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The Other Brother_A Billionaire Hangover Romance

Page 35

by Natalie Knight

  My credit card is returned to me and I pull out some notes to hand to a smiling waiter.

  Chloe reaches for my arm and I pull her closer toward me. I don’t know what it is about this woman, but I want to touch her everywhere.

  There’s a bit of a queue at the front desk of the prestigious Palace One and I feel anticipation gather in the pit of my stomach.

  Part of me just wants to push past the waiting customers and say something like ‘Don’t you know who I am,’ to open-mouthed personnel who will instantly do as I command, but it seems childish. Surely, I can wait just a few more minutes.

  But I feel like a kid at Christmas who can’t wait for Santa to arrive.

  When it’s finally my turn, my brain is just about mush and it takes me a few seconds to string a proper sentence together. Normally, I’m a master of words. But apparently Chloe is my undoing.

  “We’d like a room, please,” I say before I add, “One of your finest, please.”

  Not only do I want to fuck Chloe, I want to fucking impress her.

  “Do you have a booking?” the young man with too many pimples asks, and impatience rises in me. If I had a booking, I would fucking say so, wouldn’t I?

  I shake my head so as not say something offending. It might not pay to offend this bumbling teenager in front of Chloe.

  “I’m afraid, sir, we’re all booked up.”

  His words are like a fucking cold shower. They can’t be booked up. I always get a room at this exclusive hotel if I need one.

  Now, anger threatens to take over. I want to punch the pimply faced kid right between the eyes.

  “Ahem.” I clear my throat and my eyes catch those of someone more senior looking. “I think you may need to check that again.”

  Carlos, the manager comes over and smiles.

  “Is there a problem?” he addresses his underling.

  “This gentleman wants a room but...”

  “Good to see you again, Aaron.” Carlos greets me like an old friend. Damn right. “We’ll have something for you in just a few minutes.” He smiles a knowing smile.

  I feel Chloe’s hot body pressed into mine. Her fingers have started to travel beyond my waistband and are rubbing my lower back gently. Little electric pulses run through me.

  “Thank you,” I croak and turn to look at Chloe.

  Her eyes leave me under no illusion where her mind is right now. I bet her fucking pussy is already dripping down her thighs. I want to lick it up.

  I can still taste her from the other night. Her juices a mixture of salty, sweet and delicious rose-scented bubble bath. Involuntarily, I lick my lips.

  “Room sixteen hundred and thirty-five on the sixteenth floor, one of our presidential suites, is ready, Aaron.”

  Carlos hands me the key and I smile at him.

  “We hope you enjoy your stay. And keep up the good work,” he adds, and I give him a wave.

  Outside the elevator, Chloe holds her head up toward me and I lean forward. Our lips meet. I press down on hers gently at first, but then harder. My tongue forces entry to find hers.

  She groans and leans right into me. Like the missing puzzle piece, she’s a perfect fit. Her body molds against mine and I feel my insides melt and my fucking cock defy gravity and stand at full attention.

  By the time the door opens up and I push her into it, my hands are on her fleshy ass. If I don’t get to feel her naked skin in the next fucking minute, I think I’m to explode from the inside.

  The doors shut and my fingers don’t want to leave their position. They’ve come home.

  But I force myself to peel them away from her luscious ass and I press the button for the sixteenth floor. With a soft purr, we start our journey upwards.

  Frantically, her fingers now fumble with the buttons of my designer jeans.

  It takes her less than a few seconds to free my throbbing cock, and I growl, wolf-like. Fuck. She’s so goddamn fucking hot.

  Briefly, I wonder if she’s cast some kind of spell on me. I’ve never felt such pure animalistic lust toward another woman in my life. Of course, to cast a spell on me she needs to be a witch, and I have enough thinking power left to know there are no fucking witches. But the pull she has on me is strong.

  Fuck, if she keeps going, my brain’s going to take leave and my fucking cock will be in charge. As it is, my brain’s unable to process any thought clearly.

  We’re in the elevator.

  What if…I start but am unable to reach any conclusion.

