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King (Great Wolves Motorcycle Club Book 10)

Page 16

by Jayne Blue

  Caleb pushed Veronica against the wall and turned sideways. I could see the naked lust in his eyes from here. Rage bubbled up inside of me, threatening to swallow me whole. I couldn’t give in to it. I couldn’t let Veronica down.

  Caleb kissed her. She recoiled and tried to put her hands up, but he was stronger than she was. I grimaced, forcing my breath to slow. I raised my gun again. He was just too fucking close to her.

  That’s when Pete saw me. Caleb had him tied up in the corner. Blood poured from the side of his head. He had to have brained him with something. Pete’s eyes widened and he started to moan. It was just enough to draw Caleb’s attention away. He whipped around, putting Veronica in front of him and pressing his own gun to her temple.

  I put my hands up, holding the gun away from him. “Take it easy,” I said, my heart pounding. Just one twitch of his finger and he could take Veronica away from me forever. Tears streamed down her face and she mouthed the words, “I’m sorry.”

  “Took your time getting here,” Caleb said. “I was starting to get worried.”

  “What’s your play, asshole?” I said. “You know you don’t have much.”

  “I have it all,” Caleb said. “Where're your big threats now?”

  “Real tough you are,” I said. “You gonna teach me a lesson?”

  “No. Just her.”

  “Stop it,” Veronica cried. “Just stop it. I”ll go with you, okay? You won. I won’t leave you again. Just let Pete and King go. We’ll go wherever you want and start over. You’ve proven your point. You told me from the beginning I’d never be able to get away from you. I understand that now.”

  I knew she was lying to him, but it still tore my guts out.

  “Put your gun down, King,” Caleb said. “Slowly, on the ground. We’re going to go for a little ride. Veronica’s going to drive.”

  “Fine,” I said. “Let’s just untie Pete. He’s looking a little uncomfortable over there.”

  I was seriously starting to worry Pete might bleed to death before help came. His color turned ashen and he wasn’t moving anymore.

  “Pete can worry about himself. Now, you just turn around the way you came. I’m going to keep my little insurance policy right here. You want to keep me from blowing her head off, you won’t try to be a hero.”

  I shook my head. “You blow her head off, you’re gonna have to kill me next. You do that, and there’s a rain of hurt that’s going to come down on you, brother. You see this patch? You know what it means?”

  Caleb laughed. “I’ll take my chances.”

  I did what he said, shooting a hard look to Veronica. Stay strong, baby. She pursed her lips together and I could see her answer in her eyes. She was telling me the same fucking thing. We walked out in the lot and Caleb waved toward my truck.

  “Are you fucking serious?” I said, when I realized what he had in mind. He made Veronica open the back door. She brushed past me and I gripped her pinky for a fraction of a second to give her strength.

  Then, Caleb ordered me inside the back of the truck. He slammed the door shut, plunging me into darkness and Texas heat. I heard the muffled sounds of their voices, then the engine roared. I gripped the walls of the truck to keep from falling over. Then, we were on our way.

  I sat down cross-legged and tried to plot my next move. Why the fuck hadn’t he just shot me in the store? I knew I would make him wish he had. I pressed my forehead against the steel walls, trying to send strength and love to Veronica through them. She drove the truck straight and steady even though I knew Caleb had a fucking gun pointed at her.

  We didn’t drive more than ten minutes before the truck jerked to a stop. I vaulted to my feet and pressed my back against the wall. If the asshole shot at me back here, the bullet would ricochet. I clenched my fists as the back door flew open and light stabbed me in the eyes.

  “Get out,” Caleb said. “Walk ahead of us. Don’t stop until I tell you.”

  We were in the middle of nowhere, in an open field with a few trees here and there. In the distance, I saw an old farmhouse, but it looked abandoned. There was a rocky trail leading up a hill and I headed that way. As we drew closer, the air left my lungs. One large rock loomed above the others with a metal plaque nailed into it.

  This was the Devil’s Hole.

