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Onyx: A BDSM Cruise Romance (Midnight Oasis Book 1)

Page 22

by Jill Shannon

  “Sadie, focus,” Mistress Olivia spoke up, bringing Sadie back to the conversation.

  “I told him, if that girl sitting on the couch is the one Cameron has been drooling over the past couple of months, I think she’ll be the one to either break his heart completely or make his life complete. I’m voting for complete.”

  Sadie came out of the stall with her mouth hanging open. “You really said that about me?”

  “I knew just by looking at you, you were a true submissive. The way you looked away when we made eye contact, even made me wet. He had told us how he saw you singing. You touched something in him and he couldn’t let it go.”

  “Olivia, he moved me out of his cabin.”

  Olivia stood face to face with Sadie. “The night of the auction, I knew there was no way he would ever let you go. What I’m getting at is, just listen to him. Really listen to your Master. You won’t regret it. I promise you.”

  She turned back to the mirror. “And if you repeat anything I just said to you, I will deny it, and it will probably earn you a really good spanking!”

  Olivia turned at Sadie’s intake of breath. Sadie’s face had gone white as if she were seeing a ghost.

  “Master Ryan, you’re in the wrong restroom, the men’s room is on the opposite side of the deck.” Olivia looked at Sadie. “Apparently, Sadie’s never experienced a man walking into a ladies’ room. Are you okay, Sadie? You look like you’re going to pass out.” Olivia was trying to buy them some time by playing dumb.

  “Well, if I put the right amount in, that’s about what she should be doing, right about now.” Ryan watched as Sadie crumbled to the floor.

  “You, however, were unexpected. I have nothing against you, Olivia, but one way or another Sadie is leaving here with me. I would prefer not to have to kill you.” Ryan was pulling a gun from his pocket as he spoke.

  “What the hell are you doing? I’ll have Dimitri and Cameron throw you off this boat. Put that fucking gun away,” Olivia demanded as she kneeled down to check on Sadie, then looked up at him. “What did you do to her?”

  “She’s fine, she’ll just have a wicked headache when she wakes up, and so will you.” Olivia didn’t even have time to lift her arms to protect herself from the gun that Ryan brought down on her head, knocking her unconscious.

  Ryan then picked her up under her arms and dragged her into the stall, locking it. He propped her in a sitting position, then crawled out from under the stall. He hauled Sadie over his shoulder and headed for the door.


  Queenie stood up from her chair knocking it over. “Yvonne, that’s the Master, and he has Sadie on his shoulder.”

  Both Wyatt and Cooper whirled around to see who Queenie was talking about. “Cameron,” Wyatt yelled over the music, then pointed to what they were looking at.

  As the three men began moving in the direction Ryan was headed, Dimitri and Caleb also joined them. Other members of the rescue teams noticed the parade of people following an unconscious Sadie slung over the shoulder of none other than Dr. Ryan Arcola.

  He was headed towards the bow of the ship. When he reached the furthest point he could go, he turned with Sadie hanging over his left shoulder, and a gun in his right pointed at Cameron.” That’s as far as you go, boy,” using the slur his uncle used.

  “What are you going to do now? There is no place for you to go?” Cameron was inching closer, his arms spread wide.

  “Stay where you are, boy, otherwise instead of Sadie accompanying me in the boat that should be arriving shortly, she will go for a midnight swim.”

  Cameron stopped where he was. The crowd behind him spread out boxing Ryan in.

  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Dimitri demanded.

  “I never wanted to give her up, she was all I thought about. My uncle was jealous of my feelings for her. I never wanted to hurt her but I had to.” Ryan said, as if to explain everything.

  Wyatt spoke up, “Well, I don’t see him here now so why don’t you just put Sadie down so we can talk about it?”

  “No, she will come with me like it was supposed to be. And if any of you try anything, I don’t want to hurt her but I will!” Ryan was shouting now.

  Wyatt whispered to Cameron, “Keep him talking, Cooper is carrying. He’s going to higher ground; he’ll need time to get there.”

