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Lost & Found

Page 8

by E B Brooks

  Why do girls feel the need to tear other girls down? They should stand together. But that was never going to happen.

  Torr came out, and they paid for their purchases. It was way cheaper than Maddy thought it would be.

  On the way home, they agreed that Torr would come over tomorrow and help Maddy get ready, then they’d head to Inferno from Maddy’s place.

  “Torr, I can’t thank you enough for taking me out today. I had a great time, even though you made me try chopsticks.”

  “I couldn’t pass that up. I had fun, too, and can’t wait until tomorrow. Make sure to stay off your foot all day and ice it when you get home.”

  I waved her off. “Yeah, Yeah.”



  Friday night, Maddy opened the door to a smiling Torr. Her hair was still wet from a recent shower, and she had on an old pair of sweats and a T-shirt.

  Torr grinned. “How’s your foot feel? Did the brace work?”

  “It feels pretty good,” Maddy said as she let Torr into her apartment. “I won’t be jumping up and down on it, but I can dance.”

  Maddy braced herself, waiting to see what Torr thought of her lack of furniture.

  Torr peered around. “Nice, bare ass apartment, Maddy!”

  Maddy chuckled. “I like it. I spent most of yesterday looking at furniture on the computer, but I need to feel it and lay on it before I buy it.”

  Torr nodded in agreement as Maddy headed to her bedroom.

  Torr followed and put her hands on her hips. “Damn, girl, you need at least a bed. You can’t keep sleeping on the floor.”

  “I have sheets to sleep on for now. It’s no different from what I’ve been sleeping on for the last eighteen years of my life. The beds at the group home were nothing but a board and a thin mattress. But I’m hoping to go out this weekend and buy a bed.”

  “Good! I don’t care if you’re used to it or not, you deserved better. If you need my help, let me know. We need to get ready now.” Torr motioned for Maddy to sit in one of the camping chairs Cody brought over. “Where’s your brush? I have a great idea for your hair.”

  For the next hour, Torr braided, curled, and proofed Maddy’s hair. When she finished, it looked awesome. From her bangs back, multiple braids went back into a high ponytail.

  Her hair had never looked so good before. “I love it. I think you missed your calling.”

  “Nah, I enjoy fiddling with hair, but I couldn’t do that all the time.” Torr cocked one eyebrow. “Are you sure you don’t want to borrow one of my dresses?”

  Maddy shook her head. “No, I’ll already feel half-naked with what I purchased.”

  “Trust me. You’ll be wearing more clothes than most girls there.”

  Maddy shook her head again. “I don’t see how that’s possible. My top is a bra with lace over it.”

  “And you look sexy as hell in it. Now, stop worrying and go get dressed. Then, put your makeup on.”

  Maddy rubbed the back of her neck. “Um, makeup…”

  “You don’t know how to put makeup on?” Torr laughed. “Girl, I got to teach you everything.”

  “Are you sure I look okay, Maddy?” She pulled down her top, wrapping her arms around her waist to hide her exposed stomach.

  Maddy touched her arm to stop her. “Stop worrying. You look great. Crusher won’t know what hit him.”

  Maddy was a little more concerned about getting into the club. She didn’t feel like spending the night in jail.

  “Inferno.” Torr put her arms out.

  The only thing Maddy could see was the name Inferno, which was lit up to look like it was on fire. The building itself was all black. Maddy and Torr stood in the small line waiting for their turn. Heavy bass vibrated through her body, but she couldn’t hear the actual music yet.

  At the door, a guy with thighs for arms stood blocking the way. He stared down at them. “IDs.”

  Maddy looked over at Torr and found her staring back at her. Maddy’s heart raced with panic.

  The security guy crossed his massive arms with a scowl. “No ID, no entry!”

  “Um… Crusher…” Maddy mumbled out.

  “Why didn’t you say so before.” He gave them a brief smile. “What are your names?”

  As they gave their names, he grabbed a clipboard hanging right behind the door.

  He checked to make sure they were on the list, then opened the door wider to let them pass. “Go on in. They’re up on the second floor.”

