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Professor's Pet: A Student Teacher Romance

Page 9

by Alex Wolf

  “You’re never going to get away with this.”

  Jesus. Her words got him going in ways she’d probably never realize.

  He faked a laugh at her. “We’ll see about that. Won’t we?”


  A light moan parted her lips, and at the end of it she muttered, “One.”

  “That’s a good girl.”

  He massaged her firm ass in his hand and imagined ramming his hips into it as he fucked her so hard she couldn’t walk the next day.

  She mumbled something, half of it gibberish.

  “Did you say something?”

  “I said I can feel your hard cock on my stomach, you pervert.”


  His hand left her hair and gripped her face, forcing her mouth into a wide O. “Don’t act like you don’t love every second of that dick.”

  “Ugh. Can you just get this over with?”

  “You forgot to count. Let’s start over.”

  She shook her head, begging. “No, no, wait. I take it back.”

  “No exceptions, Miss Monroe. Count.”

  “You’re such an asshole.”

  He gripped her ass once more and slid a finger between her cheeks, teasing the edge of the tight rim of her ass.

  Her whole body tightened under his hold.

  “That belongs to me as well.” He leaned down in her ear. “Have you ever been fucked in your ass, Miss Monroe?”

  “Oh my God.”

  He got her to break character, and his body came even more alive than it’d been before. “Have you?”

  “N-no.” She shook her head back and forth.

  “We’ll have to remedy that, if you don’t shut up and count.”

  “Shit.” The word lingered from her lips.

  His hand slid down to her pussy, and he ran his fingers through her slick folds. “Already wet—”

  The door at the back of the class squeaked.

  “What the fu—” Grant yanked Kristen’s skirt down and stood her up.

  They both straightened their clothes as fast as possible, and Kristen ran over to the table.

  “Professor? Anyone here?” The voice echoed through the room, even though the door hadn’t fully opened.

  Grant glanced that direction, and he wheeled his chair a few feet back to his desk.

  “Yeah, come in.” He willed his cock to go back to normal.

  Kristen finger-combed her hair, and then her hands fell to her sides. She switched her demeanor to an obviously fake but pleasant smile.

  “Do you need something?” His heart raced.

  Bailey Ferguson walked into the classroom. “Just forgot my tablet. Can I grab it?”


  Bailey pranced in, practically bouncing. She looked over at Kristen. “Hey, how’s it going?”


  Kristen wasn’t rude, but Grant could hear the slight irritation in her voice.

  Bailey stared back and forth at them for a second.


  She grabbed her tablet and stared at Kristen. “Aren’t you in my next class? It starts in a few minutes.”

  Grant prayed Kristen would stay composed. She was unpredictable sometimes.

  “Yeah, I was just asking Professor Wiseman for some tips on the upcoming test. I’m majoring in journalism, not college algebra.” Kristen used a tone that wasn’t what Grant would call friendly.

  He had to keep this thing looking organic, like he’d actually been helping Kristen with her work. “As I was saying, remember when it’s appropriate to use colons and semi colons, and the oxford comma is welcome here. You’ll be just fine.” He looked back down at the papers on his desk.

  Baily shook her head and walked out of the room, leaving Kristen and him alone.

  “You should get to your next class.”



  Kristen grabbed her stuff, huffed, and turned to walk out the door.

  “Talk to you soon, sir.” Kristen flashed him a flirtatious grin.

  “Study hard.”

  I’ll just sit here, hard. Jesus.

  What the fuck was he doing? This was getting way out of control. He couldn’t bring himself to look up at her as she walked out the room.

  Her footsteps echoed down the long hall outside the door until they disappeared.

  Grant fell back in his chair and stared down at his cock.

  I hate you.

  Chapter Fourteen

  What were you doing with Professor Wiseman after class?” Stefani asked the question the second Kristen walked in the door.

