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Single Dad Boss: A Small Town Romance

Page 106

by Kara Hart

  In the air, my heart beats fast when I see all of the city’s monuments turn into small, toy-like versions of themselves. “This is crazy,” I tell her.

  “What is?” she asks.

  “I’ve never flown in a plane before,” I laugh. “I can’t even believe this is real.”

  “You’ve never flown in a plane before?” she asks me. “Man, I guess I forget where you come from.”

  I smile and keep looking out the window, feeling like a child. Everything is new to me now, including the feeling of butterflies flapping in my stomach.

  Eventually, everyone on the plane seems to be asleep. She turns to me and glances at my body. She places her hand on my thigh and squeezes. “What?” I ask her.

  “I want you to fuck me,” she whispers. “Right here. On this plane. None of this crying, sobbing bullshit. I want you to take your hard cock and fuck me against the bathroom mirror.”

  It doesn’t take long before I’m in the bathroom with her, slamming her back against the sink. I lift her up and set her ass down, as I carelessly rip her pants off. She’s wearing these spandex, comfortable yoga-style pants that hug her figure perfectly. She’s right, fuck all the sappy shit. I want to cum inside her.

  “You’re so fucking hot,” she whispers in my ear. “I need to you to give it to me so bad, baby.”

  “Give me your panties and spread those legs for me,” I command her. She’s completely naked, except for her panties, and her ass is resting on the sink. She slowly rolls her panties down and I grab them and force them in her mouth.

  “Fuck,” she moans with her mouth full, circling her finger against her clit. My cock grows incredibly hard, to the point where I’m already about to blow. We’re thousands of miles in the air and I’m hoping no one is waiting outside this bathroom.

  I run my palm against her pussy and feel just how wet she really is. She nods when my eyes widen. “I need you, Hunter,” she moans. “I’m so wet.”

  I slide my cock in and she tells me to “pound” her. That’s the way she puts it, completely dirty and vulgar. The way my wife should be. I grab her thighs and lower my head down, kissing them as I fuck the life out of her in slow and rhythmic thrusts.

  She eventually turns herself around and arches her back for me. “You like it when I’m like this? Do you like to watch your cock slide in and out of me from behind?” God dammit, how is she real? How is this the woman I’ve decided to marry?

  “Fuck,” I grunt, trying to remain as quiet as possible. “You know me too well now.”

  “Shh,” she whispers. “No more talking.” She places her hand over my mouth and smiles. When she lets go, I grab her hips and take her on a ride. She’s mine. Mine forever. And I’m never letting go.

  With my right hand, I grab the thick of her hair and pull back. Her chin goes upright and she smiles. She doesn’t say anything, but I can tell she wants it harder. So I give it to her. And I give it to her again. I keep giving it to her until she falls back onto me, riding me like a cowgirl and pleasing herself to no end.

  Her face grows rosy and pink and her stomach twitches. She grabs my chest and runs her fingers across my abs. And then she bursts. It’s like nothing I have seen before. She nearly screams, but I’m quick enough to cover her mouth to stop her.

  When the intensity stops and she’s left quivering silently, I bring her forward and wrap my arms around her. There’s no escaping my grasp now. I hold her in a bear hug and fall against the toilet loudly. A knock goes on the door, but I could give two shits about responding.

  “I’m going to cum,” I whisper.

  “Fill me up,” she says.

  Shit, I can’t even believe this is happening. My fiancé might be the dirtiest girl in America. Lucky for her, she got me.

  I feel my body grow tense and my balls turn rock hard and compact. My cock twitches inside of her and I release everything I have. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” I whisper, head hitting the back of the narrow bathroom. “Fuck!”

  She bursts into heavy laughter when I hit my head and I can’t help but laugh myself, even if I am still cumming. I release, and fall back. And when I come back to reality, I kiss her deeply.

  We quickly throw on our clothes and run out of the bathroom, hoping to god that elderly woman won’t say anything. Before she can, I tell her, “She just had surgery the other day. You know how to is. I have to accompany her to the bathroom until she’s, uh, better.”

  The old woman just shrugs. “Honey, I’ve had my fair share of experiences in plane bathrooms. You don’t need to tell me about the mile-high club.”

  We run back to our seats, laughing uncontrollably. Fuck, the pilots could probably hear every second of that. Well, I hope they enjoyed it.

