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Clutch of the Demon (Cursed Ancients Series Book 1)

Page 17

by Jensen, A. P.


  That deep, commanding voice made her heart wrench inside of her. She stopped trying to fight the blackness and let it consume her.

  Cara's eyes fluttered open. She winced against the bright light and blinked several times before she focused on the man sitting in a chair beside the bed. Her heart beat so hard in her chest, she thought it was going to tear through her skin. Sunlight filtered in behind Aodhan, casting his face in shadow.

  Cara shifted and pain crackled over every inch of her body. She looked down the length of her body, which was alarmingly still. She made a distressed sound as everything came back in a rush that left her terrified. Why was she alive? If she was here, it meant Luc was still on earth as well. Even if she hadn't died immediately from the impact, why hadn't Aodhan let her die? She was a demon, after all. Her fall from the top of the cliffs was so vivid in her mind that she knew there was no way she should be breathing right now.

  "You tried to kill yourself."

  Aodhan's voice was devoid of any inflection. She averted her eyes from him and stared straight ahead.

  "You broke every bone in your body. Even with pints of my blood, you've been in a coma for a week." She didn't say anything so he continued, "You should have told me what you are."

  "What am I doing here?" she whispered.

  "You expected me to let you die?"

  His voice was laced with something she couldn't decipher and she was too weary to try.

  "Luc can't be banished while I'm still here. He'll latch onto my soul to bring himself back. I can't do anything to protect myself if he wants to possess me. Khan managed to kill Luc and he possessed me for a year." She swallowed hard as the ugly memories tried to surface. "While Luc possessed me, we faced off against Khan. We barely escaped and Luc realized it was better that he didn't possess his spawn and expose me to danger so he found another puppet."

  "How old were you?"


  "And that's when you started hunting demons," Aodhan said.

  She stared fixedly ahead. "So, now you know. Luc controls legions of demons possessing the most influential people in the world. The world is on the brink of war. If you kill the Master Demon, they'll panic and scatter."

  "And the only way to do that is to let you die."

  "It'll rid the world of Luc once and for all," she said and ignored the pain in her chest.

  "And rid the world of you as well?"

  Breathing was suddenly difficult. "I've always known how this ends."

  "Your mother told me she was raped by Luc when she was sixteen."

  Cara was so stunned that she turned her head and met his gaze. She stared into neon turquoise for several beats before she dropped her eyes. It was too painful and the words he said to her on the cliffs repeated over and over in her mind.

  "You talked to my mother?" Cara asked, wondering what would compel her mom to confess all of this to Aodhan.

  "You wouldn't tell me what I needed to know so I called her." He paused and then said, "You've been able to sense demons all your life. When you were eight some kids beat you in a field and tried to light you on fire. Luc possessed your body to protect his investment and punished the kids. He possessed you again when the parents of the deceased children came to your house to burn both of you as witches."

  Her fingers curled into claws beneath the sheet, but she didn't speak.

  "When Luc revealed what you were to him, you tried to commit suicide."

  "Stop," she whispered. She couldn't stand that Aodhan knew all of this. Having her worst memories being laid out before her by Aodhan filled her with self-loathing and despair.

  "You were possessed by Luc for a year and there was nothing Dawn could do. After the fight with Khan, Luc released you. I assume you learned a lot while Luc possessed you. You used that knowledge to became a demon hunter and you posed as a traveling nurse to get close to possessed, influential people. You traveled the world in Luc's wake, trying to undo his plans. You became the best at your job and Luc found out. Because he couldn't kill his only spawn, he infected Sky with an incurable disease to make you heel. You didn't give in, even if it meant losing your sister."

  There was a tangled web of emotions that threatened to erupt from her chest and it was hard to breathe. She felt as if she might shatter.

  "You have nothing to say, Cara?" Aodhan asked.

  She turned her head and met his eyes. "What am I doing here?"

  His face, which was still cast in shadows, was unreadable. "You should have told me."

  "I know what I am! I've known for a long time. When you mentioned Khan's name, I realized he was an Ancient and that my time had run out."

  "Which is why you tried to leave."

