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Dusk (Equinox Book 1)

Page 8

by Bradley, H. J.

  He nuzzled beneath her ear. A spot that she was quickly beginning to learn had the ability to send shivers straight down her spine, causing the hot sensation in her groin that she knew was arousal. Another flush came to her face when she thought of how many times she had indulged in her own hand since Johann had first kissed her, and she knew that if he were to find out her argument that this marriage was nothing more than duty would be lost.

  “I feel very underdressed here,” said Johann. “Why don’t you join me?”

  It took a moment for her to figure out exactly what he meant by that, but eventually it did sink in that he wanted her to undress as well. Certainly the idea was terrifying, especially when she considered all the gorgeous models that he had slept with in the past. However, there was also something exciting about the idea of removing her clothes for the pleasure of someone else. Not just anyone either, but the man that had been her betrothed for as long as she could remember. “You want me to remove my clothes?”

  He nodded his head, a light in his eyes that spoke of both amusement and arousal. It was that light alone which had her taking two steps back from him and raising her hand to start unwinding the material of her costume. Unsurprisingly, it was a long and drawn out process, given that it had taken two people an hour to get her into it, however, Johann kept his eyes on her the entire time. After a few minutes though, she was standing in front of him wearing nothing but her rather plain white knickers and bra. Not that it seemed to bother him if the heat in his eyes was anything to go by, though she wasn’t able to stop trying to cover up the softness of her stomach with her hands.

  “No.” He reached for her hands and pulled them away, his eyes roving hungrily over her body. “Don’t hide from me.”

  With that he drew her back into his embrace and took control of her mouth. Now that she had something else to compare him to, she could see the distinct differences between his kisses and the one that Niko had given her. Whilst Niko’s kiss had been completely dominating, the kiss of a man who was used to getting his own way both in and out of the bedroom. Johann’s kiss, while filled with confidence and skill, was that of a man who was more concerned with the pleasure of his partner than his own. Then again, Myf had already known this, there were plenty of magazine articles and news stories from his former lovers praising his sexual prowess.

  “I’m nothing like you, Johann.” She turned her head so that she was looking towards the window rather than him. “Or the women you’ve known in the past.”

  “Myf,” said Johann, easing her face back so that she was looking him in the eye again. “Those women don’t matter, you are my future and I wish you would understand that.”

  Of course she understood that she was his future, they were to be married in less than six months, and even though she didn’t expect him to stay faithful she would still be his wife. “You loved them once.”

  He shook his head. “I only ever loved one, and that was over years ago.”

  Myf knew who he was talking about, the stunningly gorgeous supermodel that he had been with in a long term relationship. For two years she had waited for the letter telling her that she had been released from the engagement, but it had never come. “Sirrka.”

  “And you’re the next woman I’ll love.” He pulled her even tighter into the embrace, so that she could only rest her head on his broad shoulder. “And the last.”

  “You don’t have to love me Johann,” she said.

  “I want to.” Johann cupped the back of her head and drew her into a long kiss. “Can you open up and let me in? Can you love me?”

  She had no way of answering that. After all, if she was to tell the truth that she all but loved him already, then she was likely to have her heart ripped cruelly from her chest and stomped on. That was something she was not willing to let happen. So instead of speaking, she kissed him with such force he stumbled backwards with her still in his arms. For a moment he seemed shocked at her boldness, but then he took complete command of the kiss, all but forcing her lips open, and his tongue stealing inside her mouth to tangle with hers intimately.

  This seemed to be the end of their talking, and instead Myf found herself being gently urged backwards towards the bed and she eventually fell onto it with a thump. She only had a moment to get herself settled before Johann joined her on the bed, crawling over her like a big cat. The next thing she knew, Johann was sucking on the sensitive skin between the neck and shoulder whilst his hands roamed her sides, his thumbs sweeping over the curve of her breasts.

  Never before had she been more self-conscious of what her hands were doing, and finally she rested them on the strong bunching muscles of his shoulders. It didn’t take long for him to start directing his attention southwards, soft kisses moving down her throat and then across one collarbone and to the other.

  His hands had since moved to her breasts again, except this time the pads of his fingers brushed over the hardened nub of her nipple causing a flash of sensation to light up every one of her nerves. With a loud gasp her back arched and her fingers started scrabbling against the taut skin of his back.

  “Sensitive.” The word came from Johann on a deep chuckle. “That’s interesting.”

  At this point Myf was barely able to follow anything he was saying, there was nothing except the sound of her own heart thumping. Though the high keening noise she made the moment his lips brushed over her nipple through the white cotton of her bra could probably be heard at the hotel reception desk. For several long moments she was left in exquisite bliss as he continued to lavish attention to her breasts.

  With a low groan Johann pulled his mouth away from her nipple, crawling back up her body to kiss her in a way that made her eyes roll to the back of head. Their bodies were pressed so closely together that his arousal, now hard once again beneath his silk boxers, dragged along her inner thigh before pressing against the apex between them. Not only did it make her hips buck upwards instinctively on a low cry, but it also made her aware of how wet she was. In fact her knickers seemed almost to be soaked through with her juices.

