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Wild Girl: A Cowboy Romance Trilogy (Wild Men Texas Book 3)

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by Melissa Belle

  Wild Girl

  Melissa Belle

  Autumn Ink Press

  Copyright © 2020 Melissa Belle. All rights reserved.

  Published in the United States of America by Autumn Ink Press.

  This is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real places are used fictitiously. All names, characters, places, and events are products of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual situations or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, transmitted, or distributed in any form or by any means, except for brief quotes used for the purpose of review, without the prior written permission of the author. Any trademarks, service marks, or product names are the property of their respective owners and are used only for reference.

  Cover Art: J. Hunter Designs

  Editing: J. Dylan & D. Yacovetta

  Melissa’s Newsletter


  BONUS FREE Wild Men Story!

  Also by Melissa Belle


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39


  Second Epilogue

  Also by Melissa Belle

  BONUS FREE Wild Men Story!


  About the Author

  BONUS FREE Wild Men Story!

  Pick up WILD VALENTINE as a free bonus short story!

  Also by Melissa Belle

  Boston Boys






  Wild Men

  WILD MAN (Colton and Sky first love)








  Wild Men Texas Trilogy




  Bonus Wild Men Stories

  WILD VALENTINE (Ayden and Bella short story)

  Boudreaux Universe


  Sign up for Melissa’s Newsletter to get a free story and to receive alerts and updates on upcoming book releases.


  He’ll do anything for her…except let her go.

  I told Logan Wild to let me go.

  I told him not to fight for me.

  I’m just a girl in a bar who needs to save her family.

  I never planned to become a Wild, even though Logan was with me from the start.

  But sometimes fate plays her hand, and all you can do is surrender.

  Chapter One




  So many loud voices around me. I can’t make out who is who.

  I’m drifting again.


  I’m being lifted. Carried.

  I try to open my eyes. My eyelids are too heavy. My thoughts are jumbling together.

  Where’s Macey?

  I need to see her.

  And then I do see her.

  At the ranch—just her and me in the barn. Macey turns toward me, and she’s so young. She’s a teenager. Her dark ponytail is high on her head, and she smiles at me with the most beautiful smile in the world.

  The light is so bright. It burns my eyes and I fight to keep looking at her.

  Macey beckons me closer to where she sits on top of a hay bale. Her whiskey eyes dance with pride as I hold up the painting I did of the two of us.

  “This is for you,” I tell her.

  She shakes her head. “It’s for you, Logan.”

  I step closer to her so I can kiss her.

  “Hey!” The word is slurred as my father yells from outside the barn. “Are you in here, Logan?”

  “Quick!” I tell Macey. “Hide!”

  The second she’s out of sight, my dad storms in.

  And he’s angry. And drunk. Which means he’s going to be violent.

  I try to hide the painting, but I’m not quick enough.

  The pain from his strike—all I see is red.

  Can’t be like him…can never be like him.

  Have to find Macey…


  I sit next to Luke and Brayden in silence as Luke drives us to the hospital. The three of us are in the front seat of Luke’s truck, and no one’s said a word since we watched Logan get carried into the back of the ambulance.

  He never regained consciousness after he fell off Prince. I tried to get close to him, but the EMTs said they had to move quickly.

  “This is the exit for the hospital,” I say as I point to the sign.

  Luke puts on his signal, and we leave the highway.

  “You okay?” Brayden asks me.

  “I will be when Logan wakes up and he’s fine,” I say in a strained tone.

  “He will,” Luke says, his voice rough. “Be fine.”

  “I know.” I cross my arms over my chest.

  He has to be.

  Chapter Two

  The hospital waiting room is chaos.

  Logan’s parents arrive the same time we do, and Luke and Brayden go down the hall with them to find a doctor.

  Logan’s brothers arrive five minutes after. All three of them are normally so laid-back, but today, their faces are creased with worry.

  Blake rushes in right after them. His eyes find mine, and he crosses the room and wraps me up in a hug.

  “He’ll be awake in no time,” he murmurs.

  I relax into his warm embrace, allowing myself a few moments to breathe. I pull back at the sound of a familiar shriek.

  Gigi’s just arrived with her parents. She and her mother are both hysterical.

  “Oh, Macey!” Gigi grabs my hand. “Has Logan ever had an accident before?”

