Alpha Province: Polar Opposites (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

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Alpha Province: Polar Opposites (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting) Page 15

by Becca Van

  Declan was head over heels in love with Emmy. He just hoped that she came to love him as much as he loved her.

  “I’ll try not to, baby, but you and I both know that I’m not infallible.” He hugged her and kissed her temple before drawing away. “Why don’t you relax and take a bath or something?” he suggested. “The dinner rush was winding down, and I know we wore you out earlier today.”

  Emmy blushed, but this time she didn’t look away. Did that mean she was becoming more comfortable around him and his friends? He hoped so. He didn’t like seeing her uneasy.

  His polar bear was also riding him hard to complete the mating bond with her. If she was rested up, maybe he, Brooks, and Jett would be able to make love with her together later that night to strengthen the bond. Nonetheless, he wasn’t about to push her into anything she didn’t want to do. If she was asleep when they were finished downstairs, they would just have to wait for tomorrow.

  Emmy was still recovering from being on the run, and although the dark smudges under her eyes had faded, they were still there. She needed more rest, and as her mates, it was their job to see that she got it.

  Emmy yawned and then nodded. Declan helped her to her feet and steered her toward the bathroom. As much as he’d love to help her bathe, he wasn’t strong enough to resist her when she was naked. So, with a sigh of reluctance, he turned toward the bedroom door and headed back downstairs. It would be two to three hours before they’d be finished with all the cleaning up and such. Maybe by then he’d have the hunger simmering in his blood under wraps, but he wasn’t about to hold his breath.

  * * * *

  Emmy was so tired that as soon as her head hit the pillow after her hot relaxing bath, she could barely keep her eyes open. As soon as she was settled in bed she drifted into a deep sleep. It could have been minutes or hours later when she surfaced enough to know that she was no longer alone in bed. She was surrounded by heat, and she was perspiring. She opened her eyes, blinked a couple of times, and then lifted her head from her pillow.

  Declan and Jett were in bed on either side of her and when she noticed there was a big, hot hand wrapped around her ankle, she gazed down toward the end of the bed. Brooks was lying crossways across the mattress and, from the looks of it, had shoved the covers up toward the middle of the bed. No wonder she was so hot, with three large male bodies emanating heat and the covers on top of her doubled up. Plus, it wasn’t a cool night since it was the middle of summer, and she was sweltering. She was so hot she was having trouble breathing, and because of that, she was feeling claustrophobic.

  Emmy eased herself into a sitting position and inhaled deep as the covers dropped to her waist and carefully eased her ankle out from under Brooks’ hand. She sighed with relief when he didn’t stir. What she really needed was to get out of the bed so she could cool down. She was so dry her mouth felt as arid as a desert, but how was she going to get out from amongst her mates without waking them up?

  With a mental shrug, she slowly and carefully rolled to her hands and knees, trying not to jostle the mattress or her mates, and then shoved up to her feet. She grabbed hold of the headboard when she teetered, and when she was steady she tried to map a path toward the edge of the mattress. That was the moment she realized she could see as if it were daylight and not the dead of night. She covered her mouth to stifle a gasp and gazed toward the open window. She closed her eyes as she relished the breeze wafting over her damp skin for a moment, and when she felt as if she could breathe again, she carefully stepped over Jett. Thankfully, he was lying on his side and because he’d been plastered up against her, there was enough room for her to place her foot before the edge of the bed and then step off onto the floor.

  When she had her feet firmly under her, Emmy tiptoed out of the room and headed toward the kitchen. Without turning on any lights, she grabbed a glass from a cupboard, then the jug of cold water from the fridge, poured herself a drink, and drank it down in one go. She refilled her glass, replaced the jug in the fridge, and sat down at the table across from the kitchen.

  Emmy wished she could contact Detective Brocard to find out if he’d gained information from Dwayne about who was after her, but she was worried that the bastard would find her. For all she knew, the detective could have a shadow he didn’t know about, but she wasn’t certain. She shook her head. Detective Ryan Brocard had been pretty switched on. If anyone was tailing him, he’d certainly know about it.