  She wasn't sure what was going on. Nothing changed since she fell off the cliff, so why was she here? Aodhan was still an Ancient and she was still a demon.

  "When I was possessed by Luc for that year, I murdered over eighty people. He whored me out for kicks. I helped find puppets for the demons. I helped make the world what it is today." She was dizzy with pain, but she didn't stop. "You can't use me as bait for Luc. He owns me. He owns a piece of my soul. It's his. That's why he was able to possess me in the caves. He can possess me whenever he wants and no one can stop him." She drew in a deep breath. "I can't go through that again."

  "We'll figure this out."

  "There's nothing to figure out!" Her body protested her volume and increased agitation. "I'm a demon! There is nothing to figure out. I need to die and then you hunt him down and kill him once and for all."

  Aodhan rose and approached the bed. She waited for him to pull out a weapon, but he did nothing. When she finally tilted her head back to look at him, their eyes locked.

  "If you try to harm yourself again, I'll bring you back by any means necessary."

  She stared at him, stunned. "Why?"

  His eyes darkened. "You released me from my prison. I'm going to get you out of yours."

  "This isn't a curse you can help me with. I'm a demon. It's inked on my soul."

  Emotions flickered within the depths of his eyes and she couldn't take it. A tear leaked out of the corner of her eye.

  "You thought I was playing you, that I whored myself out for Luc."

  "I was mistaken."

  She shook her head. "Doesn't matter. In the end, it'll be true. Luc will make me fuck you over. You should've let me die. This is a mistake."

  He said something else, but she couldn't hear because she slipped back into unconsciousness.

  The next time she woke, Linnea was by her side. Her first thought was of Aodhan and their discussion and the second was that she'd crashed Linnea's car and had no way to repay her. When she tried to apologize, Linnea cut her off.

  "Don't worry about the car. The Master bought me a SUV." Linnea looked towards the open doorway and leaned close to whisper, "It's new! I've never owned a new car in my life. He said it's a bonus for keeping the castle so clean and stocked."

  "He what?" Cara said faintly.

  "He said the other car wasn't safe anyway. He was right. It must be older than me." Linnea held a straw to Cara's lips so she could drink water. "The Master says you've been in an accident."

  Her eyes scanned Cara's face and body, which showed no signs of damage.

  "Did you hit your head or something?" Linnea asked. "You've been up here for a week. He's been with you the whole time. He didn't let me see you until today."

  "Yeah, hit my head pretty bad, but I'm feeling better." Cara closed her eyes when Linnea clucked her tongue and brushed her hair back from her face.

  "The Master's been different since you had your accident. He hasn't yelled and he got me a new cell phone. He seems more human, I guess."

  Cara had nothing to say to that.

  "You want a bath?" Linnea asked.

  Cara nodded. She felt like crap and she was tired of being in bed. When Linnea helped her up, she scowled down at her shaking legs. She felt like a baby mare. Y
ou broke every bone in your body. Even with pints of my blood, you've been in a coma for a week. Aodhan's words came back to her and she snapped her mouth shut.

  "Too cold?" Linnea asked when Cara shivered in the bathtub.

  Cara shook her head and relaxed in the warm water. She should have felt self-conscious and uneasy about Linnea caring for her, but she didn't. Linnea reminded her of her mother. Linnea and Dawn were gentle and beautiful from the inside out. Cara splayed her hands beneath the water as Linnea bustled around the bathroom. Cara's mind replayed her discussion with Aodhan. What did Aodhan say to her mom that made her reveal everything? She didn't know what was going through Aodhan's mind, but, according to him, her life wasn't over yet. Maybe he saved her out of obligation and duty. Maybe it was a 'life for a life' thing.

  "I don't know what's going on," Linnea said softly as she massaged shampoo into Cara's scalp, "but you're going to be okay."

  "I know," she agreed to placate Linnea.

  "You told me you weren't dating the Master, but he's been up here with you the whole time and he looked-"

  "Can we not talk about him, please?" Cara closed her eyes against the suds that leaked into her eyes.

