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Extensive (A Single Dad Box Set)

Page 65

by Claire Adams

  She’d jump up in the middle of the night to check some note or another. I’d even caught her sighing names of cases in her sleep. It was adorable, but I was really fucking happy that it would be over soon.

  I hated that I couldn’t take the load off her shoulders. It killed me, but I’d soldiered through somehow. It helped that I could ease the tension by promising her orgasms as rewards when she hit her target for reviewing for the day.

  Other than that, I had kept my hands strictly to myself, even if I was dying to spend at least a couple of days getting lost in her. I’d known that she had a difficult month ahead of her when I’d come clean about how much I loved her, and it wasn’t as if I’d been abstaining. She had a lot of targets, but damn.

  I had more of a surprise planned for her than just meeting up with her at the exam center. We were headed to a small private beach I knew nearby for a couple of days. I had packed her bag. She had toiletries, lingerie, and bikinis in it.

  Mrs. W.’s kids and grandkids were busy, so she’d agreed to stay with Harper while I whisked Gabbi away. In her words, that girl deserved a month on an island, not just a few days at a nearby beach. I tended to agree, but that wasn’t an option for either of us at the time, so I settled for the best that we could do.

  Even Harper was excited for Gabbi to be done with her studying. She had taken to Gabrielle like a bee to honey. As did Gabbi with her. Those two got along like a house on fire. It was the most beautiful thing to behold.

  I didn’t need a reminder of how lucky I was, but Mrs. W. took it upon herself to tell me every time she saw them together. Which was practically every day. She got all teary about it.

  I was surrounded by women, and I didn’t mind it one little bit. Gabrielle’s things were spread around my bedroom and en suite. Harper’s things were scattered through the rest of the house, and Mrs. W. cooked for an army every day. She turned my kitchen into a war zone, then had it clean as a clinic before I could blink.

  When Gabrielle took breaks, she and Mrs. W. cooked together like they’d been doing it for years. They swapped recipes, squealed over flavors, and fixed each other coffee every morning. I had no idea that Mrs. W. loved the stuff, but Gabrielle had bonded with her over it on her first morning at my place.

  Richard’s voice brought me back to the present. “You hid your fear, arrogant swagger and all.”

  “I did?” I smirked.

  “You sure did. How was she this morning?” Concern furrowed Richard’s brow.

  “She was okay. Strong and stubborn as always. I organized with Heather to pick her up from the house so that her car wouldn’t be stuck at the center all weekend.” I took a swig of water and shot a quick glance at my watch. Almost time to leave.

  Richard caught the gesture. “You know, you’re good for each other. I’ve noticed a change in Gabbi this month. We haven’t spoken this much in, well, ever. You’ve matured again, as well. I feel like I’m getting old.”

  “We are good for each other. We’ve talked a lot about everything. I think she’s starting to see things from your point of view as well. I told her about how much you helped me when Harper came along.” My voice was quiet, contemplative.

  “Thank you, James. I didn’t expect that from you.” Our conversation was fast becoming too serious.

  “I know, but your relationship with her means a lot to her. I never wanted to get in the way of that. It was one of the reasons why I tried to deny that there was anything going on between us, why I pulled away from her before.”

  I needed to add something to lighten the mood, so I fixed him with a goofy smirk. “Besides, if we ever get married, you’ll be Harper’s granddaddy. So maybe you are getting old.”

  I dodged the hand aimed at slapping the back of my head and laughed.


  “And proud of it.” I placed my hand solemnly over my heart.

  Richard grew quiet again. “Is that something that you’re thinking about already?”

  “I think that we’re both a long way away from that. I’ve never believed in the institution. I still don’t really. We haven’t talked about it.”

  Richard surprised me by smiling in understanding. “It’s only been a month son. You’re only 24. You’ve got time. As long as Gabbi knows that you don’t believe in it.”

  I’d mentioned it, but that was when things were different. I didn’t even know if she remembered it. Not that much escaped that big brain of hers. “She does, but I’ll talk to her about it again.”