  Kristen looked up at her in surprise. It was unusual for Stefani to be home this early, and even after recent events, it was still unusual for Stefani to question her about the things she’d done that day.

  Normally, they would ask how their classes went, then they’d move on as though the other didn’t exist, outside of the normal social conventions.

  “Asking him for advice on homework.” Kristen did her best to keep a neutral face. If there was one thing she’d learned in life, it was that she didn’t have to share everything, even if she did break down that one time and spill how she felt to Stef.

  “Bailey Ferguson told everyone she walked in on you two. It looked like you threw your clothes back on and his desk was a pile of messy papers.”

  “She doesn’t know what she’s talking about,” Kristen scoffed.

  “If I heard about it, you know she’s told a lot more people. Just letting you know.” Stefani’s voice was flat, and there was something about it that sent a chill racing up Kristen’s spine.

  Kristen knew Bailey was a gossip hound, and they didn’t really get along. It was no surprise she’d told anyone and everyone who’d listen.

  “She’s hardly a reliable source. She spreads rumors faster than an STD. You don’t really think I’d do something so royally stupid as to fuck a teacher during class, right?” Maybe if she made the situation sound insane, Stefani would brush it off. Of course, there was little she could do to redeem herself in this situation. Stefani probably knew the truth already. And to Kristen, it wasn’t lying, because she hadn’t fucked him, yet.

  Stefani completely ignored Kristen’s attempt and saw right through the bullshit. “You realize this could cost you your scholarship? Maybe worse? I thought you were smarter than this.” Stefani shook her head.

  Kristen’s face heated up. Who was Stefani to judge her? Or insult her intelligence? “You have crushes on married professors. You’re one to talk.”

  “I don’t act on it.” Stefani winced, like Kristen’s words had cut her.

  She felt a little bad, but Stefani should’ve just dropped it. It wasn’t her business anyway. Why was she always trying to act like her mother? “I can do what I want, with whoever I want. It’s my business.” She couldn’t help but feel a little bad for upsetting Stefani. The girl was sweet and trying to look out for her. But, fuck, she was an adult. “But I didn’t fuck him. I promise.”

  Stefani glanced over at her. “Well, good. And I didn’t say you were stupid. I said you were acting stupid. What do you think will happen if the school finds out? What good can possibly come from this? Not to mention he broke your heart the other night, and today you’re in there with him all alone. Perception is reality. It only matters what it looks like.”

  A pang of guilt hit Kristen in the stomach. She knew Stefani meant well, but she also knew it was her life and happiness at stake.

  So what if it went against the school policy? He was hot and so was she, and they made each other feel good. She’d never felt this way in her life. And the way he spanked her and ordered her around, made threats. The way he came in and saved her at the bar—God, the man was a magnet, practically yanking her into his arms.

  She knew there was risk involved, but everything in life was a risk. There wasn’t any proof, after all, and if Stefani knew what was at stake, surely Professor Wiseman did too. He obviously thought she was worth th
e risk.

  “I know you’re telling me this because you care, but I’m an adult, same as you. He’s an adult too. I don’t give a flying fuck what Bailey says. It’s not her life, and she needs to get one for herself.” Kristen threw her books on the bed and grabbed the pot of cold coffee sitting on the fridge. She’d skipped coffee that morning, and her head still pounded from the night before.

  Ahh, caffeine.

  “Seriously? This is Bailey Ferguson. She’s a journalism major too. This is like a story to her. She’ll do anything she can to expose the two of you.” Stefani’s hand went to her forehead and pushed back her overgrown bangs. They fell right back into place over her eyes.

  Kristen couldn’t help but think how much better she’d look with a haircut, but that was beside the point. Stefani was right, as much as she hated to admit it to herself.

  “God, she’s such a bitch.”

  “That doesn’t change anything.”

  Kristen sighed and looked away. “Fuck, this complicates things.”

  “So, something did happen.” Stefani stared at her.

