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Single Dad Boss: A Small Town Romance

Page 61

by Kara Hart

  He laughs and squeezes my hand three times. Our little language. “I remember when we first met at the bar. You thought I was a chauvinistic pig. I thought you were some fine piece of ass. I wasn’t wrong, of course, but that’s not all you were. I was arrogant and cocky, but deep down, I was terrified. I was scared of opening up to you and telling you everything I’ve gone through and experienced. I was afraid you’d think I was some freak, some insane crippled vet. But you were so damn beautiful, and so fucking captivating, that I had to keep trying.”

  We get to the chocolate fountain and he laughs. “The fountain wasn’t my idea,” he says. I laugh back and dip a strawberry into it, taking a huge bite. It’s utterly delicious, although I’m still confused as hell.

  “So I kept trying,” he says, “and trying, and trying, and trying. I never gave up on trying to be yours. Remember that night at the fair? Remember when you first stayed over here? Fuck, remember all of the incredible sex we had?” I can’t help but laugh when he says it because it’s too fucking true. Our sex was perfect. “I’ll never be able to get you out of my head. Look, I know you’re going through something horribly difficult right now. And I know it’s not my decision. But if you do decide to have the baby, I made you something. You know, to give to her. Or him.”

  We keep walking until we come to the end of the room. On a small, homemade wooden stand, there’s a welded carousel. “Let me show you,” he says, clicking on a button. It starts spinning and all over the house are beautiful shapes and glittering shades.

  “You made that? It moves!” I exclaim.

  “Yeah, I started on it before I knew about the baby,” he smiles with pride. “But then I decided, maybe it could go by the crib. You know, if that’s the route you decide to take.”

  “It’s incredible, Colt. It’s so unique and beautiful,” I say to him, colors spinning across my face.

  “You said your dad used to take you on the carousel. I wanted to honor that memory, as well as ours. Take a look up close,” he says. “Go ahead, lift it up.”

  “Okay,” I smile, feeling my emotions start to run high again. I grab the carousel and look at it. I examine every little figure. There’s creepy frogs, dancing pumpkins, and even little beautiful children who are running and playing.

  “That little girl is supposed to be you,” he laughs.

  It’s so intricate and beautiful. He should have never gone off to that stupid war. He’s so much better than a good shot. He’s got an ocean of talent inside of him, but no one ever told him how good he really was.

  When I go to set the welded piece back down on the pedestal, I see an object. I nearly drop the carousel when I realize what it is. “Holy shit, holy shit, holy…” I can’t even talk. I’m completely and utterly shocked. It’s a… It’s a… It’s a ring.

  “I picked it out myself. ‘Course, if you don’t want it, you can always sell it for extra cash,” he says.

  But then he falls to one knee. “Of course, you could always choose the second option.”

  I choke out the words “What’s the second option?”

  He smiles.“I was hoping you’d ask me that. You settle down and marry me. We buy a nice house in a better city somewhere. Anywhere. And we have two nice children, and I give you everything you’ve ever dreamed of.”

  My mouth simply hangs open in shock. I was expecting a talk, but I wasn’t expecting a marriage proposal. When I don’t say anything back, he says “You deserve someone who will keep working at this. Someone who will give you everything and more. Someone who’s going to raise your children with all the love and care in the world. If that person isn’t me, you deserve to find him and make him yours. Hell, I’ll find him and bring him to you myself if that’s what it takes.” Colt laughs and looks me in the eye. “So. Will you marry me, Lena Skye? Will you grow old with me? Will you watch our kids grow old and witness this whole fucking world with me?”

  I have to think for a moment before I answer. I don't even know what the right words are to say. He's just looking at me and I'm looking at him, and the carousel just keeps spinning and spinning. Life is an eternal set of questions being asked and I never really know if the answer I give is the right one. So, here I am, in a state of shock. Would I faint again? No. Instead, I throw my arms around him and kiss his sweet, handsome face.

  “Can Julie stay in the backyard guesthouse?” I cry.

  He snorts. “Of course she can. Aunt Julie will always have a place in our life. She's just too fucking important to the whole equation.”

