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Divinity: The Gathering: Book One

Page 7

by Susan Reid

  “I cannot believe I am saying this to you but for once Cam`ael, can you not be so…caustic?”

  “Caustic? That would be boring and then I’d become you.” I smiled spitefully.

  He pursed his lips, “You could never be me or like me again.” He stated.

  Drakael and I used to be as close as Rahab, and I still were now, that is until I was cast down. Since then we became and remained virtual strangers just short of enemies as if whatever kinship we had had never existed in the first place. It was the way it was supposed to have been, so I couldn’t be angry with him— it was more with myself for the choices I had made. However, I hated his low-key arrogance and the way he managed to throw it in my face every chance he got.

  I laughed, “I was never like you to begin with nor would I ever want to have been, even then. You’re what mortals would call others in their realm…what is it?” I snapped my fingers to think for a minute, “Oh, a douche.” I then finished.

  His mouth twitched with flaring ire briefly, but he quickly suppressed it. He had no choice; he was an Angel, and he had an example to set and maintain even in my presence as a fallen, unless I challenged him personally and physically.

  I grinned because he knew that I knew that.

  “You’ve seen her aura and you know why she could never be hidden, which is why I took it upon myself to watch her, especially since observing and learning of Morning Star’s extreme interest in her too, in case you haven’t realized that by now. Your side may not grant me the permission to guard over her, specifically, but you cannot stop or hinder me from keeping Morning Star’s minions away from her either, which is all I’m doing.” I then went on to say.

  He paused and thought for a moment with a mask of confusion on his face. His demeanor and aura shifted and then dimmed. I knew who he had just communicated with and envy burned my face as I turned away.

  “You are always toeing the line Cam`ael Nothing has changed with you I see, and now you have the gall to question Elohim’s purpose?” He dared me with a suspicious eye and a single raised brow as if he was indeed daring me to do just that.

  I bit my tongue and didn’t answer.

  He spoke again, “I didn’t think so. Since you along with others have noticed that her aura differs from all the other divine chosen, means her value puts higher stakes on maintaining that every rule is strictly adhered to. Regardless of how you desire to explain or classify your actions; you cannot interfere no matter what.” He pointed out.

  I raised both brows and shook my head in disbelief, “Higher stakes? But only for me, right? I thought each and every one of the divine chosen are equally valued and important. Just why is her aura so much brighter than all the others throughout time have been?” I then asked.

  Drakael said nothing to address that last question; typical of him, and as always, it pissed me off.

  “Not much to say now huh?” I mocked Drakael with a side smirk.

  “All divine chosen are special in their own rites obviously.” Drakael finally answered.

  I shook my head again with a sarcastic snort and laugh as I hopped up onto an outcropping of rock to gaze out over the Infinite Lake this time, reveling in all its pristine beauty. The reflection of the sun offered the illusion of dipping into the darkening pink and azure colored waterline at the horizon.

  The beauty of the sky at dawn and dusk were merely one of Elohim’s finest, artistic creations.

  I returned my hard gaze at Drakael, “Special but not enough to be protected while still mortal. How has Morning Star managed to snatch so many so easily before their time then? Why aren’t they being watched and protected better if at all?” I then asked. He moved to join my current view of the lake, standing a few yards from me now.

  “Their protection is not what you believe it should be. You know Elohim has the power to do and control anything if he chooses. You also know how he works.” Drakael said softly and slowly.

  Part of me knew that truth yes but the other half…the dark half— was angry and frustrated at the lop-sided leniency.

  “By making him think he’s winning? Well, I hate to break it to you but personally, I think he is. Allowing him and all of his imps and servants the upper hand has always been a bad move, in my opinion. I don’t understand why he gets a longer leash in this realm too. Are you reminding him of the rules as well?” I waved an arm in anger to gesture back towards the opposite side in the far dark distance.

  “Our side and our plans are not for you to know any longer. You take actions upon yourself Cam`ael and Elohim has always allowed you that much. Do not think for one second that Morning Star has not stopped hating you or resented the fact that you are the only one who has ever fallen, yet are still in possession of a small portion of your grace and light.” Drakael noted.

  He shut me up with that one. It was something I had never considered. Drakael had a point though, but I wasn’t going to admit that out loud. I always wondered why I had been allowed to keep my light too, but it was not something I was going to question aloud either, for fear that it may be taken as ungrateful.

  Morning Star probably hated me more than I hated him… and that was a lot of animosity. He was blinded with jealousy and his hatred of me underneath his exterior. I was positive that it wasn’t simply because of my resistance and refusal to side with and help his master plan by mating with a divine chosen either.

  I was instantly re-humbled.

  Drakael went on, “Your efforts are recognized obviously, or I wouldn’t stand before you now in question of them. Nevertheless, you know that the human realm has always been his world to rule thus far, and though it may not seem like it, he does know his limits; he just pushes and circumvents them the same way that you do so this is nothing new for you and it is not your personal war or vendetta. No matter what you may think or feel, and even though you are no longer bound to Elohim, you can still be destroyed just as he created you.” Drakael stated.

