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King (Great Wolves Motorcycle Club Book 10)

Page 14

by Jayne Blue

  She paused and her eyes flicked back and forth as she listened to her aunt’s response. Veronica’s eyes filled with tears again and she put two fingers to her lips. After a few more minutes, she ended the call and handed the phone back to Nash, though her hand trembled.

  “She’s okay,” she choked out. “Aunt Marie’s having a great time. She said your friend Mac is easy on the eyes and she likes the attention. Thank you. All of you. I don’t even know what to say.”

  I put a hand on Veronica’s knee and gave her a wink. Leaning over, I kissed her on the cheek then sat back in my chair. “What about this asshole, Caleb Monroe? Anybody got eyes on him?”

  “Not yet,” Gordo said. “We need more intel, Veronica. Where he works, where he drinks, who he hangs with. You have a recent photo?”

  “I’ve got this one,” Liza chimed in. She reached over and grabbed a file that had been sitting on a chair behind her. She took out an 8X10 photo and slid it toward Gordo. I stopped it with my hand and turned it over.

  “Where’d you find that?” Veronica asked.

  “Online,” Liza answered. “I’m guessing it was a promo shot from when you were on the design show?”

  “It was.”

  It took everything in me not to tear the picture to shreds, or at least half of it. Veronica, my girl. In the photo, her hair was white-blonde and cropped short around her chin. She stood with her cheek resting against the shoulder of Caleb. He was tall, wearing a flannel shirt and jeans. He was bald with a goatee and deep, dark eyes. Maybe to anyone else they might look charming together. But, Caleb gripped Veronica so tight, with one arm around her waist and the other holding her wrist as she laid it against his chest. It was as if even then, in front of the cameras, he was trying to keep her from running away.

  I slid the picture over to Gordo. “We got this under control?”

  “We do,” Gordo answered. “Lincolnshire’s going to keep tabs on and around Marie for the next few days. If this dickwad shows up, we’ll know about it.”

  “You don’t have to call him, then.” I turned to Veronica. “Maybe it’s better if you don’t. Let him show up at your aunt’s and get the shock of his life.”

  “I just don’t understand why he’s doing this now. It’s been two years since I left him. I was worried at first that he’d try to use her or someone else I was friends with, but he hasn’t. Whatever he did to take the heat off of himself for my father’s murder...Caleb’s not stupid. He knew he’d risk exposing himself if he tried to hurt anyone else connected to me.”

  “He’s doing it because you’re winning,” I said. “Guys like Caleb don’t survive unless they’re preying on who they perceive as weak.”

  “How’d you come up with the name Thea?” Liza asked. “Hell, how’d you manage to rebuild your life from nothing? You’ve been alone this whole time?”

  Smiling, Veronica caught my eyes. She’d never have to be alone again as long as I had breath in my body.

  “Theodosia was my cat’s name,” she said. “She’s this beautiful, fat orange tabby. I couldn’t take her with me. When I had my fake ID made, the name just sort of slipped out.”

  She looked at me. “I’m sorry, King. That’s the last secret. I wasn’t really a dog person...that is, before I met Rusty.”

  This earned her laughter from around the room. The meeting was over. Her shit was settled as far as I was concerned. We’d find a way to let her take her identity back and get rid of Caleb if he caused her any more trouble, but for now, I just wanted her to feel normal. But, the moment I thought it, Veronica’s phone rang. It was the burner phone she’d called her aunt with the night before. Since she’d just finished talking to her, there could be no doubt who was on the other line.

  Before Veronica could react, I took her purse and pulled out the phone. She gave me a desperate look that made me want to reach through the phone and claw Caleb’s eyes out.

  “You’re late,” I said instead of hello. “And you’re slipping.”

  There was heavy breathing on the other line. Finally, the fucker answered. “Just who the fuck are you?”

  His voice had a nasal quality to it and I loved that he sounded thrown off.

  “I’m pretty much your worst nightmare,” I said.

  “Where is she? Where’s my wife?”

  The word made my skin crawl. I clicked the phone to put him on speaker. Veronica needed to hear what I said to him next and how he responded.

