Single Dad Boss: A Small Town Romance

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Single Dad Boss: A Small Town Romance Page 101

by Kara Hart

  “Go ahead,” I tell her, walking onto the sidewalk. I have a short route home, but I’m happy to walk it if that means getting away from everyone. “Like I give a shit anyway.”

  It’s only four more days until I’m gone. Just four more days. I feel so God damn alone. I wish I had never told Hunter off. Then again, I wish we had never even met. Maybe then life would be a little simpler.



  I’m fine. A little bruised up, but I’m okay. They almost got me though. Keyword being almost.

  All day I’ve been thinking about Bianca. God, that sweet juicy ass has been calling me for days. Why did I have to fuck things up so bad? Why do I need my revenge? It’s getting to the point where my balls ache just thinking about her.

  It’s not long before I’m outside her house again, just watching for her. Truth is, I’m risking everything to fuck this woman. That’s just how good she is to me. If I die, I’d do it all over again, if that meant one more night with her.

  Her light is on inside her room and I can see the outline of that curvy body getting undressed and ready for bed. I can’t take it anymore. I fumble at her window and slide it open. I crawl inside her room and fall onto the floor loudly

  “What the fuck!” she jumps and grabs her lamp, wielding it as a weapon. “Hunter?”

  I cover her mouth and whisper “Shh. Stay quiet.”

  When I let her go, she slaps my cheek and steps back. “Are you kidding me?”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t know what to do,” I say. “Do you hate me that much? Can you find it within yourself to forgive me?”

  “You just snuck into my room like a fucking predator,” she hisses at me. “I told you I didn’t want to see you again. I just want to waste away my days here and head back home. Is that too much to ask?”

  “I deserve everything you want to throw at me,” I say. “But I almost lost my life yesterday. And I don’t think I want to die without seeing you one last time.”

  I can tell she wants to slap me again. I’m sure she heard all about the shooting on the news. Either that or Ricky told her. “Is that why you were at some strip club?” she asks me, turning even angrier. The way she’s looking at me, I swear, she wants to kill me. “I bet you were just dreamin’ about me the whole damn time, while some little bitch was rubbing her ass on you. Men like you make me sick. Just leave, already. Please.”

  She turns around and crosses her arms. Although she’s telling me to leave, I know she wants to hear my side of the story. So I tell her. “You’re right. But I only went because I couldn’t have you. I was lonely. I felt rejected. And, God dammit, I wanted to die. Okay?”

  “Are you really trying to guilt me right now? You chose to go there,” she says, “I told you. I can’t be around someone who tells me they have to kill a family member. Can you imagine what a normal person would think if they heard me say that out loud? Jesus, what am I even doing?”

  “I’m sorry for all the stress I’ve caused. I just wanted to let you know that nothing happened in that club,” I plead, falling to my knees like a fucking chump. “I got a room, but nothing went down. I swear to you, Bianca. You’re the only thing I could think about that night. I can’t get you out of my head, woman.”

  “You patronizing asshole. You’re lying,” she says, pushing me. I take all her anger and put it inside my chest somewhere. I keep all her hurtful words because, hell, I deserve it. I’m a bastard and I know it. Shit, I probably deserve to die too.

  “I’m not lying. I’ve lied to plenty of women, but not you,” I’m telling her the truth. “I’ll never lie to you. I’ll never do anything so stupid again, dammit.”

  “Fuck,” she falls to her bed, shaking her head. Of course, the dog that I am, I can’t stop staring at her perfect tits. They press against the light fabric of her nightie. I’m suddenly thinking the dirtiest thoughts imaginable and I realize, I’m probably going to get killed soon. I might as well take advantage of the situation.

  “It’s okay,” she says. I walk toward her bed and stand over her. She looks up at me innocently and blinks her eyes. “I know you’re a good person deep down. I just don’t get why you succumb to all that bullshit. I thought you were better than that.”

  “Yeah, well. Maybe I am. Maybe you should give me a chance,” I tell her. “Maybe I can be the man you want me to be.”

