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Dusk (Equinox Book 1)

Page 14

by Bradley, H. J.

  The grimace that came to his mother’s face was telling. “I had no part in that.” She looked incredibly guilty. “I also had no part in the insistence in her being a virgin, and I’m disgusted that she thought she had to be.”

  “I can’t believe grandfather thought I would even care.”

  “Oh, please.” His grandmother had arrived beside him. “Like you don’t like the idea, even a little bit.”

  He felt warmth coming to his cheeks at that. It was true that he did like the idea that nobody else had been with Myf, and he liked the idea that she had kept herself chaste particularly for him. “I would rather not say.”

  His grandmother rolled her eyes, before clapping him hard on the shoulder. “Good man. You be careful with her tonight, alright?”

  Johann couldn’t believe that they were having this conversation, how he went about getting rid of his wife’s virginity was between her and him alone, and the less his family got involved the better.

  “That’s right,” said his mother. “She doesn’t need you doing a jackhammer impression tonight dear.”

  “Oh my God!” He pulled away from her quickly, horrified that she would say something like that in the first place.

  “Oh, Johann, it’s alright,” said his grandmother. “It’s obvious you’re a bit of a one trick pony, but all men are before they settle down and have to spice things up.”

  “I am not a …” He stuttered to a halt beneath their heavy gazes, fully aware that to a certain degree they were correct. “Oh, shut up.”

  They both started cackling at that, and he stood up straight. “Now, if you’ll please excuse me, I am going to find my wife.”


  The first dance was going to be the first time that he had had the pleasure of holding Myf in his arms since Sao Paulo. The soft smile she gave him as they faced each other on the dance floor showed that she was thinking something similar. He could hear Kai and Valto cat calling at him from the other side of the marquee, and in any other circumstances he would have given them the finger in response. Instead, he pulled Myf into his arms as the music started, sliding one arm around her waist and the other threading their fingers together. Her breathing was unsteady, whether due to being nervous over having so many people’s eyes on her or simply from being so close to him, he didn’t know. Either way he adjusted his hold on her until her cheek rested against his. Her soft body was pressed enticing to him, the smell of her perfume overtaking his senses and he found himself nuzzling behind her ear searching out more of it. That move made her gasp, and her body instinctively pushed against him.

  Normally if he had a girl this interested in him during a dance he would have taken her somewhere private by now, but it would probably be looked down upon if he took Myf’s virginity against a tree behind the marquee. He wanted to though, wanted nothing more than to have her shapely thighs wrapped around his hips as he buried himself inside her where she was undoubtedly tighter than anyone he’d ever had before.

  “Are you alright?” He whispered the words into her ear, feeling her shiver at the sensation of his breath against the sensitive flesh there.

  “Fine.” The word was hoarse with arousal, and he instinctively pulled her closer revelling in the warmth of her body and the way she trembled against him. He wished that they weren’t surrounded by people, and that his friends and family weren’t all watching, as he wanted to do nothing more in that moment than kiss her. However, this wasn’t a normal marriage, and they hadn’t been wed for love, for him to be kissing her so soon while in public would be very forward of him and he doubted his grandfather would approve, something which seemed odd since the old man would certainly make sure that the marriage was consummated.

  “You look absolutely beautiful.” He watched as the blush rose up her neck to her cheeks, and she ducked her head against his shoulder.

  “Johann, you don’t have to use false flattery to get me into bed.” There were tears in her eyes.

  “I am not now, nor have I ever, given you false flattery.” Deciding that anyone who would object to him showing his wife affection at his own wedding reception, could go and stuff their opinions where the sun didn’t shine, Johann gently pressed a kiss to the corner of her mouth. “I think that you’re beautiful.”

