The Other Brother_A Billionaire Hangover Romance

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The Other Brother_A Billionaire Hangover Romance Page 12

by Natalie Knight

  His cock is the first I’ve taken in eight months, and it’s the best I’ve ever had in my life.

  I put my hands on his shoulders and get to bouncing. He’s a well-hung stud, and I’m going to ride him until his balls are drained.

  Liam seems to be of the same mind. He grabs onto my hips and gives me extra fucking momentum.

  Every time I come down on this fucking amazing love rod, I feel as if he’s going to push right through me. He stretches my fucking pussy, and I feel a deep animal growl build in the back of my throat.

  If he keeps fucking me like this, I’m going to scream.

  To keep from howling, I press my lips onto his. My tongue doesn’t wait to be invited. It makes its way in and explores his mouth in detail. Our tongues dance the tango, and at one point, it feels as if he’s trying to lick my tonsils.

  Still fucking hot.

  If I could, I would fucking eat him up.

  By now, I’m increasing the rhythm of my ride. I’ve gone from walk to trot. Now I’m ready for a full fucking gallop.

  Our mouths are still locked into a passionate kiss. I bounce up and down on him till I’m numb from the fucking pleasure.

  I take no notice of anything going on around us. I’m totally fucking focused on taming my beast. He’s the unbroken stallion, and I’m the horse whisperer, working my fucking magic to rein him in.

  The inside of my pussy is grabbing on to this treasure tightly, as if it doesn’t ever want to let it go. With each thrust, he grows thicker and longer.

  Tame him. I’m going to fucking tame him and have him come inside of me.

  He’s rearing up, ready to unleash his almighty power. In my mind’s eye, I can picture a black stallion on two legs, its front hooves waving in the air as he gets ready to mount his mare.

  But my fucking wild stallion is already mounted; I’ve saddled him up and taken him for a fucking ride.

  I need to go harder and faster still. My hands push on his broad fucking shoulders. I can hear the wet, sexy sound of our skin slapping together, even over the sound of the music.

  Stars are flickering in front of my fucking eyes. A volcano erupts in my head and unleashes hot molten lava through my body.

  I feel like I’m coming to the end of my ride. Liam is getting close, too. His fucking cock is pulsing in my fucking pussy like a cattle prod. Sparks fly from its tips and ignite a flame in me.

  His hips buck up to meet me during the last few thrusts and then he explodes into me.

  My hungry pussy contracts, and I feel my own orgasm tip me over the fucking edge. Wave after wave of pleasure rips through me. My body shudders, shakes, and shivers with pleasure and delight.

  I collapse forward onto my stallion’s naked chest and revel in the sound of his wildly galloping heart.

  His lips kiss the top of my head.

  “That was the best fuck I’ve ever had.” I whimper against his chest. I can hear the cheers of the crowd behind us—fuck, I’d almost forgotten them.

  After that show…they’d better fucking applaud.

  “Better than our last?”


  “Better than Dan?” he whispers into my ear but I’m too delirious from ecstasy to work out what the fuck he’s talking about.

  “Who the fuck is Dan?” I ask.

  He only chuckles and kisses me again.

  As I get my bearings back, I’m still a little dazed and confused. There’s money flying over us from the crowd, beautiful green leaves that flutter down over our bodies and slide down my back.

  “They’re throwing money at us,” I giggle, looking up. “That’s…pretty cool.”

  “So they are,” Liam says, pulling his blindfold off beneath me. “That’s your night made, then…”

  He thrusts deep into my pussy one last time, and I squeal with delight.

  He grins. “I know how much you like big tips.”

  Chapter 20



  After our fuck, Becky seems dazed. I catch a crisp hundred-dollar bill out of the air and stuff it down her top.

  “Is that the first time you’ve orgasmed on stage, love?” I ask out of curiosity.

  “No,” she admits with a saucy little grin. “But it’s the first time I’ve done it with a guy.”

  God save the bloody Queen. My cock’s not even out of her yet, and it’s getting hard again already.

