Changing Tides

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Changing Tides Page 13

by K A Sands

  “She’s nobody. Just a skank my brother shags now and again,” she said when I asked. Did he do that a lot, shagged around with no commitment? How many others would I encounter the deeper I sunk into Shaun’s world?

  My stomach soured, and I questioned exactly what Shaun was doing with me. Was I just another notch on his endless bed post? Anybody could make words and speak them aloud, be convincing even. Was that all it was - words? I shook off the doubt as quick as it came - I’d question it later.

  “Not a girlfriend?”

  “Oh God, no. She wishes. She’s a total bitch, would love nothing more than to sink her claws into Shaun.”

  “He’s not interested then, I take it?”

  “No. He doesn’t do that kind of thing. Always no strings.”

  “Not ever?”

  “Nope. Nuh uh, not that I’ve ever known anyway.”

  It was pointless asking about a boyfriend, if he didn’t do strings, then that meant with blokes too. God, it was getting harder to push those doubts to the back of my head. “Why’s she like that with you?”

  “She doesn’t get his time, blames me. You know - being the clingy sister and all.” I detected a hint of sarcasm and chuckled at her. Sophie was not a clinger, not by any means, and certainly not with her brother.

  “Does he know she treats you like that?” Shaun didn’t appear to be the kind of guy who would let anyone get away with what Chrissie had just done to his sister. He wouldn’t stand for it.

  “Nah. There’s no point. He’s got enough going on without me tittle tattling.”

  I didn’t push it but was damned well sure if it happened again in front of me, she wasn’t getting away with it and busy or not, Shaun would be getting the lowdown on the not so pleasant piece of skirt he shagged. My mother had taught me well when it came to putting people in their place and cutting them down to size. I’d seen it enough, often without justification.

  “Why did he sneak out this morning?”

  “Who?” My smirk toward her was genuine. Some nights Sophie slept light, coupled with getting up to go to the toilet. “How’d you know?”

  “His aftershave, his shoes...” she thumped her head down on my shoulder and among a giggle she quoted; “God, Ayden. Don’t stop,” in as deep a voice as she could.

  I cracked up laughing, not even a bit embarrassed. Fuck, I’d come so hard and had my dick inside him, I wasn’t going to be ashamed, even in front of his sister. Hell, no.

  A couple a few seats down turned and hissed at us to be quiet, I clasped my hand over Sophie’s mouth and wide eyed her, trying desperately to control my own noise. It was useless. The movie was a lost cause, having missed the beginning while whispering in the back seats, I decided then was as good a time as any to push for her to go down to my dad’s with Jake and me.

  “You wanna get away for a while?”

  “What you got in mind?”

  “Fancy my dad’s? I could do with a time out, Uni really kicked my arse this term. I need to relax and have some peace and quiet for a few weeks.”

  “That sounds great! I love your dad’s place. He’s okay with it?”

  “I’ll phone Laura later. Lady Boss, you know?” I said.

  My dad adored his woman, he was such a different person these days, the happiest I’d ever seen him, and she was just as taken with him. I loved Laura too, and I’d often wished they’d met sooner. If I’d been a young boy I could have called her mum and felt like I had one. She pampered me like she probably would have her own. Laura would love to have us all down, always made sure I was welcome, did the same when Jake and Sophie were towed along.

  “You think we could go see Emily?”

  Shocked at her unexpected question, but making no remark about it, I simply said ‘sure,’ and crossed my fingers Sophie was mellowing to the fact she’d be a mother before long. Spending time with Emily would do nothing but melt her heart and make her think twice about the choices she was yet to make. Yeah, taking Sophie down to Beaufort was a great idea, I mentally patted myself on the back for a job well done.

  “All right, we’ll get our arses in gear and head down the next couple of days.”

  “What about Jake?”

  “You’re okay with him coming? He doesn’t come every time, but he will over the summer.” I eyed her making sure she caught my drift. “He’s never not welcome, Sophie.”

  “Yeah, I know. It’s cool, Ayden. We have to get on with it, sort something out between us.”

  She was right, they did and sooner rather than later would be better for them both. At least Sophie had perked up, the thought of a few weeks away, agreeing with her.

