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Bearly Saved My Life: Madison Range Shifters (Quake Lake Bears Book 2)

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by Margery Ellen

  Heidi did the same. She sunk her teeth into his shoulder without realizing that she was doing it, her DNA mixing with his. Robert stiffened and roared, then collapsed almost on top of her. They lay there, totally spent. When his breathing returned to almost normal, he pulled out and lay beside her. Her gathered her into his arms.

  “That was amazing.” He whispered breathlessly. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes.” She snuggled up to him.

  Robert claimed her, marked her and took her virginity. They spent the rest of the night making love slowly and gently. Robert wanted to show her the beauty and pleasures of making love. When they woke in the morning, he looked Heidi in the eyes when she woke.

  “Did I make you happy again?’

  She smiled. “Yes.”

  Chapter 10

  It was a new day and Robert and Heidi made love one more time. It was Thanksgiving, and they had a lot to be thankful for. Before they got up, Robert applied the healing salve to Heidi’s welts one more time.

  “These marks will be gone before you know it.” He told her. “They are already starting to fade. I think the healing salve will help them disappear completely.”

  “I hope so. It was very hard to look in a mirror.”

  “All done.” He replaced the cap on the jar. “I’m starving, what about you?” Robert asked. “I’ll make you breakfast and a cup of tea. Throw on that t-shirt and we’ll go downstairs. Don’t worry about what people think, you’re my mate now.”

  Heidi pulled the t-shirt over her head while Robert put on some sweat pants and a shirt. He gave her a pair of socks since she didn’t have any slippers. He gave her a big hug and swung her around.

  “Heidi, you have made me so happy.” He set her back on her feet and they left his room and headed for the kitchen. When they got there, Charles was already preparing the turkey for the oven.

  “Good morning, you two.” Charles greeted them. “You two look extremely happy this morning.”

  “That’s because we are, Charlie.” Robert smiled at Heidi. “Heidi and I mated and bonded last night. Best night of my life.” He gave Heidi a hug.

  “What about you, Heidi?” Charles asked. She was glowing.

  “Robert has made me happy again.” She gave Robert a radiant smile.

  “Good, you both deserve it.” Charles continued preparations while Robert got the tea for Heidi.

  “Charlie, Heidi and I are going to town tomorrow. Let me know if you need anything.”

  “You might put tea on your list,” Charles remarked.

  “No, you don’t have to do that,” Heidi told them both. “I took the liberty of adding my favorite tea to that list of herbs I gave you. I hope that was alright. I can only get it in Beijing.”

  “Wouldn’t your family send you some?” Charles asked.

  “No,” she said softly. Heidi hung her head. “Since what happened, they no longer contact me. They are ashamed. That jar of salve was the last I have. Once it was gone, there would be no more. I thank you for ordering the ingredients for me, I will be forever grateful.”

  “Well, anytime you need something, you just let me know. We are your family now,” Charles told her. “Our brother Mack has connections and can get anything you need. Is there anything else we can order?”

  Heidi smiled. “I’ll think about it and let you know. Thank you.”

  Charles thought about what she said. She was going to give them the last of her healing salve before they knew she was Roberts mate. He would have to watch that. She was trying to make up for past wrongs by being overly generous.


  “Mack! I gotta call Mack and give him the news. Heidi, come with me.” They went to the den to make a call. Charles watched them go. He was so glad his brother finally found his mate. Just as they walked into the den, the phone rang.”

  “No! No! No! Please don’t be that call.” Robert answered the phone. His happy mood was dashed after he said hello. Search and Rescue needed him immediately. Charles was on leave to be with Jackie until the following week.

  “How much time do I have?” He asked over the phone. “I understand. I’ll be ready.”

  Charles walked into the den. “What’s up?”

  “Missing campers in Helena National Forest, north of Lincoln. Fuuuuck! Why now!” He looked at Heidi. “Sorry, baby, didn’t mean to swear.”

  “What’s happened?” She asked.

  “I have to leave, sweetheart. I have to go to work.”

