Beautiful Prey: The Storm Series

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Beautiful Prey: The Storm Series Page 5

by Daniels, Phoenix

  He wanted to spoil her. Jack had to admit that she would make the perfect wife for the CEO of Storm Enterprises… that is, if he was looking for a wife. He’d made a decision. He wanted her to attend his mother’s dinner party that night as his guest. This was going to blow his mother away since he had never brought a woman home to his family. He decided that he’d call Victoria after his shower and invite her to the party. She may think it was too soon but, if he had to, he’d make her an offer that she couldn’t refuse.

  After making a few business calls, he dialed her number.


  He thought her voice was angelic.

  “Hello, Victoria. This is Jack Storm.”

  “Hi, Jack.” She paused for a few seconds before girlishly whispering, “I miss you”.

  Something strange happened inside of Jack as he listened to her beautiful voice. “Baby, I have certainly missed you,” he growled lustfully.

  Damn, I’m horny, he thought to himself.

  Attempting to avoid his horny thoughts, Jack got on with it. “I know we have a planned date for next weekend, but my mother is having a dinner party tonight. I would love if you would accompany me.”

  Victoria asked hesitantly, “Your mother?” She was caught off guard. It showed in her lost for words. “Jack...” Then, she took a deep breath. “I might be out of my league. I wouldn’t want to embarrass you in front of your mother.”

  For some reason this warmed his heart. She apparently thought them to be rich snobs. But she could never embarrass him. His mother would love her style and independence.

  “It’ll be fine, Victoria,” he reassured her. “All that you’ll need to provide is your wonderful personality.”

  “Okay” she agreed against her will. “Jack?”

  “Yes, baby?”

  “Why me?”

  Confidently sexy, his simple reply was, “Because I said so.”

  “Okay,” was the only reply that she could muster with her fluttering heart. “I’ll be ready.”

  “Wonderful. I’ll send a car for you at five.”

  “Okay, but I’m still very nervous,” she admitted.

  He took in a breath and said, “It’ll be a perfect night. See you later, baby.”

  At that, he ended the call. Jack couldn’t believe how excited he was to be seeing Victoria again so soon. He needed to occupy his time, so he decided to do a little research on Sickle Cell Anemia. He wondered why this particular charity was so important to Victoria. He wondered if she had the disease. The thought of her being sick broke his heart.

  His original plan was to have her once just to get her out of his system, but somehow things had changed. He doubted very seriously that once would be enough. He wasn’t a “commitment” type of guy, so he needed to figure out how to handle her. He knew that Victoria wasn’t the mistress type. If he approached her with that type of offer, it would piss her off.

  It blew his mind that he was spending so much time thinking of a woman that he hadn’t even had sex with. He shook his head stubbornly and went back to his research.

  Chapter 12


  Victoria grabbed her gym bag and keys and headed out the door. She looked over at Mrs. O’Malley’s closed door and waited on the mean old lady to come out and frown at her.

  “Ha! Maybe Mr. O’Malley is in there putting it on her good,” Victoria said as she laughed to herself.

  Suddenly, Victoria realized that she had never actually seen Mr. O’Malley in the three years that she’d been living in the building. Maybe the mean old racist had him tied to the bed. Victoria continued to laugh out loud as she made her way downstairs. Her unexpected phone call from Jack left her in a great mood. She’d tossed and turned all night. She couldn’t stop thinking about him. He had made the entire night of the benefit magical. She had never experienced anything so hot and passionate. She was ecstatic that she didn’t have to wait until Saturday to see him again, but she was more than a little nervous about this dinner party. She wondered why he wanted her to meet his mother so soon. She tried not to read too much into it and decided to just be happy to see him again.

  Since this is the age of the internet, she decided that she would Google him and see if anything came up. To her surprise, Jackson Storm, CEO of Storm Enterprises, was all over the internet. There were hundreds of articles about the “gorgeous billionaire playboy” and even more photographs of him with different women on his arm. Victoria couldn’t help but feel like she was out of her league. She was hoping that he wasn’t trying to add another notch to his bedpost, or worst, he was just trying to get the black experience.

