The Tracker's Quest: (Forced To Serve #6)

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The Tracker's Quest: (Forced To Serve #6) Page 13

by Donna McDonald

  The future for the female she had become was unknown. Tomorrow really could be her death day, her greatest failure, and her last chance to avenge the dual-sibling she loved as much as herself. So little was in her control. Her heart was full of anger and distrust, enough to fill the mine Garmon’s people were trapped in. Perhaps there was only one thing she was capable of having the way she wanted. She could make sure the Siren who loved her never looked at her coldly again.

  For tonight, she would let his claiming be enough.


  The first thing Ji saw was a fire light circle of dancers. On the end, a grinning Endara sat tucked securely against Garmon’s chest. Ji walked over to the male and slid into a seat beside him.

  “Okay Endara. I am here,” Ji said, tipping the giggling girl under the chin.

  Garmon snorted and looked at him. “If you leave Seta in my canton, I will eventually mate her, Ji. You will regret it until your dying day. For all her protests, she is only for you, Siren. Look. . .and you better make the right decision.”

  Ji turned to the circle and there in the center was Seta. She spun to the beat of the music, her arms and legs turning in time with her steps. She would slow and weave her arms in a sensuous welcome, then turn quickly and flee accompanied by the sound of a thousand bells. Once his gaze rested on her, he was unable to look away.

  He stood when he saw Crill walk to stand in a spot near the edge of the circle.

  “Go,” Garmon ordered harshly. “Or I will.”

  Ji sighed and walked to take a stance near Crill. “What now?” he asked.

  “We enjoy the dance. Then we claim our females,” Crill said, a grin on his face. “Zandala is older than me. There may be no children. I don’t care anymore. I just want her. Do you feel that way about Seta?”

  Ji nodded. “Yes. I just want her. I didn’t think she wanted me.”

  “Some females never admit it, except like this,” Crill said, holding out his hand to indicate the dance.

  Ji pondered the statement. Yes. He didn’t expect Seta ever would admit she loved him. Did she want him more than she could admit? Perhaps even more than she realized?

  When his attention returned to the present, Seta’s actions had slowed until she shook slower and slower. His gaze finally left her body to reach her eyes, which were only on him. She bent forward and shook her shoulders. She bent backwards, her bowed body reminding him of the first pleasure he’d given her.

  He couldn’t take his eyes off her—but then she hadn’t taken hers off of him either. Hope blossomed at the knowledge. The determination he had built his career with now focused itself on a more long-term project than a mere captaincy. His smile was radiant when Seta spun one final time and landed gracefully on the stone beneath her feet.

  He heard the thunderous applause but his gaze never wavered. He didn’t care what anyone else felt about her. He only cared about making her his in every way possible. He did spare one glance at a tight-jawed Garmon, but he couldn’t concern himself with the Ethosian’s lost campaign for Seta’s affection. He wanted to make Seta completely his before they had to face her tyrant of a sire again.

  She walked to him, her clothing a jingle of sound. He raised a hand to halt her progress until she obeyed and stopped. Stepping out to her, he circled around her body. “Talented. Beautiful. Alluring. These are the words which describe you tonight.”

  Seta ducked her head so Ji wouldn’t see how pleased she was with his praise. “You have used many others words to describe me which were not so nice.”

  “And I will probably do so again—from time to time—but things have a way of balancing out as they are meant to. You know what I want from you, Seta Trax. I’m sorry Rena could not be here to witness this moment. Was dancing for me your way of accepting my claim?”

  Seta lifted her gaze to Ji. Endara was right. He was very pretty, especially with that satisfied look in his eye. He was also the sexiest male she had seen on any ship or planet. Perhaps she would eventually learn to enjoy feeling aroused every time she glanced at him, instead of feeling resentful.

  “Rena gave her blessing to our relationship in her last communication with me. I never shared it with you because I could not see it mattered.”

  “It matters greatly to me, and yet I still await your answer. Will you be my perfect mate, Sweet Joy?” Ji asked quietly.

