Single Dad Boss: A Small Town Romance

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Single Dad Boss: A Small Town Romance Page 63

by Kara Hart

  He looks around at the tropical plants and sighs. “I thought you wanted to sit and talk,” he says.

  “I did. I’m bored of that now,” I laugh and run forward. A guy like him has to work his way to the top. A woman like me is just not that easy.



  I want to tell her the truth. I want to tell her, ‘Woman, I will fuck your brains out. If you just give me the chance, I’ll live on my knees for you. I’ll beg for just one taste.’

  I don’t stop looking at her incredible figure and she doesn’t try to stop me either. She just lets me stare. “So, what’s your name?” I ask her, walking through the sand. We find a grass walkway and take it. It winds up a narrow cliff that looks out on the water.

  “Like you don’t know,” she laughs. When I don’t respond, she realizes that I really don’t know who she is. She asks “Wait, you don’t know who I am. Do you?”

  She really is crazy. That’s the conclusion I’ve come to in my head. I should turn around and head back to the room, but something keeps me here. Maybe it’s the fact that she keeps me guessing. Or maybe it’s because she’s drop-dead gorgeous and she’s still talking to me. Either way, I’m not going anywhere. Not yet, at least. I’m waiting to see if I can get a key to her room. I’ll beg if I have to.

  “No, I don’t know who you are. Am I supposed to?” I ask her.

  “No, I guess not,” she says, looking away for a second. She glances back.“I’m Dakota Rogers.”

  “I’m Payton Caldwell. Uh, it’s good to meet you I guess,” I say. “Listen, are you an actress or something?”

  “Something like that. More like a prop,” she says. She shakes her head and spins around. “Anyway, can we skip all that? I’d rather not jump into it.”

  “Whatever you want,” I tell her.

  She smiles at me. “You know, you’re kind of odd. Do you always go around trying to save women from drowning?”

  “I’m a Navy SEAL. It’s kind of what I do,” I say with pride. I embarrass myself. I’m not a SEAL. Well, not yet. I’m just an ordinary guy who wants to leave my past behind. Truth is, I just want to watch the world burn. Of course, I can’t tell her any of that. It’ll make me look like I’m crazy. “Well, I will be, anyway. I ship out in just a few days.”

  “Oh, so you want to be a hero,” she says. “I get it now.”

  “It’s not like that,” I say, feeling embarrassed about the whole thing. I tell her the truth: “I want to make a difference. I want to change the world.”

  She smiles. “It sounds like you want to get yourself killed,” she says. “I shouldn’t talk. It’s not like my job is honorable in any way. I guess that’s why you’re so fit? You’ve been training?”

  “Barely,” I laugh, stretching my arms out. She’s definitely going to take me back to her place, I think to myself. She has to.

  She’s clearly crazy, but I don’t give a fuck. She’s hot and the ocean water is dripping down her cheeks, down onto her chest, but when she sees me eying her she covers herself up and frowns. “Can’t we just talk?” she asks, looking offended.

  “Yeah, no problem,” I scratch my head.

  We climb our way to the top of the cliff, until we reach a jungle that looks out onto the water. It’s beautiful, like something out of a movie. “Nice isn’t it?” she asks.

  I nod my head and smile. “Yeah, it’s beautiful,” I say. Not as beautiful as you. I keep all my cheesy lines in my head, but there’s something I need to know. What’s her angle? What does she want from me? I thought she was in danger. Turns out, she knows exactly what she’s doing. I’ve never met a woman like her before. Now I have to stick around.

  “I come up here every night to get away from everyone,” she says, breathing in the warm air. “You were right, by the way. I’m an actress. Sort of, at least.”

  “I knew it,” I say, smiling. “You’re way too sexy to not be on some kind of screen.”

  She laughs at that and looks down, blushing. “It’s what I wanted to be, ever since I was a little girl. But I never really made it. I’m 27 now. I doubt I’ll get my big break now,” she sighs. “It’s not like I care anymore. I don’t want to give you some sad story about how I never achieved my dreams. It’s not like that. I hate the business, now that I know what it’s like.”

  “What, are you like a soap opera star or something?” I ask her, not quite getting the point.

