The Other Brother_A Billionaire Hangover Romance

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The Other Brother_A Billionaire Hangover Romance Page 11

by Natalie Knight

  Screeching and flailing, I feel the floor give way underneath me—

  But then fate intervenes.

  Someone grabs me, snatches me out of the jaws of certain death—okay, the certain death bit is a bit of a fucking exaggeration, but it did feel like I might die for about a microsecond.

  Before I can get a look at my knight in shining armor, I find the world has gone pitch black.

  What the fuck was going on now?

  “Well, well, well,” I hear a male voice whisper into my ear. British. Weirdly familiar.

  Bold fingers pluck at the edges of my SLUT veil, which I’m still wearing, god help me. “Looks like a bride to be. Why don’t we take this little lady on one last wild ride?”

  There’s laughter around me.

  I find myself pulled up onto the stage. Not willingly, but all these muscles are obviously good for more than just looks.

  I should have ditched the SLUT veil back at the apartment when I had the chance. Now, it’s like a hair shirt alerting the world to my shame.

  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

  The stripper presses his body into mine, and my skin tingles. Each and every one of my nerve cells tingle in anticipation.

  Please, somebody help me. I can’t be doing this.

  The absurdity strikes me. I’m a married woman, engaged to another man, and now a stripper at a strip joint is seducing me.

  Could my life get any more complicated?

  The hoots and cheers from the crowd watching us tell me that, yes, it indeed can.

  “So tell me, my little bridezilla,” the man murmurs into my ear, his hand tracing my spine. Predictably, I shiver at his touch. “Any last requests before Dan the Man makes an honest woman of you?”

  Wait. What?

  How the fuck does he know Dan’s name?

  His hand finds his way from the bottom of my spine to the back of my neck, and he puts his mouth to my ear. “Anything at all you want, Becky?”

  Almost paralyzed with desire, I’m unable to respond in any kind.

  That’s right. Becky is horny.


  Pure animalistic lust is threatening to fucking take over and send my brain on vacation. Come on, Becky, don’t be weak, don’t let your fucking flesh rule your body.

  The stripper seems to sit down and pull me on top of him. With incredible ease, he flips me backwards, so my head nearly touches the ground while my abdomen stays on his knees and my legs are on the ground.

  One of his fingers now draws a circle around my belly button.

  By now, my breathing is fast and shallow, and my mouth is completely dry.

  I wonder where the fuck my friends are.

  What does one have bridesmaids for if they don’t come and rescue you out of an emergency?

  I vow to have words to them when this brute of a sex god finally lets me go.

  Maybe, for once, it’s a vow that I’ll actually be able to keep.

  Chapter 18



  I love the fucking feel of her skin, just like I love the way she’s gone all shy and embarrassed all of a sudden. Her discomfort is so fucking obvious―and yet she’s completely taken in by me.

  Part of me is surprised by own fucking feelings for her. Had I really just thought of her in terms of loving her? Had I gone completely fucking mad?

  Liam Black is not the type to fall in love. Liam Black is a successful entrepreneur and playboy.

  Or at least, before Becky Brooks came along, Liam Black was all that.

  Now? Fuck if I know. It’s anyone’s guess.

  Newsflash, my inner voice shouts at me, you recently got married when you really aren’t the fucking marrying type either.

  I guess some of this fucking self-reflection will have to wait until a little later, since right now, I’m a bit preoccupied.

  I’ve got her just where I want her: under my fucking control.

  As is my practice, I was watching the latecomers walk in. It’s always amusing to see their reaction. Some are taken aback when they realize they’ve walked in on a show in progress, while others start getting into the swing straight away.

  And then there are others who walk into that floor deserving a fucking show all to themselves.

  Becky Brooks is one of them.

  No, scratch that. Becky Brooks is the only person in the world who could shut this joint down. How could anyone compete with that woman?

  Bruce had warned me earlier that my wife would be in attendance of this particular show.