  “Not like this,” I say honestly. “But his cousin, Luke, was a professional bronc rider, and he’s trying to talk to the doctor now.” I look into Gigi’s blue eyes and see genuine concern there. “Logan’s going to be fine, Gigi. I swear.”

  I’m trying to convince myself as much as her.

  Luke comes over to tell me Logan’s still unconscious. “They’re running all sorts of tests,” he says.

  Mr. Wild has his arm around Logan’s mom, who’s crying.

  “Your son is the toughest person I’ve ever known,” I say as I approach them. “He’s going to wake up.”

  I take a deep breath and look toward the closed double doors leading to where Logan is.

  Please wake up.

  I go take a se
at by myself in a corner seat.

  And I wait.

  Ginny and Dave race into the waiting room. Ginny hugs me tightly and says she dropped off my gun at The Cowherd. Mama calls me, asking for an update. She says she and Daddy are praying right now, and they’ll keep praying until Logan wakes up. Ben shows up with Riley and Freedom. They brought coffees and snacks for everyone.

  I can’t touch any of it.

  All I can do is sit in the corner of the waiting room and pray. For my best friend who I can’t imagine not being by my side.

  A single tear slides down my cheek, and I wipe it away angrily.

  I will not cry over Logan. Because Logan is going to be fine. He’s going to wake up.

  Ginny sits down next to me and squeezes my hand. “I can’t imagine what you’re going through, Mace. But I do know this—being strong for Logan is the best thing you can do for him right now.”

  I glance at her. “You’re right. Thank you.”

  The double-doors open, and a doctor steps out. He walks over to Logan’s parents.

  They’re too far away for me to overhear, but when a smile crosses Mrs. Wild’s face, I sag against Ginny’s shoulder in relief.

  “He’s awake!” Reid shouts.

  Thank you, God.

  I want to see him.

  I need to see him.

  But lots of people are here to see Logan.

  And now that we’re allowed to go through the double doors, it’s awfully crowded as we walk down the hall and peek through the open doorway of Logan’s room.

  My stomach twists into knots when I see Logan lying in bed with machines around him and a bandage on his head.

  Gigi races into the room, and Logan’s entire family follows.

  I hang back with Ginny and Dave.

  “I think we should wait,” I murmur.

  The three of us stand outside the room while Logan’s mom fusses over him.

  After a few minutes, everyone but Luke leaves the room.

  As Mrs. Wild comes over to me, I stand up.

  “How is he?” I ask.

  “A concussion and bruised ribs,” she says. “But no broken bones and no internal damage. It’s a miracle.”

  I throw my arms around her, fighting back my own tears. “I’m so glad.”

  “He asked for Luke,” she says as I pull back. “I thought he might.”

  Knowing Logan and Luke’s history with bronc riding and what they went through together, I nod. “It makes sense. I’m sure you’ll get to visit with him again really soon.”


  Macey peeks through the doorway, but then she disappears.

  I shift my gaze past Mama chastising me, Dad glowering at me with a look of concern, and Gigi doing her whole worried-fiancée routine. I can’t see Macey anywhere.

  Once my brothers and cousins have made their way to my side to ask how I’m doing, I ask to speak to Luke alone.

  The room clears out immediately.

  I’ve got a killer headache. The right side of my face hurts. And my body feels like it’s been stepped on by a thousand-pound bull.

  I flash back to the moment I flew off Prince’s back as he reared up. I don’t know how I missed hitting the wall. The wall easily could have killed me.

  And yet, here I am—in pain but in one piece.

  I feel pretty fucking lucky.

  “It seems like I came to Texas to help you pick up the pieces in more ways than one,” Luke says as he shuts the door tight behind him and takes a seat at the edge of my bed.

  I exhale. “Hold the lecture until I’m feeling good enough to argue back.”

  He runs his hand down his face. “You scared the hell out of me.”

  His words hold weight. And he knows it.

  I open my mouth to say something sarcastic, but I take a good look at the scar on his face, the worry in his eyes, and I shut up.

  “The last thing I wanted was to invite you down to Texas to make things worse for you. You know that.” I try to sit up straighter, but my head hurts too much. “I apologize.”

  “No need.” Luke gestures to my head. “This isn’t about me. You’re the one who’s lying in a hospital bed.”