  When we find our seats, we sit down. She places her head on my shoulder and I squeeze her hand three times. We’re completely in love. It’s just a fact.

  I never want anything different. I never want to look back on the life I once led. She completes me in a way I never thought possible. It’s too good to be true and, yet, it is. It’s as real as ever.

  I was a gangster and then I was given a choice. I almost lost it all, but Bianca was there to keep pushing me forward. I was a prisoner and she gave me the key to my freedom. All it took was love. Who would’ve thought?

  When the plane lands, our life begins. You know, everything just may happen for a reason. Or, maybe it’s just the luck of the draw. Regardless, I’ve found the reason to continue living. And for that, I’m eternally grateful.


  Epilogue: Bianca

  15 years later…

  “Brody! Come on, quit horsing around. Your father’s had a rough day and you promised you’d take it easy tonight,” I say, feeling completely overwhelmed and out of breath. Last night, was his middle school graduation and now he’s going absolutely bonkers. Puberty is a bitch, let me tell ya.

  “It’s okay, honey. Really, I’m okay,” he tells me, rubbing my shoulders. He’s sweet, but I know he’s making shit up. He had a huge dinner party he had to cook for tonight and he was stressing hard for it.

  I turn around and kiss him tenderly, wrapping my hands around his strong arms. Even after fifteen years, he’s still as buff as ever. He’s still giving me those same goose bumps, year after year. I smile. “It’s good to see you, Chef. How’d everything go? Good?”

  He gives me one of his winks and I instantly know it went great. He hangs up his uniform in the kitchen and stretches his arms. “You’ll never guess who I served tonight,” he says, clicking his tongue against the roof of his mouth. He’s excited, which is a really good sign.

  I’m bouncing up and down on my heels, ready for him to surprise me. “Who? Oh, let me guess. Donald Trump!”

  He makes a confused face at me and laughs. “No, not Trump,” he laughs. “Guess again.”

  “Oh, I hate guessing!” I clap my hands together and think hard. “Brad Pitt!”

  “Shit, I wish,” he says, biting his lip. “If I served him, I might not be here right now.”

  “I wouldn’t blame you,” I laugh. “Okay, just tell me. I’m never going to guess.”

  “Alright, you asked for it. Jacob fucking Larkson,” he says, eyes lighting up wide. It’s cute when he gets this excited, but I have no clue who the hell Jacob Larkson is.

  “Am I supposed to know him?” I ask. “Is he a Swedish actor or something?”

  He groans and wipes the sweat from his forehead. He sits on the couch and Brody comes running toward him. Oh, shit. Kids. They’re always jumping on everything and everyone. Of course, it’s not long before he’s bouncing into his lap and rolling back over onto the floor, doing a million summersaults. I always thought kids were bad when they were younger, but they’re completely insane when they turn thirteen. Especially boys. I always thought I’d have a girl. Turns out I was wrong.

  I take one look at Brody and he knows he needs to chill out. “Sorry, mom,” he says with that precious voice of his. I still can’t believ
e he’s ours. It’s hard to imagine Hunter being a father, considering all he’s been through, but he’s the best damn father in the world. He really spoils that kid. Like, too much sometimes.

  “It’s okay, sweetheart,” I kiss his hair and smell his shampoo. He’s really growing up and that pains me, but I’m still so excited to see what he’ll do with his life. He’s so invested in his music. It’s really refreshing to see that much dedication. Someday, he’ll lead an orchestra or something. “How about you go to your room and practice?”

  “Fine,” he says, walking toward his room. But before he goes in, he turns to Hunter, who has now turned on the TV and poured an iced tea. He says “I’m proud of you, Dad.” It’s totally out of nowhere and I practically feel my heart shatter into a million pieces. My eyes start to water and I nearly squeal. Gosh, having a child like Brody has turned me into a total softie. Oh well. This is my family and it’s everything I’ve always wanted out of life.

  “Well, I’m proud of you too, Brody,” Hunter says with a huge smile. “You did so well in school. You deserve to have a nice summer. Hey, how about we go to the lake tomorrow and fish?”

  “Sure!” he says. “I’m proud of you too, Mom,” he laughs and runs into his room.

  “You’ve raised him well,” Hunter says when we both hear the door shut.

  “He’s really great, isn’t he?” I say, feeling the love rush into my chest. I walk up to Hunter and sit on his lap. He runs his hands around the curves of my ass and groans, lightly slapping it. Yes, there’s still a whole lot of that going on too.

