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Unexpected Hostage (Unexpected Series Book 1)

Page 15

by Layla Stone

  Her eyebrows furrowed. “Why?”

  Sci didn’t exactly want to tell her that it looked too primal. But then again, he thought about how it had felt to hold each of her breasts in his hands; how soft, warm, and inviting she was.

  “I’ve seen the images in your mind. They are not normal for me. I am not sure where to start or how it will go.”

  She nodded. “Will you let me try to make it enjoyable for you?”

  He thought about it for half a second. Then he said the honorable thing, “Yes.”

  “Thank you,” she whispered while pushing him onto his back and helping him take off his clothes. Once he was completely naked, she removed her pants and another garment covering her sex. From the bottom of the cot, she crawled in between his legs, stopping to kiss his stomach, his chest, and then his lips.

  Straddling him, he felt the wetness of her sex against his, and he almost bucked with how the added weight of her felt against his hardened cock. She moved her hips, rocking against him once, twice, and he knew he’d been wrong about this intimacy. “I was wrong. This is very enjoyable.”

  Sasha smiled and lifted up. His mouth opened in shock as she grabbed his cock and pulled back, aligning it with her opening. Slowly, she lowered on top of him. His eyes closed of their own volition as he felt every inch of her sheath. “I didn’t know,” he whispered. Holy stars, he hadn’t known.

  To his complete surprise, it got even better as she pulled back and then lowered back down onto him. On the fifth time, he caught his breath as the tingling in his back raced through him, causing a brilliant, all-consuming feeling. “Gah!”

  He held her still as pleasure overtook him.

  He didn’t let her go until he’d regained his breath. Everything he knew about life had changed. Every expectation and dream had been shattered. Sasha had done that, and it was glorious.

  She leaned forward and kissed him lightly on the lips. “So, we good for sex now?”

  He laughed. “Yes. We are very good for sex.”

  She was humming a song in her head. He thought that strange. He understood after she’d cleaned herself up that he had caused extra fluids in her. The archives on Cerebral needed an update.

  Back in bed, he was fully relaxed, listening to the music in Sasha’s mind when she flashed on something but quickly returned to thinking of music. That’s when Sci realized that she was cleverly trying to keep something from him. And without asking what, he entered her mind again, stopped the music, and saw what she was hiding.

  Instantly, he pulled her back and pinned her underneath him. Using the many images Ansel had sent him, he picked one he liked and proceeded to use his leg to keep hers open. Running his free hand down her stomach, he slipped his fingers into her wetness.

  His Sasha needed to come. She needed the same pleasure release she had given him, and he had not realized.

  Taking the bottom of her ear into his mouth then kissing down her neck, he held her still as she squirmed in his arms. Begging and hissing. Taking his index finger out of her sex, he rubbed it against her sensitive spot, going slow at first but then slowly increasing the speed and pressure until she was thrusting her hips. A cry of pleasure escaped her as he felt her sex wiggle and her body shake. He didn’t stop moving his finger against her until she asked him to stop.

  Relaxed and loose, he let her leg go and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her in. His legs intertwined with hers, and he felt his body and mind slip into a state of peace. Sci could feel Sasha on a new and different level now. He could feel her as if she and he were one. The perfection of her skin, the way it affected him…there were no words.

  He craved to touch her as if he had been starving his entire life and she was the only thing that could sate him. Sci knew in that moment that he was never going to let her go. He needed her. Her touch, her comfort, her pleasure, and her peace. Most of all, he required the serenity that being with her brought him.

  Sci needed to formulate a plan. One where they ended up together. He couldn’t stay on Pegna. Sasha was being kicked off. They couldn’t stay in Federation space either, and he was pretty sure bringing her back to Cerebral would be unwise, as well. He didn’t want to share this with anyone else. He wouldn’t allow anyone to know her like he did. Intimately. Carnally. And the Elders would know the second he was within range. He would have to find another home for them. Plus, he had crossed ethical lines by attacking the Donnies. That would be frowned upon on his home planet, maybe even enough to be exiled.