  I feel his body against mine. It's so comforting and strong. He pulls me in closer. “And can we fuck like bunny rabbits until the day we die?” I ask. “And will you always surprise me on Mother’s Day with the kids? And always kiss me goodnight? Will you, dammit?”

  He moves the hair out of my eyes and looks into them deeply. “Lena, I will always be a part of you. Even if you don't want to marry me, I'll always be thinking of you,” he says. “Just you.”

  “Oh, you're just so stupid. You know that?” I laugh and wipe away the tears. “I love you, God dammit. I always will,” I say with a huge smile on my face. “Yes, I'll marry you. My perfect husband.”

  “Perfect husband? Holy shit, I went from nothing to the luckiest guy in the world. So the whole set up really worked?” he asks, with a sly smile on his face.

  I grab his cheeks and he pulls me in close. “Shut up and kiss me before I change my mind.”

  He kisses my neck and I feel my skin instantly prickle with infinite pleasure. His lips, those warm lips, wrap gently around my flesh, and his hands tear my clothes right off my body. As he rips the buttons off my shirt, the fabric slides off, hanging for a split second around my hard nipples.

  “I’ve been dreaming of these,” he says. His mouth is around my collarbone, as he kisses me gently. His lips drag downward, until they suckle around my breasts. “Fuck, they’re better than I remember.”

  “Oh yeah?” I moan. “You’ve missed me, huh?”

  “More than you’ll ever know,” he says. His hands are around my waist, playing with the edges of my pants. His fingers drag them down, until they hang off my ass. My panties are soaked, but he already knows that. He’s already feeling me, pressing against me hard, and grunting like he’s needed me all his life. Maybe he has.

  With a free hand, he dips it in chocolate and smears it on my tits. “I want to enjoy every bit of you,” he moans and licks it off, circling around my nipples. “You’re like candy to me.”

  “Fuck…” I groan loudly. I close my eyes and feel him paste more chocolate onto my body. It drips down my stomach and he licks downward until it disappears into his mouth. “Yes, eat me,” I moan. “Taste me!”

  He takes a handful and spreads it on my lips, all over my clit, and my ass. He spins me around and spreads me open. “God,” he puts his face into me and starts licking back and forth, and side to side, “put you on this earth to be experienced.”

  “I’m here, just for you,” I tell him, pushing the back of his head forward. He knows exactly what I want by now and he’s giving it to me, full force. He unbuttons his pants and tears off his shirt, exposing his ripped body and massive cock.

  “Holy shit. You’re so hard,” I moan. He looks about three times his normal size and I actually feel sort of frightened he might not fit. But as soon as he inserts three warm fingers inside me, I start to loosen up for him. I remember just how good he can make me feel.

  He strokes his big, fat cock and my spit drools down onto his shaft. He uses it as lube and groans, “I haven’t gotten laid in a long time. I don’t think you understand just how much I need you.”

  I pull his head back and when he looks at me, I whisper, “I want you to plaster my face with your cum. And then when you’re done, I want you to fuck me again and shoot that load inside of me.”

  “Holy shit,” he says, smiling.

  He wastes no time. Before I know it, he spins me around and rides me incredibly hard and fast. He’s p
ulling my hair, gripping around my tits, holding my neck, and placing his hand on the small of my back. Every bit of me is claimed with haste and I’m just dripping all over him. I can barely control myself and I’m about to explode.

  He quickly pulls out of me and spins me around. “Get on your fucking knees,” he commands.

  I sit on my knees, feeling like the obedient woman I want to be, and open my mouth. I glide my hand over his cock and slowly move it up and down, until it starts to shake and is about to shoot. His mouth opens wide and he tilts his head back. I can tell the pleasure is insurmountable by the way the sound cuts off at the back of his throat. This pleases me to no end, but not as much as tasting him does.

  His cum explodes into my mouth and I eagerly swallow it for him. His balls tense up and he almost falls forward, screaming, “Fuck, fuck, fuck! You’re… a goddess!”

  “I know,” I wink, licking him dry. “Time for round two, hubby.”