  “I’m a reality television star,” she shakes her head up and down, until she starts laughing wildly. “You know that show Wedded?”

  “Sure,” I tell her, laughing slightly back. “I know it. The one where the girl picks her husband out of like twenty guys? I’ve seen it before.”

  She just continues staring at me. “Wait,” I mutter. “You’re on that show?”

  “Bingo,” she bites her lip. “And it’s been the worst decision of my life so far.”

  “Holy shit!” I practically scream those words. “You’re on Wedded?”

  “Oh my God, settle down,” she whispers, looking around us. “It’s not that big a deal.”

  “It’s just funny, is all,” I laugh. “I never thought I’d be sitting next to the woman from Wedded.”

  “Yeah, well, I’m glad my pain and anguish gives you that much joy,” she says.

  “It’s that bad?” I ask. “Seems a little easier than getting sent to Afghanistan to fight for your country.”

  “I guess we both signed up for this, right?” she laughs. “No, it’s the worst thing that could have happened to me, I guess. They just basically own me and my pussy. Like, contractually speaking.”

  I feel my cock move when she says the word “pussy.” Her voice has this country-girl twang to it, but it’s also sultry and alluring. With each click of the tongue, I’m sent spiraling, wishing I could just rip that towel away now. I want to tear at her panties with my teeth, to fuck her and give her everything I’ve got.

  “So,” I laugh. “Legally, you can’t fuck anyone.”

  “No,” she says. “Legally, I can’t fuck you.”

  My heart races when she says this and her eyes roll up to mine. There’s a few seconds of silence before I place my hand against her towel. I pull it down slightly, feeling my blood pump solid adrenaline. Right now, my cock is calling the shots and it doesn’t give a fuck whether or not there’s a contract of restrictions.

  The towel falls and I can see her nipples press against the mesh bra fabric. I gulp down, feeling my Adam’s apple press against my throat. She looks down at my chest and then lower. I’m hard and I hope to God she can see it. I don’t give a damn anymore. It’s late and my cards are out on the table.

  “I can’t. I’ll get in trouble,” she whispers. “And I don’t even know you.”

  “Why’d you take me up here then? Just to play games?” I ask her.

  She looks away and takes a deep breath in. “I don’t know, okay?” she asks. “You came after me, remember?”

  “I thought you were drowning,” I repeat. “It’s not like I was out here trying to get laid.” Okay, that part is a white lie. Still, I wasn’t actively trying to get her. She was in trouble. I dove in after her, any guy like me would. It just happened to be that she was fine.

  I tell it to her straight. “Look, destiny brought us together, right?” She laughs at that line and I do too because it’s pretty fucking bogus, but I continue anyway. “I’m serious. We were brought together because we’ve both made some complex decisions. I’m going off to war in a few days. You’re going to pick your husband on live television. This is our last chance to be free, our last chance to make a choice for ourselves. Why not go for it?”

  She reaches out and places her hand on my chest. She’s shaking and I realize that she’s not as tough as she tries to play herself out to be. She’s scared. Not of me, but of the choices she’s made in her life. Any other person would have given her shit about it. Not me. I understand what it’s like to feel like you’ve run out of options.
br />   Her hand trails across my muscles and she looks down at the center of my pants. “It’ll be our little secret,” she whispers. “No one needs to know?” She exhales sharp and rapid, and drags her hand down to the edge of my pants. Her fingers rest there for a second, fiddling against the inside.

  “No one will find out,” I whisper. “It’s our secret. Forever. Like a pact.”

  She makes a conscious decision. Her fingers reach inside my pants and grip my hard cock. She looks up at me, and it’s like she’s shocked by her decision. I moan lightly, bend my head forward, and our lips meet.

  We kiss each other slowly, as if we’re still figuring one another out. Then, as my lips drag across hers, my tongue licks around her moaning mouth. I push it deep inside, swirling it around hers, until they lock in a heated frenzy. It’s not long until we’ve sped things up, kissing wildly.

  She unzips my pants and tugs on my thickening cock. “Wow,” she whispers to herself, eyes widening.