  She raised her head at that, looking him in the eye before her gaze lowered to his mouth in a move that was so blatant he couldn’t deny her. Lowering his own head he slowly took her mouth, watching as her eyes slowly fluttered closed and her lips parted on a soft moan. The chaste kiss that they had enjoyed in the church hadn’t been enough to remind him of her taste, something which he had quite thought himself addicted to in New York. Now his senses felt surrounded by it. Somewhere in the back of his mind he was aware that the music had changed, and that there was a lot of rabble and laughter going on around them, but he couldn’t bring himself to care. At some point he had released her hand and his fingers had found their way to her hair, weaving amongst the dark strands and cradling the back of her head. Myf’s arms had wrapped around his neck, and he was more than a little aware that he was making out with his wife in the middle of the dance floor. Slowly they parted, and he softly stroked his hand over her heated cheek taking care to ignore the clapping and wolf-whistling coming from the younger members of the party.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  “We have to get out don’t we?” Myf’s voice was muffled against his shoulder as she all but dozed against him in the limousine. Thankfully after their first dance they had been able to escape the festivities of the reception, and even Johann could feel the weight of exhaustion weighing down his limbs. Despite all this he was aroused, the knowledge of what was to come later causing him to feel wound up beyond belief.

  “Come on, beautiful.” He tightened his hands on her hips, lifting her from his lap.

  With a deep sigh she slid off of him, accepting the chauffer’s hand to help her out of the limousine. Giving himself a few moments to try and control his overactive libido, he then followed her out onto the drive. Wrapping his arm around Myf’s waist, he pulled her close against him and walked her through the open front door and into the dimly lit front hall. His housekeeper, Jutta, wished them a goodnight and then the door closed behind them. The moment that he heard it snick shut, he swung Myf into his arms and pulled her into the most passionate kiss he could muster.

  She seemed to melt into him at that, mouth opening automatically to allow him access. Dragging his mouth away from hers, he let himself press a series of small kisses along her jaw until he was able to suck her ear lobe into his mouth.

  “Are you going to let me fuck you?” His words came out almost as a gasp.

  “Do you have to be so vulgar?” Myf’s head fell back as a groan rose from her throat.

  “Six months.” He let his lips explore more of her flesh. “For six months I’ve only had my right hand and thoughts of you to come to, I need to be buried inside you.”

  “Yes.” She nodded her head quickly, fingers all but clawing into his shoulders. “Yes.”

  He didn’t even wait til they got into the bedroom, instead he pulled his linen shirt over his head, and let it fall to the floor. Her hands immediately went to his chest, tracing over his pecs and down to his abs in an almost reverent way. “Are you alright?” he tipped her face up to look her in the eye.

  “Oh, Johann.” A flush had now covered her cheeks. “I’m so sorry I’m nothing like you.”

  “I’ve seen you naked before remember?” His cock jumped at that particular memory, and the need to get his head between her thighs again was unbearably. “It’s the only thing that’s kept me going.”

  They kissed again then, mouths clashing and teeth clacking in their passion as he all but dragged her towards the bedroom. Once there he slowly pulled the blue sash of her dress free, and then pushed the straps down her arms until gravity took over and it fell to the carpet. Underneath it she was wearing a lacy white bra and panties, and with the way she was refusing
to meet his eyes when he moved away to look at her, spoke of her self-esteem issues.

  She was beautiful though, her body might not be his usual ‘type’ but the soft curves and miles of creamy skin that threatened to spill from the expensive lace had a dangerous effect on him.

  “Turn around.” Those words made her look up at him finally, fear so clear in her eyes that he had to tilt her head to kiss her gently. Once they parted she slowly turned around, and he moved behind her to kiss her neck as he undid the clasp of her bra. With gentle hands he pushed the straps down her arms, easing her arms from her chest so that it could fall to the ground.

  “I don’t know why I’m so nervous.”

  “It’s completely normal.” He sucked lightly on her neck while running his hands up her sides so that his fingers could graze the side of her breasts. She looked back at him then, one eyebrow raised sceptically. “Ok, so I’ve heard.”