  At the top of the hill, someone had erected a makeshift sitting area with flat stones in a circular pattern for benches. At the center, was a black hole cut into the ground in near perfect circle. I stopped a few feet in front of it and looked down. There was nothing to see but darkness. I turned back toward Caleb.

  Veronica was openly sobbing now, realizing what Caleb had planned all along.

  “It’s okay, baby,” I whispered to her. “It’s going to be okay.” Except I had no idea if it ever would be again.

  “Interesting lore about this place,” Caleb said. “I told you, I’ve had a week to sit around and get to know the local color. People come for hundreds of miles to see this, did you know that?”

  “They say it’s haunted,” I said. “Ghosts of the union army.”

  “Right,” Caleb said. “I’m thinking maybe the people of Crystal Falls aren’t too bright.”

  Veronica tried to jerk away from him. Her face red, she tried to punch him. Caleb just laughed and held onto her. Dark bruises had already started to form on her arms where he’d manhandled her.

  “It’s so deep, nobody’s ever been able to find a bottom. Legend has it the hole goes all the way down to hell. Seems like a fitting place for someone like you, don’t you think?”

  “Well now, Caleb, are you trying to hurt my feelings?”

  He laughed and slid his arm around Veronica, holding her close. “So many possibilities. Maybe when you fall, that hole is so deep it gives a man time to think before he hits the ground. What will you be thinking about, King?”

  “Oh, about how I can’t wait to see you in hell.”

  “That’s one option. But, how about I give you something to think about that’s a little more colorful. While you’re going down, know this: I’ll be up here fucking my wife. Maybe you’ll even get to hear it.”

  I made a move toward him. White heat poured through me. But, Caleb was ready for that. He slid an arm around Veronica’s waist and tugged her earlobe between his teeth. She locked her eyes with mine, trying to will me still, I think. Then, she put her hand up and touched the side of Caleb’s face in a caress. It unsettled him a little and lust clouded his eyes. The fucker was actually getting off on this. Caleb returned the caress with the barrel of his gun sliding against her cheek. A single tear fell down Veronica’s face.

  “I’m sorry,” she said. “Caleb, I’m so sorry. Things just got so confused. I couldn’t think straight. But, I did miss you. I really, really did.”

  She craned her neck and brought her lips up to his. I dug my fingers into my palms and tried to keep still. Caleb kept his eyes locked with mine and a sick smile spread as he returned Veronica’s kisses.

  “I told you she was a fucking whore,” Caleb said. “She gets off on this shit. You have any idea how wet she probably is right now? Fear gets her horny. This is the way she likes it.”

  That sick fuck actually believed what he was saying. Veronica was trying so hard not to recoil or tremble under his touch. I knew she was just trying to buy time or distract Caleb, but watching him put his hands all over her enraged me. I knew one of us would die here today, Caleb or me. If it weren’t for Veronica, he probably would have already put a bullet in me.

  As Caleb slid his free hand up her shirt and started to fondle her breast, Veronica dropped low, bringing all of her weight down in one sudden movement. It was enough to throw Caleb off balance and I made my move. Hurtling forward down the hill, I dove for his chest. We tumbled end over end over the rocks.

  I landed on top of him, my knee driving into his arm where he held the gun. He got off one shot and Veronica screamed. The bullet damn near hit her, but she’d rolled out of the way just before it we
nt off. I slammed his arm into the ground, but he didn’t let go of the gun. Adrenalin coursed through me along with the white, murderous rage I had coiled inside of me. Oh, yes, one of us would die here today. It only mattered that Veronica lived.

  “Veronica, run!” I grunted as I struggled with Caleb. She scrambled to her feet and headed for the truck. If I couldn’t kill him with my bare hands, at least I could give her enough of a head start. The club would keep her safe. That’s all that mattered.

  Caleb managed to get an elbow under my chin and shoved me hard enough that I fell backward. Instinct took over and I threw as many punches as I got. One of them landed square across my nose and the bones cracked. I gouged Caleb’s eye and heard the sinew snap. But, he kept coming.

  Finally, we ended up on our feet again. Sweating, staggering, heaving for breath, Caleb still held onto the gun. He struggled to raise it and I realized I’d dislocated his fucking shoulder.