  I grab at her bra and pull it down. Her tits are perfect and round. They slope like cherries and I can’t help but cup them with my palms as I kiss her. I fall forward against her as she rests her back on the grassy hill. “I can’t believe I’m doing this,” she says.

  “Me neither,” I whisper back, kissing around her neck, and dragging my tongue across her collarbone.

  She smells like hibiscus and fruit. Her skin is utterly smooth and, as I kiss down to her belly button, I’m completely absorbed by her beauty. Her body is perfect. It’s thick and curvy, confident and real. I want to feel her, I want to be consumed by her.

  I drag my teeth across her panties and bite them off. I reach up and grab her tits as I pull them down to her ankles. I lick up her thigh, feeling her skin prickle with goose bumps. She breathes in deep and she moans loud as I lick up her inner thighs.

  “I want to taste every bit of you,” I moan.

  I grab her hips and bring her close to me, first licking around her lips. By the time she’s in my mouth, I notice she’s already wet. I wrap my tongue around her clit and lightly suck on her.

  “Fuck,” she whispers. “That feels so good.”

  She reaches out and grabs my cock. It’s completely solid, harder than it ever normally gets. The rush of this is too much. I don’t know this woman. She doesn’t know me. But that doesn’t stop us from getting what we want out of each other. This may be the last day either of us can and I want to live this night to the fullest.

  “You’re so hard,” she moans. I spin her around and lick her, pulling back on her lips. She spits down on my cock, stroking it lightly. Her grip is soft and I’m already about to fucking blow.

  I pull away. I don’t want to cum. Not yet, at least. I want to make this last. I lift up her back with one hand and push her body against a boulder. I pick her up and let her pussy rest on my face. I eat her senselessly, inserting three fingers inside her, lapping at her clit. I want to be her dog. I want to do disgusting, horrible things to her. Right now, I need her to sit on my fucking cock. I need to feel her shake before I thrust every ounce of cum inside her.

  I pull out a condom and she falls back, playing with herself as I put it on. We’re both pretty drunk as I do this and she’s waiting for me to fill her. I kiss her, pulling back on her hair slightly and then fall back, waiting for her to have the ride of her life. “Sit on my cock,” I command her. “I want to feel you cum.”

  “You don’t even know me,” she says, shocked I would even ask. Most guys don’t make a woman cum on the first fuck. Not me. I make them cum every single time.

  “You think I give a fuck?” I smile. “Now, sit on this dick and ride me.”

  “I shouldn’t be doing this,” she says as she climbs on top of me. She’s breathing heavy. She wants this. I don’t care if she wants to play this little game of denying it. It doesn’t change the fact that she’s on top of me, heart pounding wildly.

  If she didn’t want to be doing this, she wouldn’t be grabbing my cock so fast. She wouldn’t have taken me on this adventure up a cliff. We have to be real about this. We’re both looking for an escape and have found it in each other. “If the network finds out, they’ll take me to court. I could lose everything.”

  “Just shut up and get on,” I say. Her wet and dripping cunt is directly over my cock, sitting like a target. I push up and feel her lips circle around my head, enveloping my shaft. Each ridge is engulfed by her and suddenly, I’m fully inside her, as deep as I can go.

  We both moan at the same fucking time. She falls forward and kisses me. “You’re right,” she whispers. “I needed this. I need your cock.”

  “I knew you did,” I kiss her back, biting down onto her lower lip. She hesitates slightly and begins to ride me. I swear to God, I’m getting bigger inside her.

  She’s a tight fit and I have to really thrust upward to fit inside. I haven’t fucked someone like her in ages, years even. I haven’t had someone this beautiful take initiative like this. I slap her ass as she rides me and I feel a rush of adrenaline flood through my body again. She’s just so fucking hot. I want her for days, not just tonight.

  She kisses me and I feel the adrenaline grow inside me. I work faster. Harder. I want her so fucking bad. My whole life is on the line. Soon enough, I’ll be gone. I’ll be overseas and I’ll have all guns pointed at me. If I’m going to die, I want this to last as long as possible. Tonight might be my last real night to live it up.