  “Ryan, I have to ask, how did you get back on the ship?” Cameron appealed to how Ryan had out-smarted them all.

  “Oh, that was just a little trick, a suggestion here, a demand there, and before you know it. You have part of the security team in your pocket.” He looked directly at Kyle.

  All eyes turned to Kyle. “I have no idea what he’s talking about, I swear it.” He held his hands up in defense.

  Ryan was laughing now. “Of course you wouldn’t remember. You aren’t supposed to, that’s the glorious part.” Sadie’s body twitched hanging over his shoulder, as Ryan readjusted her.

  Cameron was worried that Sadie would wake in the middle of this debate. How much longer till Cooper was set up? “So you hypnotized him as well? Who else have you done it to on this ship?”

  Cameron stopped talking and waved his hand in Tyler’s direction. “We know about Tyler, but that was way before the cruise. Then there’s Queenie, now Kyle, anyone else we should worry about killing us in our sleep?”

  “You might want to have someone taste your food from now on,” Ryan countered with a tilt of his head. “I did try to get her back, you just out bid me. When that happened, I had to go to plan B.”

  He looked Queenie’s way. “You were so eager to have what you knew you really didn’t want. It was all just a sorry game for you, but I see you have finally figured out what I knew. You hated submitting to me. I felt it every time my cock was in your mouth.”

  Queenie was trying to pull out of Yvonne’s arms, but Yvonne held her against her body. “Oh, you are so right there. It took you using me as a pawn in your sick game. I knew it was wrong but I couldn’t stop myself.”

  Yvonne whispered to Queenie, “Keep his attention on you no matter what.”

  Word had spread amongst them as to what Cooper was in the process of doing.

  “Queenie, you were so desperate for Cameron you denied your true self.” His eyes focused on Yvonne. “Not woman enough for her?”

  It was Yvonne’s turn to be held back by Queenie. “You’re a sick fuck, they should lock you up for the rest of your life. Playing with people’s heads as if they were your own puppets. Manipulating people for your own sick games. Who gave you a license to practice that?”

  “Oh, that definitely came from some on-line college, that’s probably not even a real school!” Dimitri drew Ryan’s attention to him.

  Very calmly Ryan responded, “It’s a real school somewhere in Arizona. We moved around a lot. I took a lot of courses, in a lot of different colleges. It was my job to bring women to the house for my uncle and Tia. That’s how I met what is she calling herself now? Madison? That was before Sadie.” He adjusted her on his shoulder again.

  Dimitri reared up. “What are you talking about? What did that twisted bastard do to her?” Cameron and Caleb were both restraining him.

  “I knew she looked familiar at the auction,” Ryan’s tone lightened. “I tried to get her also, but then you stepped in, she would have been a better distraction then Queenie, Madison is a very well trained submissive. You might want to ask her who Amber is.” He grinned at Dimitri. The sound of an approaching boat sounded off the starboard side of the ship.

  “Well it sounds like my ride has arrived, it’s been fun reminiscing, but we have to be on our way. I suggest you don’t try anything stupid, Cameron.” Ryan pointed the gun straight at Cameron’s head as he took a step towards Sadie and Ryan.

  Wyatt grabbed him by the arm pulling him back. “Stay where you are, otherwise you’ll be in Cooper’s line of sight.”

  Ryan was moving to the railing when Cameron shouted out, “She doesn’t want you!
What makes you think you will be able to keep her? Let her go and we’ll drop this whole thing. We won’t try to stop you, or report this to the authorities. You don’t have to take her!”

  “I do, if for no other reason then to finish the job my uncle started. He hates your family. Did you really think when you won that fight it would be the end of the family rivalry? That is never going to happen!”

  “We have a signed contract!” Cameron’s voice rose.

  “Big fucking deal, you still have no idea why he hates you so much do you?” Ryan laughed.

  He continued, “Well, I’ll let you in on the big secret. Your mother was supposed to be his, and then she met your father, and that was the end of things for Uncle Richard. Every time he looks at you, he sees what should have been his.”

  “Are you there?” a whispered shout came from below.