  They walked past the guard, both letting out a breath as they entered the main area of Inferno.

  It took a few minutes for Maddy’s eyes to adjust. When they did, she was shocked to see how big the place was. There were two floors. The first floor held the dance area, with half-circle booths around half the dance floor for sitting and having drinks. The upper level was all open, with a half-wall of clear glass so the people upstairs could look down on the first floor.

  “Do you want a drink?” Torr pointed to the huge bar on their left.

  The wooden bar was gorgeous. It was made of dark oak with flames cut out on the front. Red LED lights behind it made it look like real flames.

  “Do you think they’d give us a drink without an ID?” Maddy questioned.

  Torr shrugged.

  “There are my girls!” a loud, booming voice yelled over the music.

  They looked up at the same time to see Crusher walking down the steps from the second floor toward them. Damn, not bad. She didn’t like him like that, but she could admit he looked good. He wore black jeans and a tight blue T-shirt that showed off all his muscles. Maddy looked over at her friend. Torr stood with her mouth wide open, staring at Crusher.

  Maddy smirked and elbowed her.

  “Well, don’t you two look gorgeous. I’ll be busy keeping the guys off of this one all night.” He pointed to Torr, and her cheeks blushed. “We’re upstairs. A sexy little birdy told me you twisted your ankle so—” He bent and picked Maddy up.

  She let out a squeal and pounded his chest. “Put me down, you Neanderthal!”

  Crusher threw his head back and laughed. “Don’t want you to hurt yourself before you have any fun.”

  Ignoring her protests, he easily carried her up the stairs, Torr following close behind.

  Crusher put her down on one of the couches placed around the balcony, and Torr slid in next to her.

  Other people already filled the rest of the seats, and Crusher gestured for their attention. “Guys, let me introduce you to my ladies here. This is Maddy, who is like a sister to me, so watch it. And this beautiful lady is Torr. She’s mine, so hands off!”

  Maddy’s eyebrows shot up at Crusher’s statement. Sister? She was going to place him in the friend category, but sister felt right. She could live with sister.

  She glanced over at Torr to see what her reaction was to Crusher saying she was his. Torr’s face was beet-red, and she had the biggest smile on her face as she looked up at Crusher with dreamy eyes.

  Crusher turned to Torr and Maddy. “Girls, these are the guys. Greg, Jeff, Kirby, Matt, Jack, and our quarterback, Ace.”

  Everyone said a round of hellos as Crusher sat on the arm of the couch by Torr.

  A guy swaggered up to their group and sat on the coffee table in front of Maddy. He put a hand on her knee. “Hello, beautiful, my name’s Scott.”

  When Maddy looked at the guy, all she heard were warning bells going off.

  “We should get together and have some fun.” As Scott talked, he slowly slid his hand up her thigh. “What do you think?” He winked.

  Maddy grabbed his pointing finger and bent it back, pulling his hand away from her lap.


  Crusher lifted his eyes off Torr and over to where the sound came from scowling once he found out who made it. “Scott, this is Maddy, who I consider a sister, so keep your hands off. I know you’re new here, but we don’t treat women like that.”

  Scott pouted. “Who do you think you
are telling me what I can and can’t do?”

  A different guy came up behind Scott, put his hand on his shoulder, and whispered something to him.

  After a second, he muttered, “Fine.” Looking back to Maddy, he gave her a once over. “See you around, beautiful.”

  As he walked away, Crusher leaned over. “I want both of you to watch out for him. He just got transferred here and there’s something about him that bothers me.”

  Maddy nodded. “Thanks for the warning, but I can take care of myself.”

  “I believe you. What would you like to drink? That bar over there will serve you, no questions asked. The one downstairs requires ID.” Behind Crusher was a bar identical to the one downstairs but smaller.

  “Wait! Wait, if you want them to be part of the crew, they need to do a Huskey shot!” Greg stated.

  Crusher gave him a dirty look. “They’re girls, Greg.”

  “What’s a Huskey shot?” Torr questioned.