  “Bullshit,” she whispers, choking. She looks down at her bed sheets and exhales sharply. I place my hand on her cheek and push her head up to look at me. “Don’t…” she whispers, but by the way she’s saying it, I can tell she wants me to continue touching her.

  “I’ll make it all better,” I say. “I’m sorry. I won’t hurt Ricky. I won’t hurt you either. I never wanted to in the first place. I’m just an idiot sometimes.”

  She just stares at me with those beautiful eyes of hers. They look glossy and reflective and they complement her tan skin. She’s perfect. I have to make the most of our time. I’m a dead man walking and I’m on my way to giving up.

  I lean over and kiss her, but she pulls back sharply. “Swear you won’t be an asshole anymore? Promise me.”

  “I promise,” I say honestly. “I’ll give you everything I’ve got this time.”

  Right as I say those words, I push my body forward, spreading her legs open like a flower. She slides back onto her bed. “Be careful. My whole family is here.”

  I can’t help but smile when she says that. It only makes me hungrier that there’s more risk involved. I’ve already got the whole city searching for me. Now I’m making out with the enemy’s cousin and I’m about to make her mine.

  She wraps her thick thighs around my chest and opens her mouth wide. I’m ripping off my pants, fumbling at my belt. Finally, I’m out of my clothes. She’s still in her nightie, and all it takes is one touch to feel how wet she is for me.

  “You’ve been waiting for me, haven’t you?” I whisper, biting her lip back. “You’ve still been thinking about me. I know it. Tell me the truth.”

  “Yes, you idiot. I’ve been waiting for you. Now fuck me,” she moans, tilting her head back.

  My cock is hard as hell, thick to the point where I know I’m going to be a tight fit. That’s okay. She’s dripping wet and begging for it. “Play with yourself,” I command her. “I want to see you get off.”

  At first, she’s bashful. “I can’t,” she whispers. “Put it inside of me.” But when I don’t say a damn thing and I stand there stroking my cock, she instinctually places her hand over her pussy.

  “Rub,” I say with a stern face. Her fingers press down against her clit and she begins rubbing. Every once in a while, she inserts two fingers and slides them against her g-spot. I walk up to her and slip my cock into her open mouth and feel her tongue wrap around my rigid shaft.

  I instantly moan loud and deep and she gives me a be careful look. Of course, I have to push deeper and deeper, until I gag her and pull out.

  She closes her eyes and continues rubbing herself. Her stomach starts moving erratically and I can tell she’s about to cum. “My perfect woman,” I groan, stroking myself. “Cum for me.” Her pussy contracts. It opens and closes around her fingers. Soon enough, it’s like the floodgates have opened. She falls against her pillow and gives out a deep moan.

  I’m watching her have the best god damn orgasm of her life and I’m pleased. I prop her ass up in the air and rub my glistening head against her clit. She shakes with too much pleasure. I have to fuck her. I need to. I’ve been thinking about this for days and now she’s almost mine.

  “Fuck me,” she moans. “Take me as yours.”

  I slide my thick girth inside her pulsating walls and, although it takes a slight push, I’m inside her quickly. She’s tighter than I expect though and I feel myself almost fall over that edge of ecstasy within seconds. I pull myself out and fall to my knees, licking at her beautiful cunt, until I can have another go at her.

  I stand up, grabbing her thick and round ass, and
push inside deep. “You have got to have the most perfect pussy I’ve ever fucked,” I moan. “You complete this dick.”

  “Harder,” she grunts. “I want you rough.”

  Of course, I give her what she wants. I grab the thick mass of her hair and pull back, until she groans sharply. Then, I fuck away. I pound into her and feel her lips hit against my balls. Her wetness is sticky and dripping, falling around my thighs and onto her bed. We’re an absolute mess in the most incredible way.

  I flip her over and pick her up, setting her down onto my lap. I’m so close to her and I’m staring into her eyes, hand on her beautiful cheeks. I place my thumb inside her mouth and she begins to suck, until I hook it against her tongue, feeling the soft muscle.