  She gave a soft laugh that quickly turned into a moan as he slid his left hand over her breast and gave it a soft squeeze, his fingers moving over her nipple. At that, her head fell back against his shoulder, and he immediately took her mouth in a searing kiss as he ground his erection into the small of her back. Removing his hands from her breasts, Johann slid them down her flanks to tease with the lacy edge of her panties

  “Should we take this to bed?” he said.

  Nodding her head, she turned in his arms so that she could wind her own around his neck and press herself against him as she pressed their lips together. The sensation of her breasts against his bare chest was purely erotic, and he found himself backing her up towards the enormous bed.

  “Johann?” She pulled her mouth from his. “I don’t know what I’m doing.”

  “Make yourself comfortable.” He released her from his arms, and watched as she nervously settled herself on the bed. She was beautiful, his wife, that thick curtain of black hair hanging over her shoulders and curling around the plumpness of her breasts. Her stomach had a soft curve to it which, with the width of her hips, made him want to get his hands on every inch of her. He was already intimately acquainted with her strong thighs, and all together she was breathtaking.

  “I feel a bit underdressed,” she said.

  He couldn’t help but smile at that, it was clear that she wanted him to strip off, and her blush was absolutely enduring. Throwing her a cheeky grin he slowly lowered his fly and pulled off both his trousers and boxers. He really hoped that his clear arousal didn’t scare her off.

  “Are you ok?” He didn’t want to join her on the bed until he was absolutely sure that she was comfortable.

  Myf didn’t even answer him, instead she leaned back against the pillows, and pulling off her panties before slowly spreading her legs. That was enough of an invitation for him, and he dropped to the bed and crawled between her legs. As he did so he felt the tip of his cock slide up her inner thigh until he started to prod eagerly at her wet folds. Beneath him, Johann felt her tremble at the sensation and he leaned down to kiss her softly as she wrapped her arms around him and tightened her thighs against his hips

  This was what he had been missing for the past six months, being naked with a beautiful woman, with the anticipation of what was to come sitting low in his stomach. Not only that, he thought as he left her mouth to start slowly sucking kisses down Myf’s throat, this would be the last woman he would ever lay with like this. Whereas that would have once terrified him, now he found himself looking forward to teaching and showing her just how fantastic this could be.

  Following the line of her throat, he sucked softly on her collarbones, before hefting the weight of her right breast and lowering to graze it gently with his teeth. Her back arched at that, and the noise she made was pure sex, as her legs spread even further in response. Gently running a hand down her flank soothingly he ran his tongue over her pebbled nipple.

  “Johann!” Her breath was nothing more than gasp, as her hands moved from the wide expense of his back to sink into the hair at the back of his head. “Oh, Gods.”

  He transferred his attention from one breast to the other, gently pinching her abandoned nipple as he sucked on the other one. For months he had been dreaming, fantasizing about doing this and her reaction was better than anything he could have imagined. Her every muscle had tightened as if already preparing for orgasm, her legs spread wide on either side of him, and the heat from her groin was nearly searing. Her hips were rising from the bed now, seeking attention from him and he felt himself slip inside her slightly with each movement.

  Redirecting his attention from her breasts, he started kissing down her stomach, feeling the muscles clench beneath his mouth. It took him several moments to realize that she was in fact ticklish and that was something he needed to store away in his memory for future use. The moment she worked out where he was going was obvious, as her fingers turned into claws on his scalp and her hips arched up from the bed. A pleading noise was ripped from her throat, and it was obvious that she remembered that night in that hotel in Sao Paulo as clearly as he did.

  Placing his hands on her inner thighs he pushed them apart slightly, before lowering his head to press a kiss to her pubic bone. With his mouth still very close to her skin so that she could feel his breath on her over sensitized flesh he moved downwards. Gently grazing the swollen flesh above her clit with his lips, he carefully parted the skin to get his tongue on her bud again. She screamed at that, thighs clenching in a desperate attempt to protect herself. Softly kissing her thigh he raised his head to look at where she was splayed across the bed, breathing heavily and staring glassy eyed at the ceiling.