  “Do that again and I’ll lose it.” Johann’s voice was harsh, and she opened her eyes to look up at him.

  His eyes were dark with lust, and Myf felt as though she was burning up beneath his gaze. “I thought that you would have more stamina than this.” She knew that her words were bold, however the flush on her cheeks must have given her awkwardness away.

  “I’ve been waiting for weeks for you.” He whispered the words into the shell of her ear. “And now I have you.”

  Myf’s thighs tightened around his hips at the very thought of him having her in the way that he so clearly wanted. It was something that both excited and terrified her, though she was more than aware that she wasn’t quite ready to go that far with him tonight. Not only because her virginity was something that she had learned to protect fiercely by her father, but also due to the fact that she didn’t really know Johann. Though she knew that eventually they would need to have proper sex, Myf wanted to at least know him enough that she could trust him with this part of her.

  “Does that mean I have you?”

  Her mouth was taken then in a surprisingly gentle touch of lips, his tongue conquering her own as it swept inside. She felt herself begin to calm and her hands began to smooth down the skin that she had been previously clawing. It wasn’t an answer, and even as she started to feel herself climb back up towards orgasm beneath his skilful hands and tongue there was a dark sensation in the pit of her gut.

  Johann’s hips had started to move against Myf’s again, and the sweet friction of his erect cock against her groin made every single muscle start to tense. Myf’s hands clenched into fists, as her toes started to curl. It was an almost overwhelming feeling, the build up to climax with the feeling of someone else against her, and Myf found that the noises he was making into her mouth was arousing beyond belief. Johann’s skin was covered in a thin sheen of perspiration, the strong muscles beneath almost as tense
as hers.

  Their kiss had lost any sense of finesse, instead their mouths were sliding against each other sloppily and their tongues moved almost aggressively together. Myf’s orgasm came over her unexpectedly, causing her to rip her mouth away from his on a loud cry, her eyes falling shut, and her thighs clamping against his hips so tightly that she was probably going to leave bruises. She was so caught up in her own pleasure that she hadn’t even realized that he had achieved his own nirvana until she had collapsed against the mattress with him against her.

  “You’re amazing.” Johann’s voice was raspy as though he had been shouting, and Myf found herself wishing that she had kept enough of her faculties to see him finish.

  “I …,” Myf was still breathing so hard that she could barely speak, “… I didn’t know it would be anything like that.”

  He nuzzled beneath her ear before nipping the lobe with his teeth. “What did you think it would be like?”

  “Not like that,” she said.

  His chuckle was full of dark amusement. “I have so much to show you.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Can I help you gentlemen?”

  The woman that greeted Johann and Mattie as they entered Tiffany’s was particularly attractive. With straight blonde hair that fell just past her shoulders, an athletic figure, and a blinding smile. Exactly the kind of woman that he would have been trying to pick up within minutes. However, now he could see how fake she seemed, there was nothing genuine in his first impression of her. There was a knowledge that despite her incredible body she wouldn’t feel quite as perfect nor warm in his arms as she should. All in all, he felt like the women that he would normally find attractive had been ruined for him, this left a certain bitter taste in his mouth.

  “I’m here to find an engagement ring for my fiancé,” he said.

  With a fake smile plastered on her face, the woman nodded her head. “What sort of price range are you looking for?”

  Johann shook his own head in response, and gave a wave of his hand. “Price isn’t an issue.”

  “Something vintage would also be best.” Mattie’s voice came from behind Johann, and he turned to look at his friend. It was a surprise that he should know more about Myf’s tastes than her own fiancé, however he was insanely grateful that Mattie had thought to find out.

  “Certainly.” The woman started to lead them to the far side of the store. “You’re not interested in having something custom made?”

  “No.” Johann stuffed his hands deep into his pockets and shrugged. “Unfortunately, I just don’t have the time.”

  Had he been more attentive, or even a half decent person, he would have organized to have something custom made months, maybe even years, ago. Unfortunately, he had been too busy freaking out at the very prospect of getting married, that he had spent an inordinate amount of time drunk and between the legs of a complete stranger.

  “Very well.” With that the woman brought several purple velvet boxes from a locked box behind the counter, before carefully opening them so that he could see. All of the rings were gorgeous, and Johann knew that he must be staring at them with a confused expression on his face.

  “I don’t know what I’m doing,” he said.

  Mattie clapped a hand on his shoulder, and the sales woman gave him a sympathetic smile. It made him wonder how many clueless men she had to deal with on a daily basis.

  “Why don’t you tell me about the young lady?”

  “Like what?” He really hoped that she wasn’t going to start asking him questions like what Myf’s favourite colour was, or what time she got up in the morning. If so he would look like a really shallow arsehole.

  “What colour are her eyes?” The woman shuffled some of the boxes around, and Johann was thankful that it had least been an easy question to answer.

  “Blue.” He removed one hand from his pocket to scrub through his hair. “Really blue.”

