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The Other Brother_A Billionaire Hangover Romance

Page 98

by Natalie Knight

“Start at the beginning and tell me the truth,” I reply and try and keep my voice steady. Part of me wants to throw myself into his arms, and the other can’t get the image of him and Emma out of my mind.

  He lets go of my hands and he strokes my face instead.

  “The beginning,” he mumbles and seems lost in thought. “Emma…she came on to me. I wanted nothing to do with her, Sophie, but when I pushed her away, she threatened me. She said if I didn’t go out with her, she’d kill the whole movie.” He stops and takes a deep breath. “She secured some of the rights, and she was ready to pull the cord on the whole thing. She’d do it, I know.”

  A glimmer of hope flickers deep within me.

  “I didn’t know what to do. I thought I had no choice but to go along with her demands. I thought I’d just go to the party with her and find you to explain what had happened. But, of course, she wouldn’t let me leave her side. She constantly threatened to destroy the movie.”

  Todd pauses again. His eyes are still on mine. I feel tears well up in me.

  “I didn’t mean to hurt you, and I didn’t mean for this to happen. I know it sounds stupid, but I really felt I had no choice but to go along with that stupid bitch’s demands.”

  I laugh.

  “It’s not funny.” Todd pulls a face. “Of course, eventually I realized the whole thing was stupid. All I needed to do was to go and speak to you, and as long as you knew what had happened…everything would work out. I don’t know. I was just stupid.”

  “Did you and Emma…you know?” I don’t want to say it, but I do need to know.

  “Fuck no, no way.” Todd lifts both his hands in a claim of innocence. “Nothing ever happened between the two of us, and once I was sure she could do nothing to harm the movie, I kicked her ass to the curb.”

  Happiness rips through me.

  “I guess I shouldn’t have blocked you from my phone straight away,” I reply and take his hands.

  Todd leans toward me, and his lips come down on mine. At first they are gentle and probing, and then they become more forceful.

  When he draws back, I’m breathing hard, and I know exactly what I want…and what I need.

  “Why don’t you take me somewhere more comfortable where we can really celebrate?” I mutter into his ear.


  “Tell me…is this real?” I ask him the moment we step foot inside his apartment. “Please, tell me it is,” I continue, my voice nothing but a sweet little whisper.

  “It’s real, Soph. As real as it gets,” he replies, caressing my face with the back of his hand.

  His eyes are on mine, and I can’t shift my gaze away. How did I survive all those weeks without Todd by my side? Oh, God, I was a fool! If only I had given him a chance to explain, if only I hadn’t acted like such a broken-hearted idiot.

  But none of that matters now.

  What matters is that we’re here, together at last. Emma has been pushed off the equation, and even if she tries to do something to break us apart, together we’ll simply fend her off. Swear to God, I won’t allow anything—or anyone—to ever come between the two of us again.

  “No, this has to be a dream,” I continue, my lips slowly curling into a smile. Forget about the Oscars, awards and ceremonies—I’ve never felt this happy before. If I had to choose between the Oscar I got, and the love from this perfect man…well, that’d be the easiest choice of my life.

  “I love you, Todd, I really do,” I tell him, my heart keeping a steady but urgent pace inside my chest.

  “I know…I love you too, Soph,” he breathes out, his lips returning me a smile of his own. “I love you so much that I can’t help but do something.”

  “Do what…?” I ask, arching my eyebrows in surprise.

  He runs the tip of his tongue between his lips, never taking his eyes out of mine, and then places one hand inside his pocket.

  “I brought this to the Oscars with me,” he whispers, taking a small velvety case from inside his pocket. I place one hand in front of my mouth as I gasp, slowly realizing what he’s about to do.

  “Sophie,” he continues, going down on one knee in front of me, “you’re the most perfect woman I’ve ever met. You’re sweet and kind. You’re smart, passionate about your work…and you’re beautiful. The most beautiful woman on Earth. If you’ll have me, I’ll be the happiest man alive.”

  With that, he pops the case open and my eyes widen as I watch the golden band casually sitting on a little plush pillow. He eases off the ring gently, and then holds my hand.