  “How long will you be gone?”

  “A couple of days, maybe a week.” He put his arms around her. “Charles and Jackie will take good care of you while I’m gone.”

  “Can I come with you?” she asked quietly.

  “No, baby. We’ll be in freezing weather and hiking through the mountains. It’s no place for you,” he told her.

  “They wouldn’t let you go with him, anyway,” Charles told her. “It’s his job, Heidi. You have to stay here.”

  “I’d better get dressed.” Robert took her hand. “Come with me while I get ready. Go get your tea.”

  Robert looked at Charles. “Keep her safe for me.”

  “You know I won’t let anything happen to her. You better get ready. How much time do you have?”

  “One of the crew is on his way here to pick me up.”

  “I’ll check your backpack while you get dressed.” Robert ran upstairs to change while Charles checked his gear. Heidi was already in his room getting dressed.

  “Robert, please, I want to go with you,” she pleaded with him.

  “Honey, it’s my job. You can’t go to work with me, it’s too dangerous. I’ll be back before you know it.” He held her close. “I love you. Knowing that you are here with my brother, safe and warm, will keep me from worrying about you.”

  “I’m a bear, I can keep up.”

  “No!” He didn’t want to leave her, but he couldn’t take her with him. “I’m sorry, you can’t come.”

  “Then I’ll go home with Becky and Franny when they leave.” She grabbed her bag and headed for the door.

  “You would leave me because I love you and want you to be safe? You would leave me because I have to go to work and can’t stay here with you or take you with me? Would you really leave me?”

  Heidi stopped at the door, she didn’t really mean what she said. Robert went to her and put his arms around her.

  “Please don’t leave,” he whispered. “I can’t do my job safely if I’m worrying about you.” She hadn’t thought about that.

  “I have a really bad feeling and I don’t want you to go. Something bad is going to happen and you won’t come back. I’m scared,” she sniffled. “If something is going to happen, I want to be with you so it happens to both of us, together.”

  “I can’t take you with me, I’m sorry.” He hugged her tight. “Please don’t leave. Nothing is going to happen. Promise me, you’ll stay and wait for me.” He kissed her like there was no tomorrow and that’s what worried her. “Promise me.”

  “I promise. Please stay safe,” she told him.

  “I will. When I get back, I’ll make it up to you.” He kissed her again. “I have to go. I love you.” He went out the door and ran down the stairs.

  Heidi quickly grabbed the rest of her things and stuffed them in her bag. She was going whether he liked it or not. She’d figure out a way to sneak into the vehicle and hide when it arrived. She hid her bag near the back door where she could grab it when the crew member arrived. She checked the hallway, but when she turned around, Becky was standing behind her. She almost jumped out of her skin.

  “Oh my god, Becky, you scared the hell out of me.”

  “What are you doing? Why do you have your bag with you?”

  Heidi held her finger to her lips. “Sssh! Please Becky, don’t say anything. Robert has to leave and he won’t take me with him. I have to find a way to sneak into the vehicle that comes to pick him up. I have a bad feeling something awful is going to happen. I have
to go with him, but he can’t discover me until it’s too late to bring me back.” She gave her a pleading look. “Will you help me, please.”

  “I don’t know,” Becky said. Heidi pleaded. “What do you need me to do? I know I’m going to regret this.”

  ‘When the crew member gets here, distract him for me.”

  “How am I going to do that?”

  “I don’t know. Tell him Robert needs him to come in the house.”

  “What if Robert wants to say goodbye to you?”

  “We’ve already said goodbye.” Heidi looked to the ground.

  “Don’t tell me you’ve had a fight already.” Heidi just nodded her head.

  “Shit. Alright. Wait here for just a minute.” Becky went to her room and came back with her boots and coat. “Here, take these with you.”

  Heidi gave her a hug. “Thank you.”

  They heard a vehicle pull up outside in the snow. Becky looked out the window. It was a big, crew cab truck.