  Ryan leaned towards the railing. “Yes, be ready I’m going to lower her to you.” He turned back to crowd in front of him. “This has been entertaining and very informative, but we will have to make our departure now, before any of you decide to be a hero.”

  Ryan laid a stirring Sadie on a lounge chair to pick up the rope he had hidden there earlier.

  Sadie grabbed her head as her eyes opened. “What the hell did I drink? Because I’m never having another one.” Then she looked up into the face of her worst nightmare. “You were in the bathroom; how did I get out here?” she said, looking around, taking in the scenario before her.

  “We are going to go for a little boat ride, you and me. You’re going to a good little Sadie, or I’m going to start shooting all your friends, one at a time, until you comply with my command. Do you understand?” He held the harness in his hands.

  Sadie didn’t want any of her friends to get hurt. This time no one could blame Cameron she thought. This time it was her fault that Ryan was doing this. She started to lift her arms for him to connect the harness around her, when a shot rang out in the silent dark night.

  Blood started spreading across Ryan’s chest, he looked down at his shirt where the bullet had ripped through it. Grabbing his chest, he staggered towards the railing his glazed eyes locked on Sadie. “Don’t think this will stop me, you will be with me again.”

  He turned and fell over the railing into the dark blue water. Everyone rushed forward at once. Most of them to the railing, Cameron went to Sadie.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, wrapping her up in his arms.

  “I feel like I’m going to get sick.” She wrapped her arms around her mid section.

  “Take deep breaths, and release them slowly.” Cameron was moving her forward to the side of the chair as he knelt before her. “Put your head down, and try to relax.”

  “Cameron, what happened? I don’t remember anything but Olivia and me talking in the bathroom. Oh my God is Olivia all right?” She tried to get up, but Cameron pushed her back down to the lounge.

  “She’ll be fine, a monster headache, but she’s fine,” Dominic said, walking forward carrying a red faced Olivia.

  “Sadie, are you all right? I had no idea that imposter Ryan was the one behind everything. Dominic just told me everything. No wonder you looked like you had seen a ghost. I hope he rots in hell.” Olivia raised her hand to hold her head. “Let’s go, Dominic, take me back to my cabin. I believe you’re just what I need for this ache I have.” She smiled up at him.

  “Yes, Mistress, I do believe I have exactly what you need for your ache.” He leaned down, taking her lips in a promising kiss. “We’ll see you all tomorrow.” Dominic smiled as he walked away with Olivia.

  The crew had tried to keep the excitement contained, however, a few passengers had spilled out, hearing the commotion. Constance and Harley were amongst them.

  As Constance approached Cameron, he rose to his full height. “Did you hear what he stated about my mother and his uncle?” At her confirmation, he continued, “Was she involved with him?”

  “It was at a trade show, before she met your dad. They were together maybe three months when your mom started coming home with bruises. It took me another three to finally get her away from him.”

  She lowered her head. “She knew I was a submissive, I never hid that from her. She had thought that what Richard was doing to her was all right, even though it felt wrong. When I finally saw the lashes on her back, I did everything to get her away from him.”

  “Why did it take another three months?” Cameron growled at his grandmother.

  “Because that’s how long it us took to find her.” Emmett Legend stepped forward with his son Xavier. Walking up beside Constance, taking her hand in his, kissing her palm, under hooded eyes he purred, “It’s been too long, Constance, you look like you could use some familiar company?”

  “Emmett, I had no idea you were aboard!” Cameron was forgotten, as Constance hugged her old friend.

  Sadie was starting to fidget on the lounge and when Cameron tried to raise her chin with his fingers, she pulled away keeping her head down. He knew the bruises embarrassed her, and she had lost her mask. He wanted to hear the story his grandmother had kept to herself, but now was not the time.

  Reaching down and scooping Sadie into his arms, Cameron turned and said, “Right now I’m taking Sadie back to my cabin.” Looking his grandmother straight in the eye, he added, “Tomorrow you and I are going to have a talk, and you are going to tell me everything that happened.”