  “Are you alright to keep going?” His own voice was rough.

  “What?” She pushed her hair from her eyes, and leaned up on her elbows. “Johann, of course.”

  Instead of answering he lowered his mouth to her again and ran his tongue over her clit. This time her reaction was far better, her hips tilted upwards against his mouth and the hand which had returned to the back of his head pressed him closer to her flesh. It didn’t take long until her breathing became shallow, and her thighs started to twitch on either side of his head. Carefully he slid two fingers into where she was dripping wet, scissoring them apart to make sure that he wasn’t going to hurt her more than was necessary when he was finally allowed inside.

  “Joh!” Her feet were beginning to dig into the mattress, and immediately he forced himself away from her, getting to his knees he grabbed her hips and dragged her up onto his lap.

  Within moments he was sliding into her, having to grit his teeth at the tight, hot, slick flesh that engulfed him. She was perfect, almost like she had been made for him since she clung to him like a glove, and he threw his head back with a groan. He stopped the moment he encountered some resistance, gasping for breath when he looked down at her. She looked incredible where she was tilted against the mattress, hair like a fan around her head and breasts high on her chest.

  “Fuck you’re gorgeous.” He removed one hand from her hip and smoothed it up her body so that he could squeeze her breast. “Ready?”

  Myf didn’t even bother to answer him with words, instead she simply nodded her head, her hands coming up to grip his wrists tightly. Leaning down he took her nipple between his lips at the same time that he flexed his hips and broke through the resistance to slide into her entirely. A sharp gasp came from her then, her arms wrapping tightly around him as she bit into his shoulder with such force that it made him wince in pain. Wrapping his arms around her waist he pulled her into a sitting position on his lap, smothering his moan against her throat as she slid down until he was balls deep inside her. Tipping his head back he looked up at her, surprised to see that all the pain had faded from her blue eyes to be replaced with confusion.

  “Okay?” he said.

  “I didn’t expect it to feel good so soon.” Her words were almost a gasp.

  “Yeah?” He slid his hands over the plumpness of her arse. “What feels good?”

” Her head fell back and she moved her hips in a way that made him nearly swallow his tongue. “I didn’t know that feeling full would be so good.”

  He chuckled darkly then, moving to suck a bruise into the side of her neck, pleased when the hand which wasn’t gripping his shoulder ran through his hair.

  “That’s a good thing.” He squeezed her arse then, lifting her up slightly before lowering her back down, a move which made them both moan. “Do you want to control this ride?”

  “Maybe,” she said. “Just to begin with.”

  He reached up and wrapped the main body of her hair around his fist, using it to pull her head back to that he could press gentle bites against her throat. In response her hips started to move against him, not quite the full thrusts that would have come from an experienced lover, but enough to have her moaning above him. Releasing her hair he moved his hands to her back, helping her keep her balance as her movements became grinding motions. Clearly he was pressed against her G-spot as her voice was raising into loud cries which echoed through the room. His cock was throbbing where it was being clenched around, and he was incredibly relieved that though her movements were pleasurable for him it wasn’t enough for him to get off. Soon though, her movements eased to a stop, and she was slumped against him, her skin with its sheen of sweat pressing against his own. The pleasure had become too much for her to keep moving, and Johann knew that it was now his turn.

  Gripping her hips tightly he held her steady and ground up into her, moving his own hips in a slow circle as he did so, a move that made her shriek. He completed the move several times until she was shaking uncontrollably in his arms, and then he used his body weight to flip her onto her back. Their kiss was brutal, teeth clicking as they sucked on each other’s tongues as he finally was able to thrust in earnest. He helped to wrap her legs around his waist, and he let his body fall into an easy pattern of slow thrusts that made his stomach clench and his thighs ache.


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