Alpha Province: Polar Opposites (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

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Alpha Province: Polar Opposites (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting) Page 14

by Becca Van

  “Nope, I can’t agree with you on that.” He caressed a hand up and down her back and rubbed his chin on the top of her head. “To me, to us, you’re the moon and stars. You’re our sunshine, Emmy. Life was and would be very dark if you weren’t in ours.”

  Emmy blinked rapidly when tears pooled in her eyes. She wasn’t quite able to keep them at bay. A tear leaked from each corner of each eye, and she sniffed. “You all say such nice things to me. No one has ever told me I’m special or amazing. Every time you, Declan, and Brooks say stuff like that, I can’t help tearing up.” She hugged him tight around the waist and rubbed her cheek over his chest.

  “We mean every word of it, love.”

  “I know,” Emmy wailed, and this time she couldn’t stop the tears from flowing. She was so happy the joy in her heart was too much to contain.

  Jett didn’t say anything to make her stop crying. He just held her until she was done.

  “You okay, love?” he asked as he loosened his arms so he could meet her gaze.

  “I am,” she replied in a croaky voice.

  Jett chuckled, swiped the tears from her face, and turned her toward the bathroom. “Go and wash your face, Emmy. We don’t want any of our customers thinking I made you cry.”

  She hurried into the bathroom and winced when she saw that her hair was all over the place. Her face was red and blotchy, and her eyes were bloodshot. “The customers would probably run away screaming if they got a look at you right now, girl.”

  “No, they wouldn’t.”

  Emmy shrieked with fright. She hadn’t even heard Jett come into the bathroom, and she’d been muttering under her breath so she hadn’t expected him to hear her. “Damn shifter hearing,” she mumbled.

  “Better get used to it, love. You’re going to be hearing more and more as the mating bond strengthens, too.”

  She nodded and after washing her face, Emmy started brushing her hair. Jett watched everything she did, but she wasn’t self-conscious. He seemed to like it.

  “Can I ask you a question?”

  “Any time you want, Emmy.”

  “What do the Kodiaks do for a living?”

  “They patrol the USA-Canadian border like the rest of us amongst other things.”

  “You, Declan, and Brooks haven’t done that since I’ve been here, have you?”

  “No. We take it in turns. We have weekly shifts.”

  “Who looks after running the hotel while you’re all patrolling?”

  “The Kodiaks, but we’re going to have to revise that now that we have you.”

  “You don’t need to change your schedule just for me. I’m capable of looking after myself.”

  “I didn’t say you weren’t, love. Nonetheless, I don’t like leaving you alone. Especially since you were running from danger.”

  “I don’t see how the prick would know where I am. I haven’t used my real name or any credit cards in my travels, and I was paid cash whenever I found employment.”

  “If this bastard was military like his friends, he’s going to know how to track you, Emmy. Until we know for sure that you’re safe, I don’t want you flitting around by yourself.”

  “Okay.” She conceded with a sigh and quickly changed the subject. “I’m not trying to pry, but do the Kodiaks earn enough money to if their lifestyle?”

  “Why do you ask?” Jett clasped her shoulders after she finished putting her long, black hair up in a ponytail and brushed her teeth.

  “I’d like to think that Broden, Airen, and Archer are my friends. How are they able to pay for things if they spend all their time in the hotel drinking and eating?”

  “I’m glad that you’re making friends, love, but you don’t need to worry about any of the shifters. When I said we won the lottery, I meant all of us. We’re had shares in a syndicate and the winnings were beyond our wildest dreams. Every single shifter in this town is as rich as Croesus.”

  “Oh.” She sighed with relief. “That’s all right then. They sure spend a lot of money on food and alcohol.”

  “Shifters’ have fast metabolisms, Emmy. It takes a phenomenal amount of liquor to get us drunk, and we can pretty much eat as much as we want and whatever we want. Don’t quote me on this, but I think you’ll probably need to eat more, too.”

  “That’s good to know. Where can I buy some chocolate?” Emmy bounced on the balls of her feet.

