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Divinity: The Gathering: Book One

Page 23

by Susan Reid

  I nodded and sniffed, “You know if I didn’t know any better I’d think you could be the preacher here.” I then said with a smile.

  He laughed softly, “No, I’m just a humble servant looking for answers just like you.”

  I couldn’t help but smile again.

  “I guess I just needed to pause for a minute.”

  “Well, I think you’re on the right track. There’s always an answer and solution no matter how big it may seem to you.” He then winked as he stood. He was tall and his build was athletic, but svelte and he wore a white button down shirt, dark blue jeans and simple black loafers.

  I nodded with pursed lips, thinking about our rescue after being stranded on our roof for several days without food or water in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina just then. Not only were we weak from hunger and thirst, riddled with mosquito bites at the height of the west Nile virus scare, but we still remained sane, grateful to be alive and with each other. We even managed to save several other people. Our family would have tried to save more if we could have, that is until my parents decided to swim for help and leave me and my grandmother behind — only to never return.

  Funny though, because help did come in the form of a rescue helicopter just a few hours after they had left, but no one had heard of them and they never came back.

  I had never thought about that until this moment.

  Had that been a miracle?

  Drake was right, and wise though he was so young looking. I guess I needed to be reminded of that. No matter what trials came my way, I had always managed to get over or through it unharmed, ever since I was little.

  “Whatever it is that troubles you, only troubles you when you either ignore or resist it.” He then said.

  I peered at him closer, at his brown tousled hair, his sheen like almost pale skin, and chocolate dark eyes, lashes and brows.

  “I don’t have any control over it.” I said.

  “You will.” He replied with conviction.

  I was sure he was just being kind and positive, and I wished I could agree.

  He struck me as strange but strange in a good way. He was definitely enlightening and his company made me feel a whole lot better than when I first got here. I didn’t feel the tingling in my face anymore. In fact, I didn’t feel any of the soreness in it either as I reached up to touch my lip.

  It felt…smooth again, and then I ran my fingers over the rest of my cheek and chin where the bruises had been. Pressing gently, I realized that the tenderness was gone, and bruise no longer hurt either.

  I wrinkled my brows.

  “Something wrong?” he asked, watching me briefly examine my face.

  “No, it’s nothing. Has anyone ever told you how much you look like Antonio Sabato Jr?” I had to ask.

  He looked confused this time, “Who?” He asked.

  He couldn’t be serious.

  “He’s an actor, and he used to model for Calvin Klein underwear. You really look like him…a lot.” I then said with a smile.

  He smirked then, “An actor huh? Is that a compliment?” He smiled.

  I nodded, “Definitely. You’ve really never heard of him?” I replied.

  “I guess I don’t get out much, and I certainly don’t make a habit of looking at any men modeling in their underwear.” He then said with a wry look and a questioning raise of his eyebrow.

  We both laughed when I considered that, and I felt stupid for even insinuating that he should have known him by those ads.

  “Right, sorry. Well, I can’t say I get out much either myself.” I then commented.

  “Really? You look so young, are you a student?” He then asked.

  “Yeah, Indiana University,” I told him, surprised that he would ask that.

  “You have that look.”

  “That look?” I questioned.

  He smiled, “Yes, youth, intellect and ambition.” He commented.

  I couldn’t help but blush then, and I smiled even bigger.

  “Well, it was really nice to meet you Star, and for what it’s worth, I’m sure that whatever ails you will turn out for the best. Just keep the faith.” He then said.

  “Thank you Drake. It was really nice to meet you too.” I said holding out my hand to shake.

  He took it gently. The mere touch of his hand sent cool, tingling pulses of energy up my arm as he leaned down to kiss the top of my hand.

  I don’t know any other way to explain the sensation of feeling his soft, cool lips on my skin except like one of those menthol patches used for muscle aches or migraines. It was soothing, relieving, and it raced through my very being with a healing effect that blew my mind, instantly taking away all of the strain, pain, fatigue and stress that I had been feeling lately.

  “You take care,” He then said, once I had pulled my hand back.

  I could only stare at him, trying to figure him out.

  “I’ll try.” I said as I turned and took a step in the direction of the front doors.

  I suddenly had an overwhelming need to stay in his company. His calm positivity was addicting and I didn’t want to say good bye just yet. I may not see him again, and I enjoyed talking to him.

  I turned back around to face him, surprised to still see him there.

  With the way he moved from one spot to the other so silently, it was eerie enough, and I expected him to be gone but he wasn’t.

  “Drake, um… I was wondering if — I mean if, there was some way that maybe I could buy you lunch if you’re not in a rush, and then maybe we could talk some more? There’s a café a few blocks from here.” I asked. I felt my stomach tighten, waiting for him to tell me no thank you, or that he was married, or had a girlfriend, or was just too busy right now.

  He seemed to consider something for a moment, like he was thinking and I felt my hopes begin to crumble.

  “I think…that sounds good,” He finally said and smiled.

  I couldn’t help but grin big too.