  “It’s over,” I said. “She’s gone. It’s just you and me. Even if you kill me now, this will never end for you. The club will come for you. They’ll never stop coming.”

  Caleb’s sick laughter echoed across the valley. “She’s never gone.” Slowly, he raised the gun. I looked over my shoulder. Veronica had almost made it to the truck. The fucker was going to shoot her. “I’ll take her with me.”

  I moved without thinking. I dove for him, crashing into his midsection. Caleb tumbled backward and lost his footing. He curled his fist into my shirt and held on. Gravity propelled us forward and the abyss waited just a few steps away. Somehow, I managed to break free of his grasp. He reached for me again, almost making contact with my arm. But, the momentum of his fall was too strong. Even I couldn’t have stopped what happened next.

  He gave me an odd look as he tumbled into the Devil’s Hole. Not terror, not even surprise, Caleb Monroe grinned like the devil himself as he fell back down to hell.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I sat on the back bumper of Sheriff Beckett Finch’s patrol car with a blanket wrapped around me. It was odd that I should need it now. The Texas sun beat down, but somehow I was still cold.

  King stood to the side, talking to Beckett as he wrote everything down. It was a wild tale to tell and I’d just finished my side of it. Pete was okay. He had a severe concussion and Mickey said he’d need a hell of a lot of stitches, but they’d gotten to him in time. Thank God.

  I felt numb when Beckett and King finally walked back to me. One of the other police officers had given me a bottle of water and I sipped it gratefully.

  “You sure you won’t go in and get checked out?” Beckett asked. His piercing blue eyes were full of concern. I smiled at him.

  “I’m sure. It’s just a bad bruise. I’ll heal. I want to go home.”

  Beckett let out a deep sigh and looked at King. He wasn’t even going to try and pretend to hide how much he hated the idea. But, I stood up and slid into King’s waiting arms.

  “Well, we’re just about wrapped up here,” Beckett said. “What are the chances I can convince you two to stay in town if I have any other questions?”

  “None,” King said. “Unless we are under arrest, we’re leaving tonight. You have my number and Veronica’s.”

  Beckett put a hand up in surrender. “You know, under just about any other circumstance, I’d fight you on this. But,’s been through enough. You gonna make sure she gets back safe?”

  “I plan on spending the rest of my life doing just that,” King said. I went up on my tiptoes and kissed his cheek.

  “What about you?” I said. He looked rougher than I did. I watched him set his own broken nose not five minutes after Caleb fell into that godforsaken hole. “You sure you don’t wanna get checked out?”

  “Here? No. I wanna get back to the Den and sleep in my own bed tonight.”

  “Mmm,” I said. “That sounds like a slice of heaven.”

  “All right,” Beckett said. “If you don’t mind, I’m going to have a cruiser escort you out of town.”

  King laughed. “You that worried I won’t leave?”

  “No. I just wanna make sure you’re in one peace as long as you’re under my jurisdiction. Take care of this girl. She’s worth it.”

  Beckett shot me a wink and I slid out of King’s arms to give him a quick hug. “Say goodbye to Pete for me. I’m going to call and check in on him in a few days.”

  “He says he’s got you to thank for his life,” Beckett said.

  “I don’t know about that,” I answered. If anything, I felt guilty for putting it at risk. I said my last goodbyes to Beckett and walked back to King.

  “I’m ready,” I said. “Get me out of here.”

  King looked pensive. He walked back to the truck, pulled something out of the cab, and came down to me.

  “What is it?” I asked.

  “Well, I think El Paso is out of the question now. And it occurred to me, this might be more fitting.”

  I opened my mouth to ask him what the hell he meant, but he walked away from me and back up the stone trail to the Devil’s Hole. He drew a few startled looks from the deputies standing by when he ducked under the police tape, but no one stopped him. King had the coffee can with his father’s ashes tucked under his arm. I couldn’t hear what he said, but he lifted the lid and poured the contents down the hole. Then he threw the whole can in after it.

  When he came back to me, his expression had lightened considerably. “I probably should have just done that from the get-go.”