  But me - I was still stuck in my head, thoughts of her brother rattling around. Where Chrissie fit into his life. How many more like her did he have? Was I just something to pass the time with?

  Maybe I needed the answers to those questions before we went any further.


  No bloody condom. I’d let a guy stick his dick in me without a rubber. Never in my life had I ever done that; had a dick inside me or not used protection. I didn’t stick my own in anyone without being gloved either. And there had been me giving my sister and Boomer hell over being careless.

  Fucking idiot.

  I’d left early, that piece of shame hanging over my head more than my sister catching me in Ayden’s bed. I wasn’t half as bothered about that scenario than the one a few hours earlier. I didn’t think he fucked about but hell’s teeth, it wasn’t the point now, was it?

  The fresh air of the morning woke me up as I walked the mile or so home. My sex addled brain had finally slipped from its lust induced fog and decided to take a pity party with every fucking step toward my shitty little flat. Although Ayden had stuck his cock in my arse for a few scant seconds, the memory lingered in a not so pleasant achy kind of way. A sore ache that made my balls throb and my heart hammer because I wanted so much more than what he’d given me. Without a condom.

  Goddamned idiot for sure.

  A hypocritical idiot.

  Thoughts of Ayden were wiped instantly when I saw Charlie’s car idling at the kerb outside my flat as I turned the corner onto my street. Six a.m. was far too early for a social visit, I had to surmise the old man was not parked outside my home waiting for coffee and bagels.

  Thinking up my lie, I approached the car. This shit was getting old, I had to get out from under him and soon. With his car window rolling down as I bent my head, I gave him the most charming smile I could muster and sang out a cheery ‘morning.’

  “Where you been?” he barked, sour whisky breath threatening to make me gag.

  Last time I checked, he wasn’t my dad. But he was my boss, and I’d learnt very early on in my acquaintance with Charlie it was best not to piss him off. “Over at Malc’s.” The untruth slipped easily from my mouth, it hadn’t been the first lie I’d uttered to this man and would not be the last.

  “One of my boys spotted you at that club last night. Any progress?”

  Well, the old bastard had just saved me a fuck ton of trouble and a trip all in one sentence. I made to look shifty, as if I was about to tell him a state secret and hoped like hell my acting skills were on point.

  “I think there might be an in with one of the bouncers.” I leaned my elbows on the top of the window and pushed my head inside the car a little way. “One of the bartenders was looking for some blow. Pissed he couldn’t get anything past his boss.”

  Charlie eyed me sceptically. “And he just told you that?”

  “Nah. He knew who I was, his brother gets his gear off me, said the bouncer mentioned my name as well.”

  “All right. What d’ya reckon?”

  “I’m gonna have another sniff around tonight, when it’s busier, see what the score is.”

  “Okay. I got Shorty locked down for a few. Take that twat, Boomer, with you. Keep him straight, mind.”

  The window started rolling up. Conversation over. I extracted myself from the openi
ng before the fucker had my head caught in the traction and throttled me. I straightened up as one of Charlie’s goons revved up the engine and tore from the parking spot. I breathed a sigh as the car roared off. Well, if the impromptu meeting had told me anything - it was Charlie was watching me and I needed to be a bit more careful.

  Plodding up to my flat, the thought of a hot shower and some clean clothes were enough to put all else from my mind. I was sick fed up of my head never stopping, constantly going around in circles, while trying to watch my back too. I climbed into my bed for a few hours sleep, my alarm rousing me six hours later.

  Twenty minutes was all it took to feel warmer and clearer headed than I had when I’d arrived home. I’d resisted the urge to jack off under the warm water knowing the orgasm would feel empty without Ayden’s input and goading. I still sported a painful erection from thinking of him as I wrapped a thread bare towel around my waist and made my way through the flat to the kitchen.

  I was starving and surprised I hadn’t smelled the coffee that was sitting in a take-out cup on my counter top. I did, however, get a whiff of Chrissie’s unmistakeable perfume; not entirely unpleasant, unlike her company. Sure enough, she was at my rickety table, dressed up to the nines. Her milky tits barely supressed in a tight-fitting tank top, her jacket hooked around the back of the chair she was sitting on, one leg crossed over the other.

