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Extensive (A Single Dad Box Set)

Page 68

by Claire Adams

  I made a quick lunch and ran out of the house with a sandwich between my teeth. I locked the door and jumped in the car, driving like a bat outta hell to get there before opening.

  I got to the shop just in time. After I had pulled the car into my parking spot, I ran in panting. Even with the hogs ruining the yard and making me late, I felt good. It was the release. It always helped. I needed to remember that shit.

  Garren was at the shop and on the phone when I arrived. I passed him by and got busy unloading the contents of yesterday’s crates.

  “You look like someone ran over you with a ten-wheeler truck. You look beat, dude,” Garren said as he walked up to help.

  “I had a bad morning. Those fucking hogs just took a pit stop in my lawn and cultivated the grass. They left the green landscape with shit and soil.”

  Garren took my story with a comic approach, laughing the entire time, though no part of my story was funny. Cock head.

  “What the hell are you laughing at, Garren? This is some serious stuff. What if one day they come knocking on your doorstep and ruin your entire lot for you?” I snatched the gun from his hand, wiping the dust on its handle before putting it on display.

  “Just trying to make the mood lighter; you look like someone pissed in your Cheerios, brother. Shake it off, man.” He laughed once more, finding the brighter side of the abhorrent incident.

  I rolled my eyes and refused to laugh, but I cracked a smile, unable to help myself. He had the most hillbilly ass laugh I’d ever heard. “That hog’s shit was terrible. Good thing it is fertilizer to the land. Want some?” I turned the tables, kidding with him instead.

  He raised both hands to retreat, desperate not to be met with the foul-smelling fertilizer. “No fucking way. By the sound of it, they’re terrifying bastards too. Why not go hog hunting tonight? I could come along if you want to.” Garren offered, but it was a horrible idea. I had too much going on, and adding a new activity would mean sacrificing other relevant tasks.

  “Thanks, Garren. Let’s see what happens. If shit comes along once more, the hogs will not be granted a second chance.” I helped him out on unloading the guns and displaying them on the glass counters.

  He nodded at me with a smirk, agreeing to my decision. “That’s cool, Hunter. Just call me if you need a hand, and I’ll be there if hunting’s the game.” He stepped back to go to the stock room.

  Before he could leave and take the other crates there, I called him out.

  “Garren, can I ask you a favor?” It was a hopeful wish, and Garren would always be my go-to guy.

  “Anything, man,” he replied, keeping his spot beside me.

  “I wondered if you could work on Saturday. My little man and I have plans to go fishing.” It was his day off, but I wished he could take the job for me. It was something demanding, but hopefully, he would agree to.

  “Sorry, Hunter. I got some plans for Saturday that I can’t break. If you had mentioned it yesterday, I might have been able to do it.” His expression was apologetic.

  I forced a smile. “No biggie. Thanks anyway.”

  I nodded as he walked toward the stock room, taking the other crates for us to unload. Disappointment settled in the center of my chest. Vince would be upset. More than upset.

  I’d just promised him that morning that we’d go. I cursed myself for saying anything to him. Fuck. His heart would be broken to find out that our fishing trip for the weekend was canceled, just like most of my previous promises.

  Thinking about things further, I realized that I was wrong. Vince would take the news with a positive attitude. My son had a wider understanding. He might take it positively, being the cheerful kid he was born to be. The only thing that bothered my conscience was him getting used to this setup. Being disappointed with broken promises, again and again, was a routine task between the two us. That was something I had to figure out how to stop doing. He needed to be able to count on me. Period.

  I needed to get my mind on something else. Like unpacking the never ending stack of crates that Garren had brought up from the stock room.

  The gun shop was busy with men and women looking for the perfect weapons, a way to protect themselves. I loved watching their expressions when they found it.

  “Your shop really is the top one in town. Even the citizens outside Mesquite come all the way here just to check out your vast array of quality guns.” Garren was pumped after the large number of customers we just finished serving. I looked at him with a grin and granted that his words spoke of the truth.