  I fall back onto his bed and spread my legs for him. “Play with yourself. I want you to make yourself cum.” He spits onto my lips and I start to rub myself, spreading them apart as I play with my clit. The sight of him stroking himself again is enough to get me off, let alone the thought of him taking me as hard as he just did.

  He kisses the top of each thigh and tells me how pretty my skin tone is. I don’t know what it is, but this sends goose bumps throughout my body. He licks lightly, ever so close to my lips, but not quite there. He’s teasing me, playing with me because he knows this kills me. “Cum,” he moans, “I want to see you tremble.”

  I’m sent into a frenzy of energy, as something inside of me seems to explode against my core. My toes curl, my teeth clench, and my pussy aches. And then it all just shoots back, like a wave crashing onto shore, and I just explode. My pussy contracts over my fingers and my body begins to quake. I scream from the back of my throat and he knows exactly how much I need him.

  He slides his already hard cock inside me and pushes it in deep. I wrap around his body, clawing at his back. I swirl my tongue against his ear and whisper “I want you like this forever.”

  Colt holds my ass in place, squeezing the right cheek, and fucks all the way into tomorrow. I’m up against his bedpost, pressed against the wood, and he pounds himself into me like a raging warrior. When he sees me unable to catch a breath, he falls back onto the mattress and lets me have a go at him.

  I place my hands on his chest and gyrate my hips from side to side. “Baby,” I moan, “you’re never going to be able to get me out of your head. When I’m done with you, you’re going to be drained.”

  “Fuck!” he moans, smiling. I move up and down, side to side, and he gets the incredible view of me using that incredible cock of his for my own pleasure.

  It’s not long before he moans. “I’m going to cum inside you, baby. Keep moving. Just like that.”

  I pull him in closer and bite down against his lip. He pulls back and thrusts into me. I reach out and grab his ass and feel his muscles tighten as he pushes forward. I'm soaking wet, dripping down my thighs to my ankles, and he's looking me in the eyes like he wants this to last forever.

  When he cums, I feel him fill me up and I scream “Deeper!” He thrusts in jagged movements, losing himself with every contraction. Once he's drained, I kiss him passionately and roll over, completely out of breath.

  “Jesus, woman!” he cries out. “Is that what I have to deal with for the rest of my life?” He laughs and wipes the sweat off his forehead.

  “You're going to have to deal with a lot more than that,” I joke. “But at least you'll have me to give you everything you need.”

  The rest of the night is spent speaking in hushed tones, curled up underneath the covers. We can't ever stop kissing and our fingers are continually exploring every curve of each other’s body. I feel so close to him and I just feel so lucky to even have the option of knowing him. Even with everything he's gone through, his gentle soul has carried that tough exterior and made him into the man he is today. My man, and the father of my future child. The once Navy SEAL who had his eyes on me in my sister’s bar is now a part of me.

  “I'm in this forever,” he says as we fall asleep holding each other, giggling on our high of being in love. “Always. I promise.”

  “Me too, Colt,” I whisper as our lips brush together. “Always.”

  He squeezes my hand and we soon fall into the rest of our life together. Who ever thought it could be this good? Well, he made me a believer. He made me believe in love.

  Epilogue: Colt

  10 years later…

  “Time, patience, and honesty are all virtues. If you live by those three things, you'll do well in this life,” I say, pacing around the large hall. “And once you let go of what's been haunting you and you stop blaming everyone for your circumstance in this life, you'll finally be free. Thank you.”

  There's a round of applause that fills the room. A young woman raises her hand in the front of the lecture hall, and I point at her. “Yes,” I say, “go ahead.”

  “How did you get over everything? From the sound of it, you didn't have much time to cope right after the war,” she says, “I'm asking because I just got back from reporting over there and some of the things I've seen are completely reprehensible.”

  “Good question. How did I cope? Well, I got really fucking lucky,” I say. The whole class shifts in their seat when I say the word ‘fucking.’