  The second my eyes saw her, I knew I had to get to her.

  Trouble was, the rich, important women were between me and my Becky were a sea of horny, cock-crazed women waving their silly American money and trying to get naked themselves.

  Fate was on my fucking side when she tripped and I was there in time to catch her before she fell.

  She was surprised and a little disoriented, which allowed me to blindfold her.

  And now I’ve got her lying backward over my lap, and my eyes can finally feast on her fucking gorgeous body. Her top’s ridden up a little, and I can see the cream-colored lace of her bra.

  What I really want to do is take her out the back and away from the crowd, but that’ll have to wait. Right now, Becky and I are part of the show.

  I allow my finger to trace little circles around her belly button. I can feel the tiny electric shockwaves this creates throughout her body. I think I can even hear her purr like a cat.

  I bring her back up and pull her close toward me. Her heart is beating so hard and fast I can feel it through her flimsy material.

  “So, my naughty little bride,” I murmur into her ear. “What shall we do with you?”

  She’s such a perfect fit into my upper body, it’s as if she’s been made just for me. I can’t fucking understand where and how Dan the Man could have possibly met this gem. And I can’t understand what the fuck she ever saw in him.

  But last night, she saw more of him than I think she ever wanted to, and here she is today, back in my arms.

  “What would you’re husband to say if he knew you were sitting half-naked on a stripper?” I tease. “Would he approve you being seduced by a bad boy?”

  I feel her body tense. I almost regret having said what I said.

  Then again, considering I’m this woman’s husband, maybe it’s my right to say it.

  To relax her again, my hand rubs her thighs. Her short tight red mini skirt is being pushed upward in the process.

  It’s working. She’s relaxing back to me.

  “I…” she starts and stops. There’s a little moan as my fingers get closer to her pussy. “I-I’m not married. Or, I am. Or, I’m supposed to be.”

  I love the way she’s stumbling over her words as she tries to explain the clusterfuck of a situation she’s gotten herself into. My other hand pushes in under her shirt from the back and then moves around towards her tits.

  “I-I’m actually married already,” she breathes, and I chuckle.

  “Really?” I feign shock.

  She’s arching into me and almost fucking begging me to touch her tits. My fingers have no fucking trouble obliging. The clasp of her bra at the front proves no barrier.

  When my index finger rubs over her fucking nipples, I feel them harden instantly.

  “I kind of got married last night,” she admits. “But it was to the wrong guy.”

  At the same time, I let my fingers continue to play with her tits. I pinch and pull those nipples of hers. They get harder and harder under my touch, and Becky arches her back more and more.

  One of her hands is now on my back, and I can’t say I mind what she’s doing.

  “Already married, my my, your husband must be one understanding man.”

  Becky squirms a little at my words.

  “He’s not,” Becky says. “Or, well, my actual husband might be, but my fiancé...”

p; My fingers keep working their magic. I sway in the rhythm of the music.

  “A husband and a fiancé. Aren’t you a popular little bird?”

  Becky sways with me. She has to, since she’s completely wrapped up in my arms. This is fucking fantastic. I can’t recall the last time I was having this much fun during a strip show.

  “My fiancé is supposed to be my husband,” she gasps. “I don’t even know who my husband is. Or, well, I do—his name is Liam Black, and—”

  She’s still trying to fucking explain herself to me. It’s adorable.

  But my cock gets stiff as a steel beam when she says my name.

  By now, my hand under her skirt is extremely close to her wet opening, and without any further delay, I push my index finger into her very wet fucking pussy.

  “Did you know you’re very wet, Becky?”

  Becky tenses up again.

  “How…how do you know my name?”

  To ease her tension, I push as far in as I can go and then I bend my finger a little, pushing on her sweet spot. I’ve hit the jackpot; she’s practically fucking melting into my arms now. Her fingernails are digging into my back.

  “I’m not normally like this…I don’t…something…” She’s breathing heavy. I can tell pleasure is ripping through her.