  “Veronica isn’t your wife anymore. She isn’t your anything. You call her again, you come looking for her, you so much as think about her, I’m coming after you. This shit ends right now.”

  “Put her on the phone!” Caleb’s voice took on a desperate quality that ignited in a bloodlust in me.

  When I saw Veronica’s lips part as though she might say something, I held up a finger. She was done talking to Caleb for good.

  “Things not going according to your plans, Caleb? Did you find some unexpected guests when you showed up to harass Marie Leonard?”

  “Look, I don’t know who you are or what Veronica’s told you, but this is none of your business. My wife is none of your business. She’s a liar, a con artist. You think you’re the first asshole she’s spread her legs for and got to clean up her messes?”

  Puck’s hand on my shoulder was the only thing that kept me from smashing a fist against that phone and pulverizing it. That, and I wouldn’t do violence in front of Veronica. Not today.

  “Caleb,” I said, keeping my voice measured but full of threat. “So there’s no room for misunderstanding, I’ll talk real slow. You don’t come near Marie Leonard. If you do, you’re going to get hurt. Badly. You don’t come near Veronica. You don’t so much as say her name. My name is King. If you’re sitting where I think you are right now, you’re in sight of a few friends of mine up in Lincolnshire. Veronica is another friend of ours. Are you starting to understand what that means? The Great Wolves don’t really react very well when people try to hurt our friends, especially female ones. And Caleb, in case you were wondering, we’re fucking everywhere.”

  Veronica put a hand over her mouth. Her eyes went wide. Caleb went back to breathing heavy. I made a circular gesture toward Gordo. He nodded and quietly left the room. He’d get Mac from Lincolnshire back on the phone and the rest of the boys up there on high alert.

  “I told you,” Caleb finally said after he recovered. “Veronica is a proven liar. You can ask the Cleveland police. They saw right through her. You’re not the first guy she’s fucked into doing her bidding. She’s exceedingly good at that. You can ask the judges of that little reality show she was on. Did she tell you what she did to win that thing? She’s a lying little whore, and you’re welcome to her. King? So, you’re slumming with biker thugs now? Is that it Veronica? Gangbangs are your thing now? You can have her, man. Good fucking luck.”

  Gordo wasn’t fast enough this time to grab my arm before I took the phone and hurled it against the wall. Veronica didn’t so much as flinch. She let out a slow breath and turned to face me.

  “I’m s-sorry,” she said.

  “It’s over,” I told her, wrapping my arms around her again. “You don’t have to deal with that asshole ever again.”

  She stiffened when I embraced her and it tore my heart out. But, I knew in time, she could feel safe again. Caleb’s words and his fists would never touch her.

  “Fuck that guy,” Puck said. He got a chorus of agreement from the rest of the crew.

  Veronica’s mouth dropped open, then split into a wide smile.

  “Come on,” Nash said. “I think Colt’s boys have things under control up in Toledo. How about we get Liza behind the bar and get a round of drinks? It’s time to celebrate. Welcome to Emerald Point, Veronica. I don’t know what you see in that asshole sitting next to you, but we’re damn glad that you found something. It’s about time someone domesticated his ass.”

  This drew a round of cheers and rough language from the rest of the group and we he
aded into the bar.

  Veronica grew easy with me again. She had a few drinks with the crew. I stuck to one beer and settled in to watch her. She laughed at Gordo’s off-color jokes and spent some time with Liza going over the floorplans to the bar. Later, when things calmed down, I wanted to ask her about the vacant shop again, but there would be time for that later.

  When we made it back to my place, her smile was finally genuine. Her steps were a little wobbly and I lifted her up the stairs.

  “You’re a lightweight,” I teased her.

  “I beg to differ. What the hell was in that red stuff Liza kept pouring?”

  I hissed through my teeth. “Yeah. Sorry about that. It’s a new concoction she’s been trying. She calls it wolfsbane. It’s fucking lethal.”

  We walked to the bedroom and Veronica stopped. She took me by the hand and peered up at me, her eyes glinting in the dark.


  “What, baby?”

  “I love you.”

  The room grew so silent, I could only hear myself breathing.