  Chloe pulls away from me and her piano fingers start to play my cock like a fucking musical instrument, like she’s fucking Beethoven or some shit.

  At first, she strokes the length of my shaft soft and gently. Then, without warning, she changes tactics and squeezes it hard.

  Another wolf growl builds deep in my throat.

  Instinctively, I press some buttons on the elevator display. With a jolt, it stops. Chloe’s a little unbalanced by the sudden movement but she regains control pretty quickly.

  Slowly, almost too slowly, she drops down on her knees so her face is level with my throbbing fucking cock.

  Her tongue darts out to lick the tip of it. She follows this with a gentle kiss. Her eyes are on me and my breathing’s getting shallow and fast.

  With a devilish grin, she wraps her lips around my cock and sucks just on the tip of it gently, as if she’s got a fucking candy in her mouth. Yeah, that’s right baby, take that whole lollipop down your throat.

  My Adam’s apple bobs up and down and it’s difficult to swallow.

  She keeps going. Soft, gentle, slow, and with absolute precision. She sure as fuck knows what she’s doing.

  Her hands have made their way into my boxers and found my balls. She plays with them, massages them and squeezes them.

  Fuck. I’m beginning to see stars.

  Her touch is charged with electricity and I feel I could power an entire electricity substation right—that’s how charged I feel.

  She pulls away, smiles at me and licks her lips.

  “You’re not in any pain are you?”

  What the fuck? No fucking way. Not as long as her mouth is where it belongs—on my cock.

  “No,” I manage to croak and my hands grab her head to push her back onto my waiting dick. I can see it twitch in anticipation.

  “Good,” she purrs and moves her head to resume her position.

  This time, she takes all of me and I feel her lips press against the base of my shaft. Holy fucking hell. Her tongue comes out and explores the base as she sucks long and hard.

  I thrust my pelvis toward her, trying to push further into her. She has no trouble taking me.

  My muscles in my abdomen start to pulse and I can feel my orgasm building deep within me.

  Sensing I’m about to come, Chloe expertly increases her rhythm.

  I match it and thrust in and out, fucking her face.

  My eyes find our reflection in the gold-rimmed mirror in the small elevator cabin. Fuck, we look so fucking hot.

  Her fingers are increasing their pressure on my balls. The world loses its focus. My brain feels as if I’ve swallowed four whiskeys straight and deep behind my belly the volcano erupts. Molten lava spreads through me and I come. Hard.

  I come deep into her throat. She hungrily swallows every last drop of my creamy white cum. Load after load, I shoot it down her throat, and she keeps right on gulping it down.

  Fuck. Yes.

  Finally, when I’ve got none left, she releases my still throbbing cock.

  She’s grinning from ear to ear.

  “Everything ok, sir?” a metallic voice interrupts the moment.

  Quickly, I tuck my cock back into my pants and help Chloe to her feet.

  “The elevator seems to have stopped,” I reply through the intercom system as I watch Chloe unbutton her blouse, practically drooling as I do so. This fucking woman has me fucking crazy for her.

; “We can’t detect a mechanical problem, sir,” the canned voice continues. “We’ve overridden the system and you should be moving any second.”

  “Thank you,” I mutter just as there’s a little jolt and we do move again.

  By the time we’re on our floor and outside our room, Chloe’s nearly unbuttoned all of her top.

  I grab her by the wrists and roughly drag her into the room.

  Time to rip her clothes off and really fuck her.


  I’m breathing heavier than if I’d run a marathon. I’m so fucking hot I wish he’d fuck me right away. I can barely wait to get into our room—our presidential suite. I had no idea Aaron was able to wield such influence. He must be pretty fucking important.

  Part of me still can’t believe I just gave him a blowjob in the elevator.

  I’m not sure what came over me; it’s as if I’m possessed—possessed to fuck Aaron.

  My brain seems to have taken a leave of absence; there’s no other explanation.

  I lick my lips, savoring the taste of Aaron. He tasted salty and manly. I’ve never enjoyed a blowjob more.