  Linnea muttered to herself as she washed the shampoo from Cara's hair and squirted conditioner. "I wish you'd tell me what's happening. I feel like there's a war going on that no one's telling me about. It's damn frustrating."

  "Ignorance is bliss. Enjoy it," Cara advised.

  Linnea grunted as she washed away the conditioner. Cara moved a soapy rag over her body. Even the small task of washing herself taxed her. How long would it take for her to regain her strength? She didn't like feeling helpless.

  "The Master brought a friend here," Linnea said.

  The rag plopped into the water when it slipped from Cara's nerveless fingers. "Friend?"

  "His name's Khan," Linnea said with a bite in her voice, "and he's super bossy."

  Even as visions of Khan engulfed in electricity flitted through her mind, she was amused by Linnea's obvious irritation. She wondered how Linnea would react if she found out that Khan was an immortal being that fought against the dark.

  "What did he do?" Cara asked cautiously.

  Linnea sniffed. "It's not so much what he did as much as what he didn't do. He refuses to eat any of my food! Its like he thinks he's too good for it and he's always in a suit. Like, what normal person would wear a suit in the middle of nowhere? What a jerk."

  Cara lips quirked. Linnea didn't notice as she helped Cara out of the tub and engulfed her in a fluffy towel.

  "I never went to culinary school, but I know how to make good food. My mom taught me and Khan just looks down at me with this superior look on his face." Linnea headed into the bedroom as Cara got dressed. "I mean, yeah, he's the hottest guy I've ever seen, but I can't imagine any woman being with him when he has the personality of a rock."

  "He's rich," Cara said as she made her way slowly to the window ledge and sat.

  "So what? Money isn't everything, especially when you're with a guy like that. You'd divorce him within six months tops unless you're a Barbie who doesn't feel anything. The most romantic guy I ever knew worked at a gas station."

  "If he was so romantic, why are you in Ireland?" Cara asked.

  Linnea sighed. "He was a crier."

  Cara blanched. "When you gave him gifts?"

  "No, when we had sex."

  Cara was speechless for a moment and then she began to laugh. She'd had so precious little to laugh about and then along came Linnea. Cara never had a friend aside from her mom. It was too risky and she didn't know what to talk about to others because her life wasn't normal. With Linnea, she didn't feel on edge or wary. She felt as if they'd known each other for decades and suddenly thoughts of Luc and her impending death seemed very far away.

  "Think that's funny, do you?" Linnea asked with her nose in the air. "Well, I have lots of stories about men and they're not pretty."

  "What's worse than a guy that cries in bed?"

  "How about a guy that tapes you screwing him without telling you?"

  Cara gaped. "He didn't!"

  "Now, do you know why I'm in Ireland?" Linnea twisted her hands together. "Not only did he tape it, he uploaded it on the Internet. You should have seen my Granddad's face when I told him."

  "You told your Granddad that you have a sex tape?" Cara was horrified and fascinated. "Who was this guy?"

  "A high school math teacher."

  "High school math teacher?" Cara echoed in disbelief. "Was he even hot?"

  "No!" Linnea shouted and stomped her foot. "He was dorky and hairy! I just broke up with a hot mechanic who cheated on me and I was trying to stay away from players. I thought a high school math teacher would be safe. I never imagined he'd tape us having sex!"

  "So busy watching out for players you forgot to watch out for the pervert," Cara said and tried to keep a straight face.

  Linnea paced. "It was horrible! One of my nephews heard about it and-"

  Cara clapped a hand over her mouth to stop the hysterical laughter from pouring out. This was not funny, she told herself, but Linnea's horror was adorable and infectious.

  "Of course, that asshole blurs his face, but not mine!"

  Cara tried to regain self-control as Linnea ripped the sheets off the bed and put on a new set. Cara watched as Linnea rolled and bounced over the bed with such energy that she became even more tired. She enjoyed watching Linnea's expressive face. The burdens she carried were worth it because of people like Linnea who could date horrible men, Sky could hopscotch at school and her mother could meet another great man someday. She'd die to protect innocents like Dawn, Sky and Linnea.

