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Black Dahlia_ BBW, BWWM romance

Page 11

by Tiffany Patterson

  “Wait, is that why you were so mad that night after Nikola and Devyn’s wedding? You thought I set you up to have a threesome with Cindy?” he asked remembering her anger that night. She’d refused to let him explain.

  “Yeah, you wouldn’t be the first guy to try it,” she admitted.

  “Querida, that’s not my style. I don’t have to sneak. If I want something, I’m upfront.”

  Mercedes nodded, recognizing he was telling the truth. “I know that now, but I didn’t know you then.”

  “That’s fair. So, do you consider yourself bisexual?” he asked.

  Mercedes lifted in shoulder in a shrug, “I don’t really label it. I just like what I like.”

  “And what about me? Do you like me?” he asked as he pulled her closer to him.

  “You already know the answer to that,” she said, as she allowed herself to be taken into his arms.

  Raul smiled that sexy smile of his. “I know. I just like to hear you say it.”

  Mercedes found herself staring at his lips. She licked her own. “I like you, Raul.”

  Raul pulled her fully onto his lap, so she was straddling him. He pulled her lips down to meet his. He nibbled at her lips before completely devouring her mouth. Mercedes felt the usual heady sensations overtake her whenever their lips met. She felt his hands glide up and down her back, making contact with exposed skin as they found their way to her uncovered shoulders. Raul deftly loosened the string of Mercedes’ halter top dress, letting it fall to expose her perky breasts.

  “You have such beautiful breasts. I’ve wanted to devour them since the first time I saw you on stage,” he said pulling back to stare at her breasts. In all honesty Raul had wanted to see all of her since the first time they met, but seeing her on stage, performing nearly naked increased his hunger for her. He had to remind himself over and over that his first job was to keep her safe while she performed. Not get sidetracked with his own desire to feel her writhing beneath him. But right now was a different story. Right now, she wasn’t performing. She was safe from harm and in his arms, and her eyes were filled with a need he knew was a reflection of his own. Raul lowered his head and licked, first one, and then a second pert nipple. Mercedes moaned at the contact and arched her back, thrusting her breasts in his face even more, encouraging him. Raul was happy to oblige. He latched on to her left breast and suckled, while he let his hand massage and play with the other nipple. He alternated between both breasts, giving each side his full attention. Mercedes grasped onto Raul’s shoulders as the delightful sensations of his mouth on her rushed through her body. She reflexively began to rock her hips back and forth on his lap, trying to ease the ache that began to develop between her lips. She felt Raul’s growing bulge against her stomach. This spurred her on even more, and in turn spurred Raul on. He continued feasting on her breasts, while his fingers eased up her thighs and found the edge of her panties. Mercedes aided him, by spreading her legs, making room for his fingers. Mercedes’ fingernails dug into Raul’s sleeves when his two fingers entered her wetness. Mercedes ground her hips on his fingers as Raul lifted his head from her breasts, pulling her head down for another kiss. She moaned loudly into his mouth. She bucked and rode his fingers, and when his thumb came up to massage her clit, her release was imminent. Moving his head to suckle on the skin behind her ear, Raul allowed his fingers to quicken. Mercedes threw her head back and was coming. She rode his fingers through her orgasm panting loudly. She rested her forehead against his and moaned as he withdrew his fingers from her core. Just as Raul prepared to move this encounter to his bedroom, Mercedes’ phone alarm went off, bringing them both back to reality.

  Jarred by the ringing of the phone, they abruptly pulled apart. It took both a second to realize what that noise was, until Mercedes finally remembered.

  “Th-that’s my alarm. We’re going to be late.” Mercedes had set her phone alarm to remind her of her scheduled performances.

  “Mierda!” Raul cursed in Brazilian, as he shifted himself in his pants, and eased Mercedes off his lap. She smiled at his reaction. She didn’t want to leave either, but she had to.

  “We’re not finished with this conversation,” Raul said to her. By the way he said the word “conversation” she knew talking was not what he was referring to.

  “You’ve said that before,” she teased and stood up. Raul took one look at the smirk on her kiss swollen lips, and pulled her back down onto his lap.