  “Make a habit of just wandering into someone’s house uninvited?” I asked as I headed toward the cupboard furthest away from her.

  “Morning to you, too, dear. Door was open. I brought you some coffee, thanks would be lovely.”

  “Door was closed. Most people would knock.” I grabbed the half bag of bread from the shelf, sniffing at the opening to make sure it was still fresh then popped two slices into the toaster before turning to face her. Very pretty woman, gorgeous actually, that jet black hair of hers making her eyes so dark it’d be easy for a sucker to drown in them. Not me, nope. I’d learnt quickly and figured this woman out a long time ago; her heart was as black as her hair. Much like her father. Much like mine. “What is it you want?”

  I hadn’t seen her since the morning I’d found Shorty with her. Looking at her now, she showed no ill effects of the incident. Retrieving the butter from the fridge, when I turned, Chrissie was there, caging me against the fridge, her supple curves pushing into me. Groaning at the contact, the brush of her body against my dick had him perking up again.

  I’d always found Chrissie attractive, she was probably only one of two or three women that I could let go with and have a reasonably decent time screwing. It always helped that she let me shag her arse as hard as I liked. My body clearly remembered this fact and the half stubby decided to make his full-grown presence known.

  “Oh yeah, Gripp...” Leaning in, she nipped at my ear then slid down my body, her hands taking my towel and throwing it off to the side when she sank to her knees. Her mouth was tantalisingly close to the head of my fully flushed dick. “I ain’t seen you in a while, baby.”

  Whether she was talking to me or my manhood, I didn’t care. Spearing me with those bottomless pits one would call eyes, she screamed of sex and bad ideas and a fucking orgasm. An uncomfortable sensation rolled over me, I didn’t like I wanted to stuff her mouth with my cock just so she couldn’t talk.

  “You ain’t even got an hour for me?”

  Here’s the thing about me and Chrissie. We’d been fucking around for years, and old habits die hard. Every time she mentioned the word girlfriend, I’d gag and run a mile. There was only so many times you could tell someone they weren’t happening until you got sick of the sound of your own voice. This was me and Chrissie.

  “Lemme take care of you, baby. You know I can do you good, Gripp.”

  Oh, she could all right. My cock strained, almost begging to be swallowed down through those cherry red lips. “Chrissie,” I sighed. Resting her hands on the front of my thighs, she swiped her tongue at the wetness seeping from the end of my dick. What a traitorous fucking bastard. I tried pathetically to swat her hands away, but she was having none of it, her fingernails digging deeper into my muscle. “This thing is done.”

  Blinking up at me like she didn’t understand what I’d told her a hundred times or more, I felt guilt at the way I’d treated her. This was my fault. I kept calling her, and she came running. I fucked her and enjoyed it, hadn’t stopped or drawn any lines.

  Mixed signals right there.

  Her hot mouth sucked around my cock and I thumped my head back against the door of the fridge, rattling the jars on the top, dropping the butter as I clenched my fists. Fuck, her mouth felt amazing, always did.

  Behind my eyelids that were squeezed tight, Ayden’s disappointed face looked back at me, and the memory of the night before became sullied as Chrissie took my whole cock in her mouth and deep throated me good.

  A harsh, pained moan escaped as I came to my senses and gripped at her hair, but something stopped me from yanking her from me. This was what I deserved. Chrissie and I were alike, both scraping the bottom of the barrel, both in the same world. The heat of her mouth felt so good, I wanted to come in there, where I belonged. Ayden was a pipe dream, too good for the likes of me, no matter how much I tried to pretend I could change and be worth something. All my clear judgment and comprehension went out the window with my good intentions as Chrissie’s mouth worked me over, that fucking amazing tingle riding in waves coming sharp and fierce. Both hands grabbed fistfuls of silky back hair and I jabbed my cock in and out of her willing mouth at a furious pace, ignoring the dread coiling up my spine.

  Fuck my life.

