Book Read Free

It All Falls Down

Page 6

by M Dauphin

  The hostess slows towards the back of the restaurant as we approach the booth in the corner.

  “I have to pee,” I mumble to Ava, but she grabs my hand tight and leans in to me.

  “Hold that fucker, Nora. We’re going to rock this.”

  I sigh and plaster on the fake smile I’ve perfected over my lifetime.

  The hostess drops our menus at the table and Ava gently nudges me forward. The man sitting at the table turns and smiles at me, standing from his seat and extending his hand.

  “Hi, you must be Ms. Avondale. I’m Marcus, nice to meet you.”

  Marcus. He’s cute. He’s really cute. Dark wavy hair, falling just short of his eyelashes. Clean cut, clean shaven, and smells absolutely divine.

  “Please, call me Nora,” I smile, taking his hand in mine.


  “And you must be Ava?” He looks past me as I slide into the booth, locking eyes with Ava. I see the sparkle in her eye and she smiles.

  So damn beautiful. He’s fucking hooked already.

  “Nice to meet you, Marcus,” she answers, then slides in next to me.

  “I’m sorry my business partner isn’t here yet. He’s on another job that’s running a bit over.” He smiles at us and I nod.

  “I’m just happy you could meet this soon. I really wasn’t expecting it.”

  “You caught us right in the middle of projects. Perfect timing.”

  “Well, how about we start with you and the company. Why don’t you tell me a little about it?” I take a sip of the water as he goes into the full history of Smudge Designs. It sounds like a great company, really. They’ve worked with a bunch of reputable businesses in the area and currently are contracted with a few nationwide companies. It’s him and a friend that run it, though at this point it’s just been him and I’m starting to get annoyed that both men aren’t here right now to try to sell me their services. Marcus is nice, though. He’s definitely a people pleaser. We order our food, him placing an order for his partner, then he continues to talk about what they could do for us, and when he pulls out the portfolio I’m in awe. This puts my measly design skills to shame.

  “These are beautiful,” I whisper, running my fingers over the ad design and layouts on his tablet screen.

  “Thanks. I wish I could take the credit for it but that’s all my partner. Max,” he says, smiling. “I’m more of the people person, he’s more of the hermit design-type.” He chuckles then clears his throat.

  “I can’t wait to work with him,” I say, flipping the screen to view another page of images. Jesus, these are beautiful.

  “Speak of the devil,” Marcus announces, nodding towards the middle of the restaurant. I’m so drawn into the images I miss who he’s talking about. He stands from his seat and I look up, taking a sip of water to calm my nerves, as the two of them do that ‘bro hug’ men do.

  When they pull apart and that smile hits me, I immediately forget what I’m doing, sending water down my windpipe, choking me for air.

  I cough and sputter, grabbing the napkin to cover the horrid redness on my face. It isn’t just a few coughs and it’s out, either. It must have gotten all the way down, because it takes a few good coughs and throat clearings to be able to breathe properly again and by this time the entire back part of the restaurant is silent and staring at me, but the only thing I see is that motherfucking face smiling those bright damn white teeth back at me.

  “Hi,” he says with an amused smile on his face and a twinkle in his eye. “Maxwell Holzer. You must be Ms. Avondale.” He grins when I reach out and take his hand in mine, the memory of him calling me ‘Miss Nora-no-last-name’ flashing through my memory, among everything else he did to me that night...

  “Maxwell,” I answer, my brain trying to decide how to play this card. “Nice to meet you. Finally,” I answer back.

  Ava’s watching me this whole time, mouth agape, I’m sure fully reading my reaction to him and driving in the wrong direction with it… but really, wouldn’t that be the right direction?

  “I need to uh… Ava can you join me in the bathroom. I think there’s something in my eye after that whole thing,” I mumble, pushing her out of the booth. She’s so confused, but I can’t sit at that table with him right now.

  I need out.