  Sci needed to find a way to contact his brother and get Chollar’s help. But the messages Ansel had sent on his behalf had so far gone unanswered. Which meant that his brother was already on his way.

  It took a while before Sci fell asleep. When he did, he did so with Sasha’s scent in his nose and her warmth permeating his skin. The memory of her was buried so deeply, he would always know her.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  The Right Motivation

  The door slid open, and Sci stood ready for his next training session. He walked out without saying a word, leaving Sasha asleep on his cot. Sasha had had several nightmares throughout the night. After the second, he’d pushed in images to stave off her terrors. It was the first time he’d actively invaded her mind as she slept and it naturally went against etiquette rules.

  At the entrance to the training room, Rannn held out his arm. “Before you go in, I want to make it clear that I don’t mind if you fight with your abilities, but remember, if you kill someone, we will have a problem.”

  Sci didn’t show any outward expression that he consented. Instead, he said, “I will be leaving in two days, with or without the court’s approval.”

  Rannn crowded him so no one else could hear them. “Unless you can take on this entire space station, you will be waiting for your court session. Now, while you are in here, I want you focused, everything else will wait.”

  Sci considered Rannn’s words and wondered what the captain really wanted out of the training sessions. Was the Yunkin looking to see the extent of a Cerebral’s abilities? To see how quickly Sci had healed? Or was it something else? Something Sci had not taken into consideration.

  “My abilities have not gotten better in the past week. What exactly are you hoping will happen during these training exercises?” Sci asked.

  Rannn pointed to the six males that were waiting for Sci. Sci’s blood filled with energy, an adrenaline he wasn’t quite sure he knew how to explain other than the fact that Sci enjoyed pushing his limits and seeing the males drop when he attacked. “I expect you to focus. I expect you to improve. And to be honest, I’m just not seeing it.”

  Sci ignored the gut-check of being talked down to. It should have affected him because Rannn wasn’t a Cerebral, but there was a desire hidden in Sci’s blood to master his telepathic attacks and take down anyone and everyone.

  Without another word, Sci walked to the center of the room. He scanned the Yunkins who were not in their uniforms but training gear. Tilting his head to release the tension in his neck, Sci welcomed the rush of adrenaline. “I’m ready.”

  At Rannn’s command, all six attacked.

  Sci connected with each of their minds and projected wild and confusing images. It disoriented them for a moment, but all six began moving forward. Refocusing, Sci pushed more images into four of the six. His telepathy couldn’t handle more than full focus on four minds, and even then it was short-lived.

  The unaffected two rushed towards him. Flexing his hand in their direction, he was able to keep the last two stationary with his telekinesis.

  Sci smiled and waited for Rannn to call the six back. The captain didn’t, and Sci’s mind began to flounder. He lost his telepathic connection on two more Yunkins, and they rushed him as soon as they were able to shake off the images.

  Sci flexed his opposite hand to hold them in place. His mind focused on three different sets of attacks, and he was holding strong for the moment, but the de
vious look in Rannn’s eyes let Sci know that this was the test.

  He wanted to see how long he could hold them. Sci wished to know too, but he also hated failing. Hated the moment when his body withered, and the arrogant males took him down with their electric shock sticks.

  One of the Yunkins was fighting back against Sci’s telepathy. Screaming and yelling at the images, mentally battling them. He was the next one to break free. The tall mass of muscle stormed in Sci’s direction. Sci mentally shook his telekinesis to grab the Yunkin, but it was as if the whole of his ability were already in use and holding on by a thread. If Sci grasped the attacker, everything would break.

  Bearing down, Sci took the first touch that zapped a surge of volts through his body.

  Gritting his teeth, he was able to keep the other attackers at bay.

  “Again!” Rannn shouted.

  The next hit was harder, and Sci dropped to one knee. Blood rushed to his head and made it throb. The pressure was building, but Sci was keeping hold. He refused to fail this time. He was going to show Rannn and everyone else that he was stronger.