  Hearing a small cough to the side of me, my head snapped around to catch sight of Boomer leaning against the kitchen door jamb. He looked thunderous, like he wanted to beat my head in and then some. Looking down at Chrissie still sucking me off, disgust rolled over me in long waves. In a panic I pushed her from me, shoving her to the floor so she was sprawled at my feet, her skirt above her hips and her bare pussy for all to see.

  Oh fuck, what the hell had I done?

  When I looked back up, Boomer was no longer there, like he hadn’t been standing shooting daggers at me in the first place. I used my feet to shunt Chrissie further away from me. “What the fuck are you doing?” I hissed, angry more at myself than her.

  Reaching down for the towel, I tucked it back around my waist, my dick still raging hard. The realisation of what I’d been doing not enough to quieten him down. Shit! This was bad. I wanted Ayden, wanted to start something good and real and honest with him, not this.

  “What the hell, Gripp?” Chrissie swiped her hand across her mouth, red lipstick smearing around her mouth and across her cheek. I had no answer to give her, not about to explain myself to her.

  “Get up!” Grabbing her arm and hauling her to her feet, I pulled her skirt down as she stood full height in front of me. In her heels she was eye level, her black orbs accusing, angry...embarrassed. “Go home, Chrissie.”

  Eyeing my hard on, she pointed at me like the spoiled little bitch she was and stamped her foot. Levelling me with a sneer that wasn’t pretty and meant nothing good, she threatened with the only card she’d ever had over me. “Yeah...I got to go see daddy anyway.”

  For the life of me, I couldn’t have cared less. I’d passed the point of giving a shit. We’d never been a couple, not in my eyes, she could tell Charlie whatever the hell she wanted. I’d done her dad a favour the first time all those years ago, we shouldn’t even still be doing this dance with one another. Enjoying it once, it had been a mutually beneficial agreement which should have just been sex, because Lord knew Chrissie liked to fuck as much as I did. But the lines had got crossed somewhere along the way, and I should have known better. Of course Charlie would use Chrissie to try to keep me in line, much like he used to do the same to her. Together, Chrissie and I would be good for him. I wanted fucking out and continuing to screw around with my boss’s daughter was not the right way forward. It was sui
cide and would scupper any chance I had with Ayden.

  “You do that, sweetheart,” I retorted. “let him know I’m off the market while you’re at it.” Because when I thought about it, I was.

  “Really?” Scowling at me, she corrected her clothes, those tits of hers bouncing before my eyes. This wasn’t ending well, not for me anyway.

  “Come on, Chrissie. You knew what this was between us.” I tried to placate, do a bit of damage control. “It was fun for a while but it’s over, has been a long time.” I guessed trying to mend bridges with a soft tone wouldn’t work with her, but I tried anyway.

  Looking like she wanted to stick pins in me, she grabbed her bag from the table and reached for her coat. “We’ll see, Gripp. We’ll see.”

  To say I was relieved to watch her leave was an understatement. I should have thrown her out the minute she’d arrived. She’d parted on a threat and I knew everything had become more complicated. This was going to blow up in my face big time.

  I searched for Boomer, curious as to what his problem was. He’d never messed around with Chrissie, knew the score so I had no idea what he was all bent out of shape for. When I found him, he was sitting in Sophie’s room, where I’d told him he’d be for the foreseeable future until he sorted himself out, calmed down on the gear.

  “I’m not gonna lie for you, Gripp.” He didn’t look at me. “Ayden,” he clarified. I wracked my brain trying to remember if I’d mentioned him at all, drawing a blank, darned sure I hadn’t. “He deserves better than what I just saw in there.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?” Going on the defensive, I wasn’t even sure Boomer knew I was into guys. I’d never exactly divulged the fact to him, he’d never seen that side of me. Or so I’d thought.

  “He seems like a good guy.”

  Dropping my head along with the pretence, I was ashamed, a familiar emotion these days it seemed. Not for what my best friend had walked in on, but the fact I’d gotten to the point where I was willingly shoving my dick down someone else’s throat and enjoying it mere hours after Ayden. I was a fucked-up mess. Boomer was spot on, Ayden deserved far better than the likes of me.


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