  She moans lightly and I slide my thumb from her mouth, moving her up and down. Her lips tightly wrap around my cock and they squish against my cock. I push upward harder and faster, holding onto her tits. I press them against my face and slide my tongue around her taut nipples.

  I suck on them, gentle and sloppy with my lips dragging against her flesh. “Bianca,” I moan. “What would I do without you?”

  She places her hand on my chest and starts to ride me, pushing her hips left and right as I thrust inside her. I swear my cock is growing with each pump. I push forward and she falls onto her back, clutching at her bedpost behind her. I grab my leather belt and pull out of her. “Let’s play a game,” I smile, securing her arms to the wood post.

  “I can’t move,” she says, pulling against the leather. She smiles

  “Good,” I mutter, sliding my cock inside her precious lips again. “I’m going to fuck you raw and hard. And then I’m going to cum inside that gorgeous pussy of yours, darling.”

  She responds with a hushed moan. Her palms grip the leather. She’s twisting and turning, groaning and yearning, and I’m losing myself over and over again within her folds. I grip her ass hard and have my way. “Take me,” she sighs again. “Use me up. I’m yours forever.”

  I was never a commitment sort of guy, but after I hear those words, I’m pumping her as if a gun is pointed at my skull. I can feel the pressure building inside of me. Soon, I’m bound to set it all free. “Fuck,” I groan loudly. The bed creaks and she throws her hands over my mouth in an attempt to keep me quiet. Her eyes are wide and she knows exactly what’s about to happen.

  “You’re on the pill, right?” I ask her. She rolls her eyes and looks at me like I’m an idiot. I suddenly feel pretty damn stupid for asking so late in the game and it doesn’t even matter because I’m about to blow.

  “Yes,” she says nodding her pretty little head. It’s already coming. I’m cumming, bursting forth within her.

  “Here it comes,” I whisper. My whole life flashes in front of my eyes and I grab her and pull her close to me. She wraps those arms around my body and kisses my neck as she feels the warm fluid shoot in large bullet-like bursts. I spill my seed and everything turns white. I fall back and she pushes against me, forcing me inside deeper. It ends when she says it ends.

  I’m shaking when I pull my cock out and I undo the belt around her wrists. Instead of being finished, she takes my cum and spreads it around her lips. She starts playing with herself again, and builds herself up. “Uhhh,” she moans, biting her lower lip. “Hunter. Oh, Hunter…”

  I’m surprised as hell. I lean over her and kiss her deeply, sliding my tongue into the back of her throat. Our tongues wrestle against each other, but when she slows down, I know she’s about to cum. I cup her tits one last time and she arches her back out, screaming into that pillow of hers. “Hunter! Hunter!”

  Her eyelids close tightly and I pull my lips away. Her whole body writhes against the bed sheets. I kiss her ass as she comes back down. “Wow,” I say, speechless. “That was… something.”

  “Do me a favor,” she wipes a small bead of sweat from her forehead. She’s completely out of breath.

  “Anything for you, darling,” I laugh.

  “Leave now,” she says, joking. Her smile tells me we’re okay. At least, we are for now.



  “So,” he kisses my butt tenderly, cupping my cheeks with his hand. “Are we cool?”

  “For now,” I smile and glance at his bulging muscles. Damn, he’s sexy. I know I shouldn’t give in to him, but it’s really hard not to. After all, I’m a girl with needs.

  “That’s cool,” he tells me, “I doubt I have much time left here anyway. What, with me coming and going, and all.”

  I slap his arm gently and shake my head. “Stop that, please. You’re going to live a long and prosperous life,” I tell him, kissing his stubbly cheek. “I promise you.”

  “You promise me?” he laughs. “Well then, I guess it’s a sure thing.”

  “Sure is,” I say. There’s a good amount of time where we’re both silent. It’s heavy, living this kind of life. I can tell it really weighs on him. For the first time on this trip, I really start to feel for him. I’m not sure what it is. I liked the guy before, but now his situation is all the more real.

  “Please be careful, Hunter,” I say. “I don’t want to lose you.”

  “What?” he mutters. “You don’t want to lose me? Damn, you’re like in love with me now, huh?”