  We buzz past the busy restaurant, almost running straight into a waitress on our way out.

  “What the fuck, Nora?!” She shrieks the minute we reach the sidewalk. “You said bathroom! This isn’t the bathroom and it looks so fucking bad for us with you freaking out right now,” she hisses.

  “I can’t be there,” I mumble, starting to pace as my hands fly. “I can’t do that. Nope. Not happening.” Maxwell motherfucking Holzer. Just my fucking luck. The man that ruined sex for me the past six months. The man who’s so cocky, even after less than twenty-four hours with him I wanted to kill him and fuck him at the same time. And that’s gory as shit. The man that fucked with my emotions that weekend by treating my body like a goddamned temple.

  I can’t work with him.

  But fuck his work is good!

  “Jesus,” Ava huffs. “Pull yourself together, woman. We’re going in there, you’re going to rock this, and then you’re going to tell me what the fuck just happened to you.”

  “Ava, that—”

  She shoves her hand completely over my damn face, stopping me in my words.

  “No. Not right now, Nora. Your job, right now, is to march the fuck back in there and make sure we leave with a contract with them. They’re cheap, they’re hella fucking good, they’re about to go huge and probably raise prices, and did I mention they’re cute as hell? So now… get the hell back in there and make up with them for being so fucking… strange.” She huffs, hands on her hips and nods to the door when I don’t move.

  I narrow my eyes at her but she’s not budging.

  “Fine,” I growl. “Whatever.” I storm inside and back to the back of the restaurant.

  The grin he’s wearing on his face is laced with that cocky attitude I wanted to fuck out of him six months ago.

  And still do.


  I saw her the minute I walked into the restaurant; smiling and staring at Marcus’ iPad in awe, probably of my work. For a moment I let pride start to grow for my work, for gaining that look of love from her, but I squash it down quickly.

  I knew the minute I saw her sitting in that booth that I wasn’t going crazy last night. I did fucking see her.

  And now I’m about to fucking work with her.


  She’s not left my thoughts for one damn day in the last six months. The way she trembled underneath me… hell I’d do anything for that feeling again. I’ve tried to find it, but nothing even comes close.

  “You’re so fucking late,” Deig whispers, pulling me in for his ‘man hug’ he always has to do. Whatever, it gives me more time to figure out just how I’m going to play this. She hasn’t seen me yet, but I’m confident the minute she does she’ll be putty in my hands all over again.

  When we pull away and my eyes land straight on hers, the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen, she starts coughing and it’s all I can do not to start laughing.

  That’s not really the reaction I thought I’d get, but hell it’s a good one. Shit this is going to be fun.

  Almost immediately after our eyes meet she bolts from the table, dragging her friend right behind her, and I can’t help but chuckle. They head off towards the bathroom and the minute they slip out of sight I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding.

  “What the hell was that all about?” Deig asks, letting me slide into the booth first before he follows.

  “No clue,” I mutter, starting to wonder what the fuck I’m doing. Now that she’s out of my sight I can actually think straight… and I can’t work with her, can I? Hell, the first time I laid eyes on her I fucked her, the second time I laid eyes on her all I thought about was fucking. How am I going to work with her if I ca
n’t even focus on the job?

  “This is a big job, man. She’s got money to give and a fuck ton of potential,” Deig starts. The waitress brings us our lunches, my order placed just as usual when we meet at this place. Deig knows.

  “Good.” I nod, digging in to my food.

  “You get the run done this morning?” He doesn’t look up from his food.

  “Yea. It’s done.” I nod, noticing the girls returning to the table and look up, grinning at Nora.

  Fuck, Nora.

  “Everything okay?” I ask, raising an eyebrow at her, watching her cheeks flush, then flicking my gaze to her friend.

  “Perfect,” her friend chirps, sliding in after Nora.

  “I’m Max.” I extend my hand to the friend and she smiles.

  “Ava. The other half of this loon over here,” she says, nudging Nora, making her grin.