  “Will you marry me, Sophie Palmer?”

  “I…I don’t know what to say,” I stammer, my heart beating as fast as a sparrow’s wings.

  “Say yes,” he smiles at me, that sweet smile on his lips. Will I have that smile just for me, every day for the rest of my days?

  “YES!” I cry out, tears stinging my eyes as he slides the golden band onto my trembling finger.

  The moment I feel the cold metal against my skin, I simply can’t resist it anymore—I jump forward, throwing my arms over his shoulders, and we tumble down to the floor.

  “I love you, I love you so much,” I say as I kiss his nose, cheeks, and mouth. “I love you, I love you.”

  “I love you too, Sophie,” he whispers against my lips, “you’re the woman of my life, and I never want to let go.”

  “Promise me that,” I say, nibbling at his lower lip.

  “I promise,” he replies, running his hands down the side of my body, his fingers moving over the curve of my ass. Digging his fingers into my flesh, he pulls me against him, and I feel that sweet electricity crackling under my skin, as I feel something thick and hard growing between his thighs. Something that now belongs only to me.

  “I missed you…I miss this,” I sigh, opening my legs and straddling him. He sits up on the floor and, as I throw my arms over his shoulders, I thrust against him. With my pussy pressed against his hard cock, I throw my head back and close my eyes, allowing a deep moan to tumble out from between my smiling lips.

  God, I feel so alive! And happy—I’m happy again!

  “We have some lost time to make up for,” I grin, leaning in and crushing my mouth on his again.

  He parts my lips with the tip of his tongue, and our kiss becomes a frenzied one, my hips moving back and forth as I grind against his cock. I can’t believe I survived this long without Todd’s body.

  “We have all the time in the world now, babe,” he whispers as he buries his mouth on my neck, one of his hands holding the back of my head. I moan softly as he grazes my skin with his teeth, pulling it tenderly before brushing his lips up and down my neck.

  “I know…but I don’t want to waste a single second,” I breathe out, tangling my fingers on his hair and forcing his mouth down to my cleavage. My skin prickles the moment I feel his lips on the valley between my breasts, and I let out a lustful sigh.

  “I want you so fucking much, Sophie. I’ve missed you bad,” Todd growls, taking both his hands to my shoulders.

  Hooking his thumbs on the straps of my dress, he pulls them down my arms, revealing my black lacy bra. Moving fast, he takes his right hand to my back and unclasps my bra with a quick flick of his fingers. The moment he does it, the cups of my bra droop over my breasts as I feel the cool air of his living room lapping at my nipples.

  “Fuck, I missed this,” he continues, grabbing my bra and ripping it off me. Then he dives in, wrapping his eager lips around my right nipple. I feel it hardening against his tongue, and I become so wet that I’m sure my thong is a complete mess.

  Todd knows it.

  Pushing me slightly back, he takes his left hand to between my thighs, moving it under the hem of my dress and sliding his finger up to my inner thigh.

  I hold my breath as I feel his fingertips brushing against the drenched fabric of my thong, and a shiver goes up my spine as he slowly lays his fingers on me. Before I know it, he has flattened the palm of his hand against my pussy, pressing hard with his fin

  “Oh, God, that’s so good,” I pant, rocking my hips so that I’m rubbing my pussy against his hand.

  “I know.”

  With that, he flicks my thong to the side and runs one fingertip up the length of my pussy, stopping right on my clit. He presses against it gently and then, using another finger, he parts my inner lips.

  “And this is good too, right?” He whispers against my ear, slowly sliding his middle finger inside me in a hooking motion, taking it all the way to my G-spot. The moment he finds it, he presses hard against it while he starts circling my clit with his thumb, that sweet combination setting fire to my brain.

  “More than good,” I moan, still moving my hips as I keep that stupid smile on my face. I figure this’ll be a smile I won’t be able to wipe off my face for weeks. And screw it—I deserve it. I deserve to be happy, and to have the man I love by my side.

  “More than good?” Todd teases me, using his fingers to work his magic on my pussy. Before I know it, every single nerve ending on my body seems to have been electrified by pleasure. I shut my eyes hard, grit my teeth, and surrender to the high voltage current running through my body.