  XI: Cam’ael:

  Iwasn’t too crazy about the idea of Rahab opening up to humans, and passing his creation off as an actual regular business, simply for the fact that it was too risky in more respects than one right now. But I know it meant a lot to him, so I wasn’t going to say anything unless there was a potential issue looming.

  “You didn’t even eat all of your steak.” Rahab almost whined, and it snapped me out of my thoughts.

  I was perched at the counter on a barstool, and I looked at him as if he’d just appeared out of nowhere suddenly. There were several customers scattered around at different tables and booths, and they included a mixture of people that appeared to be local families, and a few men and women both young and old. I was used to being ogled by both women and men, but it never excited or impressed me. Of course, the hormones and scents being kicked out by the women did tempt and arouse me, but I’ve also learned to control that recently as well — to a point, and depending on what the female looked like to me.

  While I put together temporary living quarters of my own, Rahab had enlisted a few of his friends as his waitresses to help him. Among them were two female demons that we both knew well, because they were both in our legion, and they fit the stereotypical, small town, diner waitress images perfectly. Their uniforms matched the blue and white checkered tablecloths on each table, and their up-do bun hairstyles completed the look.

  “Was it too tough? Salty? Not salty enough?” He asked sincerely.

  I shook my head no, “Of course not, I would have told you so. I’m just not in the mood to eat. There’s too much on my mind right now, especially after our little meeting last night, but let’s not talk about that again right now.” I told him.

  The latest intelligence on this music event that Rahab managed to uncover; was that he had seen both angels and humans with blackened auras around the college district where the concert was going to be held. Those humans were dark divine members, and the angels were apparently doing their own covert operations for a change too. I was
sure Morning Star was aware of this already, so it made me wonder if the show would still go on.

  Rahab nodded, “I should have figured so. When will you see her again, and is she safe?” He then asked, and I knew what he meant. I could ‘see and watch’ her anytime I wanted to, but it wasn’t enough for me anymore — I had to ‘be’ with her.

  “I’m keeping my end of the deal, it would be up to her, and as far as safe; that’s what I’m about to make sure of.” I said as I stood up, and picked up my brown leather jacket.

  “Bring her by again soon if you do see her. I like her and I don’t usually take to future…you know.” He said, seeing a few eyes trained our way.

  “I can’t make promises, but I’ll try. Being with her alone may be an issue with you know who constantly around.” I said.

  “Well, I haven’t seen him around yet, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t here somewhere.” Rahab replied.

  It would crush Rahab if he didn’t get to see her again before she died too, because once she did, she would no longer remember us, and we would both be nothing more than demons to be slain to her.

  “He is. He just got here and he’s already managed a lunch date with her,” I then mentioned as I slipped the jacket on.

  Rahab raised a thick dark brow.

  “Can he do that?” He asked.

  “Apparently so, and I know it was on purpose. Either way, I know where they are now so I’ll catch up with you later.” I told him.

  I headed out of the diner and passing by two young women who were seated at a table near the jukebox. They hadn’t stopped staring and whispering at levels and tones that they thought couldn’t be heard since I’d been here. The things they discussed in regard to me fell along the subject lines of, my being a famous athlete; if I was single, how big my ‘package’ was, and how good of a lover I probably was too. Human women talked like this all the time among their friends and I was the lust demon?

  I was wearing civilian clothes this time, taking the day off — at least that would be what I told Star. I fingered her driver’s license in the front pocket of the jacket, sneakily acquired while she was asleep in the cruiser. I couldn’t help but check on her again before I left, but only after scoping out the girl Logan’s room first.

  My curiosity had gotten the better of me and I cloaked myself, following the Logan girl back to her apartment that first night when I had carried Star to her apartment.

  She lived alone, and struck me as one of the more privileged wealthy types judging by the décor and high end electronics she had in both her living room and bedroom. I watched her video chat with some male, who may or may not have been her boyfriend, on her computer, giving him a live striptease. I stayed long enough to watch and enjoy her masturbate— even if it was for him, though I knew her sudden bout of horniness, was attributed to being around me not long before. I toyed with the idea of fusing a bit of my lust into her, to both partake of, and add to her pleasure, but finally decided against it. I wasn’t sure why though, because I needed some sort of a sexual release. Instead, I opted to simply pinch and graze her erect, pink nipple — forcefully, making her jump and curse out loud, and at the same time, scaring the hell out of her. Her eyes went wild with suspicion, and her mouth fell agape in shock, frantically searching her bedroom for the invisible force that had just molested her. The hormones in her body had responded shamelessly, but mentally, she was definitely frightened.

  “Oh my god, that was so fucking freaky! I swear I felt a hand and fingers touch and squeeze my boob!” She squealed into the camera of her laptop.

  “Oh yeah that was me babe,” The male on the screen mumbled breathlessly with a snicker.

  I would’ve stayed to toy with her even more, until I saw the male on her laptop screen commence to doing the same for her. He was stroking the larger than life image of his erect cock — party over. I left quickly in disgust.

  I found what some mortals did for pleasurable entertainment, amusing at best.