  "Granddad's been great," Linnea went on as she pulled the bed sheets so tight you could bounce a quarter on them. "He helped me get my job here, which I love even though I suspect the Master and Khan are in the mafia or something." She slid a hopeful glance at Cara who raised a brow. "I'll figure it out sooner or later. The weird thing is, I think even Granddad knows what's going on but he won't tell me." Linnea rolled her eyes. "I think I'm more worldly than people think. I mean, I have a porno on the Internet."

  Cara snorted. "I must say, not a lot of people can say that. Maybe you should tell Aodhan or Khan."

  When Linnea's eyes bugged in alarm, Cara grinned.

  "Did Gael do a thorough background check on you?" Cara teased with mock solemnity.

  Linnea's mouth dropped. "You wouldn't."

  "Maybe Khan will loosen up once he hears you're a sexpot." She couldn't resist teasing Linnea who flushed a nice cherry color.

  "I am not a sexpot! If I'd known he was gonna tape it, I never would've tried Viagra for the first time." Linnea bellowed. "I went insane! You don't know how many men called or knocked on my mom's door, begging for my number. Everyone thinks I'm a sex maniac. No one believes it was Viagra."

  "This just keeps getting better and better," Cara wheezed as she laughed.

  Linnea wagged a finger in her face. "Don't you dare say anything, Cara! We're friends and you can't rat me out. I learned my lesson. Ugly guys are just as bad as hot guys."

  Linnea continued to rant as Cara crawled onto the clean sheets and sighed. Her eyes drooped as she listened to Linnea tell one horrifying dating story after another. Cara fell asleep with a smile on her face.

  Cara just finished pulling on jeans and a top when the door flew open behind her. Fear was a nasty taste in her mouth as she whirled. A moment later, she dropped to her knees as a little girl with bright blue eyes charged forward. Sky hit Cara with such force that they toppled backwards. Cara's body went into spasms of pain, but she didn't care. All of the depression, worry and fear she carried drained away as Sky's magic seeped into her.

  "Cara, we're in a castle!" Sky shrieked.

  Cara stared into her sister's face. Sky's cheeks were flushed with color and the arms that wrapped around her were strong. Cara saw wisps of red hair beneath the crocheted cap and happy tears flowed d
own her cheeks. Her spirit was lighter than it had been in years. She felt cleansed and content and knew it was due to Sky's magic, which was back in full force.

  "Are you really here?" Cara whispered.

  "Mom said we might see leprechauns!" Sky shouted, obviously not paying attention to Cara's amazement.

  Sky was lifted off of Cara and she saw her mother. Cara was dimly aware of Linnea coming over and luring Sky away with the promise of sugar cookies to give them time alone. Dawn pulled Cara upright and engulfed her in a tight hug.

  "I never thought I'd see you again," Cara whispered.

  "I know, honey. I know," Dawn soothed.

  "What are you two doing here?" Cara asked.

  "Aodhan called me."

  Cara swallowed hard. "You told him everything."

  "He needed to know."

  "You don't know what he is."

  "He told me you tossed yourself off a cliff and that he saved you. He told me about the bargain you made for Sky's life and how you stayed with him when you should have saved yourself." When Cara stared at her, Dawn sighed. "If I can handle Luc, I can handle anything, even a dragon. At least Aodhan's on our side."

  "Which means I'm not on the same side as him," Cara said.

  Dawn's eyes narrowed. "Aodhan says there's a way to fix this."

  "Fix what? My soul?" Cara ran shaking hands through her hair. "I know my role in life."

  "You know the role Luc created you for. Don't play into his hands."

  This was an argument they'd been having since she was eight. No matter how much she explained the situation, Dawn never agreed with her.

  "You can't stay here. It's not safe," Cara said in a low voice, eyes flicking to the open door.

  "We're not leaving without you," Dawn said fiercely.

  "Mom, you knew this day would come."

  "I like Aodhan. He's a good man, dragon, whatever. He thinks there's a way around this. He wouldn't have flown us out here if he was planning to kill you."

  "I don't know why he brought you guys here. It's not safe."


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