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Single Dad Boss: A Small Town Romance

Page 22

by Kara Hart

  “Okay,” I say, tears filling my eyes. I hold them open so they don’t splash out onto my face. I don’t want him to know how pained I am. I don’t ever want him to know the decision I’m going to have to make. It’s not fair, but it is my fault. And sometimes you have to live with the choices you make.

  “Tonight is our night,” I smile, feeling the tears disappear. I can smile again, even if it comes from a different place. Tonight, I’ll have to play the part. Tonight, we’ll be lovers as if this night were forever.

  He kisses my jeans and I do him a favor and unbutton the top button. He looks at me, not smiling anymore, and unbuttons the rest of them with his teeth. I feel my lower body grow warm. All of the blood in my body floods downwards. “Yes,” I moan. “Oh, God, yes.”

  I feel so… invested in this. All of my emotions are just there. Right now, I’m his, and it’s not just some drunken hookup. He’s not just some guy at the bar. I know it’s so soon, but we have an unshakeable bond together, and I don’t care how wrong that is or how short-lived it might be. This night will live on in my memories.

  He pulls my jeans down as I throw my heels to the dirt. Soon enough, all my clothes are off and he leans me against a boulder. I feel the slight heat from the day still radiating from the rock as it pushes against my ass and back. I spread my legs aside as he slides his tongue against me. This time, he’s not trying to please me. He’s not “going with the motions.” He’s just enjoying me.

  When I look down at him, it truly looks like he was born to do this. His tongue falls flat and wide and covers every single part of me. Every fold gets engulfed as he swipes up and down. Then, when I feel a slight tinge of electricity start to build inside of me, he goes further.

  Not only does he fit three fingers firmly inside, pushing them in and out in the most sensual manner, he also begins sucking away. He sucks and pulls back like a suction cup. Every now and then, he lets go and looks up at me with those deep, masculine eyes, whispering, “This is what you want. Isn’t it? You want more of this, don’t you?”

  There’s no question about it. I do. I just nod and let my head fall back. Up in the sky, the stars are shining bright. The air is much cooler up here, but my body is heating up by the second. All around us are the sounds of desert life, humming their song. And when he curls his fingers against that soft spot of mine, I howl like a fucking coyote.

  “OHHHH!” I scream. “Yeeeesssss!”

  I convulse and he just picks up speed. My mind is racing and I’m dizzy with pleasure. He picks me up off that rock with all his strength and power, and sets me down onto his lap. His cock goes right inside of me.

  He starts pounding me, back against the rock, as my body continues to spasm. I look at his eyes and he kisses me. “Keep looking at me,” he whispers. “Just like that. Don’t look away.”

  He grabs my face and I smile, so fucking turned on by him. He’s revealing everything he likes. He’s deep. He’s nothing like I thought he was. “Oh, Marshall,” I whisper back. “You fuck me so good.”

  He nearly dies. He lets out of a deep sound, almost like a lion roar, and holds me close to him. “Don’t you dare let me go,” I say. “Keep cumming for me, baby.”

  I can feel his cock expanding and contracting inside of me. Slowly, it inches its way back to its normal self. He presses his cheek against mine and we’re both gasping for air. At the bottom of the trail, we can hear hikers, which makes us both laugh.

  “Fuck, you’re hot,” I say. “Where’d you learn to fuck like that, Mister? Surely, not the Police Academy.”

  We both grab our clothing quickly and get back on the bike. He’s laughing and feeling good about himself. I’m doing exactly the same. “Hell no. Most of those guys are fools with women. I guess they don’t get paid enough to care about eating pussy, right?” He laughs some more. “I just found a woman whose taste, looks, and wild personality I can’t get out of my mind. It’s bad, woman.”

  I place my head against his shoulder again and close my eyes. God dammit. Why does the heart have to be so complicated? I guess other girls don’t have this problem because they make normal choices, or maybe they just had some better chances in this life.

