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Dusk (Equinox Book 1)

Page 5

by Bradley, H. J.

  “Why aren’t you out there skating?” Johann dumped his skates on the ground beside her, placing his arm over her shoulders so as to pull her close and kiss her temple.

  The smile Myf gave him was shy yet sincere, and Johann was powerless to do anything but smile back at her.

  “Because I don’t know how,” she said. “Tristyn’s idea of taking me skating was always to see how many times he could push me over without our father seeing.”

  Johann couldn’t help but laugh at that, seeing clearly in his mind’s eye a young Tristyn pushing his baby sister over on the ice, before skating away cackling. “Come on, I’ll show you.” He glanced around. “Have you got skates?”

  Myf nodded and then pointed at the old pair of skates on the other side of her. “Steph lent me some.”

  He kissed her temple again. “Well, come on, put them on.”

  It didn’t take them long to get their skates on, Mattie quickly taking off across the ice to give Johann some symbolism of privacy. Stepping out onto the ice, Johann turned to where Myf was teetering on her skates on the edge, holding out his hand to her.

  “You won’t let me fall?” Her blue eyes looked at him trustingly as she placed her hand in his.

  “I promise.” Johann eased her out onto the ice, sliding an arm around her waist when she waivered on her feet.

  She made a soft noise of fear and clutched at his shoulders. “Johann, I don’t know if I can do this.”

  “It’s alright.” He placed the hand that had been around her waist on her hip, before placing his free hand on her other hip. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  He drew her out further onto the ice, away from the edge where the majority of people were skating. Myf was clutching at him tightly, and Johann had to admit that it was nice to be entangled with a woman like this in a non-sexual way.

  “If you drop me I’m going to put frogs in your bed.” Myf said.

  Johann laughed at that, suddenly pulling her into his arms and lowering his head so that his lips were against her ear. “I think that for most of our lives, my bed will also be your bed.”

  She trembled in his arms at those words, and he felt the warmth of her blush against his cheek. “You should be so lucky.”

  Myf’s words were bold, and he drew her hips against his in a seductive roll that had her gasping against him. “I have a feeling I will be.”

  It was in that moment that he caught sight of Cornelia on the other side of the rink, wrapped up in a huge gorilla of a man and for a split second he felt a burst of jealousy in his gut. Though throughout their time together Johann had known that she was entertaining other lovers, but he had never had to see her with them.

  He was pulled from his thoughts by Myf suddenly losing her balance, and falling with a thump and a small cry onto the ice. It was only as he started going down as well that he realized Myf was still clutching at him, and he landed straight on top of her, with the sound of her laughter in his ear. Untangling himself, Johann helped her sit up and found himself mesmerized by her shining eyes and flushed face. His soon to be wife looked ridiculously happy and carefree, and he cupped her face so as to kiss her long and slow. With a soft noise Myf’s lips parted as she started to return his kiss.


  “So that’s her then?”

  Johann looked up from where he had been untying his skates, to see Cornelia standing in front of him with her hands on her slender hips. For a moment he let himself bask in how attractive she was; tall, slim, and toned. He was certainly going to mourn how utterly amazing she was in bed, that was for sure.

  “Who?” Johann knew that acting ignorant around a woman, especially this woman, was the worst thing he could possibly do. Unfortunately his mouth often worked independently of his brain.

  With a deep sigh she moved to sit beside him, all but forcing him to look her in the eye. “You know who I’m talking about. The woman you’ve been draping yourself all over.”

  At her words he found himself glancing over at where his fiancé was talking and laughing with Steph, and he knew that he was smiling in her direction.

  “Yes, that’s Myf.” He dragged his eyes from her so as to look back at Cornelia. “My fiancé.”

  “She’s not what I expected of you.” Cornelia folded her arms across her chest. “Isn’t she a bit frumpy and plain? I mean, she has a pretty enough face, but she’s hardly going to look any good on your arm. Certainly you’ll have no use for her in your bed.”

