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Lost & Found

Page 28

by E B Brooks

  “We didn’t say anything. We let you boys do all the talking,” she cackled.

  What the hell was she talking about? They hadn’t even talked about Maddy. Then, it hit him.

  “You made it look like we were talking about her? You bitch! If you were a man, I’d punch your lights out!” Skylar turned and ran his hands through his hair.

  Everything was falling apart.

  “You can’t do anything to me!” Amber snarled. “Remember the deal? Unless you want all that info—”

  He grabbed her again and shook her. “Shut the hell up, Amber!”

  “Skylar, what’s she talking about?” Jace stood close to him.

  Skylar peered over his shoulder at Jace. “I’ll tell you later. We have a lot to talk about.”

  Ryder stomped over to the other girl. “Is that what you did, Jackie? Did you make Maddy think we were talking about her?”

  “It was too easy to do. You’re mine,” Jackie fumed. “I paid good money for you.”

  Ryder bared his teeth and growled, “Get out of my face.”

  Jace squeezed his eyes shut. “Shit, we have to find her.”

  “You four are better off letting her go. There’s something about her you don’t know. She could destroy you,” Jackie chimed.

  Skylar squeezed Amber’s arm tighter. “You fuckin’ told her?”

  She glared at him in defiance. “I told everyone I could.”

  He got right in her face. “You fuckin’ bitch! I’ll ruin you.” He pushed Amber away from him.

  “Fine, but you two will be back in our beds before you know it,” Amber declared as they stormed away.

  “Where do you think Maddy went?” Jace pulled his hair. “She came with us, so she doesn’t have a ride.”

  “No idea, but we have to find her fast.” Cody worked his jaw back and forth. “Those bitches played right into her two insecurities.”

  “Maybe Dex saw where she headed off to,” Jace suggested.

  “Shit, I forgot to ask. How’s TJ?” Cody asked as they ran up front.

  “Stable,” Jace answered. “He has bruised ribs and some other bruising. They’re keeping him overnight for observations. How did your fight go?”

  Cody grumbled, “Don’t ask.”

  Jace nodded. “That good, huh?”

  Dex didn’t help much; he was pissed at Cody for losing. After Cody threatened to beat him within an inch of his life, he revealed that he thought he saw Maddy running out the door, but he didn’t see which way she went.

  There were only three ways to get out of here, and they split up to search for signs, hoping they’d have a better chance of finding her quickly.

  Skylar headed to the edge of the woods, searching for footprints with the light from his cell phone. Lady luck was on their side, because Skylar spotted a small footprint in the mud.

  Shit, she headed into the woods. With this rain, she had to be freezing.

  Shivering, Skylar texted everyone to come to the woods.

  “This is what we’ll do,” Jace said, throwing Skylar an outdoor flashlight he kept in the back of his Jeep. “Cody and Skylar, you’re going to try to follow her path. Ryder and I are going to get over to County Road. If she turned, she’ll come out there. Let’s hope we meet up in the middle, and she didn’t go the other way.”

  They separated again.

  Cody and Skylar had a hard time following her trail. The rain had washed most of it away, but Skylar found something sticking out of the mud. He picked it up, discovering Maddy’s boot.

  He held it up so Cody could see it.

  Cody snatched the boot and stared at it. “This isn’t good, Skylar. We need to find her before she gets too cold. She’s so small; hypothermia’s a possibility.”

  His brother was getting too worried and not thinking straight. Skylar grabbed his bicep and shook him a little. “We’ll find her. Let’s go.”

  A few feet more, and they found a mold of what could be Maddy’s body, but the rain was filling it up fast.

  “It looks like she fell here. Her tracks are heading toward the road.” Skylar pointed to where footprints walked away from the indentation.

  The rain came down harder, making it impossible to follow her tracks farther, and they ended up losing them.

  Frustrated, they headed toward the road, praying Ryder and Jace had better luck.

  Jace and Ryder sat in the Jeep waiting for them with the heat on high.

  Skylar and Cody jumped in, moaning at how good the heat felt. Jace had towels ready for them; he was always prepared, which was one of the many things Skylar loved about him.