  “Fight!” Rannn commanded, and Sci felt the free Yunkin’s shin on the side of his ribcage. It knocked him over and disrupted his senses.

  Sci lost his telepathic connection to another Yunkin, and the four who were being held down through his telekinesis jumped free. Sci mentally reached out to stop them from attacking him with their sticks, but he was only able to hold one back.

  Simultaneously, he felt the burning sting of the current flow through him. His body was already on the floor, and he curled up defensively.

  “Enough.” Rannn’s one-word command gave Sci a moment of reprieve to suck in some much-needed air.

  Sci was shaking. The aftereffects were not good, and Sci caught Ansel’s mental question: the Numan wondered how much shock he could take before it temporarily or permanently damaged something.

  “Back against the wall, we’ll give him a few minutes to recover. Then we will start again.”

  Captain Rannn pointed at all the trainees including the alternates. “All of you in three…two…one. Go.”

  Sci was quickly overcome by stunners. He felt mentally weaker than he had in days. The rapid succession of jolts made him bounce all over the floor, trying to get away until he couldn’t move. Rannn’s booming voice carried to his ears. “Stop. Get back against the wall.”

  Sci’s eyes were closed, his lungs burning for air. His skin prickled until the light dusting of hairs on his arms stood on end.

  “What happened to him?” That was Sasha’s voice. Quickly connecting to her mind, Sci knew that Ansel had brought her in. Sci didn’t want her to see him on the floor, looking so weak. Pushing himself up, he faced her, wiping the drool from his lips.

  Rannn’s voice cut off the question he’d planned to ask Sasha. “Both of you are training today. Let’s go.”

  Sci was weak, and he didn’t want Sasha in the room. But pride aside, he was more upset over the fact that Rannn wanted to train her. Sci wouldn’t allow her to be hurt. “She is not training. Not like this. If any of these males hurt her…” He let the threat hang in the air.

  Rannn tilted his head slightly. “If she gets hurt, that will be your fault. So, I suggest you don’t let her get hurt.”

  A challenge. One Sci didn’t want to accept.

  Sasha stretched next to him with an annoying smile on her face. He mentally contained his displeasure and controlled his voice when he grabbed her upper arm and made her face him. “Ask to leave.”

  “I’m ignoring your chauvinistic side, so I don’t pummel your face myself.” Yes, he could see her thoughts, and she didn’t care that he disagreed with her way of thinking. But he was in no way trying to devalue her. The absurdity of that thought was beyond explanation. It was because he valued her, the stubborn woman.

  “Do not do this.” His words were both a command and a plea.

  Her eyes widened in surprise as she seemed to finally catch that he wasn’t being a jerk. He was truly afraid for her. “Sci—”

  He moved in to whisper his warning. “I lose every time because the captain pushes me until I am too weak to fight back. I know that even if I keep you safe at first, he will eventually make it so that there are too many for me to fight, and too many for you.” It was all starting to make sense now. “He wants you to get hurt to see how I react. Do you get that? He is going to allow you to feel pain, agony that I will feel because I’m concerned for you, and he knows it. And when I wake up, I will know that I failed to protect you. Yes, Sasha, I am angry at you for walking into this. You will get hurt, and it will be because I was too weak to stop it.”

  He could see Sasha remembering his childhood and knew that he didn’t like being less than. Her heart hurt knowing that he felt that way. He felt a burn in his blood, realizing how she pitied him at that moment.

  “Ready in three?” Rannn asked.

  Sci pushed Sasha behind him, and Rannn counted down. “Three…two…one. Go.”

  The six males instantly grabbed their heads and fell to their knees. Sci needed to take out as many as possible, as fast as he could. Four more were glued to the floor, and ten more came rushing toward him and Sasha.

  “Stop holding those idiots to the ground, knock them out. You’re wasting energy,” Sasha yelled at him.

  “I can’t hurt them.” There was a difference between training with others and attacking Donnies who meant to kill him. He was not going to hurt these males.