  “They say I should be able to leave tomorrow.”

  “The doctor said things weren’t as bad as he thought they’d be. How are you feeling?”

  “I’m fine.”

  Luke shakes his head. “You’re not fucking fine.”

  I try to grin even though my jaw hurts. “I will be.”

  “Logan. Listen to me.” His gaze is hard. “Don’t get yourself torn up by a horse. That’s no way to deal with a problem. Trust me.”

  “I didn’t set out with that intention,” I say. “It just happened.”

  “Like you just happened to get engaged?” Luke asks in a light tone that belies the seriousness of his question.

  “Don’t start on that right now.” I wince as I shift and pain shoots through my ribcage. “I’m not in the mood.”

  He nods. “I want you to heal up. So I can drop that subject. But I will say this—I know there’s something strange going on. And I know somehow, helping Macey has to be what’s behind it. I remember our phone conversation from the other day. I put two and two together.”

  “This is just between us,” I tell him. “If it gets out…”

  “It won’t,” he says. “But do you want to tell me what the hell’s going on?”

  After what happened at the rodeo, I feel like my control on things isn’t just slipping—it’s pretty much gone.

  “I could use some advice,” I admit. “I’ll give you the cliff notes version of what I’ve gotten myself into.”

  “I’m all ears.”

  When I’ve finished telling Luke the backstory of my engagement to Gigi, he whistles.

  “You really went all out for Macey.”

  “And I’d do it again.”

  His expression softens. And I know I now have an ally in my crazy plan. Luke doesn’t even smile unless he means it.

  “I don’t know what it’s like to care about a woman so much I’d do anything for her,” he says. “I envy you that, Wild.”

  I gesture to the IV and machines around me. “But I’ve lost focus. You were right.”

  “I don’t think I was.” He sucks in a breath. “Yes, you’re a little off course. But you have the right intentions. So.” He looks at me. “I get why you’re doing this. I think it’s nuts, but I don’t think you can back out now. And if there’s any way I can help, tell me.”

  I nod. “I appreciate the support. I could use your help right now, actually.”

  He raises his eyebrows. “I know what you’re going to ask. Yes, I’ll go get her for you.”

  Chapter Three


  I text Mama that Logan’s awake and fill her in on his condition. But when she calls back asking for more details, I don’t have any.

  “I haven’t seen him yet,” I tell her, trying to keep the emotion out of my voice.

  “Oh, doll.” She goes quiet for a moment. “You know, I wonder if…”

  “Mama. I’m okay. I am.”

  I tell her I’ll call her later, and I end the call.

  When I look up, Luke’s standing in front of me.

  I jump up. “How is he? Do you have more information?”

  Luke tilts his head toward Logan’s room. “He’s asking for you.”

  We lock eyes.

  I glance over at Gigi, who’s staring at us.

  “Go,” Luke says to me. “I’ll talk to her. He needs you.”

  I peek inside the cracked door.

  Logan’s face is pale and his eyes are closed.

  I take a step into the room but then stop.

  He’s resting and I don’t want to disturb him.

  “Get over here, Henwood,” he growls as his eyes open and fix on me.

  I shut the door behind me and hurry over to him. “Oh, my God, Logan.” I lean over the bed and throw my arms around him. “I
was so worried about you. Are you okay? I mean, obviously you’re not okay, but I’m just so glad you’re awake.”

  He shoots me a half-grin and then grimaces. “I’m okay. I’m good.”

  I sit next to him on the bed. “I saw Prince buck you off. I’ve never been so scared in my life.”

  “You were there?”

  “Of course I was there. You asked me to be. I’ll always cheer for and support you, Logan.” I fidget with my hands on my lap. “Even when you’re…”

  His hand lands on my bare knee. “Thank you, Mace. I’ll do the same for you. I was so happy you won the target contest. You deserved it.”

  His gaze is intense.

  “Why do I get the feeling something’s going on that I don’t know about?” I whisper.

  My words bounce off the stark-white walls of the hospital room. Then, ever so slightly, Logan’s hand squeezes my knee.

  It feels like a message.

  But his face is blank.


  Knock, knock.

  “Dr. Glenn is here to speak to you,” the nurse says as she peeks in the door.


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