  He told them what they’d found in the woods, and how her tracks headed toward the road before they lost them.

  He blew out a deep breath. “Did you guys have any luck?”

  Jace pointed through the windshield to where his headlights showed a set of skid marks on the road. “There’s a large set of prints heading into the woods, then a small and large set heading back out.”

  Cody dropped his head to the back of the driver’s side headrest. “Thank God she’s at least out of the woods.”

  Skylar ran his hand through his wet hair. “Yeah, but we don’t know where she is. She could be hurt and in the hospital, or someone stopped and picked her up.”

  “Let’s head to her apartment and see if she’s there before we call the hospitals,” Ryder suggested.

  Jace, who never broke driving law, sped toward her apartment.

  Each of them lapsed into their own thoughts, and the car fell eerily quiet.

  When they pulled up to Maddy’s place, they all jumped out, Skylar leading the way. At the sidewalk, he stopped, pointing to a small, muddy footprint, and everyone let out a sigh of relief.

  Skylar took the steps two at a time, knocking on her door.

  When she didn’t answer, Skylar pressed his ear to the door, hoping to hear something.


  After ten more minutes of knocking, he gave up.

  “What are we going to do?” He turned to look at the group.

  “There’s nothing we can do. If she doesn’t want to answer her door, we can’t force her.” Cody shrugged, looking dejected.

  “She could be hurt in there!” Skylar yelled, pointing at her door.

  Cody put a hand on Skylar’s shoulder. “Think about it. Someone came and got her. I’m sure it was Crusher. If she was hurt, he would have taken her to the hospital. Let’s give her some space, and one of us will stop by later.”

  Skylar stared at Maddy’s door with longing before he finally nodded. “I’m not happy about this, but you’re right. Plus, I need a hot shower.”

  “Plus, you got some explaining to do,” Jace mentioned over his shoulder as they headed back down the stairs.

  Before Skylar sat down and talked to everyone, he wanted to tell Jace something in private first. He waited in Jace’s room while the other man finished his shower. Skylar’s foot couldn’t stop bouncing up and down, and when Jace strolled in, he gasped when he saw Skylar sitting on his bed.

  Skylar watched as a drop of water fell from his hair down his chest and disappeared past the towel he had wrapped around his waist, and his dick took notice, pushing against his jeans. It had been too long since he’d seen Jace like this.

  “Fuck me,” Skylar muttered under his breath.

  “Weren’t we meeting down in the living room?” Jace walked to his dresser and searched for something to wear. “Did plans change?”

  “No, I wanted to talk to you first, away from everyone. Can you sit for a moment?” Skylar patted the bed beside him.

  “Um, all right.” Looking uncertain, Jace sat.

  “I owe you so much more than an apology for what I said to you and how I acted. I’ll explain what happened when we’re all get together, but I needed you to know I’m sorry, first.” He inhaled through his nose and out his mouth. “These last few weeks away from you have been downright miserable. I didn’t realize how much I bounce everythin
g off you. I’d turn to tell you something, and you wouldn’t be there.”

  He turned to watch Jace’s reaction for what he was about to say. “You’ve been my best friend for as long as I can remember. While I was away from you, it hurt in here.” Skylar took Jace’s hand and placed it over his heart. “What I never realized was that you’re my other half.” He lowered his head, staring at their joined hands over his heart. “Somewhere while we were growing up, I fell in love with you, and when I’m not with you, I feel incomplete.”

  Jace gasped.

  “I know it will take a while for you to forgive me after what I said, and I’m all right with that. I deserve it. Shit, just fucking say it,” he chastised himself. He looked back up at Jace. “I love you. I have for a while, now, and feared what people would think. It’s the most ludicrous thing, that I should care what people think of me, I never did bef—”

  Jace leaned over and stopped him with a kiss before pulling back. “You’re babbling, and you already said it.”

  Skylar cocked his eyebrow. “Huh?”

  Jace chuckled. “You were babbling, afraid to tell me you love me, when you already said it and didn’t know.”

