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Page 17

by Allie K. Adams

  No way. He refused to believe it. The man he’d allowed into his home, his bed. The man he’d allowed to tie him up. He refused to believe that man was capable of the horrific things now plaguing Lee’s thoughts.

  Freddie sneered at Lee. “Looks like I’ll have to finish what you couldn’t.”

  “You touch him,” Jacob growled and bunched his hands into fists. “You die. This time I’ll make sure you’re dead. I’ll send you back to Sergio in pieces.”

  “Your threats don’t scare me.” He returned his glare to Jacob.

  Jacob laughed, the sound low and evil. And terrifying. “You know I don’t make threats. I only make promises.”

  “You made a promise to Sergio. He was pretty disappointed you let him down. Now I see why.” He nodded at Lee. “Does he know what happens to the men in your life?”

  “Shut up.” Jacob bared his teeth.

  “Does he know what it means to get into bed with a killer?”

  “Goddamn it, Freddie.” He reached for the gun.

  At the same time, Freddie reached for his. Instead of aiming it at Jacob, he squared it on Lee. He froze, panting in fear. “Do it and he dies.”

  Jacob didn’t so much as tick as he held the gun on Freddie. “You should have stayed dead.”

  “You shouldn’t have double-crossed us.”

  Us? Lee struggled to hold onto the theory that Jacob hadn’t been involved in the original hit. These two knew each other well enough to hate each other. Freddie knew Jacob well enough to bait him with something in his past that Jacob wanted to keep in his past.

  “Let him go. This is between Sergio and me.”

  “You made it about him when you failed to finish the job.” He cocked the gun.

  Lee could no longer breathe. His mind froze on a single thought as he stared down the barrel and swallowed the scream hovering in his throat. He was going to die today.

  Jacob cocked his in response. “Last chance, Freddie.”

  Freddie smiled.

  What came next happened so fast by the time his brain processed it, it was over. Jacob launched at Freddie. The gun went off. Lee spun around from the force of the bullet ripping through his bicep. Another shot.

  Then silence.

  Lee glanced up to see Jacob standing over Freddie’s body. Geno stirred, drawing Jacob’s attention. He twisted and squared the gun, his stance unyielding. He held no emotion, not in his dead eyes, not in his dead expression. This was the man he’d tried to keep from Lee. This was the man he truly was.

  A stone cold killer.

  The Italian put up his hands and stilled.

  The shot came from the car. It slammed into Jacob, the impact sending him staggering back. Instead of him collapsing from the gunshot, he faced the car and took aim, shooting through the rear window. The brake lights went out.

  Lee swallowed over and over, shocked at what he’d just witnessed and trying desperately not to throw up from the reality crashing around him. Jacob, the man he’d trusted with his life, had originally been sent to kill him.

  Geno, still on the ground, put his hands up higher when Jacob returned his attention to him, the fear evident in his rounded eyes. “Go ahead, Burns. Take the shot. Prove to everyone a cheetah can never change his spots.”

  “Guess not.” He lifted the gun.

  “Jacob! Stop!” Lee ran to him. Geno wasn’t armed. How would that look, him shooting an unarmed man? Lee had to stop him before he did. “It’s over.”

  He blinked several times before regarding Lee. His expression softened. For an instant. As soon as he eyed the blood running down Lee’s arm, the killer returned and glared at the man still on the ground.

  “No!” Lee brought his hands up. “Please, Jacob. Don’t.”

  Jacob blinked and finally looked at Lee, regret immediately clouding his eyes. He then uncocked the gun and stuffed it into his jeans. He sounded like he’d gargled gravel when he ordered, “Get out of here. Tell Sergio I’ll be seeing him soon.”

  Geno didn’t have to be told twice. He ran to the car, pushed out the body behind the wheel, and climbed inside. The car’s tires screeched as he sped off.

  He didn’t make it far before two large SUVs boxed him in. Men dressed in head-to-toe black rushed the car, huge guns in their hands. One of them pulled the man out and held him to the ground while another restrained him. Together they grabbed him by each shoulder and shoved him into the back of a waiting SUV.

  Then they were gone.