  “You do that. You’d better leave if you don’t want to be late.” Another stolen glance at my watch confirmed that he was right.


  In no time, I pulled up to the exam center, two massive coffees in hand. I owed Heather for playing along that morning, and I was still getting into her good graces after all the shit I’d pulled.

  The only way into that woman’s good graces was caffeine. Lots of it. Constantly.

  I’d hardly parked when the first guy recognized me. Luckily, he was a fan and didn’t talk any trash to me. I could deal with that. I signed the Dolphins jersey that he wore, and he went on his merry way.

  There were only a few people trickling out of the exam venue when I arrived, but the flow became steadier within minutes. Each candidate seemed more weary-eyed and bedraggled than the next as they streamed out, until I spotted Gabrielle’s golden halo.

  She’d bundled her hair carelessly on top of her head at some stage during the day, and her face was completely nude. As she came closer, I could see that her eyes were tired, but bright.

  She made animated gestures with her hands, no doubt trying to convince Heather about one answer or another.

  Heather looked like she was about to fall asleep while she walked. She could not drive in that state. I was also itching to get on the road to my private getaway with Gabrielle, and since Heather knew about it, she’d never let us drive her home.

  I didn’t know the girl that well, but I doubted that she would leave her car at the center if I called for an Uber. So, I did the next best thing and called Ryder.

  “Sup, bro? The prodigal best friend returns.” I heard screaming in the background, and the sound of tires screeching made me flinch before Ryder ordered the guys to turn the game down.

  “I saw you yesterday, Ry. How is that being prodigal?” I worked out with Ryder every damn day.

  “You’ve been spending too much time with your lawyer if you suddenly know the meaning of the word.” Ryder’s tone was light. He was joking with me.

  “I’ve always known the meaning, dude. Now I just have a legit reason to use it without sounding like a pretentious asshole.” Two could play that game.

  “You’ve always been pretentious, asshole. Tell me why you’re calling. Gabbi call it off with you after the big exam? Or are you at your romantic getaway struggling to get it up until you talk to me?” He lowered his voice into a false seductive sound that I nearly gagged at. “Cause you know, baby, I know what you like.”

  I burst out laughing, drawing Gabrielle’s attention. Her lips parted as she sucked in a breath, sending all my blood rushing straight to my cock. “Trust me; I don’t need you for that. Gabbi’s got that handled.”

  Ryder made a gagging noise at the other end of the line and threatened to hang up.

  “No, wait. I got Heather, Gabrielle’s friend, to pick her up this morning so that Gabbi’s car wouldn’t be stuck at the center all weekend. She’s swaying on her feet tired, man. I don’t think she should drive.”

  “Say no more. I’ll grab big Dave, and we’ll be there in a few. Rescuing damsels in distress and seeing their steeds safely home? That’s one of the only things that we’re good for.” Ryder joked, but he was already yelling for Dave and his keys.

  I clicked off just as the girls approached. Gabrielle launched herself at me, and I caught her more than willingly.

  She buried her face in my neck and breathed deeply. “You came.”

  “Of course, I
did, angel.” We’d settled on a nickname that she didn’t hate.

  “You brought coffee,” Heather sighed. “I’m going to need that if I’m going to make it to my car. God knows how much more I’m going to need to make it home.”

  “Actually, you’re all taken care of. Ryder and Dave are on their way to pick you up.” I nuzzled Gabbi’s hair. God, she smelled good.

  “You mean there are actual Miami Dolphins on their way to pick me up, and I look like this?” Heather squealed, gesturing up and down her body.

  Gabbi managed a giggle and an eye roll but sagged against my chest. I wrapped an arm around her. She was in serious danger of falling asleep on her feet. “You always look gorgeous, Heather. Besides, they’re giving you a ride home, not taking you somewhere for a threesome.” Then Gabrielle turned to me, eyes wide. “They’d better not be, Ryder—”

  “Relax, Gabbi. They’re taking her home. To sleep. By herself.” I assured her.