  Skylar went back over what he said and laughed. Shit, he did.

  Jace talked while giving him quick kisses. “I love you, too, Skylar, for over half my life. I’ve been too afraid to say something; I didn’t want to lose our friendship. You leaving just about destroyed me. Or it would have, if it wasn’t for Maddy.”

  Skylar ran his fingers through Jace’s hair, then cupped his face. “I’m so sorry, baby. That’s something you never have to worry about ever again. I can’t say I won’t do dumb stuff ever again, but I’ll never leave you.”

  Pushing Jace down on his bed, Skylar gave him a kiss that held everything he had inside him.

  Removing the towel, he pulled away from Jace’s lips and glanced at Jace’s arousal. His mouth watered. He’d never done something like this, but he knew what he liked. He kissed and licked his way down Jace’s smooth, creamy skin until he reached the part he wanted most. His lips encircled Jace’s throbbing manhood, and with rapid, circular motions, he explored the entire length of his shaft with his tongue.

  Jace was making sounds that Skylar had never heard him make before, which spurred him on. Jace had a good grip in his hair, and it surprised Skylar how much he didn’t mind doing this. He flattened his tongue and ran it up Jace’s length while massaging his balls.

  “Sky… Oh, man, does that feel sooooo good… I’m… I won’t last long,” Jace mumbled while pulling his hair.

  Skylar hummed, making Jace arch his back. Licking his thumb, Skylar slid it back to Jace’s ass, and while licking and sucking the head of his dick, he ran his thumb over Jace’s hole. Jace was at his peak, and as Skylar pushed his thumb into his tight hole, he exploded down Skylar’s throat.

  Skylar pulled back and smacked his lips. “Not the worst taste in the world.”

  Jace laughed weakly. “Man, did I miss you. I’m a little embarrassed by how quickly I came.”

  Skylar stood, a wet spot on the front of his sweats. “Damn, you’re sexy when you come. Look what you made me do.”

  Some of the happiness faded from Jace’s face. “You don’t have to answer, but did you… umm…” He scratched his head. “Did you and…”

  Skylar shook his head. “I didn’t fuck Amber. Boy did she try, but no. Um, how about you and Mad?”

  “No. There wasn’t a chance, but…” Jace peered at him from beneath his long black eyelashes. “This will sound strange, but it didn’t feel right without you there.”

  Skylar laid down beside him. “I need to tell you, I think I’m in love with her. When I saw her in the hospital, I wanted to burn the world down.”

  Jace made small circles on the side of his neck. “I feel the same; we all feel the same.”

  They laid there, passionately kissing each other, before Skylar flopped onto his back and breathed out. “I can’t hide here forever. I need to tell you all what’s going on.”

  “Do you want me to take care of that first?” Jace nodded toward the bulge in Skylar’s pants.

  “No, that was for you.” Skylar kissed the corner of his lips and climbed off the bed. “Get dressed, and I’ll see you downstairs.”

  Skylar paced in front of the fireplace, going over what he wanted to tell his family. He stopped and put his hands on the mantel. They were going to be mad at him; all he could hope was that they forgave him someday.

  “Okay, little brother, let’s hear it,” Cody said from behind him.

  Skylar turned as Cody settled on the couch. The others were already there, too, and Skylar’s hands shook so much that he shoved them into his pockets.

  He started by apologizing for everything he’d said and the way he’d acted the night of the party. He’d drank too much, and his emotions got the best of him, not that that was a good excuse. He left out the part where he thought Kevin had put something in his drink that night. He couldn’t confirm it, so he didn’t want to say anything right now.

  “After I stormed off, I headed to my bike and ran into Amber. We got in a fight, and then you’ll never guess who graced me with their presence next.” His hands clenched inside his pockets. “Lisa.”

  “Gary’s Lisa? What did she want?” Cody inched to the edge of his seat, arms resting on his knees.

  Skylar met his brother’s eyes. “She wanted me to fight for her.”

  Cody jumped up. “She what? That’s who you’ve been fighting for? Not Gary?”

  Ryder pulled Cody back down. “Let him talk.”