  “Let’s get you somewhere more private,” I growl in her ear. “There are things I want to do to you that I don’t want an audience for.”

  As I slide my step-brother’s ex-fiancée off of my cock, the moral gray area of our situation doesn’t escape me. In a way, I know I might be taking advantage.

  Becky Brooks has had, by any meter you like, a bloody awful night.

  The things my step-brother did to her—the way he broke her trust—were above and beyond the usual.

  I know she must be hurting still. Even if she doesn’t show it.

  But as I take her into a private room, trading my button-down for the black police shirt and cap hanging on the door, I know that the best thing for her right now is distraction.

  And if that distraction involves Becky Brooks slobbering all over my prick, I’m not about to have a problem with it.

  Her lips curl into a smile, and I find myself wanting to kiss her again. I’m still fucking tingling all over from the ride she gave moments earlier.

  “Fancy a drink?” I ask her.

  “What’ve you got, Officer?”

  Stone cold sober. Incredible. The fact that Becky has made it through this night so far without a stiff drink in hand has me impressed.

  The fact that she rode my cock to orgasm on a stage before all those people while completely in her right mind…

  Christ. It makes me feel like she must be The One.

  “Name your poison, darling.”

  I watch her take small, deliberate steps toward me. Her hips sway from side to side. She tilts her head a little to the right and furrows her brow as if she’s thinking.

  When she stops in front of me, I’m filled with desire. How the fuck does this woman do this to me?

  “Poison, Officer? That sounds like entrapment.” Her index finger runs down my chest. “Are you thinking of arresting me?”

  “Don’t tempt me,” I growl.

  Smiling like a Cheshire cat, she turns and walks away from me in that same hip-swaying walk. My fucking cock is pushing against my pants.

  I watch, mesmerized, as she grabs the pole in the center of the room.

  We normally rent these rooms out to bachelorette parties. Sometimes, a bird will come in with a small fortune she’s just won at the poker tables wanting a private show. This room has seen a thousand cocks grind against that pole.

  Something strange wells up in me as I see her fingers wrap around the metal. Like I can’t bear the thought of this woman touching something that has been so thoroughly rubbed against another man’s dick.

  Becky twirls around the pole expertly. Looks like she’s done this before.

  Everything I learn about Dan the Man’s ex-fiancée makes me desperate to know more about her.

  Like how a boring bastard like him could have ever won a prize like her in the first place, for one.

  There’s so much more to Becky Brooks than what meets the eye.

  I suppose that applies to all of us. We’re all more than we first let on to other people.

  Like how Dan the Man’s own fiancé thinks Dan the Man is a stand-up, respectable man―when really, he’s a lying, cheating sack of shit.

  Becky’s right leg hooks around the pole and twirls again, only this time, she slides upwards a bit, arching her back

  Her left hand unclasps her bra top. She twirls it above her head a few times before tossing it away.

  Upright again, I watch her change hands. Now her left arm is wrapped around the pole and her right one she uses to pull her skirt down. With grace
and ease she steps out of it before she throws it at me.

  I catch it and bring it to my nose. It’s damp with sweat and Becky’s honey. It smells like her.

  “Are you still watching me, Officer? I think you must be a dirty cop, aren’t you?” Her voice is playful and baiting.

  “I could arrest you for disorderly behavior, you know,” I tell her.

  “Is that a threat or a promise, Officer?” She bites her lip.

  Fuck, she’s bewitching.

  It takes all my self-control not to go and give her a fucking spanking. Let’s see how well she can handle the long arm of the law.

  Completely naked, except for her stilettos, she glides up the pole again and twirls around it. I’m not quite sure how she fucking does it, but I think she’s becoming one with her prop.

  If I didn’t run an all-male strip club, I would offer her a fucking job. I’m sure she’d be able to pull in the customers.

  Her body is sensual, flexible, and ticks all the boxes. My eyes are nearly melting from looking at her, and I’ve seen my fair share of naked female flesh in my time.