  Either way, I can’t reflect on it too much because I’ve already decided on something. Tonight, I’m going to spend the night.



  I’m used to the blurry alcoholic nights. The ones where you stumble and puke, and fuck and fight, until you find yourself laying down face first in a ditch. Yeah, I’m used to that kind of shit. I actually thought that kind of thing was fun for a while. That is, until I met my Virginia.

  She’s sweeter than sugar, softer than vanilla ice cream, and spicier than panaeng curry. Of course, I’m feeling pretty blessed right now. In fact, I couldn’t even get to sleep last night because I was too exhilarated from the night before. There’s so much shit I want to do with this girl now. I have this weird feeling like I need to tell her all my wildest dreams. She makes me want to live. I ain’t ever had that kind of a feeling before.

  It’s scary as hell, but sometimes you have to jump right now. If she ends up hurting me, so be it. Everything that happens in life, happens for a reason. There’s nothing different about this.

  When I wake up, I expect her to be gone. I expect that the warm body that I feel underneath my arms is nothing more than a pillow that she switched from under me. But I press my body forward and I feel her ass against my cock, and it’s confirmed: she’s still here. I kiss her back and smell her again, like a breath of fresh air.

  “Mm, I could get used to this,” I say. I kiss her cheek and crawl on top of her, opening my eyes. She presses her ass up against me some more.

  “Then get used to it, big boy. Show me what you’ve got,” she says, sleepy, but clearly horny.

  I push myself inside and immediately feel her warmth. I grab her tits and hold them firm in my hands. I push in and out, in and out, until finally, I cum.

  “That was quick,” she laughs, jumping out of bed. I slap her ass before she can get away.

  “I gotta go to work, dammit. Last day on the stakeout,” I tell her. I shouldn’t be telling her any of this shit. But she’s so far away from this case that I doubt it even matters. Though, if Adam knew I was telling any woman our information, he’d have me fired in an instant. The bastard. Of course he’d do me in.

  I hear the sink running and finally she comes out. “That’s fine,” she says, smiling big. She pounces on me like a cat and kisses my lips, covering me in her hair. “I have to visit some friends, anyway.”

  “Friends?” I ask her. “When are you going to invite me out with them?”

  “I don’t know if you’d get along,” she says, jumping back off and grabbing her clothes.

  “Why, ‘cause I’m a cop?” I start to get a little annoyed and a little hurt.

  “Exactly,” she laughs.

  “What the hell is everyone’s problem with us?” I bark. “It’s like the world’s turned on all of us now. I don’t get it.”

  “You ruin people’s fun.” She shrugs, cold as ice. “Not you. Calm down, Marshall. You’re different, of course. I’m just saying. If there’s something exciting happening in this country, there’s usually some police there bringing people down a notch.”

  I groan, but don’t actually say anything. She’s probably right, anyway. When’s the last time I went to a party? She’s younger than me. She knows what it’s like. I’m so outside of the spectrum, it’s crazy. But why can’t people just wait to go to a good bar, and relax?

  “Last night was perfect,” she says, with honest eyes. She still looks stunning. “Let’s do it again soon. Please.”

  “Just call me when you’re free,” I say. She kisses me again and then messes up my hair.

  “Bye, Marshall.”

  “Bye.” The door closes. “Baby...”

  Back in Adam’s car, back to this stakeout business, I feel my boredom start to kick in again. “You thin
k this is it?” I ask him, eyeing him carefully. “Is this the big day?”

  He smiles, looking cocky. He pulls off to the side and parks near the old bar we’ve been racking up a bill in. “This is our big day,” he says. “I can feel it.”

  “Good,” I say. “It’s good to feel things every now and then.”

  “You don’t think I’m right do you?” he asks. “You think I’m going to fuck this up. I may be newer than you, but I know a thing or two about criminals. I studied them in college.”

  He makes me laugh. Every time he speaks, he reveals a whole new part of himself that I’ve never heard before. “College?” I look at him.

