  "Molly, I'd go anywhere with you. When the time comes, we can talk about it. No need to worry now about things that might or might not be in the future."

  "You could be an E.R. doctor here. You wouldn't believe the idiots that show up in the E.R. on Fourth of July, the four-wheeler accidents, and the farm accidents. I'm sure you will see things here that you've never seen before." I start laughing. He does too.

  "Should we head back? You need to talk to them."

  "Can we walk for a little bit longer?"


  "Yes, for a little bit. You should still be taking it easy. You've already had a stressful morning. " Molly wraps her arm around my waist and starts walking again.

  "Thank you for being here."

  I place a kiss on the top of her head. As we walk, she talks about hiking here as a child and going camping. How they didn't have much money growing up, but she never felt like she went without. Her parents always made sure she had something to do. They always made her feel special.

  "What were your parents like Noah? I know you've told me a little."

  "I don't remember much before my mom left. I remember that my dad loved her. My last good memory of my dad was coming to a place much like this. He took Evan and me fishing. Maddox stayed home with our mom. He was too young to fish; he was about two. I remember us laughing. He baited our hooks and showed us how to reel in a fish. It was a good day. Evan got his first fish that day. He was so excited. After we fished, we had a picnic and played around. Dad just sat there, smiling, watching us play. I swear sometimes I can still smell the smoke from the cigar he was smoking. We left the lake and drove home. I remember it being dark when we got home. There wasn't a light on in the house. We walked in and Dad yelled for mom. No one answered. I heard glass shattering in the kitchen.

  My mother left dad a Dear John letter on the kitchen table. She waited until Maddox was asleep and just left. He was only two years old and she left him in that house alone. Anything could have happened. Shortly after that, my dad started drinking. He blamed us all, said that we were why she left. Sadly, he blamed Maddox the most. Right up until the day he died. Took Maddox a while to realize that dad was full of shit. He knows he isn’t to blame now, but it's was still hard hearing your own father tell you he wishes you were never born. We didn't have much growing up either. He bought us just enough so that it wouldn't look suspicious, kept us clean enough, fed enough. He was a mean bastard. He would hit us over nothing. Someone would just breathe wrong and it'd set him off. We learned very early how to take care of ourselves. That's why we are so close. We only had each other. We could only trust each other. We only had each other to love. Most kids would pray for a parent's recovery. We didn't. Our father wasn't fixable."

  I realize I had stopped walking and was completely submerged in that memory. I shake my head and look at Molly. She's crying.

  "Hey, hey, I’m okay. Don't cry. It was a long time ago. Nothing I can do to change what happened. When I tell you how much that I love you and when I tell you how much you've changed me, know that I really mean it."

  "Do you know what happened to your mother?"

  "No, not really. I never read the letter she left. Dad always told us it was because of us. I don't really know why she left that day."

  "You ever think about looking for her?"

  "I used to think about it, not anymore. I guess so much time had passed. Nothing changes the fact that she left. She could have come back to us at any time. We never moved. Besides, I have my brothers and I'm happy with the family I have."

  "I'm sorry that happened to you, Noah."

  "Yeah. Me too."

  "I can't wait to see what kind of father you're going to be. You have so much love in you. This baby is going to be so blessed."

  "I was always afraid of becoming a father. I had such a horrible one myself. I didn't ever want to make another person, especially a child, feel the way he made me feel. But Molly, with you by my side, we are going to love this baby so much. We are going to give it such a good life. I know there isn't anything I wouldn't do for you or my child."

  "I love you Noah. We have each other. We can do this together."

  Right when she says that, a breeze passes through. Her hair blows in the wind. She looks beautiful. I know that I will never want another woman the way that I want her. I don't want to waste another second. I get down on one knee.

  "Molly. I feel like so much has changed. I don't want to waste another second without you. I want to go to bed every night with you and wake every morning with you in my arms. I don't want to miss a moment of watching our baby grow inside you. I love you with everything in me. Please marry me, Molly?"

  "YES! Noah, I want all of that too. I don't want to miss a single moment with you. Yes, I'll marry you. I want you to be your wife."

  "I love you, Noah."

  "I love you too. Um, I'm sorry I don't have an engagement ring with me."

  "I don't need a big ring. I just want a wedding band."

  "You sure?"

  "Yes. I'm positive! I think we need to head back to my parent's. I need to talk to them. I need to apologize. We will play it by ear about telling them. They have heard so much over the last few days. I can't wait to be Mrs. Noah Stone."

  Chapter 26


  I am going to be Mrs. Noah Stone. I'm can hardly contain my excitement. I want to rush into the house and tell my parents. First, I know that I have an apology to make. Noah grabs my hand and walks me inside. My parents are sitting on the couch where I left them a few hours ago.