  Even though she was glad that Dwayne Reeves was behind bars for what he and his friends had planned, she couldn’t understand why he’d targeted innocent people as well as the political delegates. Wouldn’t someone who’d fought in a war and seen the horror of innocents dying feel guilty about killing guiltless citizens? As much as she understood the retired soldier’s grudge, why would he target all politicians? Why not just go after the head of the military?

  Emmy tapped her fingers on the table as her mind turned in circles. There had to be more to this than met the eye, but what? Why would disgruntled retired military men plan to blow up a hotel full of civilians and politicians? Had they been hired to take out the government delegates, and if so, why? The only reason she could come up with was for gain. Who would gain the most by killing so many people?

  The only way she was going to get an answer to that question was if she got her hands on the list of politicians who’d been going to the convention. Emmy sighed as she folded her arms on the table and rested her forehead on her forearm. Even if she managed to get that information, she had no idea what or who to look for.

  “What’s wrong, darlin’?” Brooks’ hands landed between her shoulder blades.

  Emmy shrieked and surged upright with fright. She placed her hand over her pounding heart. “You scared me to death.”

  “Sorry, Emmy. I thought you heard me coming.”

  She shook her head. “How could I do that when y’all move around like a great jungle cat?”

  Brooks grinned as he sat in the chair next to her. “You’d better not go saying things like that when Tatum and his brothers are around. They’d be highly insulted.”

  Emmy snorted.

  “Why aren’t you in bed asleep, darlin’?” Brooks clasped her hand in his.

  “I was too hot. You three put off enough heat to rival a large bonfire. Add in the covers, and it was too much.”

  Brooks squeezed her hand. “We’ll have to work out sleeping arrangements so that we’re all comfortable.”

  Emmy nodded. In the cold months she’d probably be grateful to be surrounded in their heat, but summer was a different story. Although cuddling up between them was wonderful, too. They were definitely going to have to think over the sleeping situation.

  “Are you worried about something, Emmy?”

  “I was just thinking about what happened when I was working as a cleaner at the hotel.”


  “What if there’s more to that situation than met the eye?”

  “Like what?”

  “I’ve been asking myself the same thing.” Emmy huffed out a frustrated breath. “Since Dwayne Reeves has already gone to trial and is behind bars, what does he have to gain in seeking revenge? It won’t change anything.”

  Brooks frowned. “Revenge is a pretty strong motive. People have killed for less.”

  “Yeah, I know, but something about this just doesn’t sit right.”

  “Always trust your gut, darlin’,” Brooks said. “Talk it out with me.”

  “Wait for us,” Declan said as he entered the kitchen and flicked on the light. Jett walked in behind him.

  “Does anyone want coffee?” Jett asked.

  “I’m good.” Emmy held up her glass of water.

  “I do,” Brooks said.

  Once the three men had their coffee and they were all sitting down, Emmy had to concentrate to keep her mind on track. Her mates were only wearing boxer shorts, and with so much musculature and naked skin on display, all she wanted to do was ogle their sexy bodie

  Emmy took a sip of water. “If you had a grudge against the government for a perceived wrong, would you want to take out as many politicians as you could, or just the ones in charge of the military?”

  “That’s a hard question, love,” Jett said. “It depends on how angry the soldier is and if his mind is still intact.”

  “I don’t think sanity comes into this,” Emmy said. “Dwayne and his friend had no trouble killing one of their own.”

  “But for what reason?” Declan asked.

  “The man they killed wanted to back out,” Emmy replied. “Why did they kill him? Why not just knock him out and restrain him until they’d done the deed?”

  “Because he was a liability and a danger to their mission,” Brooks answered.

  Emmy nodded. “Okay, but why kill innocent citizens in the process?”

  Jett scrubbed a hand over his face. “There is always collateral damage in a war, love.”

  “I understand that, but wouldn’t you want to make sure minimal people got hurt?”