  “Yes, sir. Four years at the University down here,” he says, proud of his achievements. I suppose he should be in a way. “Criminal Psychology. It was difficult, but I came out with a real understanding of the criminal mind.”

  “Oh, come on, Adam. You came out with your head in your ass, from too much partying. Don’t try to talk to me about college. You don’t fully understand the criminal mind until you’ve lived with criminals. Not until you’ve been subject to their bullshit, day in and day out, do you understand what kind of people they are,” I say. I motion for the lady to come over so we can order some steaks and a drink. “Besides, these are bank robbers. This ain’t some Silence of the Lambs type of shit.”

  “How you doing, sweeties?” the waitress asks us.

  Adam groans. I take the liberty to respond nicely. “Well, we’re doing pretty good over here, only my friend and I have a bet we’d like you to settle,” I say.

  “A bet?” her eyebrows begin to rise. She’s intrigued. “What kind of a bet?”

  “Well, my partner here said he thought you were around 40,” I begin to say. Adam looks mortified. I love playing games with him. He’s so sensitive. I continue, “But I was saying you must be only about 29. Which one us is right?”

  “Oh you!” she slaps my arm with the menu and I laugh friendly with her. “I’m 57. You’re both wrong. You owe me a drink!”

  “Ha!” I slap the table. “A drink it is, honey.”

  “What’re you having?” she asks.

  “Two steaks. Medium rare. Two beers. Uncooked please,” I wink.

  “Coming right up,” she smiles.

  “You always gotta drink, don’t you?” he shakes his head.

  Just before I can shrug, my damn radio goes off and it’s not sounding good. “God damn!” one officer yells. “They got it guys, pursuit in process.”

  I grab the radio and call in. “Don’t let them out of your sights, dammit!”

  “Female in pursuit. I repeat, female in pursuit!” the radio beckons. A female? Well, I’ll be…

  “Sorry honey, we gotta get out of here. Here’s some cash for you. Thank you, kindly,” I say, running out of the bar. I turn to Adam who looks completely shocked and say, “You owe me two steaks and two beers, dumbass.”



  “Pull over!” a rickety, old police car yells on the megaphone behind me. I’ve got this feeling of absolute uncertainty right now. I opted for the motorcycle. I found one that worked at the junk yard, one that could do the job and could be destroyed right after.

  But now, I realize it’s only put a target on me, and not my partners, who opted for a faster car. Figures. But there are some tight alleyways up ahead. I know them like the back of my hand. I just have to make it over there in time.

  “No cops in sight,” Craig announced as we arrived on the scene. He didn’t think they’d respond as fast as they did. I kept screaming at him, “In and out, in and out!” But it didn’t matter. Things were going wrong. People weren’t getting down fast enough. The bank tellers weren’t playing by the rules. This usually doesn’t happen, but in Texas, you never know how people are going to react. There are a lot of heroes in this state.

  “Pull over! You’re under arrest!” the car says again, completely robotic. It makes me hate the state more. But then I think of Marshall. Is he on his way to find me? What will he do if he sees my ass on this motorcycle? Will he know it’s me? Will he protect me? He sure as hell wouldn’t. It would break his damn heart.

  Sirens sound in the distance. I can hear them coming closer. I flip off the car behind me and rev my engine faster, nearly sliding my bike on the ground to make a 90 degree turn into that familiar alley way. I used to play in this alley and now I’m running from the cops in it. Up ahead, there’s another set of alleys, and another after that. It’s endless over here, and us poor people know it fucking well.

  I make a series of turns and finally, I stop. I get off the bike and head out on foot. I climb a fence and jump over, falling on the dirt. I pick myself back up and look around. I’m near my place now, but I can hear the helicopters coming. I reach my gate and slide the key in. I run up the long set of stairs, but I don’t go inside. I look out from the bars of the balcony. The cops’ lights are moving in the opposite direction now. They haven’t got a clue. I’m safe for now.