  Skylar went into detail about how she ran her own fighting club, and how all the rules Gary had in place she threw out the window. Drugs were being sold and used. Rooms in the back where people could pay for a girl and do whatever they wanted with her. That the guys Skylar fought were people right off the street. Gang members, soldiers, anyone who wanted to fight and could put up the entrance fee.

  He looked around at them. “I pushed you all away because I was afraid you might get hurt. Lisa threatened both Cody and Ryder. I couldn’t get away. Amber and her crew were always watching me.” He pulled his hair. “It drove me nuts.”

  “What does Amber have to do with this?” Cody questioned.

  “She’s Lisa’s niece. She demanded that I date Amber.”

  “Skylar, are you taking something again?” Jace asked hesitantly. “You haven’t been able to stand still or stop twitching.”

  “Whoa, what do you mean, again?” Cody’s head swiveled between Jace and him.

  He figured Jace would notice him twitching. He wasn’t mad at Jace for bringing it up; he’d kept silent for years. The four of them had made a pack when we were younger that they’d never keep secrets between them, and he’d begged Jace not to tell them.

  He let out a breath. “Don’t be mad at Jace. I begged him, told him I’d never talk to him again if he told any of you. Do you remember when I pulled my hamstring?” They all nodded. “They gave me pain pills, and I got hooked on them.”

  Cody sat on the edge of his seat, forearms on his knees with his head hanging. “How long?”

  “About two years.” He glanced over to Jace for conformation.

  “That’s about right. When I found out, I made him stop.”

  Ryder interrupted. “That’s the weekend you said you were going fishing by yourselves. You wouldn’t let us go.”

  Skylar rubbed the back of his neck. “I was detoxing. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you; it embarrassed me, and I didn’t want you to think I was weak. While I stayed at Gary and Lisa’s house, Amber gave me my coffee every morning. She must have been putting something in my drink. I started noticing symptoms, the aggression and confusion.” Tears brimmed his eyes. “Going through detox once was enough for me, I’d never willingly do drugs again.”

  Cody stood and pulled him into a tight hug. “I believe you. I’m disappointed you didn’t trust me the first time, but I’m here to he
lp you this time.”

  When Cody pulled away, Jace opened his arms and Skylar jumped onto his lap. Jace kissed him, not caring that Cody and Ryder were there.

  Ryder shoved his hand into the air. “Yes! It’s about damn time, you two.”

  “Took you long enough.” Cody stood with his arms crossed and a big smile on his face.

  Skylar shook his head. “Should have known you wouldn’t care.”

  Cody smacked Skylar on the back of his head. “We wouldn’t care. You two have loved each other for years.”

  “Skylar, what do you need us to do to help you get over this drug they put you on?” Ryder asked from his seat.

  “Patience. I don’t know what symptoms will show, since I don’t know what they pumped me full of. I put Jace through hell that weekend.”

  Cody sat back on the couch. “I guess it’s mine and Ryder’s turn to tell you both what we’ve been up to, since it correlates with what you’ve just told us.”

  Skylar slid off Jace’s lap but kept hold of his hand as Cody told them how Officer Todd had come to Ryder and him and asked them to go undercover at the fights. Todd was getting an influx of reports of drugs coming into the city. He also asked Ryder to go find out about the increase in missing people who they believed were being forced into prostitution.

  They’d been undercover for about six months and hadn’t found much.

  “Now we know why,” Cody said. “I need to call Todd and tell him what you just told us. We’ve been looking at the wrong person. I’d like to tell Todd about them drugging you, too. It might help the case and maybe help you detox.”

  Skylar looked over at Jace, who nodded in encouragement. “Okay, yes. I want to bring them down.”

  Cody smacked his leg. “Good, I’ll go call Todd.”

  “Wait, what about Maddy?” Jace pipped up.

  Cody rubbed his chin. “I’ve been thinking about that. We need to split up. Todd will want Skylar and me to come into the station, which leaves you and Ryder to find out what’s going on with her.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” Jace used his finger under Skylar’s chin to make him look at him. “If you need me, just call, and I’ll come running.”


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