  I didn’t reply and he eyed me, surprised at my silence,

  “That being said, I think you should know that there is another rogue legion of your kin who has also taken notice of and have been working to retrieve her. It is believed they act alone though, they do not liege with Morning Star.” He then warned.

  I spun around to face him, instantly alarmed by this news and ignoring the rest of his words before his last sentence. I was tired of that game just like I was getting tired of this pointless meeting and conversation. I was angrier now than I had been with Drakael at first but even more so at myself for not being on top of that myself. I met him nearly in person within three long strides with clenched teeth, “What makes you think they don’t liege with Morning Star?” I asked suspiciously.

  “We know all.” He simply said.

  I glared at him, “Right. Since when? Who are they?” I demanded while clenching and unclenching my fists in my anger. Crackles of darkness snaked over and in between each finger and knuckle in response to my irritation with Drakael. Drakael remained cool as he pursed his lips in a cocky manner, “I’ll leave that for you to find out for yourself since you seem to be so enchanted with her. Do as you please with them upon discovering who they are if you want something to occupy your time with. They already know we are watching them too.” He said.

  “And that you’ll do nothing to stop them either.” I stated in a hard tone, feeling anger upon hearing this.

  She was in far more danger that I had previously thought but why did they all want her? There were thousands upon thousands of divine chosen out there.

  I would have to summon others in my legion immediately to assist in finding out who and how many. This could get ugly before it’s time really fast.

  Drakael ignored my comment.

  I bit my lip in frustration, a feeling of helplessness washing over me. I couldn't stop any torment or pain my former brethren would and could cause not to mention her risk of being taken by some rogue legion. She needed me there to protect her whether she knew of me
or not, and I would risk my very existence to do it no matter what.

  I pulled the dark power in me back into me and then flexed my fingers, “How will she die?” I subsequently asked solemnly.

  He paused, “I don’t know that.” He answered.

  “When?” I then asked.

  He opened his mouth to speak and then paused, “Don’t even think about it Cam`ael.” He warned.

  He obviously knew why I asked these questions but whether he told me or not, it would not stop me. My frustration and anger began to mount again at his insinuations.

  “You can’t interfere either, which means you can do nothing to stop me.” I said, looking directly at him.

  He was affronted, “You’re playing with your own annihilation.” He stated.

  “I’ve been outcaste as a demon for quite some time now— annihilation would be considered mercy.” I shot back.

  “Be careful what you ask for.” Drakael warned.

  “I don’t ask; I beg of it.” I then stated.

  That last statement left an air of quiet around us. Drakael moved towards the lip of the cliff facing the Infinite waters’ horizon in his own thoughts or conversation with Elohim, and I began to regret saying that aloud, especially before I had a chance to meet her, which was all I wanted before all of this came to pass. While his back was turned to me, I secretly admired the pure, clean and white luminescence of his wings; gilded by shimmering, gold, gossamer linings around each individual feather—as all of mine had once been before too. I still had quite of few of those left but the blackened, cursed ones that were marked with symbols of condemnation, completely dominated them. Elohim could unreservedly wipe me out of existence in the blink of an eye at any given time if he wanted to despite my punishment. Although, he has not.

  “Well, since we are exchanging information, I’ll enlighten you as well with some new developments. Morning Star is about to open a fresh portal by virtue of a group of humans that summoned Baal. For what purpose, we both can only assume. They’ve been entering this new city where she resides and the college she attends through a recent portal that needs closing fast, but I’m not going to do it this time. And they’ve already zoned in on the two others within the city that you spoke of as well but they all seem to be focused on her. Morning Star has already claimed two more divine chosen from the last city.” I finally told him to break the silence and change the subject.

  He turned to look at me then, “Already?” That information seemed to confuse him momentarily. “He’s fast. You didn’t know?” I derided.

  He didn’t reply right away. “I knew…” He began

  “But your side planned to sit idly by and give them to him as an offering of peace as per your elaborate plan of letting him do whatever he pleases.” I cut in and sarcastically finished his sentence for him.

  He eyed me with disdain.

  I grinned.

  Drakael bit his lip and appeared to be in thought, but I knew what he was doing and who he was talking to in his silence. It drove me mad with jealousy. I had to look away to squash the feelings of rejection.

  “Maybe if you guys wouldn’t give them such bright and conspicuous auras to begin with; they might last longer to fulfill their destinies undetected… just a thought. Of course, I could not care less; they’ll all be enemies of mine after that point anyway.” I added in more sarcasm.

  “Keep questioning and testing Elohim Cam`ael, do not believe for a moment that you have nothing to lose. You’ve already given that away.” Drakael then pointed out.

  I seethed and glided closer to him, and he stiffened, eyes widening at my advance, “What does that mean?” I asked.

  We stared each other down for a long moment, but he didn’t answer my questions.

  I glared at him. If he was talking about Star, he was pressing a raw nerve in me by even making the threat. I would kill him over her in a second without hesitation.

  “Don’t threaten me.” I warned, my jaw working again as I pushed an air of dark energy towards him.