  “We were just discussing the job,” I say, nodding towards Deig. “I’m sure he gave you the background of the company?”

  “Yes,” Nora whispers, then clears her throat and those eyes hit mine square on. “You’re very talented, Mr. Holzer,” she says, her eyes pinned on mine.

  “Thank you,” I say, trying my hardest not to let it turn into a growl. Fuck she’s sexy.

  “I think we just have a few other things to go over before we make our decision.”

  Nora’s friend Ava smiles and I feel Deig relax next to me.

  “How about we enjoy our lunch first, then finish business a little later.” I wink at her and watch her eyes go wide.

  “Good. You two can come back to the boutique and check it out; just to make sure you’ll both be comfortable with such a feminine product.”

  I laugh and shake my head.

  “We can sell shit on shingle, Nora,” I say, losing the professional curtain I had put up for a moment. Deig kicks me under the table when she chuckles and takes another bite of her food.

  “Dude,” he whispers.

  “I know,” I sigh quietly.

  The rest of lunch is uneventful… other than the glances I keep catching from Nora. I don’t know what she told her friend, but from the looks of it she’s not in the loop and is furious about her behavior. Maybe not furious, but definitely super confused. I’m sure Deig is the same way, but now isn’t the time to talk about our super-hot one-night stand. Right now is the time to secure a high paying job that will keep us busy for months.

  I find myself getting caught in a trance, watching each bite of Nora’s pasta as she slides it into her mouth. Fuck, that mouth. If I could go back six months I’d make sure to fuck it more. Absolutely.

  Deig kicks me again, nodding towards Ava. I look up and smile at her.

  “So?” she asks, cocking her head at me.

  So… what? I look over at Deig who’s trying not to laugh, then to Nora who’s shaking her head.

  “Sorry, what?” I ask, feeling like a complete asshole. How the hell did I not hear her?

  I’ll tell you how, I was too busy imagining those lips on my dick… that’s how.

  Fucking vixen.

  “How long have you and Nora known each other?” Ava’s eyebrows rise and Nora groans.

  Well shit.

  “About as long as I’ve known you, Ava. Why would you ask something like that?” I lie. Now’s not the time. Deig is going to be pissed when he finds out; I need to secure this job and start the payments before he finds out I fucked our biggest client.

  “No reason.” She smiles and starts picking at the food on her plate.

  We sit in an awkward silence for a few minutes before Deig and Ava start up a conversation. I feel like I should say something to Nora, but everything I have to say to her isn’t appropriate right now.

  Plus, the first thing my tongue wants to let slip is ‘I’m sorry’. But I have nothing to be sorry about! It was one night, no hooks, no claims, and it was fucking amazing.

  “You guys ready?” Nora asks, grabbing the check and paying before I even have a chance to offer.

  Hell, Max, get your fucking head on straight.

  “Lead the way,” Deig announces after standing up.

  And she does, making a beeline for the front door and not looking back. Ava laughs and shakes her head, following her and making sure we’re still following.

  We get outside and I see Nora half a block ahead already.

  “Don’t mind her. I’ll be kicking her ass after this little meeting’s over. She’s normally not this much of an asshole.”

  “No worries.” Deig shrugs. “Max here will be the one that works closely with her. I’m just here to make sure things run smoothly and his ass meets deadlines. Plus for the money—asshole’s terrible with the money.” He laughs.

  “Hey, I resent that!” I say, laughing. “I can deal with a little bit of an asshole, Ava. I deal with this one every day. It doesn’t worry me.” I shrug, not worrying a bit about putting up with her little attitude. It never bothered me before… well… back then. No, the attitude isn’t what’s going to get me in trouble here. The bigger question here is if I can deal with wanting to fuck the brains out of my potential employer.

  The walk to the boutique is only a few blocks, not bad really. It’s warm but not too much, and it gives me time to try to figure out my plan of attack.

  Do I play along with her oblivious nature and we never address what happened six months ago?

