Beautiful Prey: The Storm Series

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Beautiful Prey: The Storm Series Page 4

by Daniels, Phoenix

  He looked up from his glass of scotch and was shocked by the sight of Caroline’s over exposed boobs heading towards him. He dropped his head and wondered why she would attend a charity event for people of color.

  “Hi, baby,” she whined with a fake smile plastered on her injected lips.

  “Caroline,” he muttered.

  Still whining, she said, “I’ve missed you, baby.”

  The dress that she was wearing was so tight that he didn’t believe she would be able to sit down all night. Her boobs were hoisted so high that they were damn near touching her chin.

  “Not tonight,” he said with conviction and walked away.

  He headed for his table and didn’t even bother to look back at Caroline. He wondered what had ever attracted him to her in the first place. Then he remembered she gave a decent blowjob. He was about to take his seat when he saw her; his caramel beauty. She was absolutely breathtaking. He literally stumbled back. Thank God his chair was behind him. It was as if she traveled with her own spotlight. She was glowing. Victoria was nothing less than a bronze goddess. She turned to greet one of her guests and Jack caught a glimpse of the back of her dress. His cock immediately sprang to life. It almost broke his zipper. He had never wanted anything so much in his life; anything! He couldn’t wait to have her writhing beneath him. He had to calm down and get it together.

  To Jack’s surprise, he ran into a few employees of Storm Enterprises. He was wondering why he wasn’t more aware of this obviously worthy charity that they were supporting. Well, that was all going to change. He managed to turn away from Victoria long enough to have a few brief business conversations. They were very brief because his eyes instantly lifted to find her and, unfortunately, he did. A tall African American man who appeared to be in his early thirties was hauling her into a corner.

  Jack instantly wondered, who in the fuck is this asshole?

  He watched closely to see if he needed to go over and kick the over-aggressive man’s ass. He definitely would. But before he could even think about it, Victoria said something that appeared to be aggressive enough to make the man walk away in conceit. Again, Jack was proud.

  He silently muttered, “What is this woman doing to me?”

  After a decent prime rib meal, Jack was really anticipating the bachelorette auction. Since the auction didn’t seem to be starting anytime soon, Jackson had to find something to occupy his time. He resumed office talk with his employees. He continued to keep an eye on an absolutely gorgeous Victoria. Caroline kept her eye on him. Jack avoided her like the plague.

  After an hour, Jack got the courage to walk over to Victoria. She was engulfed in a conversation with a very curvaceous and attractive woman. His eavesdropping led him to believe that her name was Tracy. Victoria turned from Tracy, and they locked eyes. All conversation ceased when she looked up at him. Victoria’s eyes widened, and Jack could see the lust and need in her eyes.

  Mine, he thought.

  He smiled at his beauty and walked away. He was confident that she would belong to him before the night was over.

  Finally, the auction began. There were seven beautiful biddable women, but only one was of interest to Jack. Even Victoria’s beautiful friend couldn’t shake his thoughts of his caramel beauty. Tracy had generated fifty thousand dollars alone. It didn’t even matter that she had a huge angry-looking guy bidding for her, who looked even more furious when he had to stop at twenty thousand. It was clear that he was out of his financial league.

  However, since Jack was in a financial league of his own, he knew that he would end up with his prize.



  “And now the lovely hostess of tonight’s event,” the auctioneer announced.

  Victoria was extremely nervous. She anxiously wondered how it would feel if no one bid on her. She’d die of embarrassment.

  “Shall we start the bid at ten thousand?”

  As soon as the auctioneer began, someone shouted, “Ten thousand!”

  A bid came from someone in the back of the room, “Fifteen thousand!”

  Victoria was secretly wishing that the absolutely gorgeous man that smiled at her earlier would bid. Victoria had never dated a white guy before, but he was the most beautiful man she had ever seen of any race. He was impeccably dressed and stood well over six feet. The evidence of his muscular body escaped the custom tuxedo that he wore. Victoria couldn’t help the gasp that escaped her when he smiled. He had dark shiny hair, almost black, and the bluest eyes that she had ever seen. Looking into his eyes was like drowning in a deep blue sea. Her whole body reacted. Her breathing was shallow. She could feel instant heat in her core.