  She gyrates her ass against me like a fucking pro, spreading her wetness all around my cock down to my balls. “You like that?” she whispers.

  “I love that,” I kiss her neck and circle my tongue around the tight flesh. “More than you know.” I feel her skin prickle and her nipples grow hard against me. She pushes her body forward and we’re closer than ever. I can feel her pulse pounding, pounding, pounding.

  “I need you to cum for me,” I tell her. Her knees start to shake and I know she’s close.

  “Yeah?” she whispers, suddenly breathing very deep and erratically.

  I don’t even give her the chance to know what hit her. I grab her hips and hold her into place. “I’m going to make you mine,” I tell her. Before she can even reply, she’s locked in my grasp. I force myself upward, drilling my cock into her. Over and over again, I’m fucking her like my life depends on it.

  “Oh, shit,” she moans, dragging the words out. Her voice shakes from the pounding of my cock. I don’t let up. Instead, I go faster and faster, until…

  “Fuck me!” she screams. “I’m cumming!”

  Her body turns to fucking Jell-O. She literally goes limp against me. Her muscles start to twitch, which tells me I’ve got her. Her stomach shakes and her pussy grows tight around my cock.

  “Jesus, woman,” I whisper and flip her onto her back. Her legs loosely around my waist. I fuck her with everything I’ve got. I just give it to her, pushing in deep from the hips. My hands grab at her flesh, cupping her tits and her ass. Every bit of her I have reminds me that I need more, more, more.

  Her pussy contracts and her eyes fall wide open. She can’t talk, move, or do anything. She’s lost in a world of pleasure and I continue to give her more than she bargained for.

  When the time comes, I pull out of her and watch her writhe against the ground. “Oh. My. God,” she says, smiling. “Do you want to sign up for the show?” she laughs.

  “If it means doing this every night,” I say, “then, sign me up.”

  She crawls forward, arching her back at me. Her ass shoots straight in the air and it is perfection. I grab it with both hands and lean forward, licking her whole pussy. “You taste so fucking good,” I moan, eating her.

  “Fuck me,” she whispers. “Cum inside of me.”

  I stop eating her and get up from my knees, stroking my thick cock. I wipe the sweat from my forehead and look at her. She’s all I’ve ever wanted and asked for out of life and now I have her for just one night. I have to cherish this moment forever. I don’t care how drunk we are, I
have to relish it.

  “God damn,” I whisper at the sight of her. I slide my cock against her clit a few times, rubbing my body against her. Then, I push myself in and feel the warmth enclose around me.

  “Do what your heart desires,” she says. She turns her head and looks at me fucking her. Her mouth hangs wide open for a second as I slide myself in, and she smiles. “Use me.”

  I go to town on her. It’s all I can do. I want to explode. I want to shoot my cum all over her perfectly curvy body. When I take off for Afghanistan, I won’t have any woman to call my own, so I make the most of this.

  I reach down as I fuck her doggy style, and I begin to rub her clit. I feel her lips folding over my cock with each pump. I thrust into her with strength and determination, and, I swear to God, I’m about to lose it. I grab her tits for support and fuck her rapidly.

  “Cum,” she screams so loud I’m surprised the hotel guests can’t hear us. Shit, maybe they can, but I don’t give a damn. I keep fucking her like this until I can feel a dull pressure build inside of me. Suddenly, it turns into a hint of pleasure and that grows like an insatiable ache.

  “I’m going to cum,” I tell her.

  “Don’t pull out,” she says and turns her head to smile at me. I run my hand across the small of her back and feel myself losing it.

  My cock grows and twitches. This is it. I circle my fingers around her nipples one time and lose all control. My whole body grows tight and then like a loaded gun, I go off. I shoot my load, pushing inside deep. I bring her closer toward me, pulling her body back so that she’s now sitting on my cock and facing the other direction.

  She bounces on top of me once, twice, and on the third time, she holds herself down on me for at least ten seconds. I can barely stand it. My muscles twitch and shake, and I lose myself inside her. “Fuck!” I scream, shaking my head rapidly.

  She slides herself off me and falls to the grassy floor beside me.

  “Wow,” I laugh, turning toward her. “Can I have you forever?”


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