  Drakael instantly blocked it with his own wall of light energy, but I stopped myself before the clash of our powers collided. I pulled the darkness back into me not wanting to waste the time let alone risk Elohim’s displeasure at this point.

  “No need for temper Cam`ael, it wasn’t a threat.” Drakael then eased. I gave him a wry look, “I’m sure it wasn’t.” I replied flatly, staring him down with vehemence. He was wearing his welcome here fast. “Anyway, I saw them when I was there last. It was a male of about twenty-five years old and a very young female of sixteen. They were both bound and blindfolded, still sane for now.” I then went on to tell him. That was the problem in both this realm, and the mortal one, evil prevailed because it played by no rules and the righteousness worried way too much about the rules, which was why it was losing drastically now. I personally had no problems killing someone or another dark fallen if it served the greater good. I was already cursed and shunned anyway.

  “He won’t kill them, just like all the others. We’ll need you to see if you can locate them again.” Drakael then said. This was one of many recent requests that I was getting all the time from the angels. Being messengers and given that fact I would never say no to Elohim, I felt used at times. Getting them was not an easy feat, but I managed to do it many times in the past with no special reward or payment for my risk and trouble.

  “No, he won’t kill them but neither you, nor I can guarantee that they won’t choose his side either now could we?” I countered.

  Drakael knew what I meant by that too, “That is why haste is of the utmost importance here Cam`ael.” He replied.

  I sighed and rolled my eyes shaking my head, “Wait a minute,” I began while holding up a finger. Drakael eyed me suspiciously as he moved to face me fully again. “Doesn’t this as well as all the others that I’ve retrieved from him for your side also count as…interference? It is still their will to choose.” I pointed out.

  “Their destinies have already been infiltrated by virtue of being kidnapped before their deaths and their rebirths against their own wills. The rules of intervention no longer apply in those circumstances.” Drakael stated.

  “Really? Then I’ll make sure to keep that in mind.” I replied with a smirk and a nod as I began to pace around Drakael on purpose.

  He sighed and watched me as I walked casually around him, the end tips of my wings lightly brushing the ground behind my heels in a whisper.

  “I don’t think I’ll have time for this. I’ve got other things to investigate and deal with now.” I reminded him to refer to what he told me about this rogue legion being after her too.

  “This will take you no time, especially since you just saw them.” He replied.

  “That doesn’t mean a damned thing. What makes you think I will be able to do this again so easily?” I then asked just out of curiosity.

  “You’ve been successful getting all the others out before up to this point. The fact that you’ve seen these two means that he has no need to hide or keep them from you because he either trusts or sees you as no threat as far as they are concerned, and you know that.” Drakael pointed out.

  “Morning Star trusts no one, you know that. That still doesn’t mean it isn’t a highly risky and difficult task and even more so now because of what is about to happen. He obviously isn’t stupid. Don’t think he isn’t aware that I have recovered all those others as well. He isn’t looking the other way because he’s an idiot.” I said flatly.

  “You didn’t let me finish.” Drakael stated calmly.

  I eyed him.

  “We know all of that, which is why you won't need to physically retrieve them this time. Just release them where they are and leave the rest to us.” He then said.

  I looked at him incredulously.

  This was new.

  I almost had to ask him to repeat himself, but I had heard him loud and clear; I just didn’t comprehend the purpose behind it.

  Release was another w
ord for a kill here, spoken by only the angels. All human blood was sacred but the number-one serious taboo that would bring certain destruction raining down from Elohim personally; would be the death of a divine chosen via the shedding of their blood while they were still mortal.

  We all knew that rule and even Morning Star didn’t dare to tread over that one, though he’s been kidnapping and torturing many of them for many millennia-- always careful to do everything imaginable in order to cause pain but without shedding or partaking in an ounce of their blood.

  It was my guess that his intent had always been to convert them into choosing darkness or breeding them with his own sons and daughters who were arch demons here. With most of them, he would go through his sacred rituals of immortality, once they’ve accepted, and then bestowing access to the powers of his own darkness unto them.

  “You want me to what?” I asked with brows furrowed and my eyes glowing once again.

  He was taken aback by my sudden spark, and he watched me carefully, taking a slight step to back away from me.

  “You want me to say it in Angelic for you? Do you even remember the language?” He smirked.

  He was being a smart-ass now I see.

  “You’re assuming that killing is nothing to me.” I then said.

  “Releasing them from their physical flesh is not killing. I am to tell you that you are being given exclusive permission to carry this out so you will not risk death for this.” Drakael corrected.

  I snorted a chuckle, “Releasing and killing is one in the same and that doesn’t change my statement.” I replied firmly.

  “Your actions do not mimic your words.” He then said.

  “There is a big difference between killing other dark ones and killing mortal human beings, unless they have already been afflicted with darkness!” I felt a burst of anger at his nonchalant request and personal insult as I snapped open my wings and took a threatening stance.

  A long time ago, I would have been ashamed for any of the angels to see the cursed black marks and symbols on my wings but after a while, I just didn’t care.


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