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Pole Dance

Page 13

by J. A. Hornbuckle

  "Darlin'? Need room to play with you while we're naked. Important to me, yeah? So next time, we're at my place," Caitlin finally raised her head again and gazed into his eyes before she finally nodded but he could see the insecurity in her eyes.

  He tightened his arms that were around her. "Ain't a one-time thing, pretty girl. Not by a long shot. So, need you on the pill so we don't have anything between us," Jake continued hoping to get it all out in the open at once but watching her face carefully, still raised to his, as he spoke. "That gonna be a hit for you or do you need me to pay?"

  There were more than a few beats of silence as he stared back into her gorgeous blue-green eyes allowing her time to take in everything he had said. 'Not your normal pillow talk,' he thought recognizing her youth and naiveté forced him to speak more candidly than he had ever had to before.

  "I think I can get them on-campus," Caitlin murmured softly.

  "Good." Jake attempting to find a more comfortable spot, turned her soft curvaceous body away from his and curled around her back, but his feet and legs still stuck out into the chill of the room. He could feel the soft cheeks of her ass against his twitching cock and moved her hair so he could nibble the sensitive skin of her neck. "One last thing before round two," he whispered in between kisses.

  "Round two?" she asked turning slightly to look at him over her shoulder.

  "Mm-hmm, Round Two," Jake said on a firm but soft rumble. "Your car's being delivered tomorrow. Skeet says it runs good as new. Though, gotta tell you, Darlin', you need a new ride."

  "Mm-hmm, I appreciate your help in getting it running. Will they need money for the repair when they deliver it?"

  Though the words were said casually, almost conversationally, Jake could feel her heart speed up beneath the arm he had wrapped around her as he correctly guessed that she was more than worried about the cost of getting that damn monstrosity running. Fuckin' thing cost more to repair than what it was probably worth.

  "Already taken care of, Babe. No cost to you." he said moving his lips back to the sweet spot where her shoulder met her neck.

  "No cost to me?" Caitlin's body stilled waiting for Jake's reply. When she was met with silence, she pulled away and turned to look at him and stated, instead of asking this time, "No cost to me."

  "Yeah, Darlin', no cost to you."

  "Are you crazy?" She exploded, as the volume of her voice increased. "I pay my own way, Jake!" Caitlin said firmly rolling herself out of the narrow bed while snagging the heavy comforter as she rolled, leaving him with just the well-worn sheet to cover himself. "I pay my own way," she repeated standing tall and proud by the side of the bed as she continued to twine the thick, full comforter around her body.

  Jake propped up on one elbow and stared at her, in all her magnificent offended glory, knowing she was digging in her heels on this. He should have remembered how stubborn she could be but this was different than just talking him into letting her do a dance interview. He knew he had hurt her with almost laughing at the meager size of her bed, but had truly offended her in paying for the repairs on her car. He didn't get it. His experience had shown that most women wanted all that he had to give and had even, on occasion, taken more than he was willing to on the financial front.

  "The coat was one thing, Jake, but paying for my car repair. Nuh-uh, not going to happen." Caitlin declared crossing her arms on her chest. Yep, she was dug in. 'Fuck me,' he thought to himself on a silent sigh as he rubbed a hand over his face.

  "This important to you?" Jake asked softly. "Paying for this?" He watched her nod jerkily. "You know I own the repair shop, yeah?"

  "Of course, you do!" she exclaimed throwing up one of her hands and holding heavy quilt close to her chest with the other. "Why wouldn't you, since you already seem to own so much in this town? I bet you own Enrique's and Buxby's, too!" she finished a little wildly.

  "Whoa. Babe. First off, Dale and I do own a number of businesses here and around the county but I don't fuckin' own Enrique's or Buxby's." Jake didn't want to tell her that they were looking to buy the building that Buxby's was in, which just happened to be one very long building running the length of the block.

  "Secondly, fixing your car, including the parts that needed to be replaced, with Skeet and his boys' labor, has already been accounted for on the books which is one of the perks of being a co-owner." Jake shifted himself to sit on the edge of the bed, feet to the floor, facing her. "Already been takin' care of, Darlin'."

  "How much, Jake?" Caitlin asked softer but just as tensely as before. She again twisted her body in the confines of her comforter toga.

  God, but she stubborn.

  "Not gonna happen, Cait." He replied equally as softly but firmly. He stood naked before her as he encircled her in all her cheap, but heavy, fiber-filled covering. Jake lowered his mouth hoping to move her away from 'independently-stubborn Caitlin' in the hopes of getting back to 'sexually-abandoned Caitlin' that had ridden him so hotly just a little while ago.

  His lips never leaving hers, he slowly began to unwrap her from her toga knowing round two was going to be even better than the first, even if they had to use the floor to do it.


  In another part of town, a pair of eyes watched as the dancer, now dressed in jeans waved to her co-workers and got into her car. The eyes followed the late model Chevy as it made its way out of the parking lot and turned left.

  There was no need for haste as the eyes watching already knew where the young dancer was going. A gloved hand reached into the pocket to finger the box cutter and other accoutrements that the nights of hunting the wicked required.