  The four males who rushed him used their stunners, the rest went after Sasha.

  At first, Sci was surprised at how quickly she responded to the attackers. But just like him, she couldn’t fight them all off. Not all ten of them.

  He was on the floor, struggling to keep connected to her mind as well as keep as many of the males as possible at bay, when two of the attackers grabbed Sasha’s arms to the sides, and the one tall Yunkin didn’t hesitate as he belted her across the mouth.

  Sci felt her pain. He saw the blood. He heard her pain-filled gasp.

  Instantly, Sci’s mind sent out a shockwave, blowing everyone in the room back. Standing slowly, he pinpointed the attacker, lifted him up in the air, and began suffocating him slowly.

  Sasha rushed up from the floor, patting his face and calling his name. He moved his head to keep her from distracting him. “Sci! Stop.”

  He didn’t.

  “Sci! He was told to do this. It’s not his fault!”

  Sci didn’t care. The male had already lost consciousness.

  Images came to his mind from Sasha…naked snapshots. And then he felt her mouth at his ear and heard, “This is boring, and I need to do something fun. You know what would be fun? Feeling you inside me.”

  Inside? Her?

  He released the male in midair, letting him drop. Sci looked down at Sasha, and she wrapped both arms around his neck. “Or I could do fun things to you...” Images of her mouth over his sex almost made him fall.

  He knew what she was doing. He understood it on a logical level, but he was past that. He was emotional. More than he should be as a Cerebral. At the same time, he was furious with the attacker, and yet he was also full of lust for his Terran female.

  Mentally, he picked up one of the weights along the walls and brought it down on the attacker’s hand—the one that had dared to touch Sasha—breaking it and doing a great deal of damage to the male’s fingers. A message and a warning to anyone who ever thought to lay a finger on her again.

  Sci watched as Rannn’s eyes stayed with the male who was hurt. The captain didn’t move or say anything, but his lips were pressed tightly together, and he glared at Sci as he walked out. Sci wasn’t sure what the consequences of his actions would be, but he didn’t regret what he’d done.

  Sci didn’t want Sasha in the training room; he didn’t want her to get hurt. He hadn’t killed the male, and hopefully, Rannn understood that, even in his anger, Sci was
able to control his actions. If the captain didn’t get that, Sci would explain it to him, and with hope, the stubborn male would listen.


  Inside their room, Sci helped take Sasha’s clothes off then ripped his off, as well.

  She tried to lay him down, to take over, but during the walk to their room, he’d plotted his approach.

  Sci pushed Sasha onto her back, and she immediately grabbed his sex and squeezed hard enough to cause him to want to finish right then. Mentally, he moved her hands above her head and took her mouth, reveling in her taste and moans. He took them all in and the urgency of the images of the things she wanted to get to. He ignored her whispered commands and moved at his own pace, tasting her flesh, including the tips of her breasts.

  The dual intensity was difficult to navigate.

  He moved the palm of his hand over her skin and then down her hips and legs. She immediately opened for him, again commanding him to be inside her. But this was his time, and he would not be rushed. He slowly moved his thumb between her sex, feeling the wetness there. Her response was instant, and her eyes closed. He didn’t want her to miss anything, so he sent her images of what he saw, and she choked on a curse. Sci looked down at her and thought about the beauty at his side, the victory of having her want him, need him. Of being enough to protect her. The feeling of triumph was heady. It added to his desire for her.

  Inside her mind, he implanted a picture of her flying through a series of mini balls of light. Sasha opened her eyes as the illusion played. As she took in her surroundings with a broad smile, Sci brushed kisses over her abdomen and hips. Simultaneously, she could see what he was doing as if she was watching it and feeling as if she were flying at alloric speed.

  Her breath quickened, and he knew she was hyper-focused on what was happening. Her skin tingled, and that’s when he returned to stimulating her special bud. She jumped, taking all of it in. As her orgasm continued to build, he made the small stars fly by faster.


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