  “OH GOD!” I scream out, feeling my pussy walls tightening around his fingers.

  “More…more…more…” I tell him between breaths, trembling as he slides his fingers out of my pussy.

  “More? More of what?” He continues to tease me, but this time I know exactly what I want. I take one hand straight to his crotch and, turning my wrist around, I curl my fingers around the thick shape tenting his dress pants.

  “More of this,” I purr, gripping him tightly. “I want you to fuck me so hard, I won’t even remember my name. I want you to fuck me until my pussy is on fire, and I want you to fuck me until I can’t even stand.”

  Jesus Christ, what happened to sweet lil’ Sophie? I’m turning into a sex-crazed lunatic—and I’m loving every second of it.

  “That sounds like a plan,” Todd replies, slowly taking his hand to my face. He brushes his middle finger—the one that seconds ago was inside my pussy—along my lips, and I close my eyes as the flavor of my pussy inundates me. I part my lips slowly, allowing him to slide his finger into my mouth, and I suck it dry.

  “I want this, Todd. I need it,” I insist, tightening my hold on his cock. As I wrap my fingers tight around his cock, I feel it pulse against the palm of my hand, and that just makes me want him inside of me even more. I don’t even know how that’s possible, but I guess there are no limits to what might happen when Todd and I are together in the same room.

  “That bad, huh?” He laughs, his grin widening wickedly.

  “Yeah, that bad,” I pant, stroking him over the fabric of his pants. “And if you don’t give it to me, I’ll have to make you.”

  “Oh?” He chuckles, looking straight at me, that lustful glint on his eyes. “And how are you planning to do that, Sophie?”

  “Like this,” I whisper, letting go of his cock and grabbing his shirt.

  Pulling at the fabric, I make all the buttons pop out at once, and then I untuck his shirt with one fast movement. I push it down his arms and then drag my fingernails across his chest, the warmth of his skin making my mind dance with delight.

  Gritting my teeth, I place the palm of my hands on his chest and push him back, forcing him to lay down on the floor. Moving fast and cat-like, I climb down from him, only leaving my fingers on his belt. I unbuckle it as fast as I can, pop out the top button on his pants, and then push them down his legs in a frenzy.

  He kicks off his shoes to help me out, and it doesn’t take long before he’s wearing nothing but his boxer briefs, the shape of his cock perfectly delineated against the dark fabric.

  “I told you I wanted it,” I whisper, sliding both my hands up his legs, stopping right before I touch his long member.

  I brush one fingertip over his length, pressing so softly that I might be doing it with a feather, and then trace a downward path back to his balls. I cup them softly, and then change gears and just grab them hard.

  “And I always get what I want.”

  With that, I kneel between his open legs and lean in, taking my open mouth to his cock. I tilt my head sideways and press my lips against the fabric of his boxers, sucking hard on his cock over it.

  “Fuck, Sophie,” he groans, instinctively taking both his hands to my head. I should tease him some more, only so that he could see what I’m capable of, but I’m not in the mood for that.

  No, I need his cock, and I need right fucking now.

  Grabbing his boxers by the elastic band, I yank them down his legs. His cock springs free to greet me, slapping the back of my hand, and I wrap my fingers around it immediately.

  “You’re mine, Todd Alexander,” I whisper seductively, slowly flicking my wrist and stroking him in such a way that his eyes start rolling in their orbits. His grin turns into a smile of pure delight, and he throws his head back and closes his eyes, surrendering to my touch.

  “I wanna be yours,” he groans as I up the pace, my hand now moving so fast that my fingers have become a blur.

  “You have no idea how much I like hearing that,” I tell him, and then I give in to that urge inside of me.

  I stop stroking him but, keeping his cock upright, I lean in and take his cock into my mouth. There’s nothing gentle or subtle about it—I simply open my mouth as wide as I can, and engulf his whole length at once, only stopping when I feel the tip of his cock against the back of my throat.