  There were so many racial stereotypes about black women being wild animals in bed and white men having a small penis. But what Victoria was gripping in the back of that limo certainly dispelled that stereotype.

  Victoria needed something to take her mind off Jack’s impressive dick, so she decided on the Stairmaster. She actually found herself skipping to her car. Yeah, that sexy ass man was doing wonders for her mood. When she made it to her car there was another rose and card under her windshield wiper.

  She grabbed the rose and the note. It read: “I said mine!!!!!”

  Victoria tossed them both to the ground, hopped in her car, and took off. She wondered if Dante seriously thought that they could just pick up where they left off. She wanted no part of that man. He was a prosecutor. They met in court and immediately started dating. He decided to switch sides since being a defense attorney was more profitable. He had become very successful. They were together for four years, until she found out that he had been sleeping with his ex. The bastard was actually sleeping with her for six months before he proposed to Victoria. She was totally heartbroken, and his betrayal almost destroyed her. Now, she was totally and completely over him. Seeing him at the benefit sparked absolutely nothing, and she was grateful that she’d found out who he was before she married him.

  All Victoria wanted now was for Dante to stop leaving shit on her car and leave her the hell alone!

  Victoria’s thoughts switched back to Jack. She wondered what the mother of a “gorgeous

  billionaire playboy” was like. She was more than a little nervous, but all she could do was be herself and see how that worked out. According to one of the articles online, Jack had two younger sisters. She wondered if they were going to be at the dinner party and how they would react to her.

  She was still obsessing about Jack when she pulled into the gym’s parking lot. She found a spot and headed into the gym. A good workout was what she needed. Minutes later, she was working up a sweat on the treadmill. She looked over at the damn near naked woman on the next treadmill. She had been turtle walking and talking on the phone for the last fifteen minutes. She clearly had no intention of getting winded. The lady had a face full of makeup and was wearing a liter of perfume.

  “Well, we know why she’s here,” Victoria mumbled under her breath.

  Three hours later, Victoria stood in front of her closet trying to figure out what to wear. She decided on a green knee length halter dress. It showed the tiniest of cleavage and had a flirty flare at the bottom. It was sexy, but not too sexy. She didn’t want Jack’s mom and sisters to think she was a slut. She did, on the other hand, want Jack to like what he saw. The dress was perfect for the look that she was going for. The car was going to be there to pick Victoria up in an hour, so she needed to step it up. She put her hair in rollers, wrapped a scarf around her head, and tucked it all under a shower cap. She jumped in the shower and the hot water instantly relaxed her. She showered quickly and hopped out. She dried herself and applied her favorite moisturizer. She dressed and applied some mascara and lip gloss. She never wore much makeup. She decided to wear her hair down. She tied a pretty pink and green scarf around the front and let the rest of her bouncy curls hang loosely.

  Now the shoes. Shoes were always the best part of any outfit. She chose a five-inch pink patent leather strappy sandal. They were gorgeous
. Victoria could afford pretty, not Prada. She wore the diamond studs that had been a gift from her mom for her thirtieth birthday. They were classy and beautiful. She misted herself with her favorite perfume, Rebel by Rihanna. She walked over to the floor-length mirror and checked herself out. She was pleased with her look, but still a little nervous. She had just decided to have a glass of wine to calm her nerves when the phone rang.

  She didn’t recognize the number on the caller ID, but she answered anyway. “Hello?”

  A male voice spoke: “Ms. Price, your car has arrived.”

  She thanked the driver and told him that she would be right down. She grabbed her keys and her purse and headed out the door, wishing for that glass of wine.

  This time, Mrs. O’Malley was front and center.

  “Good evening, Mrs. O’Malley,” Victoria said brightly.

  The old lady looked her up and down.