  The longer I watch her, the more I feel drawn to her. There’s something about her.

  On second thought, I never want another fucking man to ever see her like this. No—this needs to be for my eyes only. Mine alone.

  “What’s the matter, Officer? Cat got your tongue?” Her cheekiness is astounding.

  To my even greater surprise, she drops her body upside down and spreads her legs wide. Her cunt is just fractions of an inch away from grinding against the pole.

  It’s my pole she ought to be grinding on.

  With her feet on the floor again, she pushes against the pole with her back, lifting one of her legs off the ground. The right leg keeps going up and up until her calf is flush with her cheek. She pivots on her toe and presses her tits against the pole.

  I’m so fucking horny now, all I can think of is going over to rip her clothes off and ram my fucking pulsing cock into her pussy. She can leave her leg stretched in the air like that. Leverage.

  Her head turns, and she’s looking at me again. The light catches her eyes, and I marvel at them. I feel as if I can drown in those eyes. They caress, tease, entice, and flirt all at the same time.

  As the old adage goes—the eyes are windows to the soul. If that’s true, then Becky’s soul is a big, green meadow that I was to lie in until I forget my own name.

  Briefly, my thoughts turn to Dan.

  Fucking prick didn’t deserve this girl. If she ever pole-danced for him, he wouldn’t have fucking appreciated it.

  I know how Dan likes his women—the ones that he keeps for appearances. He likes them quiet and chaste, without an iota of Becky’s pluck or class.

  Which begs the question: how the fuck did she bear it, being what he wanted? The more I watch and get to know this girl, the more I realize how little I know of her.

  “Well, Officer? Are you just going to stand there or are you going to do something?”

  It takes me four large strides to reach her. In those four strides, I pull the handcuffs from my belt.

  Cop costumes. You have to love the accessories that come with.

  When I get to her, she’s putting both her hands above her head. I seize the opportunity and her wrists all at once.

  Life’s like that, isn’t it? It presents opportunities to you, like slender female wrists against a stripper pole. If you don’t take those opportunities when they appear, you’ll live to regret them.

  I’m certainly not one of life’s losers. On the contrary, I’m quite accustomed to winning. I’ve always known to grab a fucking opportunity when it comes my way. If a decision needs to be made fucking quickly, I make it. I’m not one to procrastinate and navel-gaze and then cry over missing out. Oh no, not me.

  But I digress.

  The handcuffs go on both hand and around the pole. Now my Becky is tied to the metal object, hands above her head.

  This way her tits are pulled upward, those fucking hard nipples are begging me to do something with them.

  “So, love.” I push right up against her. “You think you’ve been rather clever, don’t you?”

  She says nothing. Her breathing is fast and shallow. Little beads of sweat are rolling down her chest in that gap between her breasts.

  I let my hand run up on the side of her body and then take one of her fleshy tits. I touch it gently at first before my thumb and index finger pinch her nipples and pull it.

  “Ohhh,” she moans. Her body writhes in pleasure and pain.

  “Nowhere to run, have you?”

  “Don’t worry,” she gasps. “I’m not looking to evade arrest.”

  It takes me less than a minute to rip my pants and top off.

  I see her eyes widen with delight as she sees my fucking big cock jump for joy. Tiny bits of pre-cum glisten on the top of it. It’s so fucking ready for action, it is pointing toward her wet pussy, like a divining rod points at water.

  My hands grab her by the hips and turn her toward the pole so her ass is facing me.

  My finger finds her wet pussy and I push right into her. Her groan is music to my ears.

  She arches her lower back and pushes her ass toward me. My free hand rests on one of her ass cheeks and massages it.

  With my fucking cock so keen, I pull my finger out and shove my cock right into her. I don’t tease her, take my time, and let her get used to me. Nope.

  I take what’s mine.

  “Ohhhhhh,” she moans, and her hips buck against me.

  I’m so deep within her that my balls are pressed against her clit.

  “Pleeeeeaseeeee,” she’s begging, and I don’t need to hear any more.