  That seemed like an odd thing to say since despite all his other concerns about Myf and this engagement, not once had he considered that they wouldn’t be sexually compatible. In fact, everything was pointing to them having explosive chemistry in the bedroom. “What do you mean by that?”

  “Well.” Cornelia gestured in the vague direction that Myf was standing in. “She’s as big as a whale.”

  Johann knew that his eyes had widened in surprise, and he let his gaze travel back to his fiancé. Certainly she was thicker set than what he was used to, but he craved her in a way that he had never known before. Beside it the ruminants of the lust that he had once felt for Cornelia appeared pale and tasteless. “There’s something about her.”

  Cornelia let out a snort of amusement. “There’s a lot about her.”

  Having finally got his shoes back on, Johann stood up and after a brief nod down to Cornelia he strode over to Myf and Steph. Whereas Myf only glanced up at him with a small smile on her face, Steph, who clearly knew of Cornelia’s significance, had poison in her glare.

  “What did she want?” Steph demanded.

  “Just wanted to congratulate me.” Johann pasted on his most winning grin, hoping that Steph for once wouldn’t be able to see through it.

  “Oh.” Myf looked past him towards Cornelia’s direction. “Is she a friend of yours?”

  He couldn’t hide his sudden discomfort at Myf’s question. “Sort of.”

  “Ah.” Myf’s face fell as she clearly worked out his past relationship with Cornelia. “I see.”

  There was something about the vulnerable look on her face that had Johann reaching for her hand, drawing her close in a way that he knew would block out the view of Cornelia. “Come on, I’ll buy you a hotdog.”

  Chapter Nine

  “So, what’s she like?” Johann turned at his sister’s words, holding a Roman Centurion helmet in front of him. “Myf, I mean.”

  His baby sister Riika had been the only one who had agreed to go with him to find a new costume for his cousin Rik’s fancy dress party. She had done it no questions asked. Sometimes he loved her more than life itself. “She’s nice.” He looked around the small costume hire shop for the rest of the Centurion uniform. “Hey, pass me that armour, over there by the clown outfits.”

  Riika turned to the armour in question, before screwing up her face in response. “It won’t go with your helmet.” She shook her head. “Nice? Johann she must be more than nice for you to be going out of your way like this.”

  “I’ve gone out of my way for women before.” He pushed her out of the way to get to the armour. “It will go with the helmet.”

  “You have not, you’re far too lazy.” Riika pulled the helmet out of his hands, placing it on a nearby shelf. “If they don’t fall into your bed on their own merit you’re not interested.”

  He hated it when she was right like this; the truth was that he was lazy in nearly every part of his life. “Yes, well things are different now, aren’t they?” He scrubbed his hand through his hair. “I’m marrying her.”

  “Yes, you are,” said Riika. “That’s why I’m confused about you making all this effort.”

  “Are you trying to say that I shouldn’t go out of my way for my future wife?” Johann folded his arms across his chest, ignoring the way that Riika rolled her eyes at his clear show of defensiveness.

  “Well, she’s a sure thing, isn’t she?” Riika shrugged her slender shoulders. “It’s not like you have to charm her into having sex wit
h you or anything. You just have to wait for your wedding night.”

  She was right of course. Myf was in no way an idiot, she certainly appeared to be more than aware of what their marriage would entail, and that they would need to have sex to procure heirs if nothing else. That then did force the question of why exactly was he doing something as drastic as changing his costume the day before a party just so that he could match what his date was wearing?

  “She was pretty much my best friend growing up.” He plucked the armour off the rack and held it up to his chest. “I think this should fit.”

  “Are you in love with her?” Riika’s words nearly made him drop his armour, and he stared at her in shock.

  “It’s only been a few days.” Johann shook his head. “Don’t be ridiculous.”

  “Oh Joh.” Riika winked at him, before picking up the helmet and throwing to him. “I love a good romance.”