  When the sirens finally shut off and the lights disappear, I slam my fist against the wall of my apartment and scream. “Fuck!” That’s the closest I’ve ever been being locked up before. I mean, before this, I wasn’t an angel. No “poor” kid is, they say, but that’s only because you want certain things like food, or a nice blanket, or jacket to keep you warm when it turns winter. I mean, my parents probably could have afforded those things, but asking them meant screaming. It meant they wouldn’t be allowed to buy their lottery ticket or third cigarette pack for the day.

  I pace around the room and I don’t know what to do. Are the guys okay? I mean, are we going to get away with all of this? There’s no way to get ahold of them now. I’ll just have to play the waiting game. I don’t even have a TV, so I turn on the radio in my bedroom and listen.

  “There may be a possible suspect in police custody as we speak, Jen…” A news reporter says this one sentence and I immediately run to the bathroom to vomit. I deserve it, of course. We robbed a fucking bank. Two fucking banks! How did I not think this would happen?

  Part of me thought it would happen, but the other half thought we could win this one. My only concern is with who they’ve taken in. If it’s actually Craig or Elroy, I think the game is over. Shit, if it’s Craig, I’ll feel a little better. He’s got a tight lid on his mouth. As for Elroy, well, I think he’s got a good heart. He definitely likes me enough not to say my name, but he’s also weak. It wouldn’t be long before they convinced him he’d get a better deal if he got all of us in there with him.


  I glance at my phone. It’s sitting next to my unloaded gun and bag of money. There was never any intention of using that gun. It’s just for show. I couldn’t stomach killing anyone, nor would I want to. I’m not that kind of bad.

  There hasn’t been any activity on my phone, which I guess could be considered good or bad. Stupid or not, I pick up the phone and dial Marshall’s number, using my app that encrypts my number, as always. “Can’t talk right now. Pretty fucking busy,” he says, voice gruff and angered.

  “Sorry. I just heard about the robbery. Did you get the guys? I’ve been rooting for you,” I say, trying to get some answers out of the guy.

  “I told you, I can’t talk right now,” he says.

  “Oh, I’m sor—” I start to apologize.

  “See you,” he says, hanging up the phone.

  My heart is fucking racing, but most of all, I’m thrown into a deep despair. Everything is going to be ruined. My chances of getting out of here, my freedom, and I’ll never be able to see Marshall again.

  Everything is done for and I’m a wreck.



  I was pretty mean to Vi on the phone just now, I guess. I’m going to have to make it up to her, but if she only knew the kind of shit we just went through, she’d surely understand.

  The stakes were high, so I made Adam get in the passenger’s seat. There was no way I was going to let him
fuck anything else up. I knew they weren’t going to hit that bank. It was too obvious of a pick. I knew exactly which way to head.

  At first, we had an officer that was chasing a young female on a motorcycle, young, fairly fit, maybe 5’ 6”. I’m surprised by the news because women aren’t usually the type of people who rob banks. No offense to women, of course. It just rarely happens. But I wasn’t interested in grabbing her just yet. I figure, if we get the other guys, she’ll come without putting up a fight.

  So, we went after them. Only, we couldn’t fucking find them. Turns out, the guy was too slow in getting into the escape vehicle. When he dropped some cash and went back to grab it, his friend left him. Now, we have our key.

  “Fucking hell, boys! We did it! We’ve gotten one step closer to solving this thing!” I burst into the front room of the police station with a giant Champagne bottle in my hand. I open it and out comes giant spurts of wine. Everyone holds their glasses below it, hollering away.

  “Yeah, well, if you didn’t trust in me, this whole thing would have been solved today. I fucked it all up,” Adam scowls.

  “Nonsense,” I laugh. “It doesn’t matter. We got one. We’ll get them all soon enough. Remember what I said when this whole thing first went down?”

  “Sure do, sir. It takes a couple to understand the pattern,” he says. I nod.

  “It sounds better how you said it, but that’s exactly the point,” I smile. “They’re fucking done. And soon enough, that girl and the other guy will be thrown in jail for a long ass time.”


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