  I grind into her and get into a steady rhythm. She’s so hot I can feel the wall of her pussy tightening with each thrust. The sensation is an absolute fucking experience for my cock, which seems to grow in length and width every fucking inward push.

  My hands leave her hips and find those fucking tits. I want to hold them, cover them, and squeeze them.

  Becky is clenching so tight it feels like she’s trying to milk my fucking cock for its juices.

  Eventually I cannot hold on any longer, and I succumb to my orgasm. My upper body starts to convulse and I feel the build-up of cum right in my fucking balls.

  When I start shooting my load into her, I can feel her come as well.

  “Fuuuuuuuuck,” she yells and pushes so hard against me, I almost lose my footing. Her pussy pulses and keeps contracting, and I fear she may never let go of my cock again―if she doesn’t break it in two, that is.

  I stay inside her, arms wrapped around her chest, soaking up the moment. I love her scent, I love her enthusiasm, and I love the way she can pole dance like a fucking whore.

  To put it another way, I’m pretty fucking smitten.

  And I’ll do whatever it takes to make her mine—and keep her that way.

  Chapter 21



  I hear Liam moan and feel his hot breath on my neck. My skin is on fire and my legs have turned to molten chocolate. If it weren’t for the handcuffs and Liam holding onto me, I think I’d collapse right onto the floor.

  It’s not exhaustion I’m suffering from. It’s extreme pleasure.

  “You’re fucking amazing, love,” Liam says and kisses me on my neck.

  The words hit their mark. I can feel my cheeks go a little red.

  Dan the Man never said I was amazing. Dan the Man said things like, Really, Becky? Those heels? With that skirt? Everyone in the office is going to think I’m bringing a prostitute to dinner.

  But you know what? Fuck Dan the Man.

  That bastard knows what he did.

  “You’re a minx, Becky Brooks.” Liam continues to shower me in kisses. His hands are all fucking over me.

  If I could use my own hands right now, I’m not even sure what I’d do with them. Touch Liam all over with them, probably. As
much as I fucking could.

  He’s so fucking sexy, right? That’s the biggest thing. Liam Black is the sexiest man I’ve ever come into contact with—and believe me, I had a lot of hot flings before I met Dan.

  But this guy―this fucking man, with his fucking accent and his handcuffs and his hands wandering over my bare skin, touching me wherever he deems fit―he makes other men look bad by comparison.

  He’s just that good.

  “Dan never should have had you. He never fucking deserved you, love,” Liam continues, and I look at him.

  I bite my bottom lip. “And do you deserve me, Liam?”

  He grins wolfishly. “No, I don’t suppose I do.” He licks the curve of my left breast, and I shiver. “Maybe that’s why I’ve got you in handcuffs, hmm? So you can’t get away.”

  Liam kisses my nipples and starts working his way down my torso.

  “Who says I want to?” I sigh.

  Thinking is becoming increasingly difficult again. Liam ignites a flame of desire in me, and it burns all the way through my body without an ounce of remorse.

  Fuck, he’s good.

  Did Dan the Man and I ever fuck like this? I can’t even recall. I know I never stripped for Dan the Man, that’s for sure.

  Dan the Man turned the lights out before he’d even let me blow him.

  Lucky for me, Liam Black is not a lights out kind of man.

  Liam’s lips are kissing my cunt, and I know that any second, the inevitable will happen. His tongue will get to work on my slick, dripping clit.

  I’m purring for him like a fucking kitty cat. Liam’s hands don’t stop—he’s petting me all over. And the whole time, he’s murmuring praise for me against my cunt.

  Too much positivity is no good for anyone, or so Dan the Man would have said. Reality—Dan is a realist, after all—reality is supposedly much better. When you’re realistic with people, they’ll have realistic expectations and fewer disappointments.

  Which I guess is why Dan the Man was always so upfront about what our life together would be like. There was no illusion involved, no Dan the Man behind the curtain. What you saw with Dan was what you got—or so I believed until earlier tonight.


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