  “Was that…”


  “You’re welcome.” Walsh walked up flanked by two huge men, all dressed in black. “Burns, I believe you know these two.”

  “Rich and Ron Neely.” He lifted his hand and winced. It didn’t slow him down from grabbing onto each of their arms one at a time and bumping shoulders. That must be some sort of agent bro hug. “You two get uglier and uglier every time I see you.”

  “At least we aren’t the one bleeding,” the larger of the two stated.

  The other one regarded Lee. “Looks like this one’s got a matching beauty mark.”

  Lee glanced at his arm, surprised to see so much blood. It didn’t even hurt. He stood there, numb, wondering if he’d finally found sleep and this was all just a weird dream. It had to be the shock. His worst fear had just come true when those men found him again. Why wasn’t he more upset? Why wasn’t he curled into the fetal position and crying like a baby?

  The bigger question, why wasn’t he already beating the shit out of Jacob for never telling him the truth? The man had been sent to kill him. That was a deal-breaker.

  And that, right there, explained why Lee preferred the numb, shocked state instead of facing reality. It would eventually wear off. Then what? Would he turn Jacob over to the police? To TREX? Would he—could he—walk away after everything they’d shared?

  “Are you all right?” Jacob’s question drew Lee’s attention.

  He checked his arm again, focusing on the crusted blood instead of the piercing hazel glare of the man who’d just saved his life. “Looks like I took one for the team.”

  “Looks like we both did.”

  “Come on.” One of the Neely’s held out his arms. “Let’s hug it out.”

  “R&R, get to the rig.” Walsh nodded toward the direction they’d appeared in. “Make sure those two aren’t killing each other.”

  “You brought Martin and Maria?” Jacob curled his lip.

  “They insisted.”

  “What happened to Derek?”

  “I needed someone to stay at the Farm with Kyle. I trust him to take care of the boy. Those two, I don’t.”

  Jacob nodded, dropping his argument. Lee made a note to ask about Kyle.

  “Let’s go, Ron.” The biggest Neely slapped his brother on the shoulder. “I like Maria. She’s hot.”

  “She’s bat shit crazy,” Ron retorted with a shake of his head.

  No argument there. Lee recalled how she eyed him when she and her brother had brought him to the Farm. She definitely had bat shit crazy down.

  “You guys coming?” Rich asked as he turned, walking backward.

  “I’ve got these two. Now, go. Cleanup is on the way.”

  “Yes, sir.” They jogged off, disappearing around the corner.

  Walsh eyed Jacob as he backed away. “Two minutes.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  What happened in two minutes? Lee had no idea what to think. Of what just happened. Of what would happen next. Of what any of this meant. He felt so helpless as he whimpered, “Jacob?”

  As he faced Lee, his shoulders slumped, the adrenaline keeping him upright draining. For the first time, Lee finally saw the full extent of the pain and torment Jacob carried around. He looked away and sniffed hard, bringing up the walls he hid behind most of the time. “We need to be gone before cleanup gets here. TREX keeps everything compartmentalized for a reason. That way we don’t know who they are and they don’t know who they’re cleaning up after. Technically, we
aren’t even TREX, so the fact Walsh called in the cavalry could have unwanted repercussions if cleaners get here and find us.”

  Lee pushed all his questions to the back burner to keep his focus on the current situation. “We’re just going to walk away?”

  “We have to.”

  “But…” He didn’t know what else to say.

  “Lee, we have to.” He dropped his gaze to Lee’s arm. “Let’s get that looked at.”

  He nodded and numbly followed Jacob. When they passed the stairs to return to the condo, Lee slowed. “Can’t we at least get my bags? I don’t have any clothes.” He motioned at his bare chest before nodding at the PJ bottoms and bare feet, both with blood on them from his wound.

  “We’ll send for them.” He kept walking. “Stay on the grass. Protect your feet.”

  “But…” He hurried after him, hating this. Jacob was in full-on agent mode. No nonsense. No emotions. No sight of the man Lee needed right now. “Jacob, wait. Jacob!”

  He spun around so abruptly, Lee collided with him. His eyes were so cold. A killer’s eyes. How many times had he looked at his targets with those shark-like eyes? “We have to go. Now.”