  She was almost picturing the mystery man naked when she heard, “Fifty thousand dollars!”

  This snatched her out of her lustful daydream. Victoria looked around but she couldn’t see who made the bid. She looked over at Tracy and gave her a wink. That’s when she heard the voice of her cheating ex-fiancé shout, “One hundred thousand dollars!”

  She whipped her head away from Tracy and shot Dante a hateful glare. The arrogant bastard shot her a smug grin. She was still furious from their heated exchange earlier. His audacity of showing up at her event had her livid.

  Victoria was sure that no one would outbid Dante and so was he. He knew how much this charity meant to her, and he knew that she would go through with the date in order to receive the donation.

  Just as she was about to have a panic attack, she heard, “One million dollars for an evening with our beautiful hostess.”

  The smooth deep baritone voice pulled her gaze from Dante. She followed the direction of the voice and there he was: Victoria’s walking wet dream. His stance was the personification of pure power. He smiled, and his smile made her swoon. She couldn’t believe what was happening. This beautiful man had just offered one million dollars for an evening with her.

  “Going once. Going twice...”

  Victoria looked over at Dante. He looked small and defeated.

  The auctioneer then shouted, “Sold to the lucky and obviously loaded man to my right!”

  This brought laughter from the crowd, with the exception of the angry-looking blonde standing behind “Mr. Wet Dream”. Victoria was wondering what that was all about, but the band started to play and “Mr. Wet Dream” approached the stage and stretched out his hand to Victoria. When she placed her hand in his, she felt a bolt of electricity pass between them. He helped her off the stage and escorted her to the dance floor. He enclosed Victoria in his arms. When his hand touched her bare back, she all but melted. She took in his scent. He smelled absolutely delicious. She wanted to take a bite out of his neck. This man was attacking her every sense. She never wanted to leave his arms.

  When all movement suddenly stopped, she forced her head from his chest and looked up at him. His expression was predatory, so she followed his gaze to find Dante approaching.

  “May I cut in?”

  Before Victoria could respond, “Mr. Wet Dream” pulled her back into his chest and turned her away from Dante. He responded simply with, “No.”

  Oh yeah, Victoria thought to herself. He can get it.

  Victoria was too wrapped up in this man to care about Dante’s response. However, she did see him slowly walking away from the corner of her eye.

  They danced without words until the end of the song. Then “Mr. Wet Dream” tucked her arm into his and led her through the huge double doors that exited to the patio. It was a beautifully warm night with a light breeze. She turned to face him. He gave her a devastatingly beautiful smile that reached his eyes. She almost stopped breathing; he was just that gorgeous.

  He pulled her hand to his lips and finally introduced himself. “Jack Storm”.

  Then he planted his warm lips to her hand.

  “Victoria Price,” she responded almost breathlessly.

  He released her hand and whispered, “Everyone knows our beautiful hostess by name.”

you for such a generous donation,” she told him while wearing a gorgeous smile. “It really is a worthy cause.”

  Jack looked intensely at Victoria and said, “Money well spent.”

  He grabbed two glasses of champagne from a passing server and handed one to Victoria. She was grateful, because she needed something to take the edge off. This man was doing things to her body that she couldn’t explain. She gulped down her glass of champagne and looked around for another server. Jack laughed and went in search of more champagne.

  In his absence, Victoria took a deep breath and looked up to see Steve and Tracy approaching. They looked good together. She was happy for her friends.

  ”Well, there’s our million dollar hostess!” Tracy shouted. “Damn, girl, I get the eighty-year-old man sporting the stylish cane, and you get a GOD!”

  Steve narrowed his eyes at Tracy, so she quickly fixed the focus of her flirtation. “Well, shit he is, but so are you, baby.”