  “What about your mom?” I asked. “You said she asked you to bury him with her.”

  “Yeah, but fuck him,” he said giving me a wry smile. “He doesn’t get to win. And I don’t need to visit my mom’s grave knowing he’s there with her. It’s better this way. Better for me. I think it’s fitting that we both leave our demons down in that hole for good.”

  I went up on my tiptoes and kissed him. “Then let’s get out of here.”

  King led me back to the truck and helped me up into the cab. He slid behind the wheel and revved the engine.

  “You sure you’re okay, baby? God, it damn near killed me seeing him put his hands on you.”

  “I know. And maybe all of this will hit me tomorrow, but for now, I’m just glad it’s over. So, put this sucker in gear and ride me off into the sunset, will you?”

  King leaned over to kiss me, then turned the wheel and did exactly that.

  Six Months Later

  “You sure it’s not crooked?” I asked. I stood at the top of the ladder on my tiptoes.

  “Will you come down from there?” King bellowed. “You’re going to break your damn neck!”

  Sighing, I jutted my chin at him and stuck out my tongue. I smiled when his eyes twinkled at me. I climbed down from the ladder and King caught me around the waist. He gave me a little spin that made me giggle then set me on my feet.

  “It’s perfect!” Aunt Marie stood across the street framing the scene with her hands. “Come on back here and give it a look-see.”

  King took my hand and we joined her. A few of the other shopkeepers came out to admire the view.

  Veronica’s Vintage Designs

  I smiled and gooseflesh covered my arms. It was perfect. A red banner hung over the window that read, “Grand Opening.”

  “You sure we shouldn’t wait?” I said, biting my lip. “I mean, the showroom isn’t even fully done.”

  “It’s perfect,” King and Marie spoke in unison.

  “Believe me,” King said. “In two more weeks we’re going to get a rush of tourists just ahead of the Christmas season. You’re going to make a killing. You’re already fielding more orders than you can handle online.

  “You’re right, you’re right. I know you’re right.”

  We drew some stares as King slid his arms around my waist and swooped me into a kiss. He was just as excited as I was about finally getting the store off the ground. Aunt Marie had flown in for the grand opening,
and I planned to put her to work behind the counter. She was looking for a condo near King’s house so she could winter here as well. Who knew my Aunt Marie would become a regular snowbird herself? We didn’t make it back across the street before my first customers opened the door.

  “See?” King whispered in my ear. “I told you so.”

  I squealed with delight as I headed into the store to make a sale.

  Later, I found myself in the place I loved best. King and I walked down to the beach together. I settled between his legs, resting my head on his chest. It wouldn’t last long. For now, this stretch of paradise belonged only to us. As King nuzzled my ear, I felt that familiar stirring low in my belly. Soon, there would be new construction further down the beach. We wouldn’t be able to indulge in this particular pleasure without eyewitnesses after the next tourist season.

  For now though, I turned in his arms and pushed King’s shoulders back until he was lying flat in the sand.

  “I love you,” I whispered.

  “Are you happy?” he asked.

  I kissed his nose and looked into the eyes of the man I loved. “I’m so happy,” I said.

  And I was. The scars Caleb left on the outside had already healed. The ones on the inside were still there, but they didn’t haunt me as much. They didn’t define who I was. King had been right. We’d thrown all of our demons into the bottom of the Devil’s Hole and that was where they would stay.

  I lifted my sundress, already wet and ready for King. He let out a low wicked laugh as he adjusted and wriggled out of his pants.

  “You know, pretty soon this kind of thing is going to get us arrested,” he said, sliding into me.

  “I know, that’s why we have to enjoy it while we can.”

  God, he felt so good. So right. For the first time in a long time, I knew exactly where I belonged.

  I threw my head back and let the wild spirits of the surf overtake me. King held me up, placing his firm hands on either side of my hips as I took my pleasure from him. It was quick and thunderous and King rose to meet me. Leaning up, he tugged my bottom lip with his teeth, drawing a gasp of pleasure from me. He came hard and deep and I knew someday soon, his seed would take root.


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