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Extensive (A Single Dad Box Set)

Page 86

by Claire Adams

  I got out of the car and carried our fishing equipment and picnic basket, walking behind him languidly.

  As I walked toward the dock, memories flashed back before me. I could still recall in vivid detail the first time we came to the lake with Kylie. Bright, beautiful, and blissful. Something just like her.

  Shaking my head to eradicate the thought, I stopped beside Vince. His feet were dangling from the dock as he watched the clear water below him. I could see some of the fish swimming just below the surface, which helped my mood significantly.

  Vince took his fishing rod and put the bait on the hook by himself. I offered him help, but he was persistent to do it alone. “I’m all grown up now, Daddy. Plus, I want to try it myself.”

  “All right, Vince. Have at it, but be careful.” I knelt beside him and watched, a little surprised at how good he was at picking up new skills.

  He prepared his fishing equipment alone. After he had thrown the bait into the water, he waited in patience for some fish to bite. He was swinging his feet, keeping his eye on the rod.

  “Daddy,” he called out to me, but his eyes were fixated on his rod. “I miss Kylie a lot. My heart gets real little and hurts so bad when I think about her.”

  I dropped my fishing rod, surprised by Vince’s words. I knew he missed her, but it was the first time he spoke about his feelings so plainly. I watched as his face remained expressionless as he drifted off.

  I missed her too. My heart had been aching for days. My bed felt so empty without her. The house was lonely, as if a puzzle piece had been lost from the ensemble. She was the bright sun that gave light to our lives. Now she’d gone and it was entirely my fault.

  I answered him with a regretful voice, saddened by how things between us turned out. “I miss her too, buddy.”

  He glanced over at me, his eyes holding too much wisdom for his age. “Did she leave us like Mom did?”

  Pain like I’d never felt rolled through me, scorching my insides. “Vince, your mom died in childbirth. I told you that.”

  “I know, but her dying is the same as her leaving. She went to the clouds. She left us.” His voice was nothing more than a whisper. “Did Kylie leave us too?”

  “No, son. She’s—”

  Just as I started to speak, the line on Vince’s fishing rod began to pull down. He turned the reel while the rod shook. I jumped up and came to his aid, pulling the stick upwards as he rotated the reel. In a few moments of struggle, we successfully caught a big fish. Another trout.

  “That’s a Superman fish, Daddy!” he exclaimed in delight, watching as I unhooked the fish from the end. His eyes were lit up, his face happy and content. The expression I hoped for him to keep was drawn on his face.

  “Yeah! Great job, buddy!” I raised my hand for a high five. He slapped his hand on mine, giving me an energized clap.

  His questions died down after that, and we agreed to concentrate on filling up our cooler with fish, which meant being quiet and watching for any movement in the line. It was a great way to save me from having to dive any deeper into my heartache.

  The day went by fast. We caught ten more fish, the day a huge success by my standards. I carried the heavy ice box filled with fish and put it in the car’s trunk while my son brought the fishing rods. After we had packed up, the two of us got inside the car. We drove home exhausted but having had a great day together.

  Vince was seated at my side, a big grin drawn on his face. “Dad, I wish Kylie was with us. If she just saw how I caught a lot of fish from the lake, she would be very proud. She would then cook the fish I caught when we reached home. I could hear her tell me again and again how funny you were every time you turn your fishing rod’s reel. She would laugh until her tummy hurts. She would hug us tight and tell us how happy she was to have us in her life.” I looked at him, his eyes sad. “Can we see her again, please, Dad? Pretty please?”

  It was something I overlooked the entire trip. Despite the joy on his face, something deep inside of him was empty as well. His eyes were sad, mirroring how much he missed visiting the convenience store. He missed seeing Nana and the time they shared reading books. Most of all, he missed Kylie.

  I couldn’t keep Vince from Kylie, even if she didn’t want to see me. Maybe she’d still want to see him. I needed to apologize, but I couldn’t. My pride wouldn’t let me, no matter how much it hurt me to hang onto it.