  “If we were hellbent on revenge, then I’d have to say yes,” Declan said. “Where are you going with this, baby?”

  Emmy blew out a breath. She knew she was going around in circles, but she was trying to get everything right in her mind. She held up a finger. “What if this wasn’t only about revenge?”

  “What else could it be?” Jett asked.

  “What if it was also about power and greed?”

  “Power and greed for whom, darlin’?” Brooks sipped his coffee.

  “What if there was a politician who decided he didn’t want to climb the so-called corporate political ladder?”

  Declan straightened in his chair. “That makes perfect fucking sense.”

  Jett nodded. “I can see where you were going with all the questions, love.”

  “You’re a smart little minx.” Brooks stroked a finger down her cheek.

  “Do you think I should contact Detective Brocard?” Emmy asked. “As the investigating officer, he’d probably have or could get a list of all the political delegates.”

  “It’s too risky, baby,” Declan said. “If he starts looking into a supposedly closed case, alarm bells are going to start ringing.”

  Emmy covered her mouth and her eyes widened with horror. She hadn’t even thought about the danger the detective could be in, but how could she contact him to warn him? There had to be a way to get word to him about her suspicions.

  “What precinct did the detective work at, Emmy?” Brooks asked.

  “Richmond Avenue.”

  Declan stood and hurried from the room.

  “Where’s he going?” Emmy asked.

  “We know a couple of retired soldiers living in Houston,” Brooks explained.

  Emmy frowned and then straightened. “He’s going to contact them and ask them to get in touch with Detective Brocard?”

  “Yes, love.”

  “Oh, thank God.” Emmy slumped with relief. Now she wouldn’t have to feel guilty for not being able to contact the police officer. If he knew what was going on, then he had a chance of remaining safe. “What if I’m wrong?”

  “Wrong about what, baby?” Brooks asked.

  “What if all of this speculation is just that? I’m going to look like a total idiot.”

  “Better to look like an idiot than to have to live with guilt for not speaking up, Emmy.” Jett shifted in his seat and slung an arm around her shoulders.

  “Do you feel as if you’re wrong, darlin’?” Brooks chaffed her now cool hand between his warm, large ones.

  “No,” she answered unequivocally.

  “Always trust your gut, Emmy.” Jett leaned over and kissed her cheek.

  Declan re-entered the room. “Shadow is going to the precinct first thing.”

  “What kind of name is Shadow?” Emmy asked.

  “A black op’s handle.”

  “Oh. Were you all in—”

  “It’s time to go back to bed, darlin’,” Brooks said, cutting off her question.

  In that instant, Emmy had her answer. Her mates had been in the elite of the elite in the military. No wonder they’d been able to purchase this town for a song. Who better than to patrol this section of the US-Canadian border than retired black ops soldiers?

  “I’m too wired to sleep anymore.”

  Brooks helped her to her feet and then swept her up in his arms. “Then we’ll just have to find something to help you relax.”

  Emmy shivered as heat pooled low in her belly. That husky sexy tone, as well as the heated look in his eyes, set her blood on fire.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Brooks carried Emmy into the bedroom and then lowered her feet to the floor. When she glanced at Jett and Declan, the warmth flowing through her blood grew hotter and liquid desire pooled in her lower belly.

  Jett moved to stand in front of her, and a shudder of need ripped up her spine when she saw the way his boxers were bulging. He was so engorged the head of his cock was peeking out the elastic waistband.

  He took another step toward her, wrapped an arm around her waist, and lowered his mouth to hers. Emmy moaned as he licked into her mouth and tangled his tongue with hers.

  Declan moved into her from behind and nipped at her earlobe. “We’re going to make love to you together, baby.”

  She shook and moaned when he sucked her earlobe into his mouth.

  Jett broke the kiss, grabbed the hem of the large T-shirt she’d pilfered from a drawer to sleep in, and tugged it up over her head.

  “Fuck, you’re gorgeous, love.”

  Emmy glanced to the side when Brooks knelt. “Hold my shoulder, darlin’.”