  “I don’t think that’s right,” I murmur into her ear. I can’t help but nibble on her earlobe. “I think this is who you really are. Who you really want to be.”

  Slowly, she’s getting into the swing of things, and I can feel her move onto my finger as if wanting me to continue.

  “Your voice is…so familiar…”

  “I think with the right kind of man, you can be a very bad girl.”

  There’s no response now, only more moaning.

  Part of me is tempted to rip the blindfold off her face so I can see her eyes. I want to see the fucking pleasure all over her face. I want to make her come and see the ecstasy in those beautiful eyes of hers.

  But I resist the temptation. I can’t be sure how the fuck she’ll react.

  “In fact, I think your husband is a very lucky bastard.”

  Becky stiffens.


  Something’s touched her nerve. No, I don’t think she’s having a fucking orgasm.

  I think something’s happened.

  “What did you just say?” Her voice is barely a whisper.

  “Your husband is one lucky bastard?”

  I’m not sure what’s happened, but I know I must finish what I fucking started.

  My finger keeps working her pussy, and I’m not sure if I’ve managed to get her back, but she seems to be returning to her moment of pleasure.

  I thrust in and out of her, hard and fast, while my other hand kneads and pinches her delicious fucking tits. I really want to suck on them, but that’ll have to wait till another day.

  When her body tenses and shivers, I know she’s close to coming. My thumb presses on her clit, and shockwaves of pleasure rip through her. I keep her on my lap until her body stops shaking.

  I still regret not being able to see her. I fucking loved seeing the pleasure in her gorgeous eyes.

  Next time I vow I won’t be fucking her blindfolded.

  And I’m going to make bloody sure there will be a next time.

  She knows my name, and she knows that she married me.

  She might not remember me yet…but she will.

  Chapter 19



  “―your fiancé is a bastard anyway.”

  I laugh. I love the way he says that word.

  I don’t know if it’s that sexy accent of his or the way he places emphasis on the first syllable of the word. But when he says it, I feel my pussy get even wetter.

  I agree. My new husband is way better than my asshole fiancé.

  I mean, look at him. The man standing before me is dog-droolingly gorgeous. I’d punch myself in my own face just to touch him, and here he is, holding my hand.

  Liam Black―scruffy, square-jawed, blue-eyed, and―for tonight―totally mine.

  His slacks hug his thighs, and I can make out the outline of his package through them. As I pull him up onto the stage, I can see it growing bigger by the minute.

  And since we are at The Post Office, I’ve got a feeling that Liam’s package is a very special delivery. Maybe I’ll be the lucky recipient. Who knows what will happen if play my cards right?

  “What do you think, Mr. Postman?” I giggle over my shoulder at him. “Can we give these folks a show?”

  The crowd before us cheers as we look out over them.

  “Through snow and rain and gloom of night,” Liam misquotes with a confident shrug. “I’ll deliver if you will, love.”

  It takes me no time at all to rid my sexy postman of his tie. I push him into a chair on the stage and use the tie to blindfold him.

  I’m already hot as hot can be, and when he calls me love? I get even hotter.

  Lucky for me, now that he’s sitting down, I’ve got him right where I want him. I hope he’s ready for a lap dance.

  So what if a few hundred eyes can watch every one of my moves? If the dozen sex gods doing a strip show on stage right next to us can’t get them off, then I say let ‘em watch.

  “Tell me, Liam,” I whisper in his ear, nibbling on his lobe. “Do your deliveries come early…or do you like them nice and late?”

  Responsible Becky has been left sobbing on the curb outside. Tonight, Ballin’ Becky rides again—literally, since I’m straddling Liam Black like he’s a fucking stallion.

  If I felt drunk, I’d say that someone had put something in my drink…but I don’t think I even have been drinking. My throat is bone dry…until I inhale, smelling his cologne. Then my mouth gets insanely wet.