  Just after I counted the day’s earnings, Vince’s bus stopped in front of the shop. I stood up to welcome him as he came running toward me. I gave him a bear hug as he leaped into my arms, ecstatic to see him.

  “Dad, look! I got five stars from Miss Diane!” He showed the back of his fist which was stamped with five red stars. I kissed his cheek as I expressed my congratulations.

  “Good job, Vince! You’re getting more intelligent than your Dad,” I teased him, taking his backpack and lunch box just like I usually did. I took him to the back office so he could rest and eat his snacks.

  “Dad, can I take some crackers when we go fishing? I want to take some snacks as we drive to the lake!” He took his shoes off before he laid on the couch, resting his head on the comfy, cartoon pillows. I frowned, realizing the fact that I needed to update him regarding the postponement of our weekend getaway.

  “Um, speaking of that,” I began, not sure what the hell I was going to say. “I can’t leave the shop this weekend, buddy. Sorry, but I think the fishing trip has to wait.”

  The thing I feared the most began to come to life. The sadness on his little face consumed his jolly expression. Despite hearing my words of disappointment, he spoke like an adult and regained the smile he lost. It was almost sickening to see him acting far above his age. With all we’d been through, I understood it, but it hurt nevertheless.

  “It’s okay, Dad. That means I can read my books over the weekend and get more stars this coming week.” He sat up and hugged me, assuring me that everything was fine. I felt ashamed. I had been known as a man of great reputation for raising my kid well all alone. Little did they know that I was also lucky to have a superb kid who loved me so much.

  “In the meantime, Garren brought some apple pies today. They’re in the fridge if you want some.”

  He smiled at me and nodded. “I’m a big boy now, Dad. I can get it myself.”

  I laughed at his words, patting his head gently. “You’re truly are a big guy now. I’ll be in the shop if you need anything, okay? I love you, buddy.” I stood and waited for his answer.

  “I love you too, Dad.” Vince was smiling, but his tone was sullen. I rested my back against the door right after I closed it, saddened by my son’s reaction. I could not do anything to fix the situation though. It was heavy on my heart to see Vince’s disappointed eyes, but I had to get back to work.

  “If you plan on hurting your son’s feelings, you should scrap that scheme. He is a good boy; he doesn't deserve to be sad. Just tell him the truth or maybe set your shit up before you tell him anything. Come on, man. You’re better than that.” Garren walked toward me, leaning on the counter facing the office door. He was grinning at me, but his eyes were sympathetic.

  “I know, man. Believe me. I feel like shit every time I have to let him down.” I ran my fingers through my hair. “I just thought I could get it covered.” I let out a long sigh. “But I fucked up…again.”

  “Hey, man. I guess Vince and you need someone in your lives. You can’t go on like this forever. It would be less burdensome if you could find a woman who could help you both in work and in raising your child.” It was clear what Garren was trying to imply. I threw him a sharp glare, unhappy with his suggestion.

  Seeing my silent response, he shut his mouth and excused himself. It was probably the smartest thing he’d done all damn day.

  Chapter Four


  Staring at
the clock had become the bane of my existence. My phone buzzed, saving me from myself; it was just Bailey, asking me if I could stop by her house for a late afternoon snack. As her best friend, there was no refusing her. Especially not when I could see Cat, her little girl. She had all of us wrapped around her fingers.

  Waiting for my break to end was hopeless. It was too soon to leave, plus my mother couldn’t handle the entire convenience store alone. Although no one had come in for what felt like ages.

  I stood up from the stool, leaving my spot at the counter to walk toward my mother. She was reading a romance novelette while waiting for a customer to attend to. Hearing me approach her, she spoke without moving the book that blocked her face.

  “What is it, Kylie?” she asked without bothering to look over the book.

  “Mom, do you think I can leave early today? Bailey texted me, hoping I could visit her and Cat today,” I asked although it was a greedy thing to do. Leaving her alone would mean she had to close the store by herself, but it had been long since I met up with Bailey. I hoped I could get to see her.