  Johann fumbled the catch of the helmet, glaring at her as he did so. “I’m not in love with her.”

  Riika gave a loud laugh, dancing out of the way of the cuff to the back of the head Johann tried to land on her. “Not yet. But I think you’re getting there.”

  “Not everything is a romance novel,” said Johann. “Have you thought that maybe my life would be a lot easier if I’m actually friends with my wife?”

  “Maybe.” Riika fluffed her blonde hair and raised her chin “But this is sure going to be fun to watch.”


  Johann looked fantastic. Even if he was the only one who thought so.

  “You look like an idiot.” Kai looked like she was about to burst from laughing, and he glared at her.

  To save themselves the trouble of traipsing half way across the city in costume, and then trying to find their way home while drunk in the early morning hours. Most of the family had decided to stay at the luxurious hotel that would be hosting Rik’s birthday party in its grand ballroom. Currently he and Kai were standing in the fifth floor foyer, in complete costume, awaiting the arrival of their dates.

  “Well, you look like the mechanic out of Valto’s favourite porno.” He watched as Kai’s face scrunched up in disgust at the thought of her twin brother’s sex life. Looking down at the grey flight suit she was wearing with a scowl.

  “You’re disgusting.” She folded her arms across her chest. “And we all know why that particular DV D is nearly worn out.”

  “Oh, you mean the fact that the two actors are a tall blonde man and a tiny black hair woman?” Johann laughed. “Your brother isn’t exactly subtle.”

  “Yes, well he isn’t the only one.” She gave him a sideways glace as he made his way towards the stairs up to the floor Myf’s room was on.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” He reached over and grabbed Kai’s shoulder, stopping her from going back to her room to check on Steph. “Kai?”

  She stopped mid-stride, before turning to look at him with a smile. “Up until yesterday you were going to Rik’s party as Tarzan, and now you’re a Roman.” Her grin widened. “And then I learn that Myf is wearing a toga.”

  “Yeah … so?” Johann shrugged his shoulders. “There’s nothing wrong with wanting to match my date.

  “I’ve only ever seen you like this when you’ve been trying to charm some woman or other into sleeping with you. And only then when you and Nicko have been in competition,” said Kai.

  She was right there at least, the only times when he had really gone out of his way for a woman was when he and his cousin Nicko had been trying to attract the same woman. Or even worse when they had a bet to see who could get a woman into bed first. The latter was something that he now regretted, especially since it was usually the quiet, socially awkward women like Myf that they would bet on. “Maybe I want to woo my fiancé.”

  “You like her.” Kai’s smirk was enough to cause him to narrow his eyes. “Really like her. Johann, it’s only been a week.”

  “Has Riika been giving you lessons on how to annoy me?” Johann rolled his eyes. “Because I’m sure I’ve already had this conversation today.”

  “So, I’m not the only one that’s noticed.” Kai waggled her eyebrows. “You’re trying to impress this girl.”

  “Ok, so I like her,” said Johann. “Isn’t it a good thing that I’m finding that we’re compatible?”

  “If you were compatible you wouldn’t have been chasing everything female that’s crossed your path in the last six years.” Kai’s voice was suitably condescending, and Johann couldn’t help but groan at the sound of it.

  “Well, maybe she’s changed.”

  “Or maybe you have.” Kai shrugged her shoulders, and then patted him on the top of his helmet. With that she strolled away whistling, leaving him standing on the stairs trying to figure out what had just happened.


  “You look lovely.” Emma pulled the last curler out of Myf’s hair.

  “No,” said Myf. She scowled at her best friend’s reflection in the mirror, finding herself pleased that Emma had come to New York for Rik’s birthday. “I look like a sack of potatoes.”

  “Oh stop it.” She was given a quick once over by the other woman. “Johann is going to strain something when he sees you in this.”

  “Oh, I highly doubt that.” Myf glanced down at herself where she was wrapped in gorgeous purple cloth, grimacing when she saw how much cleavage it showed and how it clung to her figure. “Should I be worried about his past?’