  “You’re drunk,” I teased.

  “No. I mean...yeah...a little. But, I love you. I was afraid to say it before. God, I’m terrified now. But, you deserve to know that. You deserve so much more.”

  I slid my arms around her waist. “I don’t deserve you, that’s all I know. But, damn woman, I’m going to take you anyway if you’ll have me.”

  She let out a little squeal as I lifted her up off of her feet and carried her to the bed. In the morning, I’d take my time and make love to her. Tonight, I wanted to claim her again. She wanted it too. Smiling, she raised her hips as she wriggled out of her jeans. My cock grew instantly stiff as I stood at the end of the bed. Splayed out for me like that with her legs spread and her breasts heaving, I felt overwhelmed with emotion. Love, burning lust, need. This woman had me spinning from the instant I laid eyes on her. She reached for me, guiding my cock into the slick cleft between her legs.

  God, she was so wet, so hot. I fit perfectly inside of her and it felt like home. I’d wanted to take her in my arms, give her pleasure to wash away all the horrors she’d gone through today. As I thrust into her and she called my name, I did that. But, she chased away my demons too.

  “I love you,” I whispered as the need built inside of me. “Veronica. I love you.”

  She’d given herself to me as Thea. Now, I claimed Veronica. My balls hitched and she wrapped her legs around me, drawing me into her even deeper.

  “King, yes!” she gasped. I felt her walls clench as her own driving orgasm built. Then, I couldn’t hold back another second. I poured myself into her, crying out her name.

  We didn’t sleep much that night. Veronica had spent so much time holding things back, now that she didn’t have to, a dam seemed to burst inside of her. Over and over we fucked. We made our way down to the beach and I took her in the sand, then swam with her in the surf. I realized I’d never heard her laugh before. At least, not her real laugh. I got drunk from it.

  When neither of us could feel our bones anymore, we made our way back to the house and watched the sunrise. She curled herself against me, letting me run my fingers through her hair as she rested her head in my lap.

  “Will you grow this out?” I asked, holding up a dark strand of her long hair.

  “Do you think you’ll still love me as a blonde?” she asked.

  “Baby, I’ll take you any way I can get you.”

  “Mmm. I think so, then. I mean...the color doesn’t hold as well in this kind of sun, you know, long term.”

  It was a casual comment and it took me a moment to let the meaning sink in. When I did, my fingers hesitated as I ran them through her hair. “Sure, well. I can see where that would be a problem.” I wanted to say so much more, but just leaned down to place a simple kiss on the top of her head.

  “What do we do now?” she laughed.

  “Well, I forgot to tell you. Mickey called me. The Knuck’s finally done. I’m going to have to make a trip back to Crystal Falls to pick it up. How do you feel about taking a road trip with me tomorrow? I mean, we’ll have to take the truck. I trust Mickey, but I’m not going to ride that thing all the way back by myself. And I was thinking, as long as we have the truck, maybe we could kill two birds with one stone and pack up the rest of your things. What do you say, baby? Are you ready to say goodbye to Crystal Falls for good? I mean...for the sake of your hair color and all.”

  Veronica laughed. Her eyes shone as she smiled up at me. “Sure. I mean, for the sake of my hair and all.”

  Veronica. My Veronica. She thought I’d rescued her, but maybe it was the other way around.

  Chapter Sixteen


  I thought it would be hard to say goodbye. Pete, Lottie, and all of the people in Crystal Falls had taken me in as one of their own. I realized now it’s why I couldn’t bring myself to leave here. Or, maybe there was something to fate. If I’d left this town and reinvented myself yet again, I never would have met King.

  I called Aunt Marie again just before she left, and she was still okay. She was getting a kick out of these big, strapping bikers who camped out across the street. She’d even cooked them dinner.

  “I’m glad you’re happy,” she said. “I know there’s been so many things you couldn’t tell me about, Veronica. A lot of it I’m not sure I want to know, But, you sound better, more content than maybe I’ve ever heard you since before Emmett died.”

  “I am,” I said. “I still miss him so much, but I think he’d be happy with the choices I’m making now, Marie.”

