Single Dad Boss: A Small Town Romance

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Single Dad Boss: A Small Town Romance Page 64

by Kara Hart

  “Contractually speaking, no,” she says. “But, God damn, your cock is something else.”

  Did she really just say that? Tell me why the hell I’m leaving home again? To protect my country… Well, shit. Maybe I need to stay back. I’ve never had a woman say that kind of shit before. I gaze into her eyes and let it all sink in.

  I’m in over my head. I’m spinning. I need her again because, as the saying goes “Just one touch is never enough.”



  It was all a dream. Well, that’s how it felt anyway. I saw him when I went into that ocean. I knew he’d try to pick me up. I just didn’t expect it to go that far. I didn’t expect Mr. Navy to fuck my brains right out of my skull.

  Yes, it was that good. Yes, I’m still having muscle contractions from my orgasm. And, yes, I’m still wracking my brain, trying to find a reason why I don’t just run away with him right then and there.

  “Let’s do something,” he suddenly says out of the blue. “Let’s go somewhere. Somewhere fun.”

  “What?” I laugh. I think he just took me to the moon and back. Now he already wants to take me somewhere else? Damn, this man is insatiable. “Are you serious?”

  “I’m very fucking serious,” he says, picking himself up from the ground. He takes off the condom and throws it into the jungle-like shrub. “You don’t understand my situation. I’m locked up with a bunch of married men. They’re huge buzzkills.”

  “Some kind of bachelor getaway?” I ask him.

  “It’s supposed to be a goodbye trip, ‘cause I’m going away and all,” he says. He looks down when he says it, as if there’s a hint of regret in those words. It doesn’t take long for him to perk back up. He grabs my hand and says “So let’s do something fun. Please? We both need it.”

  He’s right. I could use a real night to remember. “You just fucked my brains out,” I say. “What else could a girl want?”

  “I bet we can find something,” he says. “Besides, I can always fuck your brains out again.”

  I shake my head and acquiesce. “Fine,” I laugh. “I’ll go with you.”

  He grabs me and picks me up, holding me in his arms. “You know how to make a man happy,” he says.

  “I guess that’s why the network picked me, huh?” I laugh softly, although it’s slightly painful to even think about. A year from now, my life will have completely changed forever and I’m not even sure it will be for the better. All the men on the show are chauvinistic lunatics and it’s pretty obvious they’re in it for the publicity.

  “Come on,” he pulls me forward and I have to literally grab my underwear and his towel as we run back to the hotel. He runs to the beach and grabs my dress and I try to make myself look as presentable as I can. Truth is, it looks like I’ve just been fucked on a grassy cliff. I’m not fooling anyone.

  “We have to go around,” I tell him. “I can’t be spotted.”

  “I feel like I’m fucking royalty,” he laughs.

  “You don’t know the half of it,” I say, running off to the side of the hotel. We’re both shoeless, wet, and we look insane. If he doesn’t care, I don’t care. We walk to the strip, laughing because we feel free. Tonight, we have an excuse to be ourselves and that gives me a joy I never thought I’d feel again.

  We walk down to the strip near the hotel and hear music coming from a bar. “Oh, shit,” he says. “A karaoke bar? We have to do it.” His smile is big and he’s pulling me toward the doors to the bar.

  I’m more reluctant. “I don’t know,” I groan. “I’m not a good singer.”

  “Come on. It’ll be fun,” he smiles. I have to learn to let go. I have to be more open-minded with my choices. Me saying yes to doing the show was my attempt at letting go, but it was overall a terrible decision. So I follow him in. I take a deep breath and let myself walk up to the stage.

  “I’ve never done this before,” I tell him.

  He looks surprised. “You’ve never done karaoke?” he laughs. “Well, tonight is the night for new experiences.”

  He tells the man at the mixer something and then walks back to me. The bar is completely empty, except a few stragglers. “Alright, the song is ‘Aint No Mountain High Enough,’” he whispers. He pulls me up to the stage and hands me the microphone. “You good?”

  “I’m good,” I smile. “Except for the fact that this is the weirdest and cheesiest thing I’ve ever done.”