  This seemed to satisfy Steve. He planted a sweet kiss on the top of her head. He looked up at Victoria and asked, “Who is the guy, Vic?”

  Before she could answer, Jack handed Victoria a glass of champagne and stretched his hand out to Steve. “Jack Storm,” he announced to them both. They shook hands as Steve introduced himself and Tracy. After a few minutes of light conversation and laughter, Steve and Tracy headed to the dance floor. Victoria gave Jack her phone number, excused herself, and headed to the ladies room. She needed to compose herself and get her raging hormones under control. She entered the ladies room and walked over to the mirror to touch up her lip-gloss. The door opened and in walked “angry blonde”. She smiled at Victoria, so Victoria returned her smile and headed for the door.

  As Victoria reached for the door, she heard “angry blonde” say, “Don’t get too excited, sweetie. You’re just charity.”

  Victoria chuckled and walked out of the ladies room. She refused to respond to the jealous bottle blonde. The last thing she wanted was for her event to end with her beating the shit out of some skinny white chick in the ladies room. Victoria entered the ballroom and looked around. She was proud. Guests appeared to be enjoying themselves. They were dancing, talking, and laughing. But most of all, they were donating. The huge bid for Victoria had loosened everyone’s purse strings.

  As the evening wore on, Victoria’s feet were done. She walked around and bid farewell

  to some of the remaining guests. As she was about to exit, she felt a hand in the small of her back. She could tell by his scent and the electricity in his touch that it was Jack.

  She looked up and smiled, prepared to say goodnight.

  Before she could speak, he told her with sweet aggression, “I’ll escort you home.”

  She refused, attempting to be as ladylike as possible. “That won’t be necessary. I have a driver.”

  Despite her reluctance, Jack guided Victoria to an awaiting limousine. Someone who Victoria assumed was his driver held the door open.

  When she hesitated, Jack leaned in closely and whispered in her ear, “I took care of your driver.” He smiled beautifully and added, “Don’t be afraid. I won’t bite.”

  With no further reluctance, Victoria climbed into the limo. For some reason, she wasn’t afraid; at least not for her safety. As he climbed in and sat next to her, she caught a whiff of his scent. She wondered how she could be so turned on by a man that had never touched her. She could feel her nipples hardening. As the driver closed the door, Jack reached over and caressed her face. Without warning, he slammed his lips against hers. His kiss was demanding. He lightly sucked on her bottom lip, and Victoria’s gasp gave him the opening that he was waiting for. He then eased his tongue into her mouth.

  Victoria relaxed into the kiss and wrapped her arms around his neck. Jack eased out of his seat and onto the floor of the limo, never breaking the passionate kiss. He slid her dress up so that he could ease between her legs and wrap his arms around her waist. Victoria wondered what the hell she was doing. She wondered if this was what the million-dollar bid was for; sex.

  Though her mind was filled with questions of why this stranger was sexually taking her, she had absolutely no desire to stop him or herself as he pulled her closer to his body; so close, in fact, that Victoria could feel his arousal pressed against her core. His kiss softened and their tongues gently danced. Jack slowly eased his lips from Victoria’s and began planting soft kisses along her neck and shoulder.

  When he eased the straps of her gown down her arms and revealed her naked breasts, she knew that she should stop him. However, she couldn’t bring herself to do it. Instead, she arched her back as an invitation for him to feast on her almost painfully hard nipples. He flicked one of her nipples lightly with his tongue, while pinching the other. Victoria’s soaked panties were clinging to her throbbing pussy. Jack leaned over and took her other nipple into his mouth, causing Victoria to release a loud moan. When he slid his hand between her thighs, she began to squirm with anticipation.