  Seta looked at Crill, hugging a hugely smiling Zandala. She didn’t glance at Garmon because she knew he would just have a resigned look on his face. The Ethosian was not for her.

  But the Siren was.

  She bowed her head solemnly. “From now until my life is no more, I am for you, Ji Warro. I accept you as my mate.”

  Ji held out a trembling hand, hoping his control held together until they managed to walk back to their quarters. “Can you wear your dress back to our quarters?”

  Seta nodded. Her body made music as she followed Ji out of the circle.

  Chapter 16

  Ji disappeared into the cleansing area the moment they returned. Seta walked around, listening to the metal singing in her nervousness. She felt Zorinda stirring and stopped.

  Speak. I am listening. My fear is large and I need a distraction, she sent to the being inside her.

  The Siren cannot completely claim you with his body in check. Do you wish me to make sure his energy remains constrained? It would delay the matter.

  Am I likely to die tomorrow? Seta asked.

  Unknown. But I will do my best to prevent it, Zorinda returned.

  Will he be uncontrollable if we destroy his implants?

  Seta could practically see Zorinda shrugging.

  I never knew a male of his species. There are—rumors. Lt. Zade was able to control himself during mating. Ji is less intense, more reserved. Mating is always a risk.

  “So I hear,” Seta said aloud.

  When Ji walked out the cleansing area, he looked almost as nervous as she felt. To see the Siren so undone had her mouth twitching. The decision came easier than she could ever have imagined.

  Destroy the implants, Zorinda. Try not to hurt him any more than necessary. And help me bear the Siren’s call. I heard the cord forming made Commander Jet ill, Seta sent.

  All will be as you wish, Zorinda answered.

  Seta walked to Ji. “There is something you must accept before we take this final step. Hold out your arms.” She put her hands over the implants and felt Zorinda’s energy leave through her hands. Ji hissed.

  “What was the point of that pain?”

  “I destroyed the last barrier between us. I’m tired of my destiny being determined by everyone but me. If I am to be a Siren’s mate, then I will bear it all. Now we are equals again—each bringing what we bring to this mating.”

  Ji felt his energy building, felt his vibrations racing back to normal. They would not be at normal long. Having been held back by the implants, the Siren’s call was making itself known with a vengeance. He went to the door and slid a clothes chest across it. “Precaution. I don’t want to accidentally kill anyone who interrupts us tonight,” he said when Seta lifted an eyebrow.

  “Do you want me to dance for you again? Maybe arouse you enough to do this?” Seta asked.

  Ji’s laughter filled their quarters. He was fighting himself not to rip the clothes from her body and Seta thought he needed help getting it up. His gaze on her was blazing. He felt desire all the way to his toes.

  “Take off your clothes before I destroy your incredible dress. Someone spent many hours sewing on all those jingles.”

  Seta reached behind her and undid the fasteners holding it together. The entire thing landed in a kaleidoscope of sound at her feet. Under it she wore only her hygiene straps.

  “I couldn’t bring myself to dance naked. You can rip these off. I will try not to flinch or be afraid. I know how you hate it when I do so.”

  Ji walked slowly to her. He spoke in Siren. He made all the mating pledges he could remember with his mind full of showing
his mate how he really felt. He would make more later. One day soon Seta would learn enough of his language to understand, and then he would pledge his compassion to her all over again.

  He tugged Seta until she stepped free of the costume and ran a possessive hand down the front of her. “It cost me more than you will ever know to offer you your freedom this morning. I will never make the offer again. Accept this now.”

  “I am fully aware of what I am accepting in this situation,” Seta declared. Ji’s smile was brilliant at the sound her haughty tone. She couldn’t seem to help herself. She chewed her lip, suddenly a little more worried about how this was going to go. “I regret the sharpness of my tone with you. I am. . .very nervous.”

  “Me too. Let’s fix that,” Ji whispered, stepping in to repeat his pledges into the long-pointed ears he kissed while she shivered in his arms. “You are forbidden to ever alter your ears. I know you once harbored thoughts of it. Release the idea now. I love every micrometer of them.”