  “Querida, I suggest you stop teasing me or the only stage you’ll be performing on tonight is in my bedroom.” Mercedes’ breath caught. She had no response as he used his finger to trace her jawline, his eyes burrowing into her own. But just as quickly as he pulled her down, he placed a short kiss on her lips and eased her up as he stood.

  “Go get your things. I’ll put the dishes away so we can head out,’ Raul said bending down to pick up their plates and glasses. Mercedes hurried up to her room to get her belongings and costume she’d be wearing that night. She had a feeling that performing at the Black Kitty wasn’t the only action she was going to have by night’s end.


  Raul watched as the woman on stage gracefully lifted her leg into the air as she leapt across the stage. The woman he had come to know as Jazmine was a regular performer at the Black Kitty. She started her routine wearing a white feathered leotard, but she was now down to her white leggings, pasties and en pointe shoes. He could tell she had a great deal of ballet training, and that she mixed it with a more modern dance style. She was around the same height as Mercedes, and had the physique of a dancer, with smooth skin the color of cocoa. By all accounts she was beautiful, but the woman that held his rapt attention was the one standing next to him. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see flashes of emerald blue and purple, as Mercedes fluffed her peacock costume. She was to hit the stage next, after Jazmine. Her closeness sent his senses into overdrive. Earlier in the evening, he’d come close to dragging her up to his bedroom and not letting her up for air until the next morning. If it wasn’t for the damn alarm they’d be in his bed, arms and legs entangled. Now, he was here on full alert, with a few of his men positioned around the club to help keep her safe. Her stalker had videotaped her in this very club without anyone’s knowledge. They could be here tonight, watching her. Raul wouldn’t blame her if she chose not to perform, but Mercedes wouldn’t hear of it. She was a trooper. Once she realized this person’s goal was to completely upend her life, Mercedes made the decision to live her life as normal as possible, within reason, of course. Raul respected that, and he was going to make damn sure whoever this was didn’t have a chance to hurt Mercedes more than they already had.

  Finally, Jazmine’s set ended and she came bounding down the stairs off the stage, and pressed a quick kiss to Mercedes’ cheek, wishing her luck on her performance. Just as quickly as she came down the stairs, Jazmine was gone, strutting down the hallway towards the locker room. Raul saw the woman who was tasked with collecting the performer’s discarded costumes, gathering pieces of Jazmine’s costume in her arms, before she hurried down the hallway as well. The owner of the club, Mistress Coco, made her way to the stage, cheering the crowd to applaud one last time for Jazmine and beginning her introduction for Mercedes.

  Coco’s voice reverberated through the club. “Ladies hold on to your wigs, and fellas hold on to you jockstraps!”

  Raul smiled and turned to Mercedes. “She’s one of a kind,” he said to her referring to Mistress Coco.

  Mercedes lips spread into a big smile. “And doesn’t take shit from anyone.”

  “Just remember I’ll be right here a few feet away and I have my men strategically placed around the club. You just worry about performing your little heart out,” he said reminding her of the safety precautions they’d taken.

  Mercedes nodded, “I can do that.” She started up the stairs and Mistress Coco’s introduction wound down, and the lights went low. Raul heard Etta James’ voice wash over the crowd as she sang the op
ening chords to Something’s Got A Hold On Me. Raul admitted to himself he could relate to the words of the song. While he wasn’t ready to say it was love he had feelings for Mercedes; feelings he’d never had for another woman were taking hold. Refocusing on the task at hand, he chose to ignore the questions in his head and carefully watch the crowd and onlookers for any sudden movements, possible weapons, or even the flicker of a camera or video light. He saw his men in the front and back of the audience and they were on high alert. He nodded with one when they made eye contact. He breathed a little easier knowing his men were on the job. After scanning the audience for a few moments he returned his attention back to the stage and his stomach muscles instantly tightened. Mercedes was now down to her heels, tights, and costume bra, with very little else, as she laid on her back on the stage floor, feet planted, knees bent, and thrusting her hips and swiveling them in the air. What he wouldn’t give to have her in that exact position, fully naked in his bed. He intended to make that happen sooner rather than later.