  No, right now my behavior is all me. I’m in charge of my fucking life, and I’ll make choices about what I will and won’t do.

  Fuck the good choices.

  Ballin’ Becky likes her choices like she likes her men: bad.

  “You lead the way, love. It would seem I’m your prisoner.” The way he smiles when he says it tells me that he doesn’t exactly mind. “At your service.”

  My heart and pussy love to hear those words. They’re music to my fucking soul. Generally, I like my men to take control…but there’s something about riding Liam Black with an audience that just might change my mind.

  It’s no different than driving a car, really. Being the passenger all the time gets boring. Occasionally we all want to be in the driver’s seat.

  Shifting gears has never been so much fucking fun.

  I barely take any notice of the other strippers on stage. They’re all mind-blowingly gorgeous. Totally drool-worthy. Six-packs, broad shoulders, and well-muscled chests were all handed out to these guys with a smile.

  But tonight, I only have eyes for one guy.

  And thank fuck that it’s not Dan the Man—because fuck him. He knows what he did.

  I straddle my catch of the night and push my wet pussy onto his waiting cock. My skirt rides up as I leave my wetness all up and down the zipper of his slacks.

  We’ll need to take care of that soon. In the meantime, however, I pop one of my tits out of my top and press it against his mouth.

  He needs no other invitation. Liam starts sucking and biting on my already hard nipple. I throw my head back and stare at the millions of little strobe lights above my head.

  Music blares in the background while Liam’s mouth works on my nipple, and I moan.

  My mind is already elsewhere as I try and work out what the song is. I know later it won’t leave my fucking head.

  I pick up words here and there: Save a horse, ride a cowboy.

  But I’m not riding any fucking cowboy. I’m about to ride me a postman.

  If he wants to ring twice, he can be my guest.

  “You’re delicious, love.” Liam’s voice calls my attention back to hi
m as he pops my nipple out of his mouth. “Is your night getting any better yet?”

  “It’s slowly improving,” I purr into his ear and let my hips move in the rhythm of the music. My pussy feels his fucking cock grow until I’m not sure his slacks will take it anymore. “But I wouldn’t mind if it started improving a little faster.”

  “Your delivery is ready whenever you are, love.” Liam’s hips thrust hard against mine. “Why don’t you come pick it up?”

  My heart somersaults at his words, and my pussy practically jumps for joy. I can feel it twitch in anticipation. The walls contract, and if any more juices flow, I’ll be running on fucking empty soon.

  Slowly, I let my right hand travel down his chest and toward his pants. It takes me no time at all do undo the button and zip.

  It takes even less time to free his poor, suffering huge cock. As it jumps up at me, I suck in my breath at the sheer size of it.

  Tentatively, I try and wrap my fingers around him.

  I squeeze it and rub my fingers up and down, as if measuring it.

  “Like it?” Liam asks. I know his eyes are sparkling beneath that blindfold, just begging to see the look on my face while I stroke and stare.

  My mouth is dry and my eyes are fixed on my newfound treasure. I lick my lips. Fuck, his cock is enormous. He could give a bull a run for its horns.

  Ballin’ Becky loves big dicks, but even this has me a little uncertain.

  I’ve taken this thing before.

  But can I really take it again?

  “What the fuck are you talking about?” I whisper, unable to take my eye off the gem in front me. “With this huge fucking cock of yours…the night can only get better.”

  “Well,” I hear Liam whisper in my ear, “then what the fuck are you waiting for?”

  I consider it for a second. What the fuck am I waiting for?

  Mostly, I think, I’m waiting for the courage to take this big boy inside of me.

  Good thing being horny makes me brave.

  His big, strong hands shove my skirt up around my waist as I stand on my tiptoes to get enough leverage to slide onto him.


  If I wasn’t so wet right now, I wouldn’t be able to handle him. But Liam has left me dripping, and as a result, I can take him easy. Slowly I sink on top of him. Like a key sliding into a lock, Liam unlocks my inner animalistic passion.


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