  Seta snorted. “Ah. . .I wondered where the bossy male in you was hiding. You were being so nice, I thought he had died when you suffered your head injury.”

  Ji narrowed his gaze and ran a hand down her front until he slid it between her legs. Seta hissed as he sent the first of the hundred vibrations he was building into her. “Let’s see if you’re still teasing me tomorrow morning. We may have to delay our departure for a second day. I’m not sure I can calm down enough after one night. I’ve been waiting a very, very long time to give you what I intend to tonight.”

  “Are you trying to make me more nervous than I already am?” Seta demanded. She couldn’t think with his hand between her legs. After so small a taste of his pleasure, Ji had her squirming and he knew it. That’s what she got for mating the first male to ever pleasure her body. He knew her too well already.

  “Not as well as I intend to know you after tonight,” Ji whispered. “And yes—I’m reading your thoughts. It’s a little side benefit from my mate so willingly answering the Siren’s call. Our bond is already starting to be formed. You must tell me if it becomes too much to bear. I have a very pleasurable cure.”

  “I don’t feel any discomfort from our bond at the moment,” Seta declared.

  “Good. Try not to fight what I’m about to do to you,” Ji demanded, his mouth sealing hers as he lifted her hips to his. He spun them until they landed on the bed together.

  “Say you are mine,” he demanded.

  Seta swallowed. “Must I concede in words as well as deeds?”

  Ji ran a hand over her stomach and down between her legs again. They parted instantly. He went a tiny bit insane. “Give me some words, Seta. I need to hear how you feel. Express yourself with me. I am for you and you alone. This is a need I have that I’m asking you to meet. Please do not deny me tonight, even if you will never offer words again.”

  Seta drew in a deep breath. “Your rejection hurt me this morning. I had become accustomed to your endless pursuit of me. When I saw you would actually let me go, I felt. . .I felt. . .more alone than I’ve ever felt. Worse than even when Rena died. I don’t know what to do with you, but I don’t want to live my life without you a part of it either. I remain very confused about what I want where you’re concerned.”

  Ji sighed and put his head on her shoulder. “Garmon would be a better choice for you. I know this.”

  “No, he wouldn’t. Because you are my choice—the only choice I can make. If not you in my bed, then I don’t want any male there. I am jealous of your time, your eyes, your concern. I don’t even want you to look at other females even in the smallest of ways. I want to meet. . .all your needs. . .even if I have to work at being poetic. You will have to give me time to fix what other males broke in me.”

  Ji’s laughter shook her body.

  “You think my bleeding heart is amusing?”

  Ji raised his head and shook it. “No, Sweet Joy. I think it was very foolish of me to think I could have let anyone else have you. You are mine, even if you can never bring yourself to admit it.”

  Seta nodded against the pillows. “I will work on admitting it. . .since it seems to mean so much to you.”

  “I am a humbled Siren,” Ji complained, laughing at the irony. “I will spend the rest of my days warming your bed while waiting to hear you admit you belong to me.”

  Seta reached up and drew his braid across his shoulder. She wrapped it around her wrist. “Now I will be the only female who gets to braid your hair. This fact pleases me in ways that shame me.”

  “Agreed,” Ji said, trying not to laugh again. She was nearly as innocent tonight as she had been the first time he welcomed her to his bed.

  “Then I will admit it. I belong to you. I belong to a Siren. And he is the last mate I will ever take.”

  “I can see we’re going to agree about a great many things before this night is done,” Ji declared.

  “Does answering the Siren’s call hurt?”

  “I will be as gentle as I can be,” Ji whispered. “Surrender yourself into my care, Sweet Joy. I swear you will never regret it.”

  Surprising Ji, Seta rolled on top of him, his braid still wrapped around her arm. She tugged only until he felt it. “I used to wonder if Boca ever did this with Chiang. I dreamed about it a thousand times with you. Perhaps it is symbolic of my wish to hang on to you, whatever it takes to do so.”