  But before he could let his fantasy fully form in his mind, a quick movement out of the corner of his eye drew his attention. He saw his man, Lorenzo who was closest to the stage, jump up in pursuit of a white male who had been sitting in the audience. The man looked as if he was headed for the stage. Raul didn’t think twice before he was on stage, rushing to Mercedes, pulling her up and off the stage. Mercedes, shocked at his abrupt appearance, almost looked as if she was going to pull away, but she swiftly realized it was Raul and let him lead her off stage. Without even looking back, Raul ushered Mercedes off the stage, down the stairs, and down the hall to the private changing room he’d requested for her. He knew his men had grabbed whoever it was that rushed the stage. His primary concern was getting Mercedes out of harm’s way and away from onlookers.

  “What the hell was that?” Mercedes blurted out as they burst into the changing room, Raul shutting the door behind them. He hurriedly checked the room to make sure no one was hiding inside, before turning to answer her question.

  “Someone rushed the stage. Could just be an overanxious fan, but could be our guy. I’m going to find out.” Just as Raul finished his statement, there were two light taps and then two heavy taps on the door. That was his team’s signal. He opened the door, to find himself face-to-face with Lorenzo.

  “You got him?” Raul asked.

  “Yeah, boss. Johnny’s holding him. He doesn’t have anything on him,” Lorenzo answered.

  “Wait here. No one comes in or out of this room,” Raul instructed. Mercedes looked too shocked to speak. He wanted to envelop her in his arms and assure her it was okay, but he had work to do. The sooner he spoke to this man the sooner he could get her out of here.

  “Sure thing, boss,” Lorenzo complied as Raul stepped outside the door, closing it behind him. Lorenzo stood on guard outside the door, while Raul went in search of Johnny. He met Mistress Coco in the hallway.

  “They took him to my office. Down the hall to the right. And if that’s the bastard who’s trying to scare my Black Dahlia just let me have five minutes alone with him!” she told Raul tersely.

  Even though the woman was a mere five-foot-three and in her sixties, Raul didn’t doubt that she could easily put a hurting on someone.

  “Will do, ma’am, but you have to promise to leave something for me to handle when you’re done,” Raul said meaning every word.

  “I make no such promises,” Mistress Coco said before turning and heading in the opposite direction. Despite the possible danger, Raul smiled at the older woman’s gumption. Raul made it to Mistress Coco’s office and opened the door to see Johnny peering over the audience member who rushed the stage. The man was no taller than 5’6 or 5’7, medium build, and in his mid-to-late twenties. With Johnny peering over him like he wanted to haul him outside behind the dumpsters, the man seemed to slink down in his seat.

  “Name,” Raul said assertively. The man barely made eye contact with Raul.

  “You heard him. What’s your fucking name?!” Johnny demanded, harshly.

  “Michael,” he said in a low, but even voice.

  “Michael, why did you rush the stage like that?” Raul asked, stepping closer.

  Michael shrugged his response. “I don’t know.”

  Raul was working with a short fuse. Johnny sensing Raul’s temper rise, stepped back as Raul hauled the man out of his chair and shoved him into the nearest wall.

  “I’m sure you have no clue who the fuck you’re playing with right now, but I’m telling you right fucking now, I’m not the one to be toyed with. As of right now, the only thing keeping me from slamming my fist into your face is you have information I need. You’ve got until I count to three to spill it, or I’m wiping this fucking office floor with your face.” And with that, Raul let the man go and stepped back. When the man remained silent it was as if he thought Raul was bluffing, until he started counting.


  Raul removed his black blazer, unbuttoned the top button of his shirt and neatly rolled up his sleeves. The man looked nervously between Johnny and Raul, but still remained quiet.


  Raul pulled his Glock 19 from its back holster, checked the chamber, and handed it to Johnny while giving Michael a deadly stare. Michael swallowed at the smile that spread across Johnny’s face.


  “Okay, okay. I was paid to do it,” Michael blurted out before Raul could finish his countdown.

  “By who?” Raul asked not missing a beat.

  “I don’t know.”

  When he saw Raul take a threatening step forward, he insisted, “No seriously, I don’t know!” he yelled, “All I know is I got a message from an online dating website I created a profile on. The person asks me to come to this show tonight, and wait for Black Dahlia to perform. They tell me to just rush the stage to scare her a little bit. That’s it. I was never going to hurt her.”

