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The Mate Mistake (The Woolven Secret Book 3)

Page 6

by Saranna Dewylde

  "Werewolves are pretty hard to take down."

  "Randi didn't care. I think, at one point, she had a silver nitrate laser pointed at his head. She could've incinerated him--"

  "Where would she get a thing like that?"

  "Oh, that's what I do here at Woolven. I make weapons to fight supernatural wars. I work in medicine, too."

  "What do you have to kill vampires?"

  "Are you sure you want to know?" David asked her kindly.

  "Definitely. Asakku are harder to kill than most and I would be devastated if anything happened to these people because of me."

  "And you see that, right? That we're all people, no matter what other labels are on us? Vampire. Werewolf. Dragon. We all love. We all know loss and sorrow. We all bleed, but sometimes in a different way. Still, some things remain the same."

  "The vampire nations are all pretty big on the we all bleed thing." She rolled her eyes. "The blood is the life and all that. It's not just a silly tagline."

  David laughed. "Yeah, I figured that. Well, come here." He led her over to a steel cabinet that had fingerprint and iris identification. "I have the usual UV bombs, bullets, and the like. But this is special." He pulled out a small glowing vial.

  "What is it?”

  “It’s a cure."

  "What?" She stepped back, not wanting to get too close.

  He held it out to her. "You can touch it. It's perfectly safe."

  Belle held out a shaking hand and the vial was cool in her palm, but it was akin to holding a snake.

  "I should clarify. It's not any kind of cure that will reverse the vampiric process. It does, however, stop it in its tracks. It's made of irradiated werewolf venom."

  Her fingers went to her throat where Parker had bitten her. "But we heal from that." She pressed her lips together. "If it's not--"

  "There are actually cellular differences in werewolf venom depending on the intent of the wolf. It's like human tears. Tears wept for joy have a different physical construction than tears wept for sadness or pain. They're a lot like snowflakes, beautiful, actually. But what you're holding in your hand is from a werewolf in his warrior form. Do you know what that looks like?"

  She nodded slowly. She'd seen it once. Even being a vampire, she'd run like hell. Belle hadn't needed that in her day.



  "This venom has been distilled down to its base poison. It's pure rage. It causes the body to turn on itself."

  "To rip itself to shreds," she nodded. "I shudder to think what would happen if someone with a grudge against supes were to get hold of this."

  "Me too. That's why I haven't used it in the field, or turned it over to the Department of Supernatural Defense like I was supposed to. I don't even have any of the research on any electronic medium."

  "That's smart." She swallowed hard. "I guess Woolven really can take care of themselves." A cold knot settled in her gut. The idea of that being used on her family tore her up, but she knew the law of the jungle. Only the strongest... and if they went up against the Woolvens, only the law of the jungle applied.

  "I don't know if it's because you shared your blood with me, but I feel the conflict inside you. And I understand it," David said.

  "There's nothing I can do, except go back to them. And that's not something I'm willing to do. I guess I should say that I'll sacrifice myself to save everyone, but I won't." And she felt like the biggest coward because of it.

  "Woolven has offered you protection with their eyes open. They'd take it as the gravest of insults if you were to try something so stupid. No, you don't need to sacrifice yourself. You deserve to be free to live your life like anyone else."

  "Even though I've had so many lifetimes?" She didn't know what it was about David that made her open up to him. The seemingly gentle fatherly air about him, or maybe it was because she hadn't interacted with another of her own kind in so long.

  "Is that where your guilt is coming from? Didn't you tell me that we are exactly as we are meant to be? Take your own advice, little one."

  Emotion overwhelmed her. So many things she hadn't allowed herself to feel. This familial connection.

  Even though her life had been long indeed, and she'd had a kind of freedom, being on the run was kind of a cage, too. The loneliness had ebbed after those first years, but it had been like losing a limb. A part of herself.

  Was this pack her murder? Was that even possible?