  “Shut up. I am not,” I tell him. “For the record, I don’t really believe in love.”

  He crawls above me and begins tickling me. “Stop!” I whisper-scream. “I hate being tickled!”

  He stops and sighs, “Bullshit, you don’t believe in love. A beautiful girl like you has to believe in love.”

  “Welp. I don’t,” I shrug. “I don’t know what to tell you.”

  “Well, it’s a damn shame you don’t,” he says. “It’s a nice sentiment. Settling down and having kids… Coming home from work and seeing your family. Knowing you created that shit.”

  “Since when do you care about stuff like that?” I ask him. “You don’t strike me as a family type of guy.”

  “Yeah, well if you met me over a year ago, you might’ve been right,” he plays with my hair gently and breathes in deep. “But when you’re holed up by your lonesome for long enough, you start to think about things.”

  “Yeah? Like what?” I ask.

  He puts his hands behind his neck and leans back onto my bed. “I don’t know. I just wish I had another chance sometimes. I wish I could’ve been normal.”

  Looking at this broad-shouldered man become sad like he is breaks my heart. I kiss his cheek. “I’m sorry the world made you like this. But being normal ain’t cut out like you think.”

  “What do you mean? Sure it is,” he laughs. “Look at you. You have it all.”

  “I do not have it all,” I pat his chest.

  “You have me,” he smiles.

  “Ha, very funny,” I laugh. “I thought you were going to die.”

  “So we’re joking about that now?” he gives me a look. I squeeze his arms and fall back onto his chest. “I really mean it though. You have it made. You’ve got a loving father, a good education, and the ability to move around wherever you want. I’d kill to have that.”

  “You’re right. And I understand that I’m very lucky,” I admit, “but it’s not all a white-picket fence fantasy like you think. It’s life. It’s hard.”

  “Not as hard as it could be,” he says, turning very serious. “I’ve seen what it can be like. You’re extremely lucky.”

  We lay in silence, nearly falling asleep in each other’s arms. I wish he could just stay here like this forever. I wish we didn’t have to sneak around like this. I wish I could take him back to San Francisco and show him off to my friends. I want to show him my favorite, secret spots and to hold his hand while we sit in the park. Dammit, there’s just so much shit I want to do with him.

  “It’s not fair,” I suddenly say, staring at my ceiling.

  “What isn’t?” he groggily replies back.

  “It’s not fair that we can’t be together. Like, maybe you co
uld be my boyfriend…” My eyes slowly rise up to his and I quickly look away, feeling embarrassed.

  “What was that, missy?” he smiles. I hate that I’ve even said anything.

  “Nothing. I didn’t say anything.” I shut my eyes tight and groan loudly.

  “No, I think you said you wanted me to be your boyfriend. I mean, go ahead and correct me if I’m wrong, but I could’ve sworn you said that,” he smiles like a total prick.

  “Don’t read into it, okay?” I look down at his thickness. He’s not even hard, yet he’s still so fucking big. I gulp down, feeling the click of saliva in the center of my throat. “Okay, I wouldn’t mind you staying for a while. That’s all I meant by that.”

  He laughs that deep chuckle that I love and I feel my heart start to flutter. I rest my hands against his chest. “I read you loud and clear, honey,” he says.

  “I… you… shit!” I say. “Whatever. It would just be nice to have some more time.”

  “It really would,” he whispers. “You’re a godsend, Bianca. Without you, I’d probably be nothing.”

  “I doubt that,” I blush.

  “I’m serious. Even if I die, I’ll be happy I met you. You’re special.”

  You’re special. “Thanks,” I smile. “I love that.”



  When she falls asleep, I let her down easy. I know it’s about time for me to go, so I slip out the window and run into the shadows. I have to admit, it’s time for me to face the facts. I don’t have much time left in the world. Even though I’d like to make the most of it, I know I’ll soon close my eyes and watch this world disappear.

  So I head back to my home: the gutter. This is where I was born. This is where I’ll die. I promised Bianca there wouldn’t be any more killing and I have to honor that, even if it means my passing. Shit, the stuff I do for love.


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