  “He’s the best kid in the whole damn world,” Hunter says with confidence. “I’m sure of it. He’s going to change everything.”

  “I know it too,” I smile. “So, tell me about this Larkson guy. Who is he and why is he such a big deal?”

  “He’s the biggest critic in all of San Francisco,” he tells me with pride. “And he came to my restaurant to eat. He seriously told me he had heard a ton of good things about my cooking.”

  “Oh my God! That’s incredible, baby!” I say, wrapping my arms around his neck. “I’m proud of you too,” I laugh. “Were you nervous at all? That’s such a big deal. I’d probably lose my shit.”

  “Oh, man. I was scared shitless. I mean, I’ve dealt with a lot of scary people in my life. I’ve been hunted down, shot at, and I’ve seen a whole lot of horrible things. But, I don’t know… nothing’s ever felt like this. It felt so terrifying and right, all at the same time,” he says, almost out of breath.

  I can tell this is a game changer for him. He’s been working so hard to make this restaurant work for the past three years and now it’s finally paying off. Honestly, for a while there, I was wondering if it would. Even if it didn’t, he always has me to fall back on. “So what’d he think? Did he like what you gave him?”

  He continues, speaking incredibly fast. “He loved it. Baby, He’s putting a 5-star review in the Chronicle tomorrow. Business is going to be booming from now on.”

  “Holy shit!” I wrap my arms around him and kiss him. “I’m so fucking proud of you. You’ve worked so hard for this.”

  “I couldn’t have done it without you,” he flips me onto my back and spreads my legs open. “And you… I’m more proud of you than ever.”

  Two years ago I started my law firm and it’s been completely hectic ever since. Still, it’s my lifelong passion and it’s paid off.

  He kisses me again and grabs my hips, falling to the floor. “Do you ever think about how it used to be?” I ask him.

  “What do you mean?” he lifts his head up. “Like back when I was in the gang?”

  “Yeah,” I gulp. “Do you ever miss it?”

  He stands back up and kisses my cheek. “Baby, are you kidding me? Hell no. In fact, I never want to think about those days,” he reassures me.

  “Good,” I say. “’Cause I love you a lot, Hunter. I still think about our wedding every single night.”

  “It was the best,” he smiles. “Well, second best thing to happen to me. Brody wins by a nose.”

  He slowly falls to the floor and unzips my pants. I quickly look around and bite my lip. “Not here!” I whisper. “What if Brody comes out?”

  “He’s stuck on his iPad and you know it,” he smiles. “Now, relax and let the Chef take care of you. You deserve it.”

  “Yes,” I exhale deeply. “I do deserve it, don’t I?”

  I still haven’t gotten used to being treated like a queen. I’m still not used to his beautiful, dark eyes staring back at me every night. I’m still not used to feeling this wedding ring around my finger and seeing my son run around the room at insane speeds.

  No, I’m not used to the house, nor am I used to owning my own law-firm. I’m definitely not used to being in my thirties. But it’s such a beautiful thing to be this surprised by the love you give and receive in a marriage.

  “I love you so fucking much, Bianca. It’s beyond words,” he tells me. And I know it’s true. He’s a part of me now, just like I’m a part of him. There are no doubts, only excitement and wonder at what lay ahead of us.

  Author’s Note

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  Other Bad Boy Books by Kara Hart!

  Most girls wouldn’t run from the richest man in the city. I guess I’m not most girls. He has a dark secret, and no amount of money can keep it hidden. Then again, I have a secret of my own. I had his baby, and now both our worlds are crumbling to pieces.

  I’ve never backed down from a challenge, and I’ve had my share... But Helena Rollins is in a league of her own. She thinks I’m damaged. Broken. She thinks I’m trouble. Well, maybe she’s right, but she’s wrong about one thing… She’s mine forever, and I’m going to make sure of it this time.

  I promised her I'd never let her go. That's why I brought these handcuffs.

  Come on, Kitten. Let's go for a ride.

  The hardest men take what they want

  I play hard. On and off the field.

  Lust is HARD. Love is DEEP.

  Ripped SEAL. Filthy mouth. Big… gun. What else does a woman need?

  You want to play rough? Be careful what you wish for.

  I made one big mistake that almost ruined my life -- I had the quarterback’s baby.




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