  “You’re on a show called Wedded, Dakota,” he laughs. “Get used to weird and cheesy.

  When the music starts, I feel my heart pounding. This is so stupid, I keep repeating in my head. What the hell am I doing? But it’s obvious what I’m doing. I’m letting go. I’m finally allowing myself to be free. I look over at this hunk of a man, Payton Caldwell, and everything suddenly slows down for me.

  His smile is perfect. His body is cut to perfection. He exhibits strength and confidence. Unlike most men I’ve encountered lately, his confidence is different. It’s not scummy. It’s endearing. Sure, he crosses the line and says things that are borderline misogynistic. And sure, he’s totally arrogant and has basically sold his soul to the Navy. But it’s the way he looks at me. It’s the way he laughs after he calls me “woman.” He knows how to ride the line.

  “Aint no river high enough,” he sings. And I can’t hold myself back. I sing the song with him and the four people that are in the bar whistle at us. And that’s it. That’s what letting go feels like. The song finishes and he drops to his knees and says into the microphone. “Give it up for my wife, Sheila! Ain’t she great?”

  The four people at the bar clap wildly as he picks me up and carries me outside. “Sheila?!” I laugh, pushing him away slightly.

  He grabs my arm and pulls me in, kissing me. The way my heart reacts shocks me. I’m not used to feeling this way. I’m not used to letting life take me on adventures like this. It’s the small things that make me feel real again. It’s the way he holds me in his arms, as if I’ve been his. I know it’s ridiculous and it’s not like I’m falling for him or something. It’s just that sometimes you forget what it’s like to feel young again.

  “Sheila, I can’t believe I’ve had 40 great years with you,” he laughs.

  “It’s been a dream,” I reply, closing my eyes. He kisses my nose and lets me go.

  “Come on! I’m hungry,” he suddenly says. “Are you hungry?”

  I’m starving actually. Ever since I got this TV gig, I’ve been on a strict diet. My agent says it’s a must. “God, yes!”

  “Good. I’m buying,” he says. “Let’s eat somewhere nice. I know just the place.”

  We run forward, screaming and laughing wildly. About a half a mile later, we’re totally out of breath. “We’re here,” he says. “Finally.”

  I catch my breath and look forward. It’s nice. Like, really nice. “Whoa,” I whisper. The whole restaurant is on the water. There’s a long, wooden walkway toward the actual building and when we get inside, I notice the clear, glass floor. Underneath, you can see all of the tropical fish and a coral reef.

  “It’s beautiful,” I say.

  “I knew you’d like it,” he says. “I figure we have to make this a night to remember.”

  “Good evening. Table for two?” the host asks us.

  “Yes,” Payton says, clearing his throat. “Me and my wife are on our honeymoon. May we have an outside table?”

  The host is hesitant. “It’s usually reserved for—”

  Payton actually cuts the guy off, handing him a bill. “I think I put in a reservation earlier. Can you check to see if it’s in your books?”

  My eyes widen as the host replies “Oh, yes. I see it here now. Right this way, sir.”

  Payton nudges me and smiles. We’re seated and given menus. The whole thing is utterly surreal. “We’ll take two margaritas,” Payton tells the host. He nods and returns with two freshly blended drinks.

  “I can’t believe you!” I say.

  “I feel like we
can get away with anything tonight,” he says. “Man, it’s times like these I really wish I wasn’t deploying so soon.”

  He looks wistful, and I know he has a mild regret for his choice. “Why do it? Why go through with it?”

  “I don’t even agree with the politics,” he says. “But I look at those children on the news, the kids in the villages, and my heart breaks. I’m going over there to try and make a difference. I just want to help people.”

  “A noble cause,” I tell him.

  He nods. “I guess. It doesn’t mean I’m not freaking the fuck out about going.”

  We order lobster and when it’s delivered to us, we devour it. We laugh over stories from back home. He’s from Texas and I’m from Oregon, two very different places. Still, there’s a common connection that keeps us talking.

  “I grew up on a ranch,” he says, forking into his laughter. When I laugh, he shakes his head. “I’m serious. My parents are the real deal. They’re ranchers.”

  “Ranchers?” I cover my mouth. “I’m sorry, I just don’t think I’ve ever met a rancher before.”

