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Turn up the Tempo (Lyrical Odyssey Rock Star Series Book 4)

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by Charli B. Rose

  Copyright © 2020. Charli B. Rose.

  First Edition. All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations in a book review.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  The author acknowledges the trademark status and trademark owners of various products referred to in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication / use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  Cover design by Susan Garwood

  Edited by: Silvia Curry &

  Nathanie Serrano

  Interior Formatting by: Alexandria Bishop


  About the Book

  Note from the author


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36


  Thank you

  Sneak Peek

  Other books by Charli:

  About the Author

  Let’s Keep in Touch


  To the man who sets the tempo of my heart.

  “Dance is music made visible.”

  George Balanchine

  About the Book

  One sweltering night… and morning after. He set the tempo, and she matched him step for step. No strings. No hearts.


  It was supposed to just be a one-night stand. I wasn't supposed to catch feelings. He's a rock star and having feelings for him would be devastating. And I'm already struggling — no job, no home, no love life. Besides, I don't believe in love or happily ever after. Fun and orgasms are much more concrete.


  Just one night. Usually just one round. That was all I was good for. It was all I ever wanted. It kept girls from getting clingy. Of course with her, I wanted multiple rounds and the next morning. But when I left, that was supposed to be the end of it. So, why can't I get her laugh out of my ears? Her smile from behind my eyelids? Her touch off my fingertips? Her moans out of my dreams?

  What happens when love turns up the tempo? Can the rocker learn to keep up?

  NOTE: This is book 4 of the Lyrical Odyssey Rock Star series, but it can be read as a standalone. However, the series is best enjoyed by reading in order.

  Note from the author

  For me, writing isn’t just tapping out words on a screen. When I write, I immerse myself in my characters’ lives. I feel their emotions, dream their dreams and hear their songs. My hope is that the immersive experience transfers to my readers as well. I don’t just want you to enjoy the story, I want you to feel it, to experience it. Part of creating an all-encompassing experience for you is my creation of what amounts to as a soundtrack for the book. The main characters, Brooks and Brittany live music through creating it or creating to it. Many scenes in their love story were inspired by song lyrics. Other songs were selected based on the feelings they elicited in me as I wrote. You can experience these feelings more fully as you read by listening to the integrated playlist. Songs from all walks of life and all ages have touched this story in one way or another. In addition to a link for my Spotify playlist, there are little music notes ♪ scattered throughout the book. In the e-book version of the book, if you click on the song next to the music note, you’ll be taken to the official YouTube video or the Spotify link for a song that’s relevant to the scene it’s in. (If you’re reading the paperback, obviously the notes aren’t clickable, but next to the music notes, I’ve listed the title of the song and the artist in case you want to check them out.) I do not own the rights to any of these songs. They’re added merely for reader enjoyment.

  Playlist link



  ♪ Love in an Elevator by Aerosmith

  Months ago …

  The shiny elevator doors closed with a quiet thump, shutting us away from the hotel lobby and any prying eyes. I pressed the circular number three and stepped back once it lit up. Though the elevator car was of standard size and only two of us occupied the space, the cube felt way too small.

  Alone at last, he stalked over to where I leaned against the back wall. My heart raced as his mouth crashed into mine. I’d imagined kissing him all night. His lips were softer than I’d envisioned. I’d been mesmerized by them while we danced earlier at the party. The flash of metal in his mouth I’d glimpsed while we talked and laughed had intrigued me. I’d never made out with a guy whose tongue was pierced—or done any other things with a guy who was pierced. He nipped my lower lip, then licked it with the tip of his tongue, soothing the slight pinch. My lips parted on a gasp, which he took full advantage of.

  A hint of cinnamon hit my taste buds. A shiver ran down my spine as the smooth, cool metal ball stroked against my tongue. I gave his tongue a gentle suck, eliciting a groan from him. Long, calloused fingers speared into my hair to direct my head and change the angle of our kiss. Heat flickered along the surface of my skin as his tongue dipped deeper into my mouth. I wound one arm around his shoulders, holding on tightly as my knees turned to jelly. My other hand fisted his shirt to make sure he had no plans of moving away from me anytime soon.

  Featherlight, he ran his fingers down my side to grip my thigh. The pressure of his skin against mine at the hem of my dress was delicious. He leaned further into me as he dragged his hand back up my leg, slowly lifting the edge of my dress higher and higher. I tightened my hold on his shirt, clutching him closer to me as I rubbed against the dark denim of his jean-clad thigh.