  Do I address it the first chance I get? How awkward would that be if I just threw it out there the minute we got back to the store?

  Probably pretty awkward.

  When she opens the door to the store and holds it open for us, I smile. Walking by her, the small grin she gives me is my answer.

  Keep it between us.

  Our little secret. Our dirty, sexy little secret. For now, at least.

  The place is a lot more spacious than I thought it’d be. She has her own style, for sure, which will make the design process smooth and seamless. I won’t have to rebrand her image, I’ll just have to help make it better. Her signs around the store are typical Word documents on white paper… cutesy, but not as perfect as I can make them. Her sign outside is on a banner still, something she’s going to have to change if people are ever going to take her for more of an established business. The layout of the store itself runs smoothly and things look organized and uncluttered. The clean linen scent wafting through the air makes it feel fresh and clean in here, and the paint on the walls had to have been done by a professional. There’s no way she’s this artsy… she’s just too… uptight for something like that. The teal blues, silver and black lines running along the middle of the wall, dividing the white top and black bottom, make the space seem a lot larger than it is. The color scheme is perfect and fits her and those fucking blue eyes and pitch-black hair perfectly. The logo is the same design she was working on at the airport, but I’m happy to see she changed the color scheme. The pink and blue and yellow she had originally laid out on her screen that day looked horrendous. I smile to myself, remembering her reaction to me trying to help her. Had I cared more about what she was doing and less about getting into her pants I would have offered my services, but as it stands I’m happy I went for the pants… or no pants… route.

  “You have a nice place here,” I say, watching her pause from across the room.

  “Thank you,” she answers, grabbing her laptop. “Come on, I’ll show you guys some ideas I had.”

  We follow her back to her office where we spend the next hour going over ideas and looking at examples.

  This girl knows her shit.

  “Curious… did you do all the design so far for this place?” I ask for two reasons. One, because it’s damn good and two because if so, that would explain her need to have everything perfect.

  She’s used to having the say in everything around here. She’s going to be one of those micromanaging clients, but I can’t say I’m going to hate it.

  “Yes.” Her eyes land on mine, dead serious, and I nod in approval.
r />   “You’ve done a good job, Nora,” I say, nodding around. “It really looks awesome.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Max, here, can help you bring it to life, Nora. We can promise you that. He’s had years of experience in this type of thing, he definitely knows what he’s doing.”

  Nora’s eyes won’t leave mine and I don’t have the will to pull mine away. I could get lost in her gaze.

  “I’m sure it’ll be just fine working together,” I whisper, watching her cheeks flush the smallest bit.

  “Me too,” she says quietly.

  The room is silent for what feels like ages until Deig finally speaks up.

  “I hate to break up whatever this is, but we’re going to need to be hitting the road soon for another meeting.”

  We do? That’s news to me.

  “Oh, yes absolutely.” Nora blinks rapidly, breaking the stare and walking over to her desk. I watch her ass sway in the black pants she’s got on and just want to reach out and squeeze it. She leans down to grab something from the bottom drawer of her desk and I groan, then notice Deig staring and punch him in the shoulder before she can turn around. He throws me the ‘what the fuck’ look, but before I can elaborate as to me finding him staring at her ass, she turns and walks over to us with a check in hand.

  “Here’s your check for starting everything.” She hands Deig the check and his eyes light up. He nods and looks over at me smiling.

  “Thank you.” Deig smiles and shoves the check in his pocket. “Max will get started tomorrow.”

  “I will?” I question, only because we never talked over schedules or anything. When he nods at me I want to fight it, but she’s smiling at me, arms crossed under her tits, and I’m a goner.

  “I’ll be back in the morning to start making a list of everything with you,” I say immediately.

  This whole plan is fucked, I can feel it. I don’t ever go and spend time with clients! I take their shit and work from home. Why the fuck would I need to come back in?

  I know, because I can’t get enough of her.


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