  “Well now you’ve met one. My dad grows the crops and raises the cattle. My mother handles selling it all,” he says. “I’m serious. Why is that so funny?”

  “I’m sorry,” I smile, covering my mouth still. “It’s not. It’s actually, um, pretty sexy.” I can’t help but imagine him on a ranch, shirt off, digging into the land. I picture him plowing the dirt and wiping the sweat off his body, his abs literally glistening in the sunlight. It’s a fantasy I’ve created for myself and it’s one that gets me absolutely wet.

  Unexpectedly, the server comes out with something special. “I heard you two are celebrating a honeymoon? Congratulations!”

  She’s holding a chocolate-fudge lava pie, complete with burning sparklers. I could just die and go to heaven right now. “Thank you,” I whisper in awe to the server as she turns to walk away.

  I take a bite and savor it. Come this time tomorrow, everything will have changed. I’ll have to say my goodbyes and set out on a much different path. As for right now, I’m enjoying my time. I look at Payton, offering my spoon. “This is unreal. You have to try it.”

  He takes a bite and smiles. “It’s good. Still, it’s not as sweet as you are. I can’t get the taste of you out of my mind. I could eat you forever.” His eyes stare into my soul. He’s determined and waiting for more. I feel my heartbeat quicken and my breathing feels rushed.

  I blush and take another bite. “I still can’t believe any of that happened,” I say. I smile to myself and think about that night. It was so perfect.

  “Me neither,” he says. “I mean, I came outside to get laid, but I didn’t realize I’d land a bombshell like you.”

  “Let’s go,” I tell him, feeling a little melancholic about tomorrow. I look at my watch and it’s 5:30 in the morning. Holy shit. It’s been that long? “Fuck. It’s late.”

  “Time’s irrelevant until I have to take off,” he says.

  “I have an idea. Let’s watch the sunrise.”

  We both stumble out of the restaurant and walk back to the hotel. When we finally actually get there, the sun is just starting to form and the clouds conceal its beauty ever so slightly. This time, we find a nice nook on the beach and sit on the sand.

  Neither of us is saying much at this point. There’s an understanding that this is all about to end. I fall against him, feeling the warmth of his body. Just a one-night stand. That’s all he is. I have to remember that. I can’t cling onto this memory, even if it is so poignant and moving. We had the night of our lives together and, as the sun climbs its way back into the sky, we fall asleep in each other’s arms.

  While the Navy SEAL, Payton Caldwell, dreams, I kiss his shoulder and take a deep breath in. I soak up the smell of ocean, tropical flora, and his cologne. This will be the last time I ever see the guy. I kiss him one more time and quietly make my way back to my hotel room, back to the producers. It’s time to hold up my end of the bargain. It’s time to start what I signed up for.



  I wake up half naked with sand filling in my crack. My head throbs and the sun shines directly on my chest. I’ve got a sunburn the color of a lobster shell and I’m completely dehydrated. “What the fuck happened?” I mutter to Dakota. Only, there’s no Dakota to be found. She’s up and disappeared on me.

  “Great,” I whisper. “Another one gone.”

  Last night was perfect, one hundred percent perfect. And now I can’t get the woman out of my head. I’ve got no time left here and all I want is a picture or something to keep her in my mind. Anything, so I can remember tonight.

  I need to chill. I need to relax. The guys are going to think I’m fucking insane. So, I do what I have to do. I pick myself off the ground, jump into the water to wash the sand off my ass, and I walk back to the room.

  Immediately, the guys are on me like a pack of hounds. “Where’d you go, man?” Drew asks me. I’m too hung-over to explain it to them. They wouldn’t understand the level of debauchery I got into. They’re married. What would they know about spontaneity?

  “I went out,” I state the obvious. “I met a girl.”

  “Tonight was our last night together. I thought we were all going to head to the bar together?” Carlos says.

  “You guys sound like a bunch of old men,” I say, falling face first onto the bed. “Did you hear what I said? I met a girl. I got laid. End of story.”

  “Bullshit,” Carlos says. “You went and got too drunk like you always do and fell asleep somewhere.” They continue to laugh and act like a bunch of children.