  She looked up at David again as she handed the vial back to him. "So this is what you do all day? You engineer a more perfect weapon?"

  "Vaccines and cures, too. Want to see one of those?"

  "I really would."

  He went to another cabinet, this one had no security at all. David pulled out what looked to be a piece of butterscotch candy.

  "Okay, what's this?" she asked.

  "It's also distilled from werewolf venom and it can heal any wound, but it can only do it once. We found in testing that anyone who took it more than once and humans who couldn't be Turned were driven mad. We're working on applications for cancer and degenerative brain diseases. I'm concerned about a zombie apocalypse when the government wants to start playing with prions, but the immediate good it can do is worth the risk."

  "How do you keep them from using it more than once?"

  "I rewrote the genetic code so that if it comes in contact with body chemistry already altered, it will self-destruct."

  "That sounds violent."

  "Just a little bit of diarrhea." He shrugged. "If you're already so screwed that you'd chance Turning, a little bit of gastric distress is the least of your problems."

  She laughed.

  Belle thought of her family again, the Asakku. She wondered if they'd stagnated these many long years, of if they'd advanced like the wolves, keeping up with science and discoveries. Making their own. Engineered a better vampire. She had so many thing she wanted to ask her father, but their relationship would never be a meeting of the minds. He sought to dominate, control and if those things couldn’t be accomplished, he would destroy.

  And that included her.

  "Things are heating up around here, and I imagine I'm going to be working a lot of overtime. I want my little girl safe. I want the ma--wolf she loves safe, too. I could probably use an extra pair of hands in the lab if you're game."

  "I think I'd just be in the way, but if you really want me here, I'd be glad to help. I want them safe, too."

  "You're a good, if toothy, egg."

  She flashed him some fang. "You know it."

  He picked up his phone and his brow furrowed. "Yeah, things are heating up fast." He looked up at her. "Text from Parker. I'm going to take you to security and get you added to the system. Then you'll meet the supernatural force that actually runs things around here. Eleanor Westwood. She'll key the wards for you."

  "A witch? That's so cool. I haven't met many of them."

  "You have now," a voice said from the doorway.

  A kind-faced older woman with a fat, gray bun stood there, dressed all in black. But she smelled like sugar cookies and all things good and wholesome. Although, if she looked hard enough, she could see the woman's power beneath her skin. Her blood, it was all magic and ferocity.

  Belle decided she loved her on sight. A larger grin than she normally gave humans, or those who weren't in the know about vamps curved her face. Toothy, indeed. "You must be Mrs. Westwood! I've heard about you."

  The witch grinned back. "Parker has been yammering in my ear about you since you've been in here with David. But I'd know you were a daywalking Asakku just by the look of you. Such a pretty thing you are."

  "Parker told me you're married to the Goblin King? Does he hang out here at Aphelion, too? It's like a regular whose who here."

  She laughed. "Only sometimes. He knows how important the Woolven pack is to me."

  Belle cocked her head to the side, scenting the air. There was more to this witch than she'd first realized. While sh
e appeared to be a grandmother type, it was more accurate to say she was the mother type. "Interesting."

  "You just shh about that, dear."

  David was no longer paying any attention to either of them, he was lost in his papers and formulas.

  "Come along, I'll clue the wards to you and we'll get you set up with an ID so you can come and go as you please."

  They left David's laboratory and the witch took her hand. Sparks shot between their fingertips and an overwhelming feeling of comfort and well-being flooded her.

  "It's going to be okay, dearie. You'll see."

  "I wish I could do that. What a gift."

  "You can. I can teach you a few things. Daywalking Asakku have magic." Mrs. Westwood stopped and turned to look at her. "Didn't you know?"

  She shook her head. "You say that like there are more like me. I've never met one."

  "There are many like you, but none who would dare approach you. They don't want to draw Tirigan's wrath. Not many could stand against him."

  "You know a lot about my family."

  "I'm a lot older than I look." The kindly grandmother's face was gone, and in its place was a young woman, but then that too vanished and she was again the crone. "Magic is good for that, too."