  She muttered, “Um humph”. Then she slammed her door.

  Victoria vowed to never greet that cow again!

  Once outside, the driver was already holding the door open for Victoria. She took a deep breath and climbed inside. Sitting on the leather instantly took her back to the explosive orgasm that she’d had in that very seat, and she could feel her lady parts getting moist. After fifteen minutes of driving, the limo stopped. Victoria looked out of the darkly tinted window and discovered that she was downtown. The door opened, and as the driver assisted her out of the limo, she realized that she was at Storm Enterprises.

  The driver led Victoria through the doors and into the massive lobby. “Right this way, Ms. Price.” Then he led her to a set of elevators. Victoria wondered if the dinner party would be held there. The driver ushered her into an elevator. He used a key card and pushed P. He stepped out of the elevator and said, “Enjoy your evening, Ms. Price.”

  Before the elevator door closed, she said, “Please call me Victoria or Vic.”

  He nodded and the doors closed. When the elevator stopped and the doors opened, Victoria gasped at the vision before her. The sight of a breathtakingly handsome Jack standing in front of

  Chicago’s beautiful skyline almost made Victoria stumble. She slowly stepped from the elevator and into one of the most beautiful rooms that she’d ever seen. The room had all white furnishings with splashes of bright blues. The beautiful paintings were probably worth more than everything she owned. She peeled her eyes from the powerful sculptures and back to the beautiful man in front of her.

  He could easily grace the cover of GQ. His powerful gaze was almost intimidating. He was wearing an olive casual v-neck that revealed his impressive biceps and slacks that hung perfectly from his hips.

  “Hi,” barely escaped her lips. The impression that Jack was making was breathtaking.

  He smiled and strolled over to Victoria. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her into his body. He leaned in and kissed her softly on the lips and then he whispered in her ear. “So beautiful.”

  He pulled back, grabbed her hand, and led her to a bar that sat directly in front of the floor-to-ceiling window.

  “I thought you might like a drink before we head to my mom’s.”

  Even his voice did things to her body.

  “I would love a glass of wine,” she confessed with a smile, desperately needing something to take the edge off.

  Jack nodded with consent and walked behind the bar. He handed her a glass and grabbed a bottle of wine from the rack. He located a corkscrew, opened the bottle, and poured her a full glass. Jack chose a smaller glass, dropped in an ice cube, and poured an amber-colored liquid into his glass.

  He walked around the bar and sat next to Victoria. His scent overwhelmed her, making her weak in the knees. She silently thanked God that she was sitting.

  “Victoria, you look beautiful,” he said as he reached over and placed his hand over hers. “I know you’re a little nervous about the dinner party, so I decided to get you liquored

  up first.” He signaled his humor with a wink.

  “Good idea,” Victoria replied with a giggle. “So give me some intel. Tell me about your family.”

  Jack took a sip from his drink and gave Victoria the rundown on the Storm family. Victoria was surprised to learn that Jack didn’t come from money. Well, not billions anyway. Both of his parents were attorneys who established their own very successful law firm. Jack’s mother had retired from the firm, while his father pretended to retire but hadn’t stopped sneaking into the office to check up on things. She also learned that the oldest of Jack’s little sisters, thirty-year-old Emily, followed in her parent’s footsteps and was now running the firm. His twenty-eight-year-old baby sister, Amy, was an accountant and worked at Storm Enterprises. She was also gunning for the title of CFO.

  Victoria was also surprised to hear that Jack built his business from the ground up. He had no desire to practice law. He wanted to build things. He’d bought his first property with money that he borrowed from a bank, not his parents. It was a three-unit apartment building with a storefront.

  The more Jack spoke, the more impressed Victoria became.

  “Your turn,” he told her. “Tell me why the Sickle Cell Association is so important to you.”

  Victoria downed the last of her wine and placed her glass on the bar.

  She looked at Jack with sad eyes. “My niece, Delilah, has the disease. She’s five years old and the most wonderful little girl in the world. She was diagnosed as a baby, and it broke my heart.”