  “You have a sweet tooth, love?”

  Emmy shrugged. “Not all the time, but while I was moving around, traveling,” she quickly corrected when Jett frowned. “I had to be careful of what I spent any money I earned on. It’s been forever since I’ve had chocolate.”

  “I’ll get you some later, love, but we’d better get downstairs. I can hear Declan and Brooks grumbling about being packed to the rafters. I have a feeling that we’re going to have our work cut out for us until the curiosity has died down.”

  “What about?” she asked as she took his proffered hand and followed him out of the bathroom.

  Jett glanced back at her over his shoulder and winked. “A certain sexy woman who agreed to mate with three surly polar bears.”

  “You’re not surly.” Emmy blushed. She hated being gawked at, but she understood the other shifters’ curiosity. Especially since she was the first mate and the one and only woman in town other than the couple of women in the tour group.

  “We can be,” Jett replied as he guided her down the stairs.

  “Everyone can be surly now and then, Jett. Even me.”

  Jett stopped at the bottom of the stair and turned to face her. “You? Never.”

  “I’m not perfect, Jett. Not by a long shot.”

  He bent down and kissed her softly. “I was yanking your chain, love.” He straightened and looped an arm around her shoulders. “Are you ready?”

  Emmy nodded. While she was more than a little uncomfortable about being studied like a bug under a microscope, she would bear it. Hopefully, the other shifters’ interest in her would wear off quickly.

  Emmy took a deep fortifying breath and let Jett direct her out toward the bar. As soon as they cleared the hallway she felt the eyes on her but tried to ignore it. However, that was very difficult since all talking and noise faded until there was only silence.

  Her face heated so fast it felt like her cheeks were on fire. As soon as she was behind the bar she used her guys as shields from prying eyes and glanced toward the entrance to the hallway. Her stomach roiled with nerves, and a knot of anxiety formed in her chest.

  “Knock it off,” Declan shouted in a hard voice. “Anyone who upsets my mate will answer to me.”

  “And me,” Brooks said loudly.

  “Me as well,” Jett snarled.

  Emmy tugged on Declan’s belt. He turned and wrapped her up in his arms. “What is it, baby?”

  “Should you be using the word ‘mate’? Won’t the people from that tour group think it’s strange?”

  “I don’t give a flying fuck what anyone else thinks, Emmy. Nor should you.”

  “I’m just trying to protect you all. You don’t want what you are getting out, do you?”

  “Thanks for worrying about us, darlin’,” Brooks said as he came up behind her and wrapped a muscular arm around her shoulders along the top of her breasts. “But they aren’t here right now.”

  “Oh.” Emmy sagged against Brooks with relief. “That’s all right then.”

  Brooks kissed the top of her head and moved out from behind her. Declan turned so that he was standing beside her and guided her closer to the mahogany bar counter. She sucked in a breath when she saw that every single man was now standing on the other side of the bar and they were staring right at her.

  Tatum took a step forward and bowed his head to her. Emmy had no idea why he would do that, but since she didn’t want to offend him by asking, she kept her mouth shut.

  One by one the local men copied Tatum, until all she could see was the top of their heads.

  She startled when Tatum l
et out an almighty roar which was echoed by the two men standing slightly behind and on either side of the lion shifter. From the familial features, the three men had to be related.

  “Welcome to Alpha Province, Ambrose, North Dakota, Emmy Warren,” Tatum said. “Congratulations on your mating. If you ever need anything, all you have to do is ask. You are under the protection of every single shifter in this town.”

  “Thank you.” Emmy smiled and nodded, once again trying to ignore the tears in her eyes.

  For the first time in her life Emmy felt as if she belonged.

  She’d found her home.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Murphy had begged off going out with the tour group after they’d shared a meal in the hotel. He’d told the guide he had a headache and needed to sleep it off. The idiot had believed him. He’d waited for over an hour after the group had left for another sight-seeing excursion to scout the town and surrounding county, but when he’d seen all the locals heading into the pub, he’d ducked back into his room, watching out the window until the street was empty once more.