  "Mom, dad, I want to say I'm sorry. I know you were just looking out for me. Things are changing so fast. I know that I didn't handle our conversation like I should have. I'm really sorry."

  "Oh Molly, we will always look out for you. We will always love you and there isn't anything you could do that would change that. Not to long from now you'll know exactly what we mean."

  "I know. I want you both to know that it's going to be okay. We know we have a lot to learn about each other. This baby is going to be so loved. Please, I need you to accept all of this."

  "It's a lot to take in. We know that nothing is going to change this situation. We'll be okay, don't you worry about us. Everything is going to work out," my mom says.

  "Noah, I want you to know how much you impressed me when we talked yesterday. I thank you for your honesty. I tha
nk you for helping me to see things when I was just too upset to understand. From our conversation and the actions you've shown, you seem to love our daughter. She deserves nothing less. My grandbaby deserves the best as well. Being a daddy is a hard job, but the most rewarding.

  “Molly I want to get something straight with you right now. We have NEVER been embarrassed of you! Even though this was a shock to us, no matter what we're here for you and we will support you and Noah."

  I hug him tightly. "Thank you daddy. I love you both so much."

  We spend the next few hours showing Noah the sights. I'm pretty sure I caught him nodding off a few times. Kelly came to have an early dinner with us. I wanted her to meet Noah. She, of course, was her silly self and immediately starting asking if he had some doctor friends or if he could hook her up with one of his brothers. I should have warned him, she can be a bit much. She sure brings a smile to my face though. She put us on the spot when she asked if we were getting married.

  "Well, are you?" My mom responded when I didn't answer.

  "Yes." Noah and I said at the same time.

  "When?" Dad asked.

  "I don't know. We haven't really talked about a date, but definitely before the baby comes. We'll probably go to the courthouse or something."

  Noah looked at me and said, "We're not getting married in a courthouse."

  "I didn't think it would be a big deal. I don't want a big wedding or anything. I guess we can always have Daddy marry us." I say jokingly.

  Everyone got really quiet.

  "I think that's great idea. We can file the paperwork later. Jay, would you do the honor?"

  I am in complete shock. I don't even know what to say. Mom and Kelly are talking a mile a minute. I sit there in silence.

  "Sounds like a plan. How about you and I go to the jewelry store and get some bands and the girls here can go pick out a dress. It looks like my baby girl is getting married tomorrow!"

  What just happened? I'm looking around at everyone. Noah is smiling, talking to dad. Mom and Kelly are talking about a cute little boutique in the mall. I realize that I have all that I need in this room. Tomorrow I'm getting married. Tomorrow I will be a wife. As happy as I am, I’m wondering what the hell just happened.


  Jay took me to the jewelry store to help me pick out the wedding bands. They actually have a great selection here. Luckily, her mom told me her ring size. I was ecstatic to find that they have an on-site engraver here. I want to put something special on the inside of our bands. I explain the situation to the jeweler. I need this done now and am willing to pay whatever it costs.

  Christ, I'm getting married tomorrow. I can’t believe I have changed so much in such a short amount of time all thanks to that brown headed, blue-eyed girl who tore into my life like a hurricane. I realize that every thing I have gone through in my life has brought me right to this moment, right where I'm meant to be. Crazy how so much beauty can come from so much pain. I'm lost in my thoughts when Jay nudges my arm. The jeweler is standing right in front of me.

  "How does this look, sir? Is this what you wanted?"

  I take both rings to inspect them. "Yes, they're perfect. This is exactly what I wanted. She will love this. Thank you."

  The inscription on both rings is simply "No Regrets."


  Mom, Kelly, and I went to the mall. I am feeling a bit overwhelmed. I need to catch my breath and sit down. What did I do? I was only joking when I said that about dad marrying us, crazy how everything seems to work out. Deep breath.

  My dress is really pretty. It’s a simple, white, maxi dress with small-embroidered flowers on it. I knew it was the one as soon as I saw it. The top of the dress ties around my neck. I found a simple pair of white flats to wear.

  Mom is going to make me a bouquet to carry. Luckily for me, even though she can't cook, she can garden. She has a green thumb when it comes to growing flowers. She has won many county fair competitions for her beautiful flowers.

  Mom ran into some friends, so Kelly and I told her we had some other shopping to do. Even though we won't be celebrating our wedding night until we get back to Chicago, I want to buy something special for his eyes only. We head into a lingerie shop and I find some naughty things to buy. Mercy sakes, if I bought the things Kelly was picking out, someone may get hurt, literally. I'll stick with the lace; she can keep the leather.

  Chapter 27


  Waking up in my hotel room this morning, I think about how this will be the last day that I have to be without Molly by my side. After today, I will be a husband and in a little over seven months a father. Everything has happened so quickly. What really surprises me is how easy this has been for me to accept. Once I admitted to myself that I love Molly, the rest came naturally. Shit, it just occurred to me that I haven't even told my brothers. I'm such an ass.