  With a nod the woman removed two of the rings, both of which contained rubies, from the rest. It was at this moment that Johann’s eye caught one of the rings at the back of the selection. Quite basic compared to some of the other rings, but somehow he didn’t quite think that Myf would want anything that was extravagant. It was a band of white gold in which was inlaid a number of small white diamonds, with a large sapphire on the top. Beautiful, understated, and elegant. All qualities that he found endearing and attractive in Myf herself.

  “I think that one.” He pointed to the ring, pleased when he saw Mattie’s smile at his choice.

  “That’s lovely.” The woman picked it up and presented it to him. “Your fiancé must be a very special lady.”

  “Yes.” Johann took the ring from her, holding it up to the light so as to watch the jewels glint prettily. “Yes she is.”


  Johann couldn’t stop fingering the small band of white gold in his pocket. He knew that somewhere behind him Kai, Bill, and Mattie could probably smell the pure terror that was pouring off of him. Not exactly a comforting thought. This was it, the night that he could possibly be making a complete fool out of himself in front of a woman who was only here because her dead father commanded that she marry him. No matter how eager she had been in his arms the other night, Johann wasn’t such a complete idiot to think that he would have been able to seduce her if it wasn’t for the duty bound mentality she had towards him.

  His thoughts were interrupted by the restaurant door being opened, and he looked up to see Myf and Steph walk in. Taking a deep breath Johann stood up, watching as the two women embraced before Steph wandered over to where the others were sitting. Not that he was really paying any attention to her when his soon to be wife was standing in front of him. She was looking gorgeous and elegant in a dark purple dress which fell to just below her knees. The sight of her had him walking over to her, and she accepted his soft kiss with a smile.

  “You look lovely.” He guided her back towards their table, holding out the chair for her and then moving to take his own.

  “So do you,” she said, and there was a twinkle in her eye that made him smile.

  “I’m glad you think so.” He smoothed down his white button up shirt. “It took me long enough to pick out a suit.”

  He watched as her blue eyes gave him a slow once over, making him instinctively straighten his shoulders and puffing out his chest. “Why don’t you tell me what you’ve been doing for the past six years?”

  “I’ve been at University,” she said. “Not really doing anything that compares to you or your family. But it’s something I’m quite passionate about.”

  Johann had to admit that what little he had found out about her from Valto was that she was studying arts. He hated to admit that at first he had felt quite superior to her for that. Not that it appeared to matter to his grandfather that Myf didn’t have a high-flying career, then again the old man probably liked the idea of Johann’s wife being a sweet little housewife. A woman who spent her entire life raising a brood of children and painting in the gardens. Something that Johann loathed to admit he was beginning to like the idea of himself. “Arts?’

  Myf seemed surprised that he would know that. “That’s right. Fine arts to be exact.”

  “It suits you.” Johann spoke the truth. Myf was refined and vulnerable in a way that no other woman he had ever met was. Though underneath it all there was a hidden strength he was dying to coax out.

  “Oh,” she said. “Thank you.”

  “So do you paint?”

  “Yes.” Myf placed the white cotton napkin from the table, on her lap. “Mostly landscapes, however, since I got my archaeology degree, I’ve been working with the University department sketching their digs and artifacts. Before I was asked to come to New York I was looking at getting a job with a leading archaeology team in Germany.”

  Certainly an impressive resume then, and there was Johann thinking that she had spent the last six years throwing away her inheritance. When in all honesty she had secured herself quite
an interesting career. “Are you still looking at working with them?”

  “No.” Myf must have noticed his confused expression because she quickly continued. “When we get married I’ll be moving here to New York, of course. Questions would be asked if you were living here, and I was spending ten months of the year in Berlin.”

  “We could make it work,” said Johann.

  Myf shook her head. “Children will be expected early in the marriage. I couldn’t leave them, or take them away from their father.”

  Johann felt his stomach clench in panic at the thought of having children. It wasn’t that he didn’t want any, but he was only twenty-two and to him that sounded an awful lot like settling down. Getting married seemed bad enough, even though he was getting used to the idea of having this woman in his life, children were enough to bring on a panic attack.

  “I hate to think of you giving up something that you’re passionate about just to marry me and keep my family happy.” He reached across the table and took her hand.

  “I’m not giving up anything,” she said, tangling their fingers together. “As long as I can still paint then I’m happy, and if sometime in the future I’m offered another chance then we can re-evaluate.”

  Johann had no idea how to answer that, after all in the circles he mostly travelled in, the women tended to be fiercely independent and selfish. This was what had always made it easy to bed them and leave them, most of them about as interested in a relationship as he was. So to have Myf sitting across from him, a soft smile on her face and telling him, so matter of fact that she was happy to be wherever he was. Well, it was unlike anything he had ever known before.

  Thankfully, he was saved from having to respond by the waiter approaching their table, and by the time they had made their food and drink orders the two of them had settled into a comfortable silence.

  “What have you been doing recently?” Myf handed her menu over to the waiter, inclining her head when the man smiled at her. “Cat has been keeping quiet about what you’ve been doing since you left the military.”


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