  “A shot of Jack.”

  Torr sat up straighter. “We can handle that, right, Maddy?”

  Before they walked into Inferno, Maddy and Torr had talked about how neither of them had ever had a drink before, and they promised to watch out for each other. But if they wanted to be part of this crew, then they needed to show they could hang with them.

  Maddy lifted her chin. “We can handle it. Just because we’re girls doesn’t mean we’re weak.”

  Cheers of, “Hell yeah,” went up around them and everyone headed to the bar.

  The bartender set up eleven shot glasses and filled them full of Jack.

  Torr and Maddy looked at the shot with hesitation.

  Crusher leaned over to Maddy. “You don’t have to do this.”

  Maddy waved him off.

  “Ready on the count of three. One… two… three!”

  Maddy let out a breath, picked up the shot, and threw it back. She put the glass back down and grabbed the bar. A shiver ran through her, and tears blurred her vision as the Jack burned its way down her to her stomach, then warmth spread through her body. She wiped away her tears and looked over at Torr who was having her back smacked by Crusher.

  “You’re all right in my book. Most girls won’t even try.” Ace nodded with approval.

  “To tell you the truth, it’s the first drink I’ve ever had.” Maddy giggled.

  “No shit?” Ace’s eyes widened.

  Maddy nodded.

  “Hey, everyone, listen to this one. Maddy’s first drink is a Huskey shot!” Ace shouted.

  All the football players leaned back and started barking. Maddy lowered her head and laughed. It was the weirdest sound she’d ever heard.

  “That means they accept you,” Crusher explained.

  Between the beat of the music making her sway and the warmth of the whiskey, she felt good. “Who’s up for another round?”

  “Hell, yeah!” everyone shouted.

  The next shot went down a lot better than the last one.

  As everyone started making their way back toward the couches, Maddy headed over to the railing to look down at all the dancers. Her body started moving to the beat.

  “You know, everyone’s looking at your ass,” Crusher said as he leaned on the glass wall next to her.

  Maddy’s eyes twinkled. “I don’t have a boyfriend.” She jerked her head toward Torr. “You know she likes you?”

  “Well, that’s good, because I like her. Don’t worry, little sis, I’ll treat her right.”

  “You better or I’ll beat the shit out of you! And what the hell’s up with the little sis shit?”

  A look Maddy couldn’t figure out crossed Crusher’s face, and she thought he said something, but she couldn’t quite hear it.

  At last, he shrugged. “Fuck if I know. I don’t want to date you like I do Torr, but I feel a connection to you.”

  Maddy understood exactly what Crusher was saying. She felt the same way.

  As she glanced out into the crowd, she spotted a tall guy at the edge of the dance floor staring back up at her. She squinted her eyes. No, it couldn’t be. She had to be seeing things. What would Mike be doing up here in Blue Ridge?

  “You all right?” Crusher asked concerned. “You look pale. Those Huskey shots are strong, and you did two.”

  “No, I’m fine I just thought I saw someone I knew.” It had to be the shots. There was no way Mike could be out of the group home yet.

  Torr came running over to them and grabbed Maddy’s hand. “Come on. I love this song. Let’s go dance.”

  Maddy looked at Crusher. “Come on, bro, you heard her. She wants to dance.”

  Crusher leaned down so only Maddy could hear. “I don’t know how to dance.”

  “And you think I do? I’m not going down there without you.” Maddy grabbed his hand and headed down to the dance floor. She was sure the shot was helping, but her ankle didn’t hurt.

  Maddy didn’t feel right dancing up against her new brother, so she stood beside him and Torr and did her own thing. They were having a good time when the bar’s theme song came on, Fallout Boy’s My Song Knows What You Did in the Dark.

  Everyone crowded onto the dance floor, and every time the lyrics Light ’Em Up played, pyrotechnics went off in different areas around the bar. Everywhere Maddy looked, people bounced up and down with their hands in the air. She didn’t see Mike again, and she decided it really had been the shots confusing her.