  Kinky, dirty girl, I thought to myself with a grin — just my type.

  I couldn’t stop myself from further investigation. My own curiosity got the better of me, so before I left the apartment building, I decided to ghost into Star’s apartment after all. I mistook her roommate’s room for being hers initially. I eventually found her in her bed, buried beneath a large mound of blankets. She was breathing, and in no sign of duress that I could tell. In fact, she slept so peacefully, it looked as if she were dead, and though I had wanted to stay and keep watch over her the rest of the night, I didn’t want to invade her privacy. I didn’t have to be in the same room with her to watch her.

  However, the reality of why she slept so soundly and deeply caught my eye. When I moved in for a closer look at her dresser, I saw a carelessly tossed book that made me wonder — survivor guilt? I looked over at her sleeping form with consolation and sympathy, upon realizing why she may have been reading it. The light of her television flickered soundlessly, on some kind of infomercial, and I would have turned it off for her, if I hadn’t figured out why she may have had it on in the first place.

  On her bedside table, was a small blue box of medicine, which I assumed were for headaches until I picked it up and read the package. Though I was sure she needed them, seeing as how she appeared literally exhausted, it was obvious that these were not good for her to be taking. They would render her powerless to be aware of what was going on around her, and being able to react quickly. She would be left vulnerable and open.

  Nothing man-made such as those pills could be good for her or anyone for that matter, and I didn’t want her taking them at all.

  I took the pills with me to throw away, and left a token of my signature behind — after sorting out her dresser and room. The mess bothered me, and I couldn’t just leave it, no matter how mysterious she would come to find it when she woke up.

  I removed both the towel and the plastic bag of cold water that she had been using as an icepack, and stealthily began organizing her dresser for her. I then picked up all the stray shoes, clothing, and items from her backpack that had been strewn about the floor, placing them in her laundry hamper and closet. Finally before leaving, I placed one of my plumes on top of her jewelry box, as more of an object of protection. Other dark beings and shadows wouldn’t dare cross into her apartment, or room for that matter seeing it here. It was like a mark, a ward of protection against other demons and dark fallen. With that, as much as I didn’t want to leave …I left her to sleep peacefully.

  Not long ago before I had come to Rahab’s diner, I had to pop back out into the spirit realm in order to spot her exact location via her aura. She hadn’t been at her apartment and no one answered the door when I had stopped by earlier to return the license.

  She was at a church, the ground had been consecrated. I could have entered the building, but my true self would have automatically been revealed, whether I was cloaked or not and she would see me as clear as day without a doubt, which was not permitted even if she could comprehend what she was seeing. Of course, her being with Drakael at the moment wouldn’t have helped things either, being that he’d instantly attempt to banish or admonish me, and wouldn’t hesitate to immediately report back, that I had broken the rules.

  So I waited nearby, and when I saw her with Drakael, it burned me with jealousy —even more so because he knew that I had been in the vicinity, and he purposefully took her up on her offer to have lunch. I didn’t know what he was trying to do or prove, but I wasn’t going to allow him to do it.

  I sat in the black, two-seater, sporty luxury car that I had acquired from a local dealership, changing the plates and a few cosmetic details, and leaving them to wonder where their floor model had gone overnight without a break in.

  I parked alongside the curb across the street to watch and wait, seeing Drakael and Star sitting in a booth in front of the café front window. The restaurant was called, ‘The Purple Tomato’, it was painted in script across the window, with a magenta colo
red, cartoonishly drawn purple tomato in front of slatted blinds, that were raised half-way up.

  She was laughing, nodding and talking with such enthusiasm, that I instantly felt jealousy rising in me again, and I attuned my hearing to pick up their conversation before I headed inside.

  There were many voices and conversations going on, so I had to sift and block out all the unfamiliar and annoying chatter to zone in on her voice and his. She was talking about…shadows. The shadows that she had seen and all the stuff that she wasn’t sure she could mention to me, though I knew it wasn’t her own personal choice. Drakael was pulling that trust from her, and providing the comfort she needed naturally, being what he was, but that was the last straw for me on his part.

  I got out, crossed the street and headed inside.

  The entire restaurant and hostess took notice and stared me up and down, as if I had been a celebrity, as soon as I stepped inside and glanced around. I spotted them immediately in the booth towards the corner by the front window.

  Drakael stiffened right away, already sensing my presence and he turned around. She followed his gaze, surprised and perplexed to see me, but soon began to smile as I made my way over to their booth.

  Her beautiful face and skin glowed, unblemished, as if it had never been injured in the first place.

  “Hey, what are you doing here?” She asked first.

  He had healed her face essentially — completely. The bruising was barely visible if at all, and though I was grateful he had done it, it still angered me that he had been able to use his powers of healing. If that alone didn’t make her suspicious of what he was, then I don’t know what else would.

  “I was in the neighborhood, and it was a good thing, I was about to head out to see you because you left something in my cruiser,” I told her, ignoring Drakael.

  She was instantly curious, “I did? What was it?” She then asked.

  I produced and handed her license to her, and she reached up to take it.


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