  After making sure the coast was clear, he’d slunk along the edge of the hotel building and peered into the window near the corner. When he heard what sounded like a lion’s roar and then two more similar sounds, he’d thought he was hallucinating. It was hot and he’d been sweating up a storm. However, he began to change his mind when he saw all the men in the hotel bow their heads to the bitch. He mentally cursed that he hadn’t tried to get into the hotel from the back, because while the local yokels had their backs turned toward him, he could hear the low rumble of voices and really wished he could hear what they were saying.

  There was something really strange going on around here, and if he could find out what it was, he might be able to blackmail the people of Ambrose into keeping their mouths shut.

  When he saw one of the men in the back of the room closest to him raise his head and sniff, Murphy frowned. What the hell was he doing? Could the asshole smell his sweat?

  He shook his head. That wasn’t possible. Not when he was outside and over ten yards away. If he’d been inside standing next to the dude, then yeah, but…what the fuck?

  He saw the guy’s shoulders tense, and Murphy quickly ducked back around the corner and sprinted for his assigned room.

  There was something very fishy going on here, and he was just the man to find out what it was. Whether he did that before or after getting rid of that slut, he wasn’t sure. It depended on if he caught her out and about alone.

  He’d thought about blowing up one of the other buildings as a diversion, and although he didn’t care one way or the other about collateral damage, he didn’t like hurting retired soldiers. They’d no doubt been struggling to adjust to the civilian world just like he and Dwayne had.

  The only reason he could think as to why these men were living out here in the middle of nowhere was because of PTSD. Murphy knew all about the aftereffects of fighting in endless wars. Whatever he decided to do, he’d try to keep the casualties to a minimum. As long as that bitch was taken out, that was all that mattered.

  Once he was behind his locked door he took a deep breath and grabbed one of the maps the guide had given him. It was recent and had all the historical landmarks as well as the location of the shops and places of interest pinpointed on it.

  The only place he kept coming back to using as a cover was the motel section of the Ambrose Hotel. If he waited until the tourists had moved on to wherever they were heading, he could blow the place sky high. That would bring every man in town running to fight the resulting fire, and hopefully the slut would be left all alone inside the hotel.

  He rubbed his hands together, closed the curtains to his room, grabbed the chair, and stepped up onto it. There was a manhole in his bathroom which had been the perfect place to hide his stash of grenades, guns, and C4.

  After retrieving his bag, he jumped from the chair and set everything out on the bed, running his eyes over his weapons and explosives. He ran through what he’d do and where he’d place everything for the maximum effect.

  This was going to work like a treat. Now all he had to do was wait.

  Patience had never been one of his virtues, but the end results would be worth it. Especially when he was five million dollars richer.

  * * * *

  Declan was so proud of Emmy he was almost bursting at the seams.

  Their mate was smiling and laughing with the other shifters as if she’d known them all her life. What he had trouble believing, even if he was seeing it with his own eyes, was how the men were responding to her open friendliness.

  He’d been on his way to the kitchen when he heard her talking to the three panther shifters. Being feline, Jayson, Jenson, and Jordan Cannon were the three least sociable members of town, but they didn’t seem to have any trouble communicating with his mate.

  What had surprised him even more was that Jordan had actually accepted her offer of help and put Emmy to work. His polar bear had started snarling and carrying on about their mate being in close proximity to the other men, but had quickly settled down after sniffing the air. She wasn’t turned on by the panthers’ good-looking faces or aloof attitudes.

  He had no idea how long he’d been standing outside the door listening to Emmy and the Cannon brothers until Jenson had called him out. “Instead of standing in the hallway eavesdropping, get your ass in here and take out the next lot of meals.”

  “Who are you talking…” Emmy gaped at him as soon as he entered the kitchen.

  “I was just making sure my mate was okay,” Declan said as he met first Jenson’s, then Jayson’s, and finally Jordan’s gazes.