  Lee stumbled back. Jacob grabbed his wrist and pulled him like a parent would their child. His attempt to break free only forced Jacob to tighten his grip. “You’re hurting me.”

  “Keep moving.”

  “You’re hurting me,” he repeated with more force.

  “We have to get out of here, Lee. Those men were shitty shots. Why Sergio sent them is beyond me.”

  “Which time? Now? Or back in the alley?”

  Jacob slowed and studied him. He eventually nodded. “You recognized Freddie.”

  “I heard what he said. Were you his boss?”

  Reluctantly, he nodded again.

  “Jesus,” Lee whispered and shook his head. His faith in the man completely shattered. “I’m such an idiot.”

  “Come on.” Jacob tugged at his wrist. “Let’s get out of here.”

  “Why?” Lee inhaled a sharp breath as a slow and steady dread kept into his consciousness. He jerked his shocked gaze to Jacob as comprehension sank in. “Why not just finish the job? Why not kill me? It’s what you were sent to do, isn’t it? It’s why you found me at the market that day. Not to get to know me. Not to have dinner with me. You were there to kill me.”


  “Stop!” He brought up his hands. “No more lies. For once, would you please just tell me the truth? Did Sergio hire you to kill me?”

  “Lee, please.”

  “Tell me!”

  “Yes,” he admitted quietly, his shoulders slumping. After only a moment’s hesitation, he then stiffened and nodded for them to keep going.

  “I’m not going anywhere with you. I hate you.”

  “Hate me later.” He pushed Lee, driving him forward. “Right now, I’m trying to keep you alive. Once I kill Sergio, you don’t ever have to see me again.”

  As much as Lee wanted to hate him, the thought of never seeing him again twisted in his gut. “Until then?”

  “You let me protect you.”

  “How can I trust you now?” He tried to turn, but stumbled forward when Jacob shoved him again. “I don’t even know you.”

  “I’m still me, risking everything for the man who changed my life a year ago. Please, Lee. Let me protect you the only way I know how.”

  He changed Jacob’s life? He wanted to demand how, but instead swallowed thickly and nodded, accepting his answer. For now. He’d ask him later, hate him later. Right now, he needed him whether he wanted to admit it or not.


  Jacob paced the living room as a doctor from TREX tended to Lee’s arm. The residents at the Farm may not be agents, but the agency didn’t hesitate to step in when Walsh had called for assistance.

  He’d patched his arm himself. Neither shots would leave more than nasty scabs, maybe a scar. They’d both gotten lucky. Jacob knew for a fact Freddie had killer aim. Geno, too. If he hadn’t been there, Lee would have surely died this time.

  At least Freddie would never pay them an unwelcome visit again. Geno wouldn’t see the outside of TREX’s HQ five stories underground until the agency got everything out of him. Even then, the Italian would never again be a free man.

  Why come after Lee again? He’d released Inferno. Killing him wouldn’t get them the source code. Sergio was up to something. Jacob didn’t have the type of mind to connect wild-ass dots and form a perfect picture, but he did have access to those who could—or at least he used to. He made a mental note to track down contact details for the few TREX agents still willing to talk to him.

  Kyle sat in the chair usually reserved for Jacob to stare out the window, watching him keenly with those large brown eyes that always saw too much when he looked at him. The sun had just come up, breathing life into a brand new day. As with every morning, the TV blared the news loud enough for everyone in the house to hear it. No one watched it, yet no one turned it off.

  This morning’s top story was some car hitting water and flying off an embankment. Jacob rolled his eyes. People in Seattle should know how to drive in the rain. He listened for the name and shook his head when he heard it, dismissing it. He didn’t know anyone by the name of Pablo.

  “Why are you pissed?”

  “I’m always pissed,” Jacob hissed. “A kid your age shouldn’t use that word.”

  He shrugged one shoulder. “A man your age shouldn’t always be pissed.”

  He couldn’t argue that one. “Why are you up so early?”

  “You.” One word. Plain and simple. Then again, when it came to Kyle, he never overcomplicated anything. He had to be the only person Jacob knew who didn’t try to talk him to death.

  “Why me?”