  “Then you may do so, before I—take over. Consider it your first mating gift,” Ji declared hoarsely, gritting his teeth as she impaled herself on him. His bonding organ was throbbing with urgency, but he wanted Seta to want him back before he took her the way he longed to do.

  He felt the tug on his braid with every bounce of her body and thought he might truly go mad. When she stopped, he opened his eyes, even knowing his torment was shining out of them.

  “This feels—wrong,” Seta declared. “I rescind my request. Perhaps we can do this another time. Please take over now Ji. I wish to feel mated to you—truly. I think I am okay with it now. Thank you for talking to me first.”

  Ji rolled her over but left his braid around her wrist. “I am for you, only for you. My house is yours. My wealth is yours. All I am and ever will be is for you, Seta Trax.”

  Seta’s body lifted as the energy coming from Ji surged into her. Her moan was audible in the room. She felt like she was glowing.

  “You are mine and I need to hear you say it,” Ji whispered.

  His voice held that edgy, rough, impatient tone she always dreaded hearing. “My courage was used up with dancing for you. I don’t have the words,” Seta whispered back. “But I will let you speak your truth to me any way you need to and not respond with unkindness to your words or tone. This will be my mating gift to you, Ji Warro of Rylen. It is all I have to give.”

  Ji hissed at her concession. He was starved for it. He wanted more. “Can you tell me I am your willing choice?”

  “Yes. You are my choice,” Seta declared.

  “Now tell me you are mine.”

  Seta felt a shift inside and knew it was happening whether she said the words or not. She was his. Perhaps she had always been. It had taken a long journey to find herself beneath this particularly fine surging male. Unlike the others she had known, her pleasure was what he craved most. She told herself not to think of admitting it as a total surrender, but rather more like getting carried away in a passionate moment.

  “I am yours, Ji Warro of Rylen. I am your mate. I am for you and you alone.”

  Ji yelled as everything he’d held back from her surged between them all at once. He prayed he had not hurt her. He prayed she would not regret what he’d done in marking her as his.

  Seta’s body lifted as she called out in pleasure, the vibrations between them extending until Ji felt faint. He could only imagine what Seta endured receiving the full force of his mating vibrations unchecked.

  When his heart calmed, he felt one of Seta’s hands patting his cheek before sliding off his face. No doubt she was trying t
o reassure him she’d survived the cord being made. He looked for her other hand and found it still clutching his braid, her fingers twisting it around each digit until there was no way it could have been torn from her, even in all the thrashing they did.

  The sight of Seta sleeping soundlessly beneath him had an effect he’d never dreamed of happening. For the first time in his entire Siren life, he laid his head on a female shoulder and wept with relief to have the privilege of being with her. He hoped his family never discovered how one damaged Ethosian had bound him to her just as strongly as his Siren claiming had bound her to him.

  Chapter 17

  Ji tried not to wake her too often but he couldn’t stop himself. Seta’s body opened to his no matter what he demanded. In the morning his physical urges were somewhat slaked, but his emotions were scraped raw. Beyond the first time, Seta had been nearly silent for their other exchanges. He dreaded waking up and meeting her gaze. He wasn’t sure he could handle what she thought of the real him.

  Dread morphed instantly to panic when he found her gone from the bed. “Seta? Where are you?” he demanded.

  She walked calmly out of the cleansing area covered in one of his shirts. It hung to her knees like a dress. He watched in amazement as she closed her eyes, called on Zorinda silently, and slid the clothes chest away from the door without any help from him.

  “Are you thinking about running away from me this morning? If you value your new family here in the canton I wouldn’t advise it. I warned you there was no going back.”

  Seta turned and glared. “Is this horrible jealousy what I have to tolerate for the next few days?”

  Ji swallowed hard and nodded. “Yes. I’m sorry. I woke up and you were—not beside me as I expected. I can’t seem to push the panic back enough to be polite.”

  “Well, good morning to you too—grumpy mate,” Seta declared, her mouth twisting into a grin. “Food is on its way to us. And I ordered some aids from Lira to help you. I have to let it all in, don’t I? I assume you would rather I answer the door with at least some clothes on.”


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