  "I've not even been here a day and I've acquired teachers for magic and science."

  "The two things aren't so different. Many things that are science now were thought to be magic when we were young. Who knows. Maybe, yet one day, even the magic in my veins will be distilled down to a science."

  "Is it weird that I think that would be both a miracle and a shame?"

  "Not at all, child."

  She was probably older than this witch, but she didn't feel the need to point it out. She liked this Mrs. Westwood and she liked the idea of having a witch who thought of her fondly.

  "So, I hear tell the boys think you smell like chocolate instead of death. I haven't asked David this, but I have to know." She leaned in for a conspiratorial whisper. "Do the boys smell like wet dogs to you? I've worked really hard to keep that pet smell out of Aphelion and that applies to vampire snouts, too. So tell me."

  She choked on her laughter. "Oh my god, no. I mean, I was surprised that they didn't. If I had known Parker was actually who he said he was... we wouldn't be in this predicament."

  "Good. Call me Eleanor." She linked arms with her. "Tell me, what did he smell like to you?"


  Eleanor narrowed her eyes as if some devious plan had suddenly blossomed. "Good."

  Belle shivered. She got the impression that this witch was every bit as deadly, possibly more so, than any other supe she'd ever met.

  Except her father.

  But maybe there were things in the world that could give him a run for his money.

  Maybe even Belle herself.

  Chapter 7

  Parker was getting married, but the wedding plans had fallen by the wayside.

  The last ten days had seen the war escalate, had brought a hunter to the door, the birth of seemingly invincible berserker werewolves, and it had seen Drew's mate, Emmie, taken, killed, and reborn again as something greater.

  Not to mention the Woolven heir, Drew's son.

  His world had been flipped on its ass and he had some idea of what Belle was going through.

  "I'm concerned," she said, over her breakfast of bloody beef liver, that actually had him licking his chops almost as much as the view of her cleavage. "That we haven't seen any threats. We haven't heard so much as a titter out of the vampires. Blake hasn't had any offers for my head, has he?"

  "If he has, none that he's shared with me." He stopped to consider. Would Blake tell him, or as Alpha, would he handle that himself? No, his brother was an Alpha, not an asshole. He had enough faith in his pack that he'd bring that to the table. "And he would tell us."

  "With Randi being pregnant, I'd understand if he didn't want this on his shoulders."

  She said it casually, as if they weren't talking about her life.

  "I told you before we started this. You're Woolven now. You mean as much to him as that baby. You're pack. My brother would never trade one for the other."

  "Oh, Parker." She put her fork down. "I'd never ask him to make that choice. You need to know that being pack, it means something to me, too. I may be cold-blooded and undead, but I've had a long life. Long enough that I know I've had more than my fair share. I wouldn't let a single one of you be hurt for me."

  "That's what pack means. Putting the whole above yourself. But it also means obeying your Alpha, which I think, for you, is going to be a problem." He knew it was inevitable, but he didn't want to think about the coming battle. The werewolf nations were still at war with one another and from what Warner said, it would get worse before it got better.

  "Just for me?" she quipped, giving him a knowing look.

  "Hey, I always do what my Alpha tells me. If not to the spirit, then to the letter." He grinned. "I know I'm a spoiled little shit, and I wouldn't change it for the world."

  Only there was a part of him that would. A part of him that wished he were stronger, harder, more Alpha. He needed to be, to be what Belle needed in the fight that was to come. He didn't want to fail her, or the pack.

  This time, he wouldn't be the devil may care little brother who had another affair with a virgin heiress from Monte Carlo that cost the company money. He'd be the weak link that would bring death and destruction to his pack.

  Growing up, he'd trained with Warner like his brothers and it wasn't that he hadn't taken it seriously... or maybe that was it. Maybe he'd never believed it would come to this. The werewolf nations were determined to be civilized. That was the point of the council.