  “We’ll see her soon, buddy,” I answered him with firm conviction. This time, I would not disappoint him. This time, I was telling him a promise I would keep. This time, I would make it right. Somehow.

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  It had been a long week, but it was Friday, and I forced myself to feel good about it. I had been trudging through life lately and hated every minute of it, but it was what it was. Hunter’s words had left me a shell of who I thought I was, and I’d get over it, but not yet. It still hurt too damn much to try.

  Right after I checked out the last customer in line, my mother moved to stand in front of me. Her hands were on her hips, her eyes narrowed.

  “What’s going on, Kylie?” She posed the question again. It was the millionth time she asked, but I managed to escape her every time. I was running out of excuses and alibis to distract her. It was getting tougher and tougher for me to make things up.

  I exhaled heavily, my heart so damn heavy. “I’m still not feeling well, Mom.” It was one of my rusty reasons, but I had nothing else.

  She put the back of her hand over my forehead, then on my neck. After testing my temperature, she crossed her hands beneath her chest. Her eyes were starting to get tedious and peeved. “Stop fooling around, Kylie. You have been using that fever excuse since the other day, but you’re not even hot. What’s really going on, and where the hell has my Vince been? It’s been a whole week without his sweet little face in my store. Tell me now.”

  “Mom, Hunter kicked me out of their lives.” I shrugged as tears filled my eyes.

  Her expression changed in a split second. From the peevish, bored one, she turned into a surprised, pitying mood. It was a quick shift, but I understood why. I was still surprised by how things turned out so poorly.

  “What happened? How the hell did things become like this?” She was staring at me with troubled eyes. Her tone was filled with anger and concern

  “Remember the day when I rushed Vince to the hospital? Hunter showed up at the hospital that day furious at me. We talked about things, and he was angry at me for neglecting his son. He even told me how I acted like I was Vince’s mother, but I wasn’t his mother. I was no one’s mother.” A soft sob left me as I pulled the scab off the wound. “He said that I was a nobody who meddled too much with their affairs. He told me that we should part ways and take our time alone. It was the best thing to do at this point, anyway.” Everything flashed before me like it happened just yesterday. My heart raced as the room grew dim through my tears.

  “How rude of him! That wasn’t your fault the day Vince passed out. You’re not a doctor.” My mother walked around the counter and pulled me into a warm hug, stroking my hair and pressing her cheek to the top of my head. “I think I’m in shock. I would never have expected Hunter to say such horrible things. I know I warned you about him before, but I thought I was wrong. I thought he was a man who loved you so much. Maybe my gut feeling was right, after all. He was a good for nothing, ignorant asshole.”

  My eyes were hurting. I wanted to sink to the floor and weep, but I couldn’t cry anymore. The sadness had to stop. “I know, Momma.”

  “I just can’t believe it, Kylie. Hunter can’t do these things.” She moved back, took my shoulders, and shook her head in disappointment. “I’m so sorry, baby. I should have known earlier.” The sound of her voice calmed me, her touch reminding me that I was someone. I was hers.

  “Me either.” I shrugged and reached up to wipe my cheeks, my skin so tender from wiping at it too often as of late. “I just wish I could redo the day. I love Vin
ce. I would never do anything to—”

  “Well, of course, you wouldn’t. Don’t even think like that. Hunter should be slapped in the face for hurting you. Now, tell me what I can do for you.” She yielded a weak smile, hoping for me to cheer up.

  “Just hug me, Mom. I’m going to be fine once I figure out how to get over all of this.” I moved back into her arms and let out a soft sigh, finding a little bit of peace.

  “We’ll figure it out together, okay, angel?” She patted my face and smiled at me with love in her eyes.

  “Thanks, Mom. I’d better get back to work,” I uttered, informing my mother that I was fine and ready for work again.

  She looked at me with a worried glance, not trusting me. “Are you sure? You can rest for a while if you need time.”

  “Yeah, I’m fine now. Thanks for loving me.”

