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Pole Dance

Page 22

by J. A. Hornbuckle

  "Are we done now?"

  "Yeah, Dale we're done."

  Dale was just about out the interrogation room door when Ram called his name.

  "You know I'm just doing my job, Buddy, right? No hard feelings?"

  Dale stared hard at the Police Chief before shaking his head in disbelief. He then turned and silently made his way out of the station, giving Ram the one-finger salute over his shoulder.

  Ram shook his head. Juvenile move but deserved, nonetheless.

  Chapter Fourteen

  He was just making his way back to his office when Lester, who was working dispatch this week, came running into the bullpen. "They've found another body," Lester announced loudly to the room at large. Every person in the room froze for a second before the scrape of hastily emptied chairs and the thuds of boots hurrying out of the room was heard.

  Ram ran to his office and grabbed his jacket before he ran to catch up with Tim and Jeff. "I want you two to take point on this. Go in with lights and siren and get there as fast as you can. We need to secure the area and make sure no one, and I mean no one, fucks up the scene."

  Ram's unmarked car was right behind Dale's as they pulled into the parking lot. Ram was glad to see that the back portion, the portion with the reserved parking spaces and the dumpster had already been cordoned off with the bright yellow police tape.

  "What the fuck, Patel," Dale yelled as he exited his sleek, black, new model Corvette and crossed the distance between their two vehicles.

  "Hold up, Dale," Ram cautioned in a soft voice. He glanced around and only saw a handful of people that were making their way towards the crime scene tape. "We found another body."

  "Another body? Here?" Dale stopped dead in his tracks as he glanced towards the area behind the tape. "You know who it is?"

  "Hoping you'll be able to help with that."

  Ram turned away as Jeff came up to them. "Called the morgue. Said they'd be here ASAP. Vic positioned same as the others and with the same marks. Getting the photographs now but still not much to go on."

  "Shit," Ram said softly. "Well, no help for it. C'mon Dale, let's see if you know this one."

  They slowly made their way to the back of the club where the dumpsters were located. They had been moved back from their regular place close to the far wall in order for the detectives to have some room to work. Blessedly someone had covered the body with a couple of aprons to hide it from the small crowd of spectators that were beginning to increase as the minutes wore on.

  Ram carefully guided a shaky Dale towards the covered body before flipping the material off her face. Ram could feel Dale's body begin to tremble and after a quick glance, he hastily dragged Dale beyond the edges of the immediate vicinity just in time for him to lose the contents of his stomach. He handed the co-owner, who's complexion was now a definite shade of pea-green, his handkerchief. When it seemed that most of the sickness had passed, Ram asked softly, "You know her, Buddy?"

  "Yeah, I do," Dale said equally as softly. He tried squeezing his eyes shut to stop seeing her gray face with her colorless lips. "One of the newer girls. Her name was Carla. Carla Nelson, I think."

  Tim walked slowly towards their little group. "Chief? Found these in her back pockets." Ram and Dale stared at the driver's license and debit card held by the corners in Tim's large hands. There was a money clip, carefully securing a wad of cash poking beneath the bank card.

  "Holy fuck," Dale mumbled before turning away again to throw up.

  "God, help us," Ram murmured as he closed his eyes and lifted his face straight up into the warmth of the morning sunshine. As if he misread the name on the pieces of ID, he glanced at them again. Nothing had changed, though. It was still her.

  "You want me to inform the family, Chief?" Tim said knowing this was going to be bad. Very bad.

  "No," Ram replied. He cleared his throat before continuing. "It's something her dad will expect to hear from me."

  Tim handed the small items to Ram who continued to stare at the driver's license.

  Renee Jamison had been found.


  The eyes followed the cops as they crawled over, in and around this latest trophy. They followed the movements and flashes as the incompetents captured on film all the effects of the handiwork that had been done.

  The face that surrounded the eyes was calm, knowing that even if the eyes were spotted, law enforcement wouldn't be able to recognize either the face or the body covered as they were by large sunglasses, a hat and the padding of the thick jacket. The eyes were just another set in the crowd lurking behind the yellow tape, tape used to keep the riff-raff out as they performed their oh-so-important jobs.

  The mouth lifted in a self-satisfied smile. Nothing had been left behind, no clues to track or follow. The brain that had conceived the idea, the way of getting back at those silly girls, was so much smarter that the dumb asses wearing the badges.

  The eyes turned away to watch one of the owners of the club spew his cookies into the dirty snow that edged the parking lot.

  No guts, no glory.

  And it was obvious that he had no guts if he lost it over a dead body.

  Tiring of the minutiae of the investigation that was just getting started, the killer's feet began to move and carry the eyes away. There were still more trophies to claim and planning was needed to ensure the cops stayed as confused and unenlightened as they were at this moment.

  They had no idea that a genius was on the loose.


  I woke to the sound of a phone ringing and felt the heat of his body warming my front. As sleep fled, I recognized the smell of Jake, that woodsy man aroma, the smell that was one of the contributing factors that had come to mean safety to me.