  “Oh, is that so?” she asked, wiping the beads of sweat on her forehead. After folding the page where she was reading, she put the book down. Finally, her eyes met mine. It was hard to decipher her expression, but she was good about saying what she meant and saying it often.

  “Okay. You can take the rest of the day off.” She smiled at me sweetly, destroying the skepticism in my head. It felt wrong to leave her behind, guilt consuming the rest of me as I stood there.

  “Are you sure, Mom? Can you work around here by yourself? I could cancel meeting up with Bailey if you need me around,” I asked once more, hoping for her sincere answer.

  Instead, she pushed me out of her spot and laughed at my pitying look on her.

  “Don’t you believe in my multitasking skills? I could ace the job, even with myself alone!” She smiled again, pushing me more out toward the exit. I forced a weak smile, unsure of her decision. She was decisive about it, but I felt like she needed me around. She got tired way too easily, but whatever. I’d asked, and she had responded. I was out!

  “It’s really fine, Kylie. You worked hard today. Get outta here before I change my mind.”

  “All right. I love you,” I called over my shoulder before jogging to my car. Freedom. Finally.


  I walked into Bailey’s house, and Cat raced toward me, yelling in her high-pitched little voice. For a moment, I thought she was going to run into my arms and greet me warmly, until I caught Bailey running behind her.

  They were playing hide and seek. I scooped Cat up into my arms, carrying her as she giggled happily. The two-year-old daughter of my best friend was like my own child too, being the most adorable kid I knew. She clung tightly to my neck, giggling hard as Bailey teased her about taking her out of my arms.

  “You two seem to have some cool Mom and daughter time,” I spoke in between babble speech with Cat, who was still having fun over my goofy company. She was smiling sweetly, her cute baby cheeks pinkish in color.

  “Yeah, you know how the word fun defines the time we spend together.” She took her from me, Cat finally recovering from her breathless giggles. Bailey closed the door as she led me inside, offering me to sit on their couch.

  I shoved all the stuffed toys to the side and dropped down.

  “It’s been weeks since we had a decent conversation. Catch me up! What’s the buzz around town?” Bailey looked at me with a happy grin. I grinned back, staring at her beautiful face.

  “You know, just the usual. The store’s been doing fine. Mom’s great as ever too. Bossy, but she stays true to who she is.” I shrugged and smiled down at Cat, who was on the floor, laughing at something on TV.

  “Great. That store’s been there through thick and thin. I’m amazed how your momma has kept it running so long. She’s a wise businesswoman for sure,” she replied, complimenting my mother’s hard work. It was true. Her unending sacrifices and extreme efforts to maintain the operation of our convenience store for years were the reasons it was still open and thriving.

  “Yeah. I even felt guilty today. She pushed me right out of the store right after I asked for her okay to leave. With only the two of us manning the entire place, I probably shouldn’t have asked to leave. I just wanted to see you after you texted.” I leaned back and let out a long sigh. “To feel alive for a minute.”

  “I know a good way to feel alive.” She smirked, and I swatted at her. “Not that I’ve had a man around for a while, but I hear that if they’re good in bed, life is just better.”

  “Oh, Lord. Back to the store please.” I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest. I’d dated a few guys, but no one worth keeping around. The only man I could even hold in my fantasies long enough to undress was Hunter. He haunted my dreams regularly, and I did far more than just undress him.

  “You know, it’s pretty amazing that you and your mom have kept that store going with just the two of you. And the damn thing is growing. Business is doing well, right?” She lifted an eyebrow at me.

  The expansion of our store was unstoppable. Since my mother was able to raise some cash from both her business and her previous field work as a nurse, she expanded our store. There’s one thing she wanted in life – to work full-time at the store, at a place she owned herself. Crazy enough, she’d pulled it off a few years back. I couldn’t be more proud and inspired.

  “Yeah, but it raised some problems along the way. One of which was the problem with hiring outsiders. Mom wanted to keep it in the family. But that’s too difficult, considering that I’m the only child, plus the fact that Dad is gone.”