  Trying to stay off her foot, she bounced along with the other dancers, having a great time on the dance floor. When the song ended, Maddy realized she’d lost Crusher and Torr.

  She turned to head back upstairs when a certain black-haired man with a sexy swagger caught her eye. The Player from Walmart.

  When he put his fists up like he was ready to fight Maddy, she threw her head back and laughed. He reached out and bracketed her waist, rubbing the arch of her hip bones with his thumbs.

  Damn, but this guy had some sex appeal.



  Player knew how to dance. His body naturally moved to the beat and Maddy was just along for the ride. His black jeans were skintight, showing off his nice ass. The deep-red button-down shirt he wore brought out his whiskey eyes. The first four buttons of his shirt were undone, showing off a tuft of chest hair, and he had his sleeves rolled up to his elbow. She always thought it was sexy when a guy rolled up his shirt sleeves, showing off strong forearms.

  Maddy ran her hand up his fabulous, sculpted chest, feeling the muscle move beneath her fingers. When she got to his neck, she used a nail up his throat. A shiver ran through his body.

  “You’re playing with fire, little girl,” he murmured as he kissed her neck.

  His head lifted, and he pinned her with a feral look. Maddy wasn’t sure if it was the shots or him, but she was ready to make out with him right there. Pulling her up against him, his mouth slammed down on hers, their tongues dancing as their bodies melted together, swaying to the beat.

  His hand moved under her lace shirt and slowly made its way up to her black bra. He ran his thumb over Maddy’s hard nipple, and she hummed in pleasure. He stopped abruptly, as if woken from a trance. Sighing, his whiskey gaze lifted, and he blinked up at the ceiling. A pained look crossed his face, and he took a few steps away from her.

  Confused, Maddy stepped toward him, but he swore and disappeared into the crowd.

  Maddy stood there, stunned, her chest heaving up and down. What the hell just happened? They just made out on the dance floor, her mouth bruised from his kiss, and he disappeared without a word? What was it about him that pulled her in, dammit? She knew better than to play with Players.

  Maddy had had enough of the bar scene. She wanted to go home.

  She searched for Torr while she chastised herself for falling for a Player’s play. All he would do is hurt her. Shit, he already had. After trying to search the dance area, she was getting pissed off from being groped and propositioned, so she headed upstairs. There were too many people
dancing for her to find Torr.

  As she walked past the last booth before the steps, she heard her name being called.

  She turned and found Cody smiling up at her with a beer in his hand.

  She grinned and stole his beer, placing the bottle back on the table. “I hope you aren’t driving if you’re drinking. You know you have a tendency of almost hitting people.”

  He moved over and tapped the spot beside him. “Have a seat. I only had one drink, I’m fine, and that person fell in front of me.” He chuckled.

  She slid into the booth next to Cody.

  He put his arm around the back of the booth and started playing with her hair. The back of the booth was shrouded in darkness, and she didn’t notice that there were two others in the booth until the light from the dance area flashed back there.

  Player was leaning back with both arms spread out along the back of the booth. A brunette with hardly anything on crawled all over him.

  So, this was where Player went. He wasn’t even paying the brunette any attention. He was glaring at Maddy.

  “Maddy, this is Ryder, my best friend who I talked about.” Cody points his beer at Ryder.

  Of course, the two men she found irresistible were best friends. Just her luck.

  Ryder looked at Cody, then back to her, and a look crossed Ryder’s face she couldn’t decipher.

  “Yeah, I know him. How’s your eye?”

  “Wait, you’re the one who punched him?” Cody let out a deep laugh. “He wouldn’t tell us who gave him the shiner.”

  Maddy winced. “He came up behind me and whispered in my ear. With my past, you don’t do that.”

  Ryder said something to the girl. She squealed and moved out of the booth. Never taking his eyes off of Maddy, he followed right behind her.

  Maddy looked at Cody. “Was it something I said?”

  “Naw, he’s probably going to get some action.” Cody took a sip of his beer.

  Maddy’s head dipped in a quick nod. Why did that bother her? She had no claim on him; it just proved how much of player he really was.


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