  Gabrielle’s eyelids fluttered closed deliriously. “Hmm, sleep. That exam was the worst.”

  “I’m sure you aced it, angel.” I pressed a kiss to her forehead.

  “I’m not,” she grumbled against my chest.

  “Well, I’m sure enough for the both of us.” I really was. There was no way that Gabrielle hadn’t made the exam her bitch.

  “Are we going home, too?” she asked hopefully.

  “Nah, we’re taking a couple of days off. It’s a surprise.” She looked at me quizzically, but her attention was soon drawn to Ryder pulling up behind us.

  “Knights in Shining Armor Car Service. Where do you need us?” Ryder winked. I gestured towards Heather.

  “Right there. She’ll show you to her car. Straight home, boys.” I ordered. “I’m getting my girl out of here.”

  “I’ll never get tired of hearing you call me that.” Gabrielle sighed dreamily, settling into her seat. I reached over to help her fumbling fingers with the buckle.

  “I hope so, angel.” When I looked up at her, her eyes were closed and her breathing even. She was fast asleep.


  Two Years Later


  Damnit. I must have slept straight through my alarm, judging by the way the sun streamed through the sheer curtains.

  James was next to me, his warmth pressing against my back, a muscled arm draped around my waist. He had bulked up a little more since we’d started dating. His exercise regimen had become a lot more stringent as the Dolphins climbed the ranks.

  I pressed a soft kiss to his forearm, momentarily distracted by the way that his muscles roped underneath his skin. Then, I tried to extricate myself from his grasp as gently as possible without waking him.

  I had almost made it to the edge of his bed when he pulled me back, nestling me tight against his chest. “Where exactly do you think you’re going?”

  His voice was a sleepy, husky groan. It still made my heart beat faster. In fact, it did so even more every morning that I got to wake up to it.

  I turned to face him and traced his chiseled jawline with my fingers. “I have to get up, baby. I overslept.”

  His beautiful eyes blinked open. I still couldn’t quite figure out what color they were. Though they shone a bright green that morning, golden flecks shining in the sunlight. “You didn’t oversleep, angel of mine. You’ve got the day off, remember?”

  Of course.

  I’d helped my boss on a big trial the week before, and he’d told me to take the day to relax. I nestled into James’s warm, hard body. My hand snuck down his side to see if other parts of his anatomy had woken up yet. Two years later and I still couldn’t get enough of him.

  He groaned as my palm closed on his rock-hard morning wood. To my surprise, his hand clasped around my wrist, and he brought my palm to his mouth, pressing a light kiss to it.

  A frisson of fear ran through me. I’d been working really hard lately. Had he lost interest? It wasn’t as if he wasn’t still getting it on a near daily basis. I mean, I really still couldn’t keep my hands off him, but what if that wasn’t enough?

  He drew me closer and kissed me deeply. We’d let go of morning breath aversion about two weeks in. “Not today, angel. I got plans for us. If we start that now, I’m keeping you right here in bed until you have to leave for work tomorrow.”

  “I see absolutely no problem with that.” My response was automatic and instantaneous. My nipples had already hardened, and heat pooled between my legs.

  I guided his hand up my thigh and to my sex. We slept naked most nights. The night before had been no exception.

  “Oh God, you’re killing me here, Gabbi,” he growled as he rolled on top of me. His tip pressed against my entrance, and I trembled in the sweetest anticipation. “I already fucking hate myself for this, but we have to get going.”

  My entire body protested as his weight disappeared from me. His sexy ass sauntered to the bathroom.

  “You can’t hide from me in there!”

  “Not trying to, angel. Now get that incredible ass in here so we can get dirty while we get cleaned up. Two birds, one stone and all.” The shower turned on. I scrambled out of bed so fast that I nearly fell on my face when my ankle got stuck in the sheets.


  “So, what do you have planned that’s so important that I couldn’t sleep in on my first day off in like, forever?”

  James placed a steaming mug of hot, sweet coffee in front me. I’d be damned if the man didn’t love me so much.