  This one would be punished just like the other two. And the eyes blazed as the scenes of the other dancer's punishment flashed like quicksilver through its memory. Arousal crept in along with the memories and the eyes glanced at the rope sitting in the passenger seat.

  "I'll make it good for you, baby," the voice promised finally starting the car and going after the next girl that needed to be taught a lesson; a lesson that would cure their need to sin and save their soul.

  Chapter Nine

  "Stanton," Jake answered his cell after seeing the number displayed was from Sam McKenzie's office, another close friend from his childhood and now the reigning attorney in the next town over, the morning following his night with Caitlin.

  "Hey, shit for brains! Heard you called. Got another stacked, half-naked girl that needs cut-rate legal advice?" Sam may have been one of the State's highest ranked, and the most deeply respected attorneys in their corner of the world, with Jake and Dale, though, he still acted like the twelve year old that had completed their summer-time group of three. And, to be fair, Jake had, on occasion, referred his services to the girls that he had on staff, at a discounted rate.

  "Looking for some overall info this time," Jake responded.

  "My legal brain, currently still worth $115,000 in student loans, is at your disposal, big guy." Sam didn't come from money and had been required to borrow heavily to realize his dream of being in the legal field. But he was a natural and had, after a brief sojourn at a well-respected law firm, set out his own shingle. Due to quickness in responding to client requests at any and all hours of the night, his understanding and explanation of the law in plain English to those same people as well as his eloquence in the courtroom, Sam had become a huge success in just a few short years.

  "Need to understand why a sole beneficiary wouldn't be allowed to clear the all family belongings out of the house after the death of both parents."

  "Hmm…that doesn't sound right," Sam began slowly, "though, obviously, I don't know all the particulars but typically once the will has gone through the courts, the bennies are allowed to clear out any and all that hasn't been tagged as valuable in order to secure a debt. But, you should know this from your own experience, Jake." Sam was starting to become curious as he knew that he had explained this to Jake after his brother, Frank, had died during his last rotation in Afghanist
an. "Who's the bennie and does she have an ass to balance her tits?" Sam jokingly asked as he pulled his legal pad closer in order to capture more info.

  "Never gonna get the chance to uncover any of this one's charms, Sam-my-Man," Jake rumbled using the nickname from their boyhood, "but name is Caitlin Marie Tomas." Sam wrote quickly as Jake gave him all the information that was contained on Caitlin's resume. Sam was intrigued by the obvious possessiveness in Jake's tone when he spoke of this gal. Jake had always been a love-'em-and-leave-'em kind of guy and which Jake claimed each party knew the score before they even started to rub the stripes off the sheets.

  "Since wills are a matter of public record, I should be able to get a copy providing there was one filed. How soon do you want the info, Jake?"

  "No rush since it happened a couple of years ago. But, see what you can get, yeah?" Jake knew Sam would, as per usual, put the attention to detail that he was famous for into play.

  "Important to you, then?" Sam wanted to make sure that he understood the tightness in the modulation of Jake's words.

  "More than you know, man," Jake admitted softly.

  "Consider it done and I'll get back to you as soon as I have something," Sam said trying to fit the thought of the county's favorite playboy admitting to being smitten with someone enough to seek his help in a legal issue.

  Jake took more grief from Sam before hanging up and thought about calling Caitlin. As he pulled her file from his desk, he hoped he didn't scare her when he called. But she should be able to see the call was from him as he had taken the time to program her number into his phone prior to adding all his numbers into hers before leaving her sleeping in her miniscule bed after their very vigorous and satisfying round two of the night before.

  He had been surprised that she had been just as responsive and vocal about her pleasure in being on her knees, chest to mattress, as he had in thrusting into her from behind in that second go. His mind still carried the picture of her round ass up in the air as he watched himself slam into her, plunging deep, in and out of her hot, wet tightness. Jake had made sure to engage all of Caitlin's salient parts by curling himself over her back and twisting her responsive nipples as well as rubbing and manipulating his gifted fingers against her slick, swollen clit in order to ensure her pleasure before finding his own. Thank God he had thought to bring two condoms with him although Jake was aware they could've had just as much pleasure without penetration. But, better safe than sorry since he knew, after having had that first taste of her tight, hot pussy he would've been hard-pressed to deny himself from dipping into her sweetness even with his dick uncovered that second time.

  'Jesus,' Jake thought as he became aware of his cock, fully engorged and aching in his jeans at the just the memory of his enjoyment of Caitlin. Ready to pound nails at just a thought? He shook his head as he scrolled through his phone list to call her.

  "Hey, Jake!" Caitlin said a bit breathlessly but with an excited, warm note in her voice. "I was just thinking about you!"

  "Darlin'," Jake rumbled into the phone. "You up for take-out and a movie at my place tonight?" Since he had already checked her schedule, he knew she was available as the job du jour was at the Nursing Home and her shift was scheduled to start in fifteen minutes.

  "Sure," Caitlin replied with a soft smile in her voice as she breathed in time to her quick step. Jake could hear the quick-click of her heels on the concrete as she bustled down the street. "Will I have to Google the directions? I've gotta admit I'm not good unless I know where I'm going."