  “I met the woman of my dreams, a diamond in the rough. And I just knew I needed her. But before that, I holed myself up. I did nothing but focus my time on myself. For a while, that worked great. Right? Then, it starts to become a crutch. But I really owe it to my wife for changing my life and giving me the drive to expand on myself. Look, in the end I had to tell myself that I'm not a soldier. I'm a human being who happened to be a soldier at one time in my life.”

  The bell above us suddenly rings and I'm forced to yell over the buzzing alarm. “Okay! No homework tonight, but be ready to read chapters one, two, and three next class! Have a good weekend, everyone.”

  The class clears out and is empty. That is, except for one woman who's in the front row of desks. “Oh, professor…” she calls out to me.

  “Yes?” I say, adjusting my pants. I walk down to her desk and lean above her. “You have a question for me?”

  “Yes,” she says. She's wearing a black skirt that hugs around her thighs tightly, complete with a white button down shirt. Her tits are practically spilling out the front of her shirt and I'm certain she's not wearing a bra. “I just wanted to tell you that I loved your class today. It was… inspiring.”

  “Well, thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed my little story. I hope you can apply it to your life somehow,” I say.

  She spreads her legs open and whispers “Oh, I'm sure I can apply it someday.” She unbuttons her shirt and lets her huge tits fall out onto her desk. She simply smiles deviantly at me. “Do you know how much I fantasize about you, professor?”

  “No, Lena,” I smile. “Why don't you show me?”

  She gets up from the desk and throws her arms wildly around me, laughing. This is just one of the games we play with each other now that I'm a professor at the local university here. “Too bad we have to pick up the kids,” she sighs. “Otherwise, I'd give you the blowjob of a lifetime.”

  “Fuck. Why did we have kids again?” I kiss her lips and wrap my tongue around hers. She moans as I pull back from her.

  She creases her eyes and frowns. “Don't start with me, mister.”

  She looks so hot that I can barely keep my package in my pants. Every day for the past ten years, she's been teasing me with that body of hers, and when we fuck it's explosive. She's still the God damn light of my life.

  As we walk to our stylish minivan, she leans against me. “I'm so proud of you. You know that, right?”

  “I do,” I say. I kiss her head and breathe in her scent. “I'm lucky to have such support. You're everything to me, Lena.”

We drive to pick up the kids from school. Our two girls are out in front and they're waiting anxiously for us. Today we’re going to the Science Center and then I'm going home and taking a long nap.

  Things have changed quite a bit, but only for the better. You grow as life moves you forward into the unknown. I always knew I wanted Lena Skye. I didn't anticipate just how much I needed the kids though. Now, they're everything to me.

  “Hey! There's my little buggars!” I yell out the window. “You ready to get your science on?”

  The girls roll their eyes at me. “Don't be such a nerd, Dad,” Carol says to me. Shannon giggles. “Hi, Daddy.”

  “Hello, ladies,” I smirk. “Tough day at school?”

  “It was okay,” Carol says. “Boring as usual.”

  To them, I'm some old man now. A total nerd. How the hell did I get here? I'm not complaining. Not one bit. They're my life now and I'm sure of the fact that one day they’ll save the planet. Somehow, someday. The drive in them is just way too strong.

  I look at Lena and she smiles back, clutching at my hand. It's me and her, spinning on that carousel. The colors whirl on by and the memories are constantly changing. All I can say for certain is the warmth I feel right now is better than any feeling I've ever felt in my life. It's better than being holed away in my cabin forever, alone with my thoughts and experiences. Now I have three tough and intelligent women in my life, and I have everything when I'm with them.

  “Don't call your father a nerd,” Lena says.

  “Well, he is,” Carol laughs. They have no idea who I used to be. Someday they would be told I was a SEAL. As for now, I'm just their nerdy professor of a father.

  “I guess you’re right,” Lena laughs. “But he's my nerd. My nerd forever.” She leans her head against my chest and we drive away.

  “Gross, Mom!” Shannon squeals.

  There are no regrets, no added wishes. There’s only my love and the love that gets returned to me. And when things get tough, I hold my head high against the sun, because I know things will get better. They always do. At least, they do with Lena by my side.


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