  “Oh, I know he would. Now, you wanna tell me about this boy you’re seeing? He’s got some pretty interesting friends.”

  I barked out a laugh at the description of King as a boy. God, Aunt Marie was going to love him. When things settled again, when I started to truly believe Caleb couldn’t touch me, maybe I’d get King to take me for a ride back up to Ohio so she could meet him. Knowing her, the first thing she’d want was a ride on his Harley. Hell, she’d probably already asked the guys from the Lincolnshire charter for the same thing. She was laughing when I suggested it, then I clicked off.

  Now, it was time to tie up the loose ends I’d left with Pete. I insisted Lottie take my last month’s rent although she protested. “Honey, you haven’t lived in that place for the better part of the month. It’s not like anyone’s beating down my door to move in there.”

  “And that’s exactly why I owe you,” I told her. I let her hug me as King stood in the doorway smiling.

  “Now, don’t you say goodbye,” she said. “You have a home here and people who care about you, Thea.” I didn’t have the heart to tell her my real name. It would be so hard to explain at this point. Plus, somehow, Thea belonged in Crystal Falls.

  “Oh, we’ll be back,” King said. “If Mickey worked the magic on my bike that he claims, he might be worth the trip if I ever need him again. Plus, Thea never did get to showing me all the sights here. What was it...the Pirate Hole? Devil’s Pit? What’s the name of the place they threw all the union sympathizers?”

  Lottie gasped. “Oh, hell. You mean you never went out to the Devil’s Hole? Well, good for you then. That place is haunted. It’ll give you nightmares.”

  King shot me a wink. We both knew the worst of our nightmares were behind us. I said a final goodbye to Lottie and King walked with me over to Pete’s shop. He knew I was coming and what I wanted to say, but I still felt a pit in my stomach. He’d given me a job and taken me in on faith when I couldn’t even provide him with a valid social security number. In some ways, I owed Pete the most.

  He stood in the doorway waving as we walked up. “You gonna be okay?” King asked.

  “Yep.” I gave him a squeeze. “But, this might take a little while. The least I can do is go over the last of the inventory I’ve left unfinished. I don’t know. Maybe we can work something out where we take it back and I ship it to him. I hate to leave him hanging out to dry.”

  “Nah. Something tells me Pete always lands on his feet.”

  “Even so, you better give me some time. How about we meet back here in twenty or thirty minutes? After that, maybe we get one more slice of Lottie’s apple pie for the road?”

  King’s stomach growled in response. “I guess I can’t say no to that. That’ll give me enough time to settle up with Mickey. Then we’ll get the bike loaded and the rest of your things. We should be back on the road before it gets dark.”

  “El Paso,” I said, my tone grim. There was still the matter of King’s father’s ashes and the trip he’d meant to take from the very beginning.

  “El Paso,” he agreed, hugging me tight once more.

  “Hey, Pete!” I shouted. He still stood in the doorway to his shop. He lifted his chin and waved again, looking from me to King and back again. He never smiled and I couldn’t fault him for that. He had to blame King for my leaving. I just hoped King was right and Pete would land on his feet. I could handle anything but knowing I’d left him worse off than when I came.

  King kissed me, gave me a playful slap on the ass, then headed off for Mickey’s garage down the street. I took a deep breath, stiffened my shoulders, and walked up to Pete and his scowl.

  “I guess I don’t need to explain what I came here to tell you,” I said.

  Pete swallowed hard. He was sweating and I didn’t like his color. God, I knew he would take this hard, but he seemed more upset than I bargained for.

  “Thea, I’m sorry,” he said.

  “No, I’m sorry. But, I promise I’m not going to leave you without making plans for some of the work I haven’t finished. Why don’t we inventory the workshop and figure something out?”

  Pete looked over my shoulder. I followed his gaze. King had just walked out of sight into Mickey’s garage. Pete looked at me again then finally stepped backward, letting me get by him and into the shop.

  It was full daylight, so I hadn’t noticed before that Pete hadn’t turned the showroom lights on yet. I saw just a flicker of movement in the shadows behind him. Pete started to say something, then the shadow moved again and a hand came down.


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