  He tilted his head as he studied him. Jacob wondered what he saw when Kyle looked at him like that. “Will you and Lee get married like Evan and Clint?”

  His chest pinched. Jesus, he went right for the jugular. “We’ve only known each other a week. That’s hardly enough time to start thinking about the future.” As much as he’d already been thinking about exactly that.

  Kyle frowned, a clear indication he didn’t understand the comment. As always, instead of asking for him to explain, he shrugged it off and moved on to another topic. That was the kid in a nutshell. Anything he didn’t understand—which was a hell of a lot—he simply accepted and moved on. God how Jacob wished he could be that accepting of the shit he didn’t understand.

  Kyle pointed at the wound on Jacob’s arm. “Bullet?”

  He glanced at the half-assed job he did sewing it up. “Yeah.”

  “Did it hurt?”

  “What do you think?” He really didn’t want to be answering questions. He wanted to be in his bedroom, apologizing to Lee for the umpteenth time, tending to his wounds, and holding him until the pain went away.

  For them both.

  “They weren’t there for you, you know.”

  He slowed as he studied Kyle. How’d he know that? That, and so many other questions about how Kyle knew what he did, as often as he did, would have to go on the back burner while he asked the more urgent question. “Were they there for Lee?”

  The kid nodded and wiped at his nose.

  “What else can you tell me?”

  “You’re not dead.”

  “No,” he answered and wondered if that was what he’d meant. “The good guys won this time.”

  He shook his head. “You were supposed to be dead. You’re not.” He paused and blinked several times as if coming out of some hypnotic trance. When he glanced at Jacob, his gaze was vacant once again.

  No shit. Jacob went back to pacing. He’d just blown the one element of surprise they had over Sergio and his crew. He’d know Jacob didn’t die in that alley as originally assumed.

  “Will you tell me about the attack?”

  Jacob stilled and shot the kid an icy glare. He grinned in return, and Jacob shook his head
as he turned away. His looks never worked on Kyle. There were few people who didn’t cower when nailed with one of his lethal glares. Kyle laughed at them. Walsh ignored them. Lee challenged them.

  He loved them all because of it.

  “Go find something else to do, runt.”

  He ignored the order and pressed for details. “Walsh said there were bodies. How many?”

  Jacob refused to answer. He recognized that fire in his eyes. The kid wanted to be there, right in the thick of it, thinking if he were there, he’d kick ass just like his hero.

  He closed his eyes against the memory. Jacob wasn’t anyone’s hero. Today would mark the two-year anniversary of Jonathan’s death, and he still didn’t know how to explain it to Lee. Sure, he’d told him about Jonathan’s murder, but never admitted to who’d pulled the trigger. Lee would have questions, and Jacob didn’t want to give him any answers. It hurt too damn much to remember.

  “Did you kill them? What did they do? You got hurt. Did they do that to you? Walsh said—”

  “Enough!” Jacob roared and then felt like a piece of shit when Kyle shrank back, tears sprouting in his innocent eyes. He softened his expression and hoped it came through in his voice. “You don’t need to know the details, runt. They aren’t pretty. Trust me on this, okay?”

  Kyle nodded quickly and wiped at his eyes with the front part of his sleeve as a few of those large tears spilled over.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “You shouldn’t always be pissed.” With that, he jumped up and scurried off, never looking back.

  Goddamn him. What the hell was the matter with him? He didn’t need to yell at the kid like that. It wasn’t Kyle’s fault Lee needed a doctor. He didn’t kill two men last night. He didn’t almost kill a third had Lee not stopped him.

  Jacob leaned against the wall with a groan and rested his head back. Damn, he was tired. Pretending to be made of stone all the time drained him. He didn’t want to pretend anymore. He wanted to show Lee he had more sides to him than horny as hell or pissed off all the time.

  What if Lee didn’t want him after what he’d learned? What if the truth truly did set him free? Free as in no more Lee, no more laughing with him, fighting with him. No more loving him, holding him until they both fell asleep. He couldn’t bear the thought of losing him. When he’d seen that blood covering Lee’s arm, Jacob lost it. He’d gotten hurt. Despite everything Jacob had done to protect him, he’d still been caught in the crossfire of his shady past.


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