  I heard Jake's soft muttered, "Yo" as he answered the phone. I squeezed his waist to let him know I was awake and he turned onto his back to gather me against his side. "Uh huh. Sure." I heard but didn't pay any attention to as I burrowed my way underneath his arm and nuzzled my head into my special place, that warm spot where his chest muscle met his neck.

  "Meet you there at ten," I heard him say before he disconnected.

  "Trouble?" I asked softly, my voice still rough from sleep.

  "Hope not, pretty girl," Jake replied turning his body towards me and moving a hand to my hip to pull me even closer. I got a sweet kiss before I heard his rumble, "What's on for today?"

  "Uhm, Pam's sister said she'd be emptying the apartment today and I've--well, I've really gotta study, Jake. Have some tests that are coming up and I haven't actually been paying a lot of attention in class lately." Although from the way Jake's mouth and hands were moving I was pretty sure that he wasn't paying much attention to what I was saying either.

  "Why's that?" I heard him mumble somewhere around the bottom of my neck as my focus was diverted to the gentle movements of his hands on my breasts, his rough thumbs flicking my nipples.

  "Why's what?" I managed to say on a breathy moan as my thighs captured one of his thighs and my hips began to thrust, sliding my mound against its firmness. I loved how all my pink parts 'talked' to one another--for instance, how if my nipples were at attention due to Jake's ministrations, that my clit sat up and asked for its own attention.

  "Why you haven't been paying attention in class," he explained his lips moving to my now uncovered breasts to mimic the former movement of his fingers which had moved south and were now cupping and squeezing my ass.

  "In class?" I repeated as I felt one of his hands reach around, moving between us to cup me, pressing up and providing the most delicious pressure against my pussy. I moaned and pressed even harder against his hand.

  "You payin' attention, Darlin'?" Jake asked, all movements stopped as he pulled his head back to look at me.

  "Ah…hmm? Say, what?" I asked, confused at the sudden stop to all the glorious touches I had been receiving.

  Jake lowered his head towards mine, scowling fiercely until his eyes actually caught my gaze
. I'll give it to him, he tried. He really did. But soon he was laughing to the point of tears and I couldn't help but to laugh with him even though I wasn't quite sure what we were laughing about.

  Jake's laugh was loud, infectious and for the moment I didn't care what we were laughing at, I was just caught up in the fact that I was laughing with my man.

  In my bed.


  His hands on me, making me feel desired, wanted, hot.

  "Oh, sweet Darlin'," Jake rumbled when he was finally able to speak. "You had no clue what we were talking about, did ya?"

  "I, uh…well, no, not exactly," I admitted still trying to control my own mirth. "Was it important?"

  Jake shook his head and smiled before cuddling me back into my own special spot against his chest.

  I waited a couple of beats before I bravely asked, "You want me to listen to what you say or feel what you do? 'Cause I don't think I can do both at the same time."

  As soon as the last word was out of my mouth, Jake collapsed into laughter once again rocking me back and forth in his mirth. I honestly didn't know what he found so funny. I was being honest.

  "I was being honest, baby."

  "I know, Cait," he finally said when he was able to get a grip on his humor. "Cute as hell, though."

  Cute? I was going for sultry, sexy or seductive and he was calling me cute?

  "I don't want to be cute, Jake."

  "Okay, then. What is it you want to be?" Jake asked and I could tell by his tone that he was only humoring me which sent me into my zone. My shock and awe zone, if we were to give it a name.

  "I want to learn to suck you," I said with as much gumption as I could gather, even though I sounded breathy even to my own ears. While I had been thinking about it, freaking thinking about it a lot, I didn't know that I would approach the subject quite so…bluntly when I was able to talk about it, which obviously hadn't been now.

  I felt his body still and hold that stillness for a couple of heartbeats.

  "You want to suck me," he repeated as he came unstuck and began to stroke my back. From my position tucked against his throat I couldn't see his expression but the tone I heard was one that seemed to straddle the fence between disbelief and hope.

  "You want to suck my cock?" he clarified. I felt the covers move softly around our hips, knowing that the thought was beginning to excite him as much as it did me. It may have been a shock and awe move, but both of us were considering it and finding the thought of it awesome.

  "Mmm-hmm. I want you to teach me how to please you with my mouth." Now the new subject was out in the open, Jake didn't seem interested in pursuing how 'cute' I was. 'Yea, me! I cheered to myself as I raised up onto an elbow and leaned my chin against his chest, wanting to see his expression and not just hear the words. I watched him as he gazed into my eyes and contemplated me as if gauging my sincerity.

  "Okay, " he said finally.

  "Okay?" I said hoping my voice didn't sound as eager as I felt. Sultry, sexy and seductive women didn't sound eager, did they? I had started this whole thing just to get him away from seeing me as cute and was more than a little surprised that I had just kind of blurted it out and now I was gonna get to do it. I reached a hand beneath the covers and captured his ever growing hardness in my soft fist. "You're gonna tell me how, right?"