  She braced her weight on his shoulder with her hand and held her breath when Brooks pulled her panties down over her hips and down her legs. She stepped out of them and shivered as the cool air drifting in the open window brushed over her heated skin.

  Declan caressed his hands up and down her sides until he got to the outside of her breasts, and she arched, silently begging him to touch her. He didn’t disappoint. He cupped her breasts and then kneaded the aching globes. Emmy groaned when he tweaked both of her nipples between his fingers and thumbs.

  When Brooks tapped her knees, she widened her stance and was about to look down, but Jett cupped her face and slanted his mouth over hers again. The kiss they shared was hot, wild, and passionate. Emmy moaned as her labia swelled, and her clit started to throb. Cream dripped from her pussy, and even though Declan was playing with her nipples, she ached for more.

  One second she was standing on her own two feet, and the next Brooks had hooked his arms under her knees and lifted them from the floor. Thankfully, Declan must have known what Brooks was about to do because he’d released her breasts and snagged an arm around her chest and under her arms. Jett must have been bent over awkwardly because he continued to kiss her until her lungs were burning. As soon as his mouth lifted from hers, she gasped in air.

  “What are you…oh,” she moaned.

  Brooks licked up through her folds, swirled his tongue over and around her clit, and then lapped his way back to her entrance. She cried out when he dipped his tongue into her creamy well and bucked her hips.

  The breath hitched in her throat when she felt warm, moist air on one of her ass cheeks, and then she whimpered when Jett parted her buttocks. She hadn’t even noticed that she couldn’t see him anymore, nor that he’d moved in under her.

  “Look at me, baby,” Declan demanded.

  She gazed at him up over her head.

  “Don’t take your eyes off of mine, Emmy.”

  She swallowed convulsively and nodded.

  When Jett licked over her star, she gasped. She couldn’t believe he was licking her there, and while she thought she should be protesting she couldn’t find it in herself to do so. Nor could she believe how amazing something so carnal felt.

  “Do you like that, baby?” Declan asked. “Does Jett’s tongue feel good licking your ass?”
  “Oh.” Her whole body jerked as pleasure assailed her from two sides. Brooks was licking and lapping at her pussy and Jett was licking her ass.

  “I’ll take that as a yes,” Jett rasped out right before he placed the tip of his finger against her rosette.

  “I love how sweet you taste, darlin’,” Brooks panted out right before he rimmed her pussy with his finger and pushed up inside.

  Liquid fire coursed through her veins, centering in her ass, womb, and pussy. The pleasure of having both of her holes breached at the same time was phenomenally good. There were no words to describe such ecstasy, and yet Emmy knew there was still so much more to come. She wasn’t sure if she’d survive it. She already felt as if she was about to self-combust, but she was going to savor every second of it.

  “Let’s get our mate on the bed,” Declan ordered in a hoarse voice.

  Emmy groaned with disappointment when both Brooks and Jett removed their fingers and mouths from her body. Declan somehow managed to scoop her up in his arms and against his chest, without her feet ever touching the floor. He spun around, strode toward the bed, and lowered her to the mattress after Brooks pulled the covers to the floor.

  Declan climbed up next to her, and Brooks got up on her other side. Jett hurried into the bathroom. Brooks cupped her face, turning her eyes his way. “If we do anything you don’t like, or it becomes painful, you need to tell us. Okay, darlin’?”

  “O-okay.” Emmy eyed Jett over as he returned to the bedroom sans underwear. She swallowed audibly as she stared at his long, hard, thick cock. It was still hard to believe she’d had his, all of their big dicks inside of her body and how amazing they’d felt. Now, she was going to have one of their hard cocks in her pussy, one in her mouth, and the other in her ass. She was feeling more than trepidatious about the latter because she had no idea how big an asshole was supposed to stretch. At least she knew a pussy was big enough to expel a baby from the womb.

  “What’s wrong, baby?” Declan asked.

  She turned her gaze toward him and gulped. “I’m nervous.”


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