  “Oh, fuck, Sophie,” he groans, his hands once more on my head, his fingers tangled on my hair. Keeping my head in positions, he thrusts his hips upward slightly, and I close my eyes as my lips touch the skin at the base of his cock. I can’t believe I have all of his inches inside my mouth right, but that’s what you get when you work hard.

  The moment he eases the pressure on my head, I start bobbing my head up and down, sucking him eagerly. I wrap my fingers around the base of his cock and start stroking at a matching rhythm, the saltiness of his precum flooding my mouth.

  I could keep doing this forever, sucking and stroking for all eternity—as long as Todd’s with me, I’m unstoppable.

  But, right now, I want to do more than just suck his cock. I want to feel him inside of me, to have his thickness stretching my inner walls in such a way that I’ll have to wobble my way to work tomorrow.

  “Ready?” I ask him, popping his cock out of my mouth and going up to my feet.

  Standing on top of him, my feet on either side of his thighs, I grab my dress by the hem and pull it over my head. My eyes never leaving his, I then hook my thumbs on my thong and start pushing it down, slowly swaying my hips from side to side.

  I smile as I watch him take in the sight of my naked pussy, and then I just kick my thong off to a far corner of the living room. Now completely naked, I run the tip of my tongue between my lips and start lowering myself, only stopping when my knees are touching the floor and I feel his shaft pressed tight against my inner lips.

  Grabbing his cock by the root, I angle it upward and grit my teeth as I feel its thick head parting my inner lips.

  “I’m more than ready. Are you?” He asks me out of the blue, planting his hands on my hips and pushing me down, impaling me on his cock.

  Closing my eyes, I arch my back and let a thunderous scream fill the whole apartment, my voice fraught with so much ecstasy I don’t even know if I’m living or have died and gone to Heaven.

  This feels too good to be real.

  And it can feel even better, I’m betting—leaning in, I dig my fingernails into Todd’s chest and start moving my hips back and forth, riding him so hard that beads of sweat start forming on my forehead just a few seconds later. I keep on doing it until my whole body seems to be burning from the inside out.

  Todd has his hands on my ass, his fingers buried in my cheeks, making sure that I don’t slow down. As if!

  “Like it? See, I can be in control too,” I tell him as I rock my
body against his, my hair cascading down my shoulders. He smiles at me, raises one hand and cups my cheek. Then, he places his hand behind my neck and pulls me into him, his lips finding mine in a fraction of a second.

  “And I love it when you do,” he whispers then, but his hand runs down the side of my body. Grabbing me hard, he forces me to roll to the side and we switch positions. Reacting by instinct, I lace my legs around his waist, pulling him into me and making sure his cock is buried deep inside my pussy.

  “But now’s my turn,” he adds, that devilish grin of his once more on his lips.

  “Let’s see what you’ve got then,” I tease him and, swear to God, that grin becomes as large as the universe itself.

  Pushing my legs off his waist, he makes me lift them up and then he leans in, my knees bending over his shoulders. Pulling me into him, he then starts thrusting so hard that it feels like a nuclear detonation has just happened inside my skull; even though my eyes and ears seem to be functioning, I can’t see or hear a damn thing.

  All my brain can process right now is the sweet, violent way he’s pistoning into me, his cock sliding in and out of my pussy so fast I swear I’m going to catch fire soon enough.

  Now, that’d be a good way to go out—death from sexual combustion. And that after the two of us just won a couple of Oscars. We’d become legends.

  But I don’t care about any of that—all I care about is being Todd’s own personal legend, in and out of the bedroom. And I’m doing great so far, I’d say.

  “Harder, harder,” I breath out, arching my back and pressing the back of my head against the floor.

  He doesn’t even hesitate—he starts thrusting even harder than before, fucking me with such an intensity that I don’t even know how the hell I’m still alive. My body is covered in sweat, and his hands are now sliding up my stomach, heading straight for my breasts.

  He squeezes them both at the same time, my nipples burning under the palm of his hands, and I let out a moan so loud I’m actually surprised no window has shattered yet.

  “I think I’m gonna…” I start to say, but then I trail off, pleasure’s fingers gripping my throat tight.


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