  Kristen winced. She hadn’t meant to betray herself, and she’d practically admitted something had happened. Stefani refused to let anything go. She might as well admit it. She wasn’t sure she trusted Stefani with the information. But what choice did she have?

  She told Stefani everything while Stefani’s mouth turned up into a satisfied smile, as if she’d already known she’d get the story out of her. Surely Stef knew what it was like to be in love with someone who wasn’t the best option.

  “You’re not thinking clearly. Something like this could end up in the news.”

  Kristen stood there, thinking about Professor Wiseman, and Stef’s words turned into rambling gibberish. All she could think about was his hands on her, spanking her, tossing her around. He practically owned her at this point. She’d do anything to be with him, and that included ignoring sound logic.

  “It’s not that big of a deal. It’s not newsworthy. Bailey’s just being a bitch.”

  Stefani shot her a look, and Kristen’s smile faded. Why was she was being punished? It wasn’t fair. Why did Stef care so much?

  “This is what I mean. You could end up on the actual news. These stories are always on the news.” Stefani’s tone was short, as if she were trying to shake some sense into her.

  Kristen’s thoughts bounced between being angry with Stef to not caring about any of the consequences she could face. She wanted Stef to quit scolding her and be on her side.

  She reached out and put a hand on each of Stef’s shoulders. “I know you’re doing this because you care about me. You’re an amazing friend. But I can’t help how I feel. I wouldn’t tell you all this unless I trusted you. Why can’t you just be on my side?”

  Stefani relaxed a bit, and she looked away at the wall and shook her head.

  Kristen thought changing the subject might be the best idea. “How was class for you?”

  Stefani’s head turned back to her, as if she knew what she was doing, and she smiled. “Same as always.” She paused for a second. “Not nearly as exciting as your day. For what it’s worth, I told Bailey I didn’t believe her. And that’s what I’ll tell anyone no matter what. And I told her she needed to get a life and stop spreading rumors about people. That it’s dangerous.”

  Kristen smiled, and her face warmed. Anxiety still ran through her body, but somehow, Stefani’s words lightened it a little.

  She fell back onto the bed, allowing herself to sink into the pillows and blankets. Her hangover still lingered, but the worst was past.

  “Thank you.”

  Stefani stared, grinning. “I knew something was going on though. You were acting weird, and I knew it wasn’t because of Jordan. I mean, you’d never get all dressed up for Jordan like that. And I knew he’d do something to screw it up.”

  Kristen propped herself up on her elbows. “I didn’t know how to tell you.” She sighed and noticed a flash of sympathy on Stefani’s face.

  Stef turned back to her homework.

  “Probably would’ve done the same thing. He’s hot.” She put a lot of emphasis on her last word.

  Kristen’s fingers tightened on the sheets. She knew Stef was just being honest, but the thought of anyone else even looking at her professor caused her blood to run hot. What was he doing to her? She had to hold it together. She needed Stef on her side.


  “Just be careful.” Stefani’s head didn’t come up from her book.

  “I will.”

  Pulling out her phone, she smiled to herself as she flipped through her contacts, trying to find Professor Wiseman’s number. She didn’t have anything important to tell him but wanted to let him know he was on her mind. He was always on her mind. If she texted him every time he was, she’d spend her day blowing up his phone. She hadn’t spoken to him since that morning, though, and she wanted to see how he was doing.

  A little smiley face couldn’t hurt.

  Chapter Fifteen

  They hadn’t had time to discuss how this was going to work. Did they even need to? He was doing the same thing he’d done with Mercedes. Grant didn’t feel the need to talk about some kind of relationship because there wasn’t one.

  He didn’t want to think about it more than he had to. She knew her life was just as much at stake as his.

  What the fuck was he doing with this girl? He’d let his guard down twice, and she’d barreled right over his reservations. She was half his age, and even though she was hotter than anyone he’d ever seen, he couldn’t justify his actions.

  And what the fuck did her smiley face text mean?