  He peeled her soaked panties to the side and started massaging her swollen clit. Between the assault on her breasts and her throbbing wet sex, her body was practically pleading for him to take her. She reached down and caressed his dick. It was rock hard and, from what she could feel through his pants, very impressive. He stopped his assault on her breasts and lowered his head between her thighs. With one swift movement, he snatched her panties off and placed them on the seat beside her. He looked up at her with pure lust as he licked her hot swollen clit. Victoria let out a soft moan and tried to push her pussy closer to his face. Jack pushed her back against the seat and grabbed her hips to hold her still. He planted his face between her thighs and feasted on her pussy. He teased around her clit and licked her wet folds. Victoria’s moans escalated. When he started flicking his tongue repeatedly on her clit, she almost lost control. She reached down and grabbed his head. He sucked her clit into his mouth, and she nearly came.

  Jack loosened his grip on her hips, and she started grinding slowly into his face. As he licked and sucked, she tightened her hold on his hair and frantically fucked his face. She could hear herself panting loudly. Victoria screamed out loud. “Yes! Oh God! Yes, baby!”

  She exploded. Her orgasm washed over her; wave after wave. She fought to catch her breath. Her legs were shaking uncontrollably. Jack licked her throbbing pussy clean, leaving no traces of her cum behind. He pulled her dress over her shaking legs and climbed into the seat next her. He pulled her close to his body and gently kissed the top of her head. Victoria was spent. She shook herself from the daze that Jack left her in and looked around. She was in front of her building. She honestly didn’t remember the car moving. She wondered how long she’d been there and, most importantly, how the driver knew her address. She shrugged it off and figured that her driver had given him the information.

  Jack lifted her chin, softly kissed her lips, and said, “I’ll walk you to the door.” The door opened, and the driver reached in to help her out. She grabbed his hand and exited the limo. She lowered her gaze, too embarrassed to look the driver in the eye, assuming that he’d heard her massive orgasmic sounds.

  Jack jumped out and placed his hand into the small of her back and led her to the door. She pulled her keys out of her clutch and unlocked the entry door. She turned back to him, and he grabbed her face with both hands and kissed her softly. He licked her bottom lip and gently took it into his mouth. Victoria could feel her arousal returning, but he suddenly pulled away. He gave her a very sexy smile, while reaching into his pocket and pulling out her panties.

  He placed them against his nose and said, “Something to hold onto until our date.”

  Without further conversation, he turned and headed for the limo.

  Victoria stared at his back for a few seconds as she told herself, “Now that is a man.”

  She turned and made her way up the stairs. Victoria was surprised that Mrs. O’Malley wasn’t in her usual spot. She giggled out loud and went into her apartment. She
tossed her clutch on the table, took a hot shower, and hurried to bed.

  She wanted to close her eyes and relive the entire night.

  Chapter 11


  It was six-thirty Sunday morning, and Jack hadn’t slept all night. He couldn’t think of anything but Victoria.

  Her scent.

  Her skin.

  He could still taste her.

  She was more delicious than he imagined. He tossed and turned all night. It took everything in him not to completely take her in the limo, but he had a plan. He planned to get his money’s worth on their date, but that didn’t soothe his hard cock. So he decided to go for a run.

  He jumped from his bed and, after getting dressed in his running gear, headed to his private elevator. Once arriving on the ground floor, the lobby was nearly empty. All of the offices were closed, but there were still some security floating around. He exited through the lobby doors and attempted to run off his pent-up up sexual frustration. He wanted to run Victoria from his thoughts. He could have easily made a late night phone call to relieve himself, but he wanted her, not anyone else. So he ran.

  Jack ran through downtown Chicago for six miles. When he returned to his penthouse, he imagined taking Victoria on his dining room table. He couldn’t understand how this woman could consume his every thought. He’d never felt this way before. Women served one purpose in his life: sex. He didn’t do relationships, and the women he dealt with didn’t require them. They required money. He and any woman in his life shared an understanding. He got what he wanted, and they got what they wanted. He had yet to meet a woman without an ulterior motive. They all wanted to win the prize. He was a billionaire and they wanted their payday. Yet, Victoria was different. She worked for a living. She depended on no one but herself. She risked her life to protect a community everyday for so little pay. She threw herself into charity and community service. She was strong, reliable, and extremely smart. The way Victoria put that ball together was as if she’d been surrounded by luxury her entire life.


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