  With a heavy sigh, he disconnected his lips from mine. “Say yes, angel,” he murmured in my ear huskily.

  I leaned back to peer into his face, shivering a little over the term of endearment. Prepared to pout at the loss of his mouth on mine, I whispered, “Say yes to what?”

  Lust heavy eyes bored into mine, searching for something. “Let me lick your pussy ‘til you come on my face,” he rasped as his fingers inched toward my inner thigh.

  My blood boiled with need. I moaned, “Yes, please.” I was delirious with want. I wanted that. God, did I want that. I wanted him. Everywhere. Now.

  The elevator dinged as it came to a stop, causing him to step back slightly from me. When the doors opened, we stumbled o
ut into the hallway, drunk on arousal and lust. Without another word, I linked my fingers with his and led the way to the room I’d booked earlier in the day.

  Chapter 1


  ♪ Chapel of Love by The Dixie Cups

  “Going to the chapel” blared in the room, yanking me from slumber.

  “What the hell?” I mumbled as I buried my head beneath my pillow, desperately trying to block the cheerful sound. We’d stayed up too late talking and laughing to be awake right now.

  A muffled voice filtered through the mound of cotton filling. I snuggled deeper into the mattress. Before I could drift off, the pillow was yanked away and Izzy said, “Here she is, Bianca.”

  I cracked one eye open to peek at Izzy, who was holding her phone out to me.

  “Good morning, Brittany,” Bianca said cheerfully over speakerphone.

  “Ugh. Is it morning already? I feel like we just went to sleep,” I grumbled.

  “Brittany, I need you to focus,” came the directive through the tiny speaker.

  “I’ll try.” I propped my heavy head up on my other elbow, trying to pay attention to the wedding dictator giving orders in my ear.

  “This is your first wake up call. As Izzy’s maid of honor, it’s your job to make sure she’s up and ready to be picked up by eleven for the bridesmaid brunch. Can you handle that, or do I need to come over there and get you guys going?” Bianca threatened in that sweet, efficient way that made her a world-class event planner and owner of Starstruck Events.

  “I’ve got it. As soon as we hang up, I’ll set the alarm on the phone to wake us up in a couple of hours,” I promised. Today was Izzy’s big day. There was no way I’d let her down.

  “And do not let Dawson see her,” Bianca ordered.

  “Aye, aye, captain,” I said and saluted though she couldn’t see me.

  Izzy giggled next to me.

  “I’ll meet you ladies at brunch. Now, I’m off to make sure things are being set up properly at Greystone. Bye.” With that, the call ended.

  Before I drifted off again, I set the alarm on the phone and turned the volume as loud as it would go.

  “You weren’t ready to get up yet, were you?” I asked Izzy, who was covered in blankets on the other side of the gigantic bed. We’d decided to have a sleepover the night before her big day, just like we used to when we were teenagers. It was a night of ice cream, chick flicks and gossip after the rehearsal dinner. We’d talked until we’d fallen asleep in the guestroom I’d taken up residence in at her and Dawson’s home.

  “Negative, ghostrider,” drifted from somewhere under the mountain of covers.

  Thank God. At least we weren’t hungover. We were just tired. A couple more hours of slumber should fix that.

  Loud guitar strumming filled my ears. I jerked up in bed and rubbed my eyes.

  Beside me, Izzy popped up like she’d slept for twelve hours.

  “Where’s the concert?” I asked, yawing deeply.

  “It’s the alert for my alarm clock. I recorded Dawson playing his electric guitar loudly,” she explained as she shut the song off.

  “I don’t recognize the song.” I frowned as I pushed the blankets down.

  “It’s not one the guys have released. Um … it’s one he wrote just for me. For us,” she stammered, blushing furiously.

  “Did Dawson write you a sex song?” I teased.

  A pillow smacked me in the head.

  “Omigod, he did,” I squealed. “Play it again.”

  “I will not. It’s special … just for the two of us,” she said and stashed her phone in her pocket.

  She ran off to shower before I could grill her more. Shaking my head, I headed to the guest bathroom.

  Less than an hour later, we were on our way to a little out of the way place for brunch. “Is traffic always like this?” I complained as we came to a stop yet again.

  Izzy shrugged. “You get used to it. It’s not usually this bad during the week at this time of day. I think most people just get a late start on the weekends.”

  “So, I meant to ask you last night …. What’s the status with the trial? I saw in the news that Casey was ordered to undergo a psychiatric evaluation before the trial could start. But I haven’t seen anything since then.”