  “I will always love you.” She walked back to the pastry counter, and I forced myself to tuck away every shitty emotion racing through me and forget about Hunter and Vince for a little while.

  While I waited for someone to check out their groceries, the chime rang. I looked at the door to see the new customer walking in. I froze as the pale guy who I was almost positive had broken into my house walked in.

  It was him. No doubt. Why did he wear the same clothes today that he wore that night? Did he want me to recognize him? He was the same one who made my mom uncomfortable all the time. Why did I have to always give people the benefit of the doubt?

  He looked around, searching for something. Upon staring at my direction, his pallid face drew a sinister, sly smile. It was a creepy to watch, bringing goosebumps all over my body.

  “Hello there, Kylie. Long time no see,” the man said, his lips crooked in a smirk. He looked terrifying, and I could no longer move a muscle. He stood before me, observing the surroundings behind the counter. “You got some mints back there with you?

  How did he know my name? I couldn’t get my tongue loose to ask. I managed to nod instead. I put the mint drops down on the counter.

  He pulled his wallet out and stared me dead in the face. “So, where is your boyfriend?”

  “Boyfriend? No clue what you’re talking about. I’m single.” I shrugged and took his money while forcing a smile on my face.

  “Don’t play dumb. You know who I’m talking about.” He took the mints from the counter, as well as the coins he had for change. “If you don’t know, it’s fine. I’ll find him myself.” Before the man walked out of our convenience store, he stopped and faced me with a devilish look on his face. “Bye, Kylie. I hope I will still see you again. Keep safe.” He walked out whistling something.

  Fear raced through me as I turned to look at my mother. She was silently reading her book. Her attention was focused on the novelette she had just started yesterday. I needed to know who that man was.

  “Mom,” I called. “Who the hell is that man?”

  She looked at me with skeptic eyes. “Who?”

  “The man with a creepy look and pallid face. The man you don’t speak to and can’t stand when he comes in.” I watched as her expression turned sullen.

  “That man is dangerous. People have always talked about him behind his back. I’m not sure if the rumors are true, but supposedly he killed Hunter’s father a few years back. Although he was the prime suspect, no evidence was found to accuse him as the killer.” She looked at me with remorseful eyes. “Sorry for making you attend to that man. I don’t know, Kylie. But something in the way he looked at me, there was something off. Like he wanted to harm me or something. I just could not talk to him.”

  He was the key suspect in Hunter’s father’s death? How horrible.

  I thought of the way he spoke and looked at me like he wanted to grab me and shake me. I shivered and turned from my mom, pretty sure that I should do something about him, but what?


  The last hours at the convenience store were jammed pack. People came for last-minute purchasing. I drove home at around eleven, my head dizzy and my body tired from all the work we had done.

  Arriving home was a relief. Soon enough I would finally collapse on my bed, or so I hoped. After I had parked my car, I dragged my feet like a lazy dog to the front door feeling so far beyond exhausted. I searched for my key to the house when I heard footsteps behind me.

  Goosebumps raised on my skin as found the key and poked it in the lock. I was just hearing things. Everything was fine.

  As soon as I stepped into the house, a familiar voice rose up behind me. “Kylie. You finally made it home. I don’t think I realized it was you who lived here.” Lies. He laughed, and I jerked around, my heart almost stopping in my chest. The pale-faced guy from the store. “Guess fate brought us together again, hmm, pretty lady?”

  “What do you want?” I whispered as I realized he had a gun.

  He was holding a long gun, one I recalled Hunter saying was illegal. It was pointed right at my head, and his finger was pressed on the trigger from what I could tell.

  “Hunter’s a nuisance to my black-market business. I needed to wipe out the competition, just like what I did with his dad. But I decided, why not play a game to make things fun? Ruin his property, get him to love somebody, kill the ones he loves, and make him devastated. That’s a better suffering for him, right?” The last few weeks raced through my mind. This asshole knew good and damn well that I lived here.

  “How dare you.” I felt all of my sorrow and loss turn into hate and fury, leaving me willing to do anything to watch him suffer instead of Hunter.