  It was something that she had been too afraid to voice up until this point, but seeing Johann with one of his lady ‘friends’ had brought it to the forefront of her mind. There was a difference between being strong in front of her friends and family, and being strong in the depths of her own mind. In all honesty she was scared of Johann’s reputation. That he would quickly find her boring and tiresome. That he would begin running around with various gorgeous women while Myf stayed at home, a laughing stock for the rest of her life.

  “Probably.” Emma shrugged her shoulders. “He’s been able to get away with a lot. One of these days it’ll bite him on the arse. The thing you need to decide is whether or not you’re going to be part of that.”

  “I don’t really have a choice,” said Myf. “This isn’t a normal engagement Emma, I can’t just back out because I don’t like his past.”

  “No, but Lowri can.” Emma wrapped her arms around Myf’s waist from behind and rested her chin on her shoulder.

  “If Lowri was going to call off the engagement because of Johann’s reputation with women she would have done so by now.” Myf closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “And it’s clear that he doesn’t have some lover hidden away that he would rather marry than me. No, Emma, this is my fate.”

  “Anyone would think you want to marry him!”

  “Of course I want to marry him.” To Myf it was really quite obvious. “I haven’t known anything else.”

  Emma shook her head at that, moving away to sit on the dresser. “But what about Johann … as a person? Do you want to marry him?”

  Myf hadn’t actually thought of that, instead merely contemplating her marriage in terms of her duty and how it would affect her family. Whether or not she liked Johann, or was even compatible with him, hadn’t even factored into her mindset.

  “He seems nice enough.” Myf turned away from the mirror to look at her friend. “And he’s good looking at least.”

  Raising one fine blonde eyebrow, Emma let out a snort of laughter. “And when has that sort of thing ever mattered to you?”

  “Just because I’ve never dated before doesn’t mean I don’t notice when a man is attractive.” She turned back and scowled at her reflection. “I’m a virgin, not dead.”

  “You’re half in love with him,” Emma’s voice was raspy in shock, “if not completely in love with him.”

  “I was half in love with him six years ago.” Myf ran her hands over the material of her palla. “I suppose some of that may still be present.”

  She ignored Em
ma’s answer to that in favour of finally taking in her appearance. Lowri of course had done an amazing job of picking out her costume. It suited her figure surprisingly well. The material and style accentuated her bust, but made her waist look slender. With her hair in a traditional style, with curling tendrils falling over her shoulders, she didn’t actually look all that bad.

  “Hey, are you listening to me?’ There was a hint of laughter in her friend’s voice. “What are you thinking about?”

  “That I wish I had Nanny’s fashion sense,” said Myf. “I would never have picked this out in a million years.”

  “Make him love you.” Emma’s words came out of the blue, and Myf turned to look at her in surprise.

  “What are you talking about?’ Myf placed her hands on her hips and glared at Emma. “I can’t force someone to love me.”

  “No, but you can make yourself irresistible to him.” Emma winked at her. “You know? Make him want you and only you.”

  “Oh, please.” Myf rolled her eyes. “As if a man like Johann is going to ever only want one woman. Let alone that woman being me.”

  “You’re not going to try and get out of the engagement, and you won’t fight for his love.” Emma leaned forwards to catch her eye. “You’re just content to take whatever scraps you’re thrown.”

  Myf felt her temper burst at that moment, and she grabbed a nearby desk lamp, throwing it across the room and watched as it smashed against the wall. “Of course I’m not content! Do you think I don’t want to fall in love, that I don’t want to be loved? I have no choice Emma, if I don’t marry Johann I’ll just be handed around from one single aristocrat to the next until one decides to keep me. They have a contract, and one that’s pretty fucking ironclad!”

  “But why stick with the one that you know is never going to love you or care?” Emma grabbed her arms, forcing Myf to look at her. “Why not try one of the other potentials?”


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