  Izzy let out a heavy sigh and slumped back against the seat. “She’s still being evaluated. Dawson’s lawyer has been keeping tabs on the progress. He called a couple of days ago to tell us that the assistant district attorney in Ohio passed along the defense’s latest claims. They said Casey was briefly suffering from a bout of depression combined with delusional ideas that Dawson is her soulmate. But she’s realized that he isn’t going to be with her. And she vows that she’s not a danger to herself or anyone else. Apparently, her doctors have suggested that with medication and therapy, she can be a functional member of society. They want a plea deal pending the last of the evaluations.”

  “A deal? She stalked Dawson for years. She drugged and attacked you, then held you at gunpoint. Who knows what she would’ve done if Dawson hadn’t come in when he did? What kind of deal do they want?” I asked incredulously.

  “They want her released into her parents’ custody. For her to pay restitution. Be on probation for five years and do a thousand hours of community service. No jail time. She’d have to keep up with her therapy and medication.” Izzy ticked the requirements off on her fingers.

  I leaned forward. “What the hell? That’s hardly punishment for kidnapping.”

  “It was her first offense. And her family is really influential in that area. The ADA is afraid he may be forced to accept the deal because of her father’s contributions to the head district attorney’s reelection campaign. I just want her out of our lives and to not have to worry about her popping up anymore.” Izzy sounded so defeated. A frown tugged her lips down.

  I leaned over and gave her a hug. “Enough negative talk. It’s your big day. I’m sorry I brought that up.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I’ve tried not to think about it too much. And I don’t really talk about it with Dawson. He still feels guilty that his relationship with me put me in danger.” She absentmindedly spun her engagement ring around on her finger.

  “That’s ridiculous. He’d never put you in harm’s way on purpose,” I scoffed.

  “You know that. I know that. Everyone else knows that. I think even deep-down Dawson knows that too. He just can’t quite get the images out of his head.” She shuddered, obviously reliving those terrifying moments.

  Our conversation was interrupted by the back door being opened by one of the security guys who drove the band around.

  “Looks like we’re here.” Izzy climbed out, and I followed suit.

  With our bellies full, the entire bridal party piled into the Rolls Royce of party busses. We drove across town to an upscale spa where we were going to be treated to full on pampering. After manicures and pedicures, we were escorted to a room that felt very Zen. Water trickled in a fountain in the center. The lighting was dim, and the scent of lavender permeated the air. We each disrobed and climbed onto padded massage tables.

  Strong hands began to knead the flesh of my shoulders. “You’re very tense,” a soft voice remarked.

  “Mmmm. Must be all the pre-wedding running around,” I commented. And the lack of a job or a home. Not to mention the anxiety that coursed through my veins at the mere thought of seeing certain male members of Dawson’s half of the wedding party.

  “Are you nervous about hanging out more with Wilder?” Izzy asked from beside me.

  “Why would I be nervous to hang out with my friend?” I asked stiffly.

  “You really need to relax, Miss,” the masseuse scolded.

  “OK. Not nervous exactly, but excited? Wilder was thrilled when I told him you’d be staying at our place to dog sit while we’re on our honeymoon,” Izzy said.

  “I do enjoy hanging out with Wilder. He’s laid back, and man, can he dance.” My heart raced j
ust imagining dancing with him again. I hadn’t danced with a partner who could match my moves like Wilder in a long time.

  “You two sure can cut a rug. I bet that translates well off the dance floor too. You guys looked so hot together at the AMA’s afterparty. And then you got to spend some time together in Vegas last month. I know you said you’re just friends, but he lights up when he hears your name. I think he’d be open to more,” Izzy said in a low tone. She waggled her eyebrows at me, making me burst out in laughter.

  “Izzy, you know relationships aren’t my thing. It’s not something I want,” I protested.

  She pouted. “I know. But I think you only say that because you’re scared,” Izzy said softly as she reached over to grip my hand.

  “Relationships are scary. Not everyone finds what you and Dawson have. And I’m OK with that. Speaking of relationships, I was kind of surprised that you invited Beckett to the wedding. And even more surprised that he’s coming,” I said, changing the subject.

  “I know some people don’t stay friends with their exes. But in our case, we had to agree not to let it be awkward. I mean, he’s still my doctor. So, we needed to maintain a good relationship. Besides, he’s bringing a plus-one. So, he’s definitely moved on.” Izzy shrugged.


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