  “Luckily, I controlled the game completely. You should congratulate me for a job well done, no?”

  I pulled my gun out of my purse and lifted it as quickly as I could, taking a risk that he would put a bullet in my head while I did. I had failed to protect myself so many times. I couldn’t let this be another time.

  “Stay there, or I’ll shoot you in your head.” My voice was full of strength, but fuck me if I didn’t have the safety on. How was I going to get it off without him seeing me? I couldn’t. Once again…I’d failed at life.

  He laughed. “Brave effort, Kylie. I admire you for finally pulling that up. I’m sorry to say this though, but it’s time to go.”

  In a blink of an eye, I lost track of everything. A light flashed behind him, and he screamed as the sound of a gun going off filled my ears.

  Chapter Thirty-Five


  I’d been sitting on the back porch when Kylie drove up, and I got to my feet knowing that I needed to talk with her about Vince. I’d apologize for being such a dick myself too, but my deepest desire was to make things right for my boy. I deserved to be alone. Obviously.

  As she walked to the house, a guy moved out of the shadows with a gun in his hand. I almost swallowed my tongue. Grabbing my gun, I jogged over there as quietly as I could and lifted my gun.

  His words shocked me.

  Without another thought, I lifted my weapon and fired, putting a hole in his arm as Kylie screamed and ran into the house.

  That creep fell to the ground and bled profusely. He was cringing in pain, his gun lying near the open doorway as I ran over. I picked up his gun before he could get it and pointed my down at him.

  “Kylie. It’s Hunter. Call the cops, baby.” I narrowed my eyes at the guy as he blinked rapidly and passed out. “Bastard.”

  I could hear her talking to the cops, her voice broken as she cried and shook. The minute she finished the call, I called out to her. “Kylie. Everything is okay. Come out here so I can see you.”

  She walked out and moved into my arms without hesitation. I wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close, kissing the side of her face. “Shhh…I’m right here. It’s okay. I wouldn’t let anything happen to you.” I had her back, and I would protect her no matter what, just like I promised Vince I would. I was grateful to be able to keep that promise after fucking up so many other ones.

  Upon hearing my voice, she seemed to gain back her consciousness. Sh
e looked up at me, tears rolling down her face. “Thank you for the help.”

  “I got you, okay? Just rest against me.” The softness of her body pressed against my side coupled with her sweet scent had my heart doing flip-flops, my body aching. What had I done with her? I’d fucked up everything to protect myself. Shame rolled over me in great waves.

  She buried her face against my neck and panted softly. “Thank you, Hunter. Thank you for saving me.” Her hands clung to my shirt as her lips touched the side of my neck.

  I stifled a groan and tightened my arm around her thin frame. “No problem.”

  I held her until I heard the siren of the cops, coming to the rescue. The lights of their patrol cars were blinding us. In a few more minutes, the ambulance came to the scene of the crime too.

  Several police officers surrounded the creep together with a few EMS guys. We moved into the yard to get out of their way.

  “What happened, Mr. Yonnie?” one of the police officers asked as he walked up.

  “I was coming to check on her and saw someone dart out from the trees with a gun. I grabbed my gun and put a bullet in his arm to stop him. It’s the same asshole who has been burglarizing her place and stopping by my shop,” I explained.

  “Thank goodness, Mr. Yonnie. I hope these horrible things stop for both of you. You’ve both been through so much.” The police officer was turning his back and walked off as I tried to locate Kylie in the dark. Another officer pulled her off to get her statement.

  I found her standing by the EMS truck, her hair a mess, her face stained with tears. My heart overflowed with love for the pretty girl. I walked over and slid my hand into hers before pulling her close to my side.

  Kylie wrapped her arms around me tightly and pressed her cheek to my chest.

  “Kylie, you can’t stay here anymore. It’s too late, and I can’t let you go anywhere now. You’re coming to stay with me tonight. We can talk about things.” I kissed the top of her head as she nodded.


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