  Drew laughs. “Jesus man, you’re as red as a tomato.”

  I groan in pain. “It was worth it, dammit. It was worth every second.” They have no idea.

  Drew sighs, shaking his head. “Alright, if this is real then who was it with?”

  I perk up and turn around, smiling like a boy on Christmas. “You ever watch the show Wedded?”

  “Oh man, Cynthia loves that show. We’re waiting for the new season,” Carlos embarrassingly says.

  “Wow,” I laugh. “Well, I fucked the girl from the new season.”

  “Get the fuck out of here,” Drew says. “You fucked Dakota Rogers? I do not fucking believe it. Not one bit.”

  “Believe it, man. It happened,” I say. “I’m the King. Now I can die happy,” I add.

  “Look, I don’t believe you,” Drew says, “but I’m glad you’re starting to get over Samantha. I just wish you would stop joking about dying. You’re not going over there to die, brother.”

  “Right,” I tell them, “I’m going overseas to live a healthy, more fulfilled life.”

  “You’re going over there to protect our country,” Carlos says with a prideful gleam in his eye. He has no idea what sacrifice is. He’s just eaten up all the rhetoric I’ve been spewing.

  “Exactly,” I say, falling back down onto the bed. “I’m going to Afghanistan to protect people like you. So you can continue cheating on your wives and develop terrible drinking problems.”

  They both give me the angry eye when I say this. I feel a pillow bounce off my head. “Not cool,” Carlos says. I just laugh.

  The truth is, I’m no hero. I left because my ex, Samantha fucking Daugherty, packed up her shit and left me. After five years of being together, she decided that I wasn’t enough.

  All my friends were married already. They had all bought houses and planned on kids. As for me, I hadn’t decided what I wanted yet. I couldn’t make a decision, so she resented me. Eventually, she found someone else. Someone bigger, someone more charming, a guy that could promise her the world and back.

  He was rich. Money always wins, right? He even owned a fucking yacht. He was twenty years older than her too, but that didn’t matter. He told her he’d give her anything she wanted. And he did. Within the year, he had given her his baby, a new car, and much more.

  I was devastated. I wanted to burn t
he world. I still do, I guess. Only, I couldn’t give two shits about her. Nah, now I’ve just about given up. Which is why I joined the Navy in the first place. I thought I needed a fresh awakening. A new life. That sort of thing.

  I didn’t realize all I needed was her, Dakota Rogers. Now I can’t get her out of my damn head. I’m doomed to head over to that desolate, war-torn country, and the whole time I’ll be thinking about her. What fucking luck.

  Meanwhile, my head won’t let up. It’s pounding from that last margarita. “Let’s get a drink,” I mumble into my pillow. “And some food. Breakfast. I gotta leave at three, but we still have some time.”

  The guys agree. “Don’t worry. We already have something planned.”

  By the time I’m dressed and crawling to the rental car, it’s already noon. Time starts to slip by and I know I need to soak these moments in. Still, it’s hard to even believe that I’ll be gone for three whole months.

  When we get in the car at the valet, I see her. She’s wearing a stunning, white dress and her tits…Jesus Christ, her tits are practically spilling out onto the hotel counter. I watch as she introduces herself to one of the guys on the show and I feel a painful prick in my heart.

  He’s tall and typically handsome, although he looks like he couldn’t be more bored. He’s made up and his teeth are bleached, and it all just looks like a fucking charade. I have half a mind to leave the car and interrupt the whole damn thing, but I think about how that would make her feel. I can’t blow up her spot like that. As much as I want a real goodbye, we had everything last night. That’s all I can really wish for.

  “Holy shit,” Carlos says as he turns on the engine. “It’s Dakota Rogers!”

  “I told you,” I mutter. “We did Karaoke last night and ate lobster by the ocean.”

  Drew bursts out laughing. “Stop lying to us, man.”

  I shrug as Carlos peels away. I don’t need them to believe me. I have nothing to prove. As the car moves out of the hotel lot, she turns her head and makes eye contact with me. Her eyes plead with me. They say, save me. Only, there’s no way out. I have to do the honorable thing and let her go.


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