  Raul heard enough. He pushed Michael into the wall, “You call running up on stage and scaring someone you don’t know, not hurting them? How much did they pay you?”

  “200 bucks. I’m sorry I didn’t know it was that big a deal,” Michael stated nervously.

  “How did you get paid?” Raul asked not wanting to hear more of his excuses.

  “The money was dropped off in my mail box by the time I got home from work today.”

  Raul knew Mercedes’ stalker was behind the incident. They were smart to not use any money-transferring technology. Whoever was doing this was local, and Raul had a growing suspicion they had some sort of connection to the Black Kitty. First, they filmed Mercedes here and then they chose this location again to have someone scare her. Raul asked Michael more questions, and then sent Johnny to follow the man home and retrieve his online profile information and the remaining bills of the money that Michael hadn’t spent yet. When Michael balked at this plan, Raul reminded him of his promise from earlier, along with a threat of filing charges against him for stalking and harassment. Michael made the wise choice to oblige Raul and Johnny.

  Raul then left to return to Mercedes’ changing room. As he walked down the hall he was passed by one of the Black Kitty’s employees, but he didn’t know her name.

  “Who was that?” Raul asked Lorenzo.

  “Name’s Roxxy. She’s what they call a Stage Kitten. She brings all the discarded costumes to the girls,” Lorenzo said lifting up Mercedes’ costume in his hands.

  “I’ll take these in to her. I’m going to have her get dressed and then head out. Wait by the back exit for us,” Raul instructed, as he knocked on the door.

  “Mercedes, it’s me,” he called through the door.

  When she opened the door, Raul felt his heart tug at the look of worry and strain. He didn’t like seeing that look on her beautiful face, but he needed to be honest with her. Raul told her everything Michael told him, before leaving the room to allow her to get dressed. Fifteen minutes later, Raul, placed his hand at the small of Mercedes�
� back as they walked down the hall and out the back exit. Lorenzo held the door, as they walked into the warm night air. Raul, ever vigilant, scanned the parking lot and the vehicles, making sure there was no one hiding out or around. He opened the door for Mercedes and once she was in, he closed her door and hurried to the driver’s side to head home.

  Within thirty minutes they were pulling up to his gated community. He was let in the gate by the guard, and drove the few blocks to his house. Once he pulled up and turned off the ignition, he looked over at Mercedes, who’d remained silent the whole ride.

  “Hey,” he said turning her head to face him.

  “I’m not going to let anything happen to you. You know that, right?”

  A faint smile appeared across Mercedes face and she nodded. “I know. I trust you.” Raul’s heart swelled with emotion at hearing those words. Opening the car door, he got out and then rounded the car to open Mercedes’ door.

  “Why don’t you go up and shower,” Raul told her as they entered the house. She seemed to hesitate, but just as he closed the door and punched in the alarm code, Mercedes turned and cupped his face with her hands. She pulled his head down for a kiss. Raul was stunned for all of two seconds before he pulled her in closer by the waist and deepened the kiss. He lost track of time as they kissed and felt each other up with their hands. Raul broke away from the kiss and peppered kisses along Mercedes jaw and neck. He nipped lightly at the skin on her neck. She moaned and he increased the pressure of his nips little by little. He could feel her begin to tremble in his arms. He pulled away completely.

  “You should go up and shower,” he said firmly. Mercedes gave him a confused look, but simply nodded and headed up the stairs. Raul rubbed his hand through his hair as he watched her ascend the steps. It wasn’t that he didn’t want her. He wanted her more than he wanted his next breath, but he didn’t want her acting out of some need to thank him or some misplaced hero worship. He wanted-needed her to want him for him. Raul headed up the stairs to his own room, and took a short shower. He let the steam of the warm water penetrate his skin and help sweat away the muscle tension he’d been carrying since that idiot rushed the stage. He quickly washed himself, and turned off the water. Stepping out of the shower he towel dried off, and placed it around his waist. He sat down on his bed, and pulled out his iPad to write a few emails, but heard a light tap on his door. He knew it was Mercedes.


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