  She explained that there was no cure for the painful debilitating disease. There are hardly any funds for research and treatment. Since children with Sickle Cell need very specific care, some aren’t able to participate in the same activities as normal children. Victoria’s dream was to raise enough money to build a summer camp equipped with a staff of doctors and nurses that were trained to care for children with the disease.

  “Delilah hasn’t had a pain crisis yet. Most children have their first by four. My little angel is blessed.”

  “Yes, she is. She’s blessed with a caring and beautiful aunt.” Jack grabbed her hand and pulled her from her seat. He remained in his bar stool and positioned her between his legs.

  He hugged her tightly. Victoria could feel his hard chest against her nipples. They instantly hardened. He loosened his grip and leaned in for a kiss. It started out soft and tender, but when his tongue touched hers, the kiss deepened. Her body was reacting, and she moaned into his mouth. His hands roamed her back and reached her backside. He pulled her closer, and his arousal was pressed into her stomach. Her panties were quickly getting wet.

  Unexpectedly, Jack slowly eased Victoria back. He looked pained.

  “Victoria, if we don’t stop now, we’ll never make it to dinner,” he said breathlessly.

  He stood and adjusted his impressive package. Victoria stared desperately at the huge bulge in his pants, and her mouth watered. She looked up at him. He had a knowing smirk on his face. She laughed and turned to the window to admire his view. He stood behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. Now his big dick was stabbing at her back.

  She chuckled and elbowed him lightly in his side. “Get away from me, you tease.”

  He laughed and pulled her towards the elevator.

  She followed while thinking how badly she needed a wet wipe.

  They made their way down the elevator and through the lobby to the waiting limo. They hopped in, and the driver closed the door. Victoria looked around the limo and then glanced over at Jack. He was wearing a sexy smirk, and her cheeks instantly heated. She knew that he was remembering their last time in the limo. He reached into his front pocket and pulled out her panties. Her eyes widened as he placed them to his nose. He put them back in his pocket and pulled Victoria to his lap.

  “You’re so bad,” she whispered into his ear.

  “Baby, you have no idea.”

  They laughed and teased each other during the entire ride. Thirty minutes later, they were heading uphi
ll on a winding driveway. Victoria slipped from Jack’s lap and looked out the window. This was no house. It was a mansion! When the vehicle came to a stop, Victoria’s nervousness returned. Jack gave her hand a reassuring squeeze, and they got out of the limo. They made their way up the walkway, and Jack rang the bell. They stood in the doorway, hand-in-hand. The door was opened by an older man in a uniform who, Victoria assumed, was the butler. She had never seen a butler outside of television shows.

  The man smiled brightly and shook Jack’s hand. “Welcome home, Jackson.” Then he gave Victoria a polite nod.

  “It’s good to see you, William,” Jack responded with his own bright smile.

  William led them to what he called a parlor. Apparently everyone else had already arrived and were enjoying a cocktail hour. Jackson and Victoria stepped into the beautifully decorated room. Victoria, still clinging to Jack’s hand, looked around the elegant room at all of the smiling faces.

  A beautiful older woman looked towards the doorway and screamed, “Jackson!”

  Everyone looked up at them, and all conversation immediately stopped. You could hear a mouse pissing on cotton in that room. Victoria looked around at all the shocked faces, and she was instantly mortified. The woman hurried over to Jack and Victoria. She reached up, grabbed Jack’s face with both hands, and kissed his cheek. She looked over at Victoria and smiled, before bringing her in for a warm embrace.

  She whispered in Victoria’s ear, “I’m sorry, dear. It’s just… well... Jackson has never brought a woman home before.” She released Victoria, looked up at Jack and then back to Victoria. “I’m Katherine, Jackson’s mother. Welcome to my home.”

  Victoria exhaled, not realizing that she had been holding her breath. “Thank you, Katherine.”


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