  "I'll swing by your place around 7:30 to get you, if that's okay." Jake knew her shift at the Nursing Home ended at six. "Gives us time to choose what we want to eat and for you to decide the movie we can get from that box outside the grocery store." Jake paused, liking just the sound of her breathy voice as she walked briskly to get to her job on time.

  "Oh, and Cait?"


  "Pack a bag, gorgeous, 'cause you're spending the night, yeah?" Jake could hear the hitch in her throat and the slowing of her walk as the full impact of his meaning made its way to the front of her mind.

  "Uhm, o-oh-okay," she stammered and he could hear her feet fall out of rhythm. He smiled knowing that the thought of him was affecting her as much as the memory of her had gotten to him earlier.

  "Later, Darlin'," he said, hearing the whoosh of the door she pulled open echoed down through his phone.

  "Later, Jake," Caitlin said softly before disconnecting.


  My six hour stint at the Nursing Home flew aided, I knew, by my giddiness at seeing Jake later that night. While we had only been apart just a few hours, my body was craving to see and touch him again. When my shift ended, I was practically skipping down the sidewalk back to my apartment to get ready. I changed Floyd's water, added food and even cleaned the litter box knowing I was feeling a bit guilty about leaving my cat alone even if it was just overnight. Floyd seemed to know something was up because he kept threading himself in and around my ankles as I tried to move quickly in order to take care of his needs before I started to take care of my own.

  I grabbed a quick shower and changed into my well-worn jeans that showed my ass to its best advantage. I added a thin-knit, drape-necked sweater in a soft amethyst over a matching satin camisole ($2.75 at Goodwill, Sa-weet!) before stomping my feet into knee-length boots of soft, gray suede that I tucked beneath the boot bell of my jeans. I tossed clean underwear, my toothbrush and my best nightgown into my weather-beaten tote. I added my deodorant and citrus body-spray while I tried to think of something I could bring. Mom always said you never showed up for a party without a gift in hand. And I was planning to party with Jake. Something along the naked-kind of party.

  Remembering that he had ordered coffee the two times I'd been around him, I glanced at the clock and saw I had enough time to run to Buxby's for a small bag of one of their special blends before he was due to pick me up. Grabbing my keys, coat and purse I quickly made my way to my car, hell-bent on getting there and back before he was scheduled to pick me up.

  I was bent over studying the shelves of the different beans when I heard a sultry, though loud, voice.

  "Well, well, well. If it isn't Jake's latest plaything!"

  As I turned and straightened, I saw the voice belonged to none other than the beautiful Fiona who had struck a pose with one hand on her canted hip as she waved the other in my direction. Dressed in thin, black leggings and a skintight, green low necked tunic and sky-high heels, I saw that she was with two other women who were, like her, eyeing me with distaste.

  "Fiona," I acknowledged softly, though it must be said, carefully. I had seen how hurtful she liked to play and I was very unskilled in the feminine art of verbal warfare. I glanced at her friends but recognized by their cold eyes that they were just as unfriendly as Fiona, so I knew I couldn't count on any of them to be in my corner in this spontaneous showdown.

  "This is the jail-bait I told you about," Fiona intoned in a loud whisper as she crossed her arms over her large chest as her eyes ripped over me. "Thinks she's all that just because she has Jake's attention this week."

  My body started shaking at her snide tone. Why did this woman hate me so much?

  "Has he started buying you things, yet, teeny-bopper? We all know about Jake and his charity cases, don't we girls?" Fiona's voice was getting louder as she enlisted her friends. "He's well known for buying his way between our legs and I bet you're no different than the rest!"

  I could feel my blush start creeping up as I remembered my coat and the repair of my car.

  "Shit, you're no better than them street walkers on 5th, girlie. Givin' good pussy away for money," the woman in the towering black hair and vibrant red short-shorts muttered with a sniff. Seriously? Short, shorts in winter?

  "That's all you're doin', you slick piece of tail. Tradin' your cunt for stuff. And don't even try to tell me you don't know it!" Fiona yelled as she tossed her flame colored hair in emp
hasis. "You are a fuckin' whore who thinks she hit the big time by bangin' Jake. Well, honey…" she leaned in close as her voice finally, thankfully, got softer.

  "…you're just another in a long, long line of Jake's parade of pussy." She eyed me up and down again. "Just another skanky ho' that'll be tossed aside as soon as he gets a whiff of something sweeter after he's tired of your over-used hole."

  "That Jake'll fuck anything that moves," the bleach-blonde in a bottle green, too-tight-for-the-flesh-it-contained, tank dress agreed.

  I was trying to play it cool, not say anything to add fuel to the fire. I knew, I knew that Fiona was talking through her ass and that she had a real attitude especially when it came to Jake and that I should take her crude words with a grain of salt. But how could she know that he had bought me things? They seemed to be waiting on me, on my reaction to what they had said. I searched my mind for a witty come-back or snide remark to put them all in their place before I could leave their presence, but I had nothing. I had no experience with this and I didn't want to, or even know how to, sink to their level in order to respond.


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