  He looked at Harley as he stood next to his grandmother and Cameron leaned to speak in her ear, “Don’t hurt my coach, you don’t know if I’ll need him again. Understand?” He stood back looking at Emmett who still held her hand, while Harley had his resting on the small of her back.

  She just nodded her head.

  Cameron looked for Dimitri. When he spotted him to the side, holding a trembling Madison, he changed direction and walked towards Wyatt and Cooper. “I’m taking Sadie to my cabin, will you two help with the aftermath here? It seems that dick affected more people then we even knew.”

  “No problem, boss, we’ll get the party going again.” Wyatt and Cooper started herding people back towards the music and the party that was still going strong.

  Cameron gathered Sadie closer to his body; the pain in his arm was almost non-exist with the adrenaline running through him. He continued on toward his cabin.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “How are you feeling?” Cameron whispered in her ear. He was sitting in his tub with Sadie nestled between his legs and he was gliding the loofa over her stomach. Pushing it beneath the water, he pulled it up placing it on her chest watching the water slither over and between her breasts.

  “I feel like I could sleep for a week, but at least I don’t feel like I’m going to pass out anymore.” Cameron held another grape to her mouth. “The fruit seemed to help, thank you.”

  “After what we’ve both been through, I would have to agree with you. However, since we dock tomorrow, that will have to wait.”

  His lips pressed to her neck below her ear. “And as much as I would just like to bury myself in you, I believe I have a story to tell you. In return, you will fill in a few blanks along the way.”

  She tilted her head giving him more access to her throat. “Then we will go into the other room to continue this.” He grabbed her chin turning it to capture her lips, pushing his tongue through to dance with hers in a promise of what was to come.

  Sadie laid her head back on Cameron’s shoulder with a sigh. He spoke softly, “I think I fell in love with you the first night I saw you, I just didn’t know if you would be able to accept my lifestyle with the BDSM community.”

  “I will never forget the day you answered the ad from the web-site.”

  Sadie tilted her head to look up at him. “How did you know that?”

  “Something else you need to know.” He kissed her forehead. “Just sit back and listen. I had Caleb hack into your computer, and put the ad in every day till you answered.”

  Sadie brushed her fingertips o
ver his arm wrapped around her. “What would you have done if I didn’t answer it?”

  “I gave myself a three-month limit. If by then you hadn’t at least inquired about it, I would have had him remove it, and try to forget you.”

  “Why didn’t I see you before the first day of the cruise, if you set this all up?” Sadie wasn’t sure if she should feel excited he went to so much trouble, or be very nervous.

  “I didn’t want to give you the chance to run again! If the ship had already left port, then I had you right where I wanted you.”

  “You still didn’t know if I would be interested in you,” she hesitated, then finished. “And don’t be mad at Kenny the bartender, he was just watching out for me…”

  He cut her off, his eyebrows raised, “I don’t want him looking after you, I want to be the one to do that.”

  “You didn’t let me finish, Sir, like a big brother. Until I took this job, my budget was pretty tight. I worked all the time.” She moved to put more hot water in the tub, saying over her shoulder, “I wasn’t sure if I would able to submit to another Dom after what happened. But you and Dimitri made it easy with the red band system. If I couldn’t submit, at least I still had a job.” She sat back down, rubbing her ass against him as she did.

  “Don’t tease your Master, or this conversation will have to wait till I turn your ass a pretty shade of pink.”

  He tweaked her nipple and she felt a jolt shoot through to her core. How did he do that? She wondered.

  “I was in Dimitri’s private room in his office while he interviewed you. I could tell you were nervous just looking at the equipment in Dimitri’s office, but…”

  It was Sadie’s turn to interrupt, “You saw my interview? How?”

  “Dimitri’s office has cameras all over it, you can view what’s happening from his private room.” He palmed her breast in his hand. “Then when you were finally on board, I had no more patience.” He moved her hair so it flowed down her back.

  “When you walked into the lounge, you looked so beautiful. The dress showed off all of your curves, as I knew it would.” He ran his hands over her breasts; brushing across her stomach, then back up, his finger circling her nipple.


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