  As Aaron drags me by my wrists into the presidential suite, I don’t even try to struggle against him.

  Briefly, I take in the obscene luxury. He drags me past an oversized marble-floored bathroom with a four-person ornate bathtub, mirrors, and lights.

  The master bedroom, a four-poster oversized king-sized bed with a mountain of cushions is where we end up. Black on white, black sheets, and white cushions spell absolute luxury and style.

  Aaron doesn’t head straight for the bed but shoves me against the wall. Here he pins me with his toned body so I can’t move. He brings my arms up over my head and a little to the right.

  “I can’t believe you exposed me like that in the elevator,” he growls and nibbles my ear.

  Words stick in my parched throat. It feels as if I’ve just spent forty-two days in the desert without water.

  “I thought…” I start, but he stops me.

  “Don’t interrupt me.” He holds both my hands with one of his, freeing up the other. His fingers pinch my nipples so hard I cry out in pleasurable pain and excruciating lust. Electric shock waves pulse through me.


  My pussy’s dripping and pulsing, clutching and empty, needing to be filled.

  “As I was saying,” he growls into my ear. “I think you need to be punished for your actions, don’t you agree?”

  I look into his eyes. Animalistic lust is reflected in them.

  Slowly I nod.

  “Good.” His thumb caresses my check, and I will him to go back to touching my tits or, better still, my dripping pussy.

  I quiver and tingle all over. Briefly I think of my invented Mr. BadBoy. Would he treat a woman like this? Probably, quite probably, even rougher, taking what he wants. I should take notes.

  The power play started by Aaron is a new experience for me.

  Being in charge in my own business and yet now playing the submissive slut is a fucking turn on for me. It leaves me burning on the inside. I need him to take charge and fuck me however he wants. In fact, I’m pretty much desperate for him to.

  Aaron’s middle finger now obliges and finds the opening of my quivering pussy and pushes inside. His index finger grazes over my clit. Then his thumb and index finger take it and pinch it.

  Oh fuck, yes. I cry out again in pleasure and pain.

  “Fuck,” I groan and thrust my hips toward him, my back arching in the process.

  Aaron laughs a low, growling laugh. All of this is so different from the other night at the club, but equally hot. Aaron’s still as alpha as ever, though, and it makes me almost come just thinking about what he has in store for me.

  And then without warning, he moves his hand and pulls me toward the bed. He rips my dress down and quickly unclips my strapless bra. My tits bounce into freedom.

  He dispenses of my dress quickly and then hooks his fingers into the elastic of my lacy thong.

  He pulls on it, pressing the material onto my clit. He tugs and rubs and then he rips it off me with one swift movement.

  A cry of pleasure builds in my throat and spills out over my lips.

  I watch as he brings the saturated scrap of fabric to his face. He seems to soak in my wetness.

  “So,” he says while he discards my thong, “looks like you’re a bit hot and fucking ready.”

  I nod. “Oh yes. Please, Aaron, fuck me,” I plead and quiver in anticipation of what might happen next.

  Aaron nods.

  Then he pushes me onto the bed, face first. I feel him pull me upward, until all of me is draped over the bed.

  He spreads my legs far apart, and cool air assaults my dripping hole. His eyes are able to see the lips of my pussy.

  And then the flat of his hand collides with the flesh of my ass. It’s a short, sharp pain. It’s fucking amazing.

  His hand comes down again, and this time part of it collides with the lips of my pussy. And before I know it, he’s belted me about five times.

  Holy. Fucking. Hell.

  I bury my head into the sheets to muffle my cries of mixed pleasure and pain.

  It feels as if any second I’m going to be tipped over the edge. Fireworks are going off inside my head, and the rest of me feels as if bombs are exploding inside of me at breakneck speed. I know without a doubt I’m about to come harder than I ever have in my entire fucking life.

  Explosion after explosion rips through me.

  And then his hand is gone and I miss it immediately.

  I try and look over my shoulders. He’s taken his pants off, and I feast my eyes on his massive throbbing cock. Oh yes, that giant rod is about to impale me, and I can’t fucking wait.