  Bailey looked at me with a pitiful glance. I was growing weary, as was my mother, but she knew what she was doing, and I trusted her.

  “When Cat gets a little older, I can volunteer her to work in the convenience store. I hope Irene would not object to that since I’m a part of the family by heart.” Her beautiful smile cheered me up, followed by Cat’s cute babbling.

  “By the way, Hunter came by yesterday.” I spoke in a timid voice, recalling our weird standoff. I could still feel the fast beating of my heart as I imagined his beautiful eyes staring back at me. Bailey looked at me with a grin on her face, waiting for the next details of my tale.

  “And? I can feel something juicy happened.” By the look on her face, she knew me all too well. I could feel my cheeks flush, burning a bright red. I bit my lower lip before uttering another word.

  “Nothing too fun. He talked to Mom for a second, and I studied him like a stalker. I swear I feel like I’m 16 again when he’s around.

  Her brows were raised, waiting for something more, but there was nothing to give her. It was pathetic, to say the least. Even Cat looked at me with a bewildered look.

  “And?” Bailey urged me on. “Please, dear God, tell me you said something to him.”

  “No, but he looked at me too?” I buried my face into one of the cartoon pillows, horrified of my embarrassing encounter. I sounded like a child and felt like one. If anyone knew the naughty thoughts racing through my head, including Bailey, I’d die where I sat.

  Bailey burst out laughing and slapped my leg. Even Cat laughed along, without any idea of what was happening around her.

  “That hottie seems to get the best of you. You act like you’ve never been out with a guy. What’s the deal, Kylie? You’re beautiful and single. Why wouldn’t Hunter Yonnie look at you? I bet he jacks off to the thought of you. Jeez!” She pushed my shoulder and shook her head. “You have no idea how pretty you are.”

  “Not this again.” I smacked her with the pillow in my lap. “He’s a single dad, and he acts about ten years older than me. He’s insanely hot too. Either way, he’s way the hell outta my league. Period.”

  “You need to do something about your big crush on Mr. Hottie. Someone else is going to sweep in and steal his heart if you don’t. Get to it!”

  “No way. He’s way too handsome, muscul
ar, attractive.” I wiped at my chin, afraid that I might actually be drooling. “But God, I can’t seem to get him off my mind, especially since yesterday. His green eyes and sexy smile. Dark brown hair and that great tan.” I groaned. “And his hands are so big and strong looking. Can you imagine?” I paused and took a shaky breath.

  “So, you’ll get all dreamy instead of doing something about it? Look at you. You’re totally into him.” She wagged her eyebrows all sexy like. “You should go over to his house and pretend to ask for some sugar, hoping he comes out naked. At least then you can see him in his full glory. You know, really check out the goods.” She laughed, but I knew she was only half joking.

  I did need to step out of my shell.

  “Yeah, that’s what a good neighbor should do.” I smirked, imagining him naked and dripping with water like he just stepped out of the shower. I’d die right there in front of him. Just keel over dead without a word. He’d lived next to me for the better of six years. I needed to find a way to use that to my advantage. Instead of hiding in my house, maybe going out to plant a garden in short shorts? What was the point? The fucking hogs would just tear it up.

  Wait…the garden wasn’t the point at all. I glanced up to see that it was getting late. Bailey needed to get back to Cat, and I wanted some time to myself to think about whether I had the nerve to do anything about Hunter. It was doubtful at best.

  “I better get going. Thanks for having me here.” I kissed my best friend’s cheek. She stopped me from going and insisted that I eat dinner with them, but I refused her kind offer.

  “I promised I would eat dinner with Mom tonight. I can’t disappoint her. You know her.” I laughed before kissing Cat’s soft cheeks. She kissed me back and hugged me with her tiny arms. I patted her head before I turned my back, waving my hand as Bailey and Cat watched me go.

  “Thanks, see you soon!” I scrambled for my keys in my pocket as I stood before my car. As I got in and smiled at the two of them.

  “Take care, Kylie!” Bailey and Cat were waving goodbye, standing on their front porch watching me back out of their driveway.


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