  “Let’s do this, you better be quick,” Becky told her. “I’ll cover for you as long as I can. Go.”

  Becky went out on the porch and waved to the driver to come in the house. Heidi snuck out and went behind the truck. As soon as the driver started up the steps, Heidi opened the back door of the truck and climb in. She laid on the floor, huddled her bag and pulled some of the gear that was on the back seat on top of her. Now all she had to do was stay still and not make a sound.

  Just as the crew member was about to go in the house, Robert came out with his gear. “Let’s go, Randy, I’m ready.”

  When they got to the truck, Robert opened the back door and threw his bag onto the back seat, then slammed the door.

  “Sorry, Rob, we didn’t have anyone else we could call,” Randy told him.

  “I know, I’m pissed about something else entirely. Not your fault.” He threw his gloves on the dash and buckled up. “Let’s go.”

  The truck pulled out and Becky watched them leave. “I’m going to regret this, I know I am,” she said to herself.

  Chapter 11

  Becky went back in the house. It was still early. She went to the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee. She’d take it back to her room and hide. She wasn’t expecting Charles to be in the kitchen.

  “Good morning, Charles. Is there any coffee?” Becky stretched and covered a yawn.

  “Yup, help yourself. You know where the cups are. There are some cinnamon rolls on the table. They should still be warm.” Charles continued to prepare dressing for the turkey. “Did I hear you talking to Robert?”

  “Yes, he was just going out the door. It looked like someone was here to pick him up. Where is he off to?”

  “Search and Rescue called. He had to go to work.”

  “Will he be back in time for dinner?” She asked as she fixed her coffee.

  “Nope, afraid not. He’ll probably be gone for a couple of days. He may not make it back before you leave.”

  “Oh. No!” Becky thought of Heidi.

  “Is something wrong?” Charles gave her a questioning look.

  “No. I’m just sorry he had to leave. We didn’t get to say goodbye. You didn’t have to go?”

  “No, I’m on leave until Monday. I wanted to stay close to Jackie for the last couple of weeks until the doctor gave her the green light. Now that she’s off restriction, she’ll be okay alone and with Heidi staying, it’s even better. I won’t be so worried about her.”

  “Humm, that’s right.” Becky sipped her coffee. “Well, I think I’ll help myself to a sweet roll and go back to my room. It’s a little early for me. Unless you need some help.”

  “I think I’m almost done for now. Just have to put the bird in the oven, but thanks for the offer. Heidi was up with Robert earlier, she should be around somewhere. She might have gone back to their room.”

  “I’ll catch her later. She’s probably gone back to bed herself. I don’t imagine she got much sleep.”

  Charles chuckled. “You might be right about that. When they came down here this morning, they both looked pretty happy. When Jackie and I first met…”

  “You don’t have to remind me, I was staying in the same hotel, remember. You two were a couple of horn dogs,” Becky laughed. “See you later, Charles.”

  Charles had a big smile on his face remembering when he first met Jackie. “I’ll be so glad when that baby is born, Jackie and I have a lot of catching up to do.” He thought to himself. “Maybe I should invest in some condoms?” He laughed at himself. “Yeah, like I’m going to stop long enough to put one on.” Charles finished what he was doing and went to see if Jackie was up yet.

  Becky paced back and forth in the bedroom. She didn’t know what to do. “Maybe I should go down there right now and tell Charles. No, I promised. Shit!” Becky shoved the last of the sweet roll in her mouth and licked her fingers. She went to the bathroom to wash her hands. She looked at herself in the mirror. “You are such a stupid jerk, Becky Brooks. Uugh!” There was a knock at the door.

  “Hey, Becky. You up?” It was Franny. Becky opened the door.

  “Mornin, girlfriend. What’s up?”

  “Have you had coffee, yet?” Franny asked.

  “Yeah, but I could use another cup. Charles made some cinnamon rolls, they’re really good. I’ll grab my cup.” They started for the kitchen.

  “Should we see if Heidi wants to join us?” Franny asked.