  There's another reason why I love my brothers so much. Neither one of them had anything bad to say. Neither one of them judged me. Evan and I spent our life trying to protect Maddox. Evan and I got hit a lot. What Maddox got was worse. Yes, he got hit too, but sometimes it’s easier to take a punch than it is to hear, “You’re the reason your mom left.” I think he was afraid Evan and I blamed him. Neither of us ever did. I decide to call Maddox first.

  “Hey, Noah. How’s Kentucky?” Maddox ask answering the phone.

  “It’s good. Her parents are just like she said they were. Accepting. I called to let you know some big news. We are getting married today.”

  “Congrats, brother. You better still have time for beers and the Bears.”

  “Oh trust me, that’s not going to change.”

  “I’m happy for you. Molly is a great girl. Crazy, but great,” he laughs.

  “I know. I can’t believe I’m getting married. I’ll see you later today.”

  “I can. I’ll see you later.”

  Next, I call Evan. He doesn’t even know Molly is pregnant yet. I haven’t told him because we were a lot alike in not wanting kids or to be married. Maddox says he doesn’t want a wife or kids. Maddox is lying to himself. Evan isn’t.

  “Hey. How is everything going?” Evan asks.

  “It’s good. Actually, it’s great. I need to talk to you about a couple things.”

  “Yeah. You’re going to marry that spitfire aren’t you?”

  “How do you know that?”

  “You had me take her to your place, you had me babysit her and make sure no other guy touched her. Clear clues you were whipped. She is definitely worth it though.”

  “Well, we are getting married today.”

  “What the hell, Noah? I’ve been thinking about bachelor parties for you. Did you know they have BDSM themed strippers? Dammit man.” I start laughing. I am not surprised he has put serious thought into my bachelor party.

  “Sorry, maybe Maddox will let you do that.”

  “True. Maybe I’ll throw myself a bachelor party.”

  “One more thing. I’m going to be a dad. Molly is pregnant.” All I can hear is silence.


  “Yeah. Sorry. I don’t know what to say. I’m excited for you. Really. Very excited.”

  After I hang up with Evan I sit in front of the mirror looking myself over. Molly wanted to keep this wedding straightforward and simple. She had an arm full of stuff when she got home from the mall last night. She gave me a bag with the clothes that she wants me to wear today. Never did I think that I would be wearing khaki shorts and a simple white button up shirt. We decided to go back to that park we were at before, to the woods where I proposed. The only other people that will be there are her parents and Kelly.

  This moment will forever be in my memory. 11:00 a.m. on a Saturday morning in August, I am standing with Kelly and Annie. I look up and watch Molly walking arm in arm with her father coming toward the exact spot where I proposed. The sun is shining through the trees. The light is shining on Molly in a way that almost makes her glow. She is wearing a b
eautiful simple long white dress. She’s clutching a beautiful bouquet of fresh flowers in her hand. It's the perfect setting; this is perfect for us. Seeing her smile warms every part of me. When they reach me, I shake Jay's hand and thank him for his daughter. He looks at me, with tears in his eyes, and says, "Be good to her." I nod and he takes his place in front of us. Molly hugs me, and then her father asks if we would like to say our own vows.

  I didn't write down anything. I take a deep breath and start talking from my heart.

  "Molly, the night before I first met you, I sat on my balcony thinking that there had to be more to life. I knew I was missing something. I couldn't for the life of me figure out what it was. I look back on my life and wonder how I made it to this moment. All I can see is a lifetime of heartache and bad decisions. I withheld parts of myself from everyone that I met. The thing is, you made that impossible because you see all of me, and you love me anyways. I wonder what I have ever done to deserve you, to deserve the love that you have given me. I never knew that the path I was taking, littered with detours and wrong turns, was actually leading me straight to you. All that I have been through, I wouldn't change a single thing, because it brought me here, to this moment, standing in front of you with no regrets. You have given me a life worth living. A life I never thought possible. I promise to be the man you deserve. I take you, Molly, to be my wife, for better or worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love you, to cherish you, from this day forward, for always."

  "Noah, when I went to Chicago, I felt like I was being led to something, something new, something amazing. I didn't know what it was, but I was excited to find out. I could have never imagined in a million years that I would be finding my stone, you, my rock. I know that you will always be the person that I can turn to. We have many new adventures ahead of us. I am so happy that I get to experience them with you. I know that anything we face in life, we will face it together. When I look at you, I see the piece of me that was missing, the final piece of my heart. Noah, I also stand here today with no regrets. I love you. You are part of God's plan for me, the plan I never knew. I promise to be the wife and mother you can be proud of. I take you Noah to be my husband, for better or worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love you, to cherish you, from this day forward, for always.”


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