  "Easy, tiger," Jake said on a chuckle. "Here's the rules. Lots of wetness and suction from your mouth is great, but no teeth. Would like it if you use your hand to stroke what won't fit in your mouth." Jake's eyes bored into mine and he reached down to hold my hand still on his cock before he asked me again, "You sure, Caitlin?"

  I looked up at him and saw the expression on his face. I was getting used to reading him and this is one expression I had learned from our first day together. The one that said it was okay if you do or don't and there'll be no hard feelings either way. Right then, I knew what I wanted so I told him, straight up. "I want to make you feel as good as you make me feel."

  "Damn, Darlin', just thinking about having your mouth…" I heard him say on a groan, his cock flexing within my soft grip. His eyes, his gorgeous freaking eyes, stayed on mine adding to the excitement I was already feeling.

  Jake didn't finish his sentence but he did release my hand, so I moved the covers off of us and slid myself down to kneel between his legs. I glanced up at him, trying to hold his length between my hands as I smiled and used my tongue to capture that first bead of moisture that leaked out. Jake had been tucking pillows behind his head so he could watch me, but his whole body stilled when he felt my slippery tongue moving over his sensitive cock-head and I heard his audible, sharp intake of air that broke both the silence and his stillness.

  As directed, I kept my mouth very wet, used suction and watched my teeth.

  I used my hands to slide up and down in the wetness from my mouth, over the fullness that my mouth couldn't contain. But my bucking hips were calling, too, since I was slick and swollen, hot from the movements of my mouth on him. I stealthily moved one hand off of him to slide beneath my body to stroke myself.

  "Wanna watch," Jake groaned. He had captured my hair from my face in order to see my mouth working on him so it wasn't until I felt his hand dragging my leg over his thigh that I realized that he wanted to watch my fingers as I played with myself. I glanced up as I bent my knee and pulled it back showing him, exposing myself and my busy fingers to his hot gaze.

  I was right.

  It was awesome.


  "Hey, Baby, it's me," Fiona used her most seductive voice as she murmured into her cell phone. "Can't wait to see you again. Think you can slip the witch a few more pills and meet me tonight? Me and my pussy are missing you something fierce, sugar."

  She paused as if thinking of something spontaneous but she had spent ten minutes practicing her words before making the call.

  "Oh! And Layton? Could you see about getting the cops off my back? They came to my place early this morning and woke me up. Your such a big man, you can make them stop harassing me, can't you, baby? Anyway, call me so we can plan something especially naughty for tonight, 'kay?"

  Just as Fiona was closing her phone she heard a loud pounding at the door. "I'm coming. Shit, keep your shirt on. What is this, Grand Central Station?"

  She was surprised to see Hank was the pounder when she finally opened the door. "What are you doing here, baby?"

  "You fuckin' around on me, Fee?" he yelled storming into the room and slamming the door behind him.

  "What are you talking about?" Fiona said calmly but her thoughts were racing, wondering how Hank had found out.

  "Those detectives said you were seeing other men. That true?"

  She moved towards him with her mind was working overtime to think of a way to keep him in the dark and on her string. He may not be the most powerful man in town but Hank had a decided kink that meshed with hers and gave her out-of-this-world orgasms. She wasn't going to let him go, not willingly anyway. Before she could slide her arms around him though, Hank grabbed her by the shoulders.

  "You fuckin' around on me? Tell me the truth!" Hank seemed to have a one-track mind this morning and Fiona almost sighed aloud thinking about the amount of time she was gonna have to spend just to calm his shit down.

  "Hank, honey, you know I'd never do that to you," she purred. "You're my one and only, baby. You know that. Why'd you think they'd tell you something like that? Hmm?" she made her voice higher and more girlish. "You doubting your little girl? Huh, Daddy?" She watched as the blonde giant closed his eyes as he listened to her.

  "Oh, Daddy…" she whispered breathily and felt his fingers release the tight hold on her shoulders. Her eyes slid down and saw his cock lengthening beneath the zipper of his pants. Placing her hands against his growing hardness, she snuggled against him with a small wiggle as she placed her mouth near his ear.

  "Have I been naughty, Daddy? Do you need to pull down my panties and spank me? Make my cheeks pink with your hand?

  "Bring me the Bible, little girl. Then get yourself ready. You've been a bad girl and Daddy's gotta teach you right from wrong," Hank demanded, his cock now twitching in response to her strokes, his face a bright red which she knew was another sign of his arousal.

  She ran to the built in bookshelves and grabbed the large book and placed it on the arm of the couch before moving to her room to don the special little dress and ruffled panties, putting her long hair into two pigtails. Even though she was gonna have to sit through about five minutes of listening to him read, she knew that when he was done, Hank was going to give it to her and give it to her good. She sashayed back down the hall holding the hem of her short, moving, fluffy dress in one hand, while she gently bit the forefinger of her other.


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