  “No, I talked to her earlier. Robert had to go to work, so I think she went back to bed. She didn’t get much sleep last night, if ya know what I mean.” Becky whispered the last part.

  “Oooh, okay. We can check on her later.” They went to get their coffee. It wasn’t long before Fletch joined them.

  “It’s so quiet this morning, where is everyone.” He asked as he poured some coffee.

  “Charles was just here about ten minutes ago, he must have gone back upstairs. Robert had to go to work,” Becky told him.

  “Wow, bummer. Did he say when he’d be back, he was going to go running with me.”

  “I don’t think he’ll be back before we have to leave. I wish they had let us know he was leaving, at least we could have said goodbye.” Becky was fidgeting.

  “You okay, Beck?” Fletch asked.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. If you need a running partner, I’ll go,” Becky told him. “I need to run off some of this extra energy. Too much coffee and sugar this morning.”

  “Cool. Do you want to go now before breakfast?”

  “Yeah, sure. Wait while I go change. It won’t take me more than a couple of minutes. Enjoy your coffee.” Becky rushed to her room and quickly changed. She would tell Fletch what was going on when they were away from the house.

  “Is something up?” Fletch inquired while she was gone.

  Franny shook her head. “Not that I know of. Why?”

  “Ah, nothing.” Fletch had gotten to know Becky over the last couple of months and knew her moods. When she was fidgety, he knew she was hiding something. When she was quiet and moody, she was sad or unhappy. The rest of the time she was like a bubbly champagne, fizzy and sparkly.

  “Okay, I’m ready.” Becky dashed back into the kitchen. “Franny, are you going to come with us?”

  “No, I’ll pass this morning. I’ll see if Charles needs any help with Thanksgiving dinner.”

  Fletch and Becky went out the door. Fletch liked to jog early in the morning and having someone to jog with made it even better, except this morning something was off. They were half way around the lake before Fletch stopped.

  “Okay. What the fuck’s up?” Becky hadn’t said a word since they left the house.


  “Knock off the bullshit, Beck. I know you, remember.” Fletch jogged in place. “You’re never this fucking quiet.” They both stopped jogging and walked.

  “Heidi’s gone.”

  “What do you mean, she’s gone. Gone where?” Fletched stopped.

  “When Robert left this morning,
she snuck into the truck that came to pick him up and hid. He doesn’t know she’s there. At least he didn’t when they left.”

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake. Why didn’t you stop her?”

  “Because she asked me not to. Okay!” She yelled at him.

  “Come on. We better go back and tell Charles. Maybe he can get in touch with him.”

  “Let’s at least finish our run, we won’t get back any sooner, either way.” Becky started to jog again.

  Fletch hung his head. “What the fuck was she thinking?” He took off to catch up with her as she continued to jog around the lake.

  It took them about thirty minutes to get back to house. Charles and Jackie were in the kitchen fixing breakfast when they got back.

  “Charles, Heidi’s gone,” Fletch told him as he caught his breath.


  “Tell him, Beck,” Fletch told her.

  “Heidi snuck into the truck that came to pick up Robert this morning and hid on the floor in the back seat.”

  “Why didn’t you stop her?” Charles roared.

  “Because she asked me not to,” Becky yelled back.

  “For crying out loud, Becky, you should have stopped her. Being out there with Search and Rescue is no place for her. Hasn’t she been through enough already? She didn’t even have a coat.”

  “I loaned her mine.” Becky couldn’t look at Charles.

  “Son of a bitch!” Charles yelled and made Becky jump. “I have to make a call. Maybe I can still reach him.” Charles stormed out of the room. He came back a short time later. “Well, I hope you’re proud of yourself. They are out of cell tower range. I won’t be able to reach him until they are on their way back. You better hope nothing happens.”

  “I’m sorry,” Becky cried, “she begged me not to say anything. Could she really be in danger?”

  “If they don’t discover her there, she could be left behind with no food for several days. I don’t believe she’s all that well versed in survival skills. Damn it! What were you thinking?”


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