  His fingers find my dripping pussy and scoop up some of my juices. Then he smears them over my burning ass cheeks. I arch my back and get to my hands and knees.

  Aaron keeps massaging my ass, which I’m sure must be bright red.

  “Pleaseee…” I start to beg again. I wiggle my ass at him. “Fuck me, Aaron, pleaseee.”

  My voice is high-pitched, and I’ve never heard myself beg like this for anyone or anything. It’s pure craziness. But if he doesn’t fuck me soon, I think I’ll lose my mind.

  His fingers go back to my clit.

  I throb and pulse and shake.

  My lower back arches even further. I will him to push into me.

  And then he does, shoving two of his fingers into me. He pushes as far as they’ll go and then explores on my inside. He hooks them over, scissors them, and oh my fucking God, his touch is unleashing hot molten lava inside of me, the volcanic eruption akin to Mount Edna’s.

  I know, I’m weird that way. I think of European volcanoes.

  I’ve been to Italy and seen Edna do her work. I’m pretty sure people think of the volcano as a temperamental woman. If they don’t, I might have made this up.

  But who the fuck cares because my volcanic eruption is of almighty proportions.

  This must be the sweet spot I’ve read about.

  Aaron responds and keeps pushing and pummeling into me with his fingers. The walls of my pussy grab them and massage them.

  “Pleaseee…oh pleaseee, fuck me…” I beg yet again, but I’m desperate for that cock to be inside of me.

  When his fingers leave me, a feeling of incredible loss envelops me. I look back at him to see what happened. Did I do or say something wrong?

  All I see is him kneeling behind me now and his fucking amazing cock pointing at my pussy.

  Oh fuck. Oh yes. Oh my god, let’s fucking do this.

  Slowly he enters me, and ripples of pleasure spread through me. I push back to meet him. I feel as if I’m falling off a cliff and floating through the air, weightless.

  At first, he only enters me with the tip of his dick. I try and grab all of him, get him all the way into me. He resists.

  His hands are grabbing onto my hips, and he’s controlling my m

  In and out he moves his cock, slowly and rhythmically. And then, just when I think I’m going to erupt into a fountain of pleasure, he pushes all the way into me.

  I can hear the slap his balls make when they hit the naked flesh of my ass.

  He pulls back out and then rams right back, hard and fast. I can feel his tip push against my insides.

  “Yes, yes, yes,” I scream and throw my head back.

  As he gets into a rhythm, I try and match him, meeting him on every thrust.

  Apart from his heavy breathing and my occasional cries of pleasure, the only other sound is that of his balls smacking into me. I fucking love that sound.

  I can feel my orgasm build, and I know I’m going to come any minute now.

  “Fuck, Aaron, I’m going to come,” I cry and feel the walls of my pussy grab and massage his cock.

  And then my muscles contract and spasm, and so does my pussy.


  Wave after wave of pleasure rips through me. I close my eyes and see stars. And then I feel Aaron pulse inside of me, and I know he’s coming too.

  He sprays his load into me, and I can feel it drip out as fast as it comes in because he’s pouring fucking gallons of cum inside me.

  “Fuck,” Aaron growls, and I feel his body shake and quiver more violently than an earthquake.

  We’ve both erupted together, and he collapses on top of me when it’s over.

  He stays inside of me, and I revel in the feeling of pleasure and power.

  When he does pull out of me, I roll onto my back and look at him.

  “So,” I say and smile. I let my hand trail down his abdomen and play with his balls for a minute before stroking his dick. I can feel it stir under my fingers. “You had enough, or are you up for seconds?”

  I can’t believe my own words.

  Has pretending to be Mr. BadBoy been a bad influence on my innocent and good girl character? It would seem so, or Aaron has put something into my drink to turn me into a fucking slut who likes to talk dirty and be punished for her behavior. I laugh. No, this is all me that’s turned into a sex-crazed maniac.

  “What do you have in mind?”

  My eyes wander over his body.

  “I’ve got a few ideas,” I say, licking my lips and batting my eyelashes at him.


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