  I still doubted his feelings from time to time, though he hadn’t given me one single reason to. In fact, he’d made it his mission to prove to me on a daily basis how much he loved me.

  I wasn’t just talking about the sex either, though that remained spectacular.

  “Told you earlier, I have plans for us today.” His head was buried in the refrigerator, fishing out yogurt and berries.

  Mrs. W. had taken Harper to visit her family the night before. I had to admit that I missed the pink whirlwind and the tireless mother figure who somehow managed to rein her in.

  “Better be some big plans for you to drag us out of bed when we have the place to ourselves.” I twirled a cherry with my tongue, and James stiffened, knuckles turning white as he gripped the counter. I loved that I still had that effect on him.

  “Stop it, you insatiable woman.” Desire clouded his eyes.

  I repeated the only words that sprung to mind, something he had said to me years ago. “Only for you, babe.”

  I bit down on the cherry, locking my eyes with his. His lips parted. There. I had almost where I wanted him. Spending all day completely naked.

  “Better be, but they are some plans. Can’t back out now.”

  My curiosity piqued. “What are we doing?”

  “Do you remember the jet skis?” Mischief glinted in his eyes.

  “What kind of question is that?” I bit back the urge to roll my eyes at him.

  “We’re saddling up the old horse today. I’m giving you another chance to beat me.”

  “I won the last time!” I protested.

  “No, we decided to go for lunch, and you insisted that I acquiesce to your demands. That’s not winning.”

  “If you’re going to deny my winning, what’s the point of the competition?”

  “I’ll give you a prize if you win, how’s that?”

  “Ooh, can it be lunch at the Spanish place?”

  “It’s better than that, but you have to win first.”

  “Bring it, Skye.”

  “Oh, I definitely will. Be good out there; I think you’re really going to like the prize.”


  Sand stung my ankles as we stepped onto the beach. Save for a few tiny gusts of wind though, it was the perfect day for the beach.

  We left our stuff in the car and headed, hand in hand, to the jet ski guy. “I haven’t seen you guys for a while.”

  He was actually smiling at us as he retrieved our life jackets and keys.

p; Weird.

  James pressed a kiss to my hair; some unfamiliar emotion was flashing in his eyes. It was gone before I could place it. He gave my hand a final squeeze and reached for his wallet. “Go ahead, angel. I have to settle things here.”

  James didn’t have to ask me twice. I wanted that prize that he had promised. I had no idea what it was going to be, but if it was better than lunch at the Spanish place, I was winning it. “You’re on, Skye.”

  I fastened the straps on my life jacket as I jogged to the yellow and purple jet ski that I favored, revving it up and shooting into the water before James had even started heading toward the shore.

  It had been a while since we’d last been out here, but the smooth glide of the watercraft over the gentle swells was still familiar. I weaved around a little to get the hang of it, then spun my jet ski around in a spray of water to watch James approach.

  I marveled at the man sitting astride the blue jet ski. The tanned, unmarked skin that I knew to be so soft under my touch. The hard ridges of his delectable body. The way his eyes shone as he skidded to a stop with precision just about a yard away from me. Lips that I would never stop kissing if I had a choice pulled up into a confident smirk.

  More than anything, I marveled at the fact that he was mine. That he had been for two years and one month to the day. It was the second anniversary of the day he had first told me that he loved me, and we’d gotten my father’s blessing.

  I doubted that he even remembered, but I would never forget that day. It was burned into my memory as the start of the best days of my life.

  His deep, smooth voice pulled me from my wonderment. “Same terms as always. First one from the buoy and back to the other wins.”

  “You’re on, Skye. Try not to get too wet back there.” I spun my jet ski with another spray of water and raced off, focusing my attention on winning that prize instead of the perfect specimen of masculinity that I would be winning it from.

  James drew even with me as we approached the first buoy. I pulled back on the throttle and gunned it. The wind felt amazing in my hair. I felt freer and more relaxed than I had in a long time.


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