  “Why wouldn’t I be?” Emmy asked. She stared at him with her hands on her hips and a frown on her face. He wasn’t about to tell her that the Cannon brothers didn’t like talking to anyone, nor that they preferred to keep to themselves.

  “We don’t like people,” Jordan said.

  “Oh. Okay. Sorry. I didn’t mean to…” Emmy untied the apron from around her waist and was about the pull it over her head, but Jayson grasped her shoulder.

  Declan didn’t remember thinking about moving, but the next moment he was knocking Jayson’s hand off of Emmy.

  “Declan, what is wrong with you?”

  He ignored her. “No one touches our mate.”

  “I was just trying to tell her that she’s welcome in our kitchen any time she wants,” Jayson said without taking his eyes off of him.

  “It wouldn’t have mattered if you didn’t like her in here. This is our hotel, not yours. She’s our mate and has free reign here.”

  “Declan, I don’t—”

  “Quiet,” he ordered. As soon as that word left his lips, Declan knew he’d fucked up. Emmy had every right to voice her opinion, just like any other human being did. He sighed as he rubbed the back of his neck and squeezed his eyes closed. When he heard rustling behind him, he realized Emmy had just removed the apron and then hurried out the door.

  “You’re an ass,” Jordan said. “You just hurt your mate. She had tears in her eyes.”

  “Fuck!” Declan spun on his heel and hurried out. When he got to the hallway he sniffed and then headed up the stairs to their apartment. He sighed with regret when he didn’t find her in the large living area and hurried toward the master bedroom. The door was closed, and he could hear her sniffing.

  He grabbed the handle and muttered a curse when the door didn’t open. She’d locked him out. Well, not really. He wouldn’t have any trouble kicking the door in, but he’d prefer if she let him in of her own accord.

  “Emmy, I’m sorry. I was an ass. Please, let me in, baby.”

  “Go away.”

  “I just need to explain why I behaved the way I did.”

  He sagged with relief when he heard her walking toward the door, and as soon as she unlocked it, he opened it. She was just climbing back onto the bed when he entered. She wrapped her arms around a pillow and buried her face in it.
She was lying on her side with her back to him.

  Declan sat on the edge of the bed and rubbed her back. “I’m sorry for ordering you to be quiet, baby. I’m used to telling others what to do, but the reason I fucked up was because I was worried for you.”

  “Did you think they were going to hurt me?” Her question was muffled by the pillow.

  “Not physically no.” He scrubbed a hand down his face. “Jordan, Jayson, and Jenson are normally abrupt and rude, and that’s with people they know and care about. If they encounter a human, they usually stare daggers at them until they scamper away in fear.

  “I’ve seen grown men whimper and run from those three.”

  “They must have been cowards,” Emmy said as she shoved the pillow away and rolled onto her back.

  “They probably were,” Declan agreed, but then asked her the question foremost in his mind. “Why aren’t you scared of them?”

  “Because they’re nice men.”

  “You don’t see their injuries?”

  “Of course I’ve seen them, but those scars don’t define who they are. Just because the packaging is a little banged up doesn’t mean they’re evil. As far as I’m concerned they’re badges of honor.”

  Declan smiled. Emmy was the most amazing kind-hearted person he’d ever met. She’d managed to look past the Cannon brothers’ gruff, detached demeanor and saw the true men inside.

  “Do you forgive me, baby?” He didn’t wait for a reply. Declan needed to touch her, hold her. She was entrenched into his heart for all time, and he felt bad for how he’d spoken to her.

  “Yes, I forgive you.”

  “But?” he asked when he heard her tone and knew she hadn’t finished.

  “But, please don’t do that to me again, Declan. You talking to me in that way hurt.”

  Guilt assailed him because that was the last thing he wanted to do. And however much he felt like a bastard for thinking it, he was also kind of glad he had the power to hurt her, because that meant that she was coming to care for him as much as he cared for her. He mentally shook his head. No, that wasn’t quite right.


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