  "I wouldn't either. I kind of like you the way you are." She grinned at him and took a drink of her bloody mary.

  She stretched then, arching her back and seeming to luxuriate in the sun. Her exposed neck made him think about the mark he'd put there several times, and the orgasm she achieved every time his teeth pierced her skin.

  His dick was at attention, but this wasn't the time, or the place. They had to get ready to head to St. Louis for the wedding.

  "How are your lessons with Westwood going? Can you make your clothes pack themselves yet?"

  She frowned. "No, not yet."

  Shit, it was worth a try.

  "But I can make you pack them for me."

  "Oh, how's that?" He raised a brow. Yeah, she totally could. If she asked him to pack her bag, he would. Because he'd been raised to be polite and really, what else did he have to do?

  She flashed him and laughed.

  "Newsflash. That's not going to motivate me to do anything except get you on your back. Which I pretty much want to do all the time. Or get me on my back, you can be on top. I'm not picky. When you're naked, I forget my name."

  She laughed again. "Will you? Pack my bag, I mean."

  "Of course I will."

  "Is this what it's like being mated?"

  Parker considered for a moment. "I'm not actually sure. I've never been mated. I could ask my brothers."

  "You don't have to do that. I'm just curious about all things werewolf now."

  "Speaking of, have you signed the prenup?"

  "Did it yesterday. Signed the magical one, too, that Westwood gave me."

  "Good girl." He hadn't signed it yet. Parker knew he should, but there was a definite end date to their union. Parker didn't know that he agreed with that.

  He knew that was dangerous territory, but his wolf wanted what it wanted. His human brain wasn't quite as sure. His human brain understood the logic and was prepared to sign, his wolf wouldn't let him.

  Inconvenient, that.

  "I didn't see your signature."

  "Nope. You didn't." He didn't want to talk about it anymore. So instead, he said, "Make a list of everything you want to bring. I'll pack your bag for you."

  "I was kidding, Parker. You don't have to do that."

  "I don't
really do things I have to do, Belle. In case you haven't figured that out about me, yet."

  "Well, okay then. I guess since you're being so nice, I'll have to be nice to you." Her eyes went dark and predatory.

  Her smile? Razor sharp.

  She was suddenly on her knees, crawling toward him, and licking her lips.

  A lesser man, or wolf, might know a moment of fear seeing an ancient Asakku crawling toward him with hunger in her eyes.

  He pushed the table toward the balcony railing to make room for her and to give her unfettered access to whatever parts of him she planned on tasting.

  Her fingers made short work of his slacks and she freed his cock.

  "I don't think we have time for this."

  "Since you're doing my packing, we do."

  "I will do everything for you from now until forever if this is the reward."

  The tips of her fangs peeked out from beneath her lip and instead of inciting fear, it caused his cock to surge in anticipation.

  "You like biting me," she said, licking him. "Maybe I'm going to bite you, too."

  Parker knew a moment of fear, but it did nothing to diminish his lust. Fuck it. He'd try anything once. "You trusted my fangs both at your throat and between your legs. I'll give you the same."

  Her nails scored his thighs. "How much that turns me on should scare you, wolf."

  "The only thing I'm afraid of is losing you."

  She licked up and down the length of his shaft, her hand replacing her mouth as she moved to his femoral artery. Her sharp teeth pierced the flesh and he felt every pull of her mouth on that artery like it was on his cock. Every rush of blood into her hot mouth was like a tiny moment of orgasm.

  Culmination hovered, but he didn't want to surrender, not yet. They were just getting started. He tried thinking about other things, besides her mouth on his vein and her hand on his cock.


  Older Westwood naked.

  He wasn't against it.

  Her ex-husband she'd turned into a shit golem.

  No dice. It made it worse, actually. Gave him more of an edge of danger, because oh my goddess, what if she ever saw into his head. She'd murder him. String him up by his balls. Peel them like apples. He was going to say mandarin oranges, but his were definitely bigger. At least, metaphysically speaking.


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