  That was it, just a smiley.

  Somehow, just seeing it, and knowing her finger had typed it and hit send—his cock was hard in an instant. He loosened his tie and poured a glass of whiskey. Then he sat down in his leather armchair, leaned back, and sighed.

  Fuck, what a day.

  He stared down at his lap, where he’d bent Kristen over him. He could still feel her tight ass in his palm. Soft and pale, a slight shade of pink in the outline of his hand. He remembered the way she’d tensed when he teased a finger around her puckered asshole.

  She got what she deserved, coming in his goddamn bed without permission like some kind of animal. He wanted nothing more than to tame her, own her.

  A sound came from the front door, and there wasn’t a knock. It slowly eased open.

  What the fuck? Am I being robbed?

  “Hey! What the fuck—?”

  He started to get up from his chair, his heart thumping in his chest. But he saw it—one leg, and then the next. He knew that skirt anywhere.

  Jesus, this was bad. She was just walking into his house now. Why did he ever bring her there? It’s not like she wouldn’t have found it anyway, though.

  She was certifiably insane, and if he were being truthful with himself, he fucking loved every ounce of her crazy.

  “Go home, Miss Monroe.” He said it before she’d even made her way through the door.

  She came in and walked straight toward him, not speaking, just shaking her head.

  “I’ll call the police.”

  She pulled her tank top over her head, revealing a perky set of tits with light pink nipples. He leaned back farther in his chair and sipped his whiskey as if her presence meant nothing to him.

  “I’ll call the dean.” Her words were calm and pointed, like her hard nipples that bounced straight toward him.

  He shook his head slowly, and she stopped. His eyes darted down to the floor and then back up to her.

  The corners of her mouth curled up into a grin, and she got down onto her knees. “Better, professor?”

  He took another sip of his whiskey and swirled the rocks in his glass. She crawled toward him, slowly across the carpet of his living room. His eyes stayed locked on hers the entire time. The little bitch was just begging to be taught a lesson.

  He could see the curves of her ass b
ehind her, where her skirt had already ridden up her hips. No panties. Her soft breasts lightly clapped together each time she moved.

  She finally got to his feet, and she kissed each one of his shoes. He didn’t move an inch. Just sipped his whiskey, though it was a struggle to even breathe, and his palms began to sweat on the rocks glass.

  Her hand slid up his leg toward his cock. He shook his head at her.

  “May I touch your cock, sir?”

  He made a show of setting his whiskey glass on the table next to him, then unzipped his pants and watched her eyes as he reached in for it. He finally pulled it out and fisted it in front of her face.

  Her eyes widened, and she licked her lips. She began to move, and he shook his head at her once more.

  He looked down at her, beneath him, where she should be. “What do you think I should do with this cock?”

  “Fuck me with it.”

  “Have you been a good girl?”

  She nodded at him.

  He rose in front of her. “Don’t fucking touch it until I say.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  What the hell was he doing? He should be sending her out of the fucking house. Not making her beg for his dick.

  “Go to my bedroom, and get on all fours in the middle of the bed. Completely naked. Pussy in the air for me to inspect.”

  She rose to her feet and hurried toward his bedroom.

  He watched her ass swaying in her skirt all the way down the hallway.


  He was already in trouble. Huge trouble. He’d shoved his cock down her throat in an alley and spanked her ass red in his classroom. If something happened, shit would already hit the fan. Why shouldn’t he at least get to fuck her for his troubles?

  He put his cock away for the moment and stalked back to the bedroom. Sure enough, she was completely naked, on all fours, in the middle of his bed. Her back was arched, and her pussy was in the air, like an offering.

  Grant walked slowly toward her. Her ass wiggled side to side, like a dog wagging its tail in anticipation.

  He stripped off his shirt and took down his pants so he was in nothing but boxer briefs. His cock jutted out against the fabric, harder than he’d ever been in his life.


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