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Divinity: The Gathering: Book One

Page 26

by Susan Reid

  He shook his head with an eye roll. I smiled.

  “Don’t hate me more than you already do when this turns on you, as it will.” He then said.

  “Believe me; nothing could make me despise you any more than I do now, Drake.” I then said venomously pronouncing his ‘new’ name.

  He pursed his lips and sighed disparagingly, “Drive. So much for keeping an inconspicuous profile, but it doesn’t surprise me that you chose this one,” Drakael then said as he turned to glance out of the window, and then examined the interior of the sports car.

  “If anyone drew attention it was you materializing out of nowhere.” I shot back.

  With that I revved the engine anyway and punched it without warning, purposefully screeching into traffic, and merging with the flow of traffic — heading towards Rahab’s diner.

  “What was the purpose in you having lunch with her? You could have healed her easily without even being seen if you were given permission.” I then asked him.

  He paused for a moment.

  “I have more liberties than you do given the circumstances. She needed a shoulder so to speak, and it was my duty to comfort her.” He then said.

  I was annoyed by that fact though I know what he meant.

  “You don’t think that miraculous act was a dead giveaway? And you’re worried about me?” I pointed out.

  “Restoration of faith is a common practice in case you have forgotten.” Drakael defended.

  I shook my head, “That didn’t mean you had to actually go out with her afterwards and I don’t need you spying on and harassing me.” I then stated, my jaw working when I glimpsed him in the rearview mirror.

  “I’m not spying on you. For one who knows there is no purpose of future in something, you seem awfully protective and jealous Cam`ael.” Drakael replied.

  “It isn’t jealousy. I’m sorry I must have missed when you told me why you’re bothering me now.” I then said eyeing him in the rearview mirror.

  “You know of this musical concert tomorrow and who’s essentially put it together?” Drakael then asked.

  “I have more of an idea now than I did when we last spoke, why?” I replied.

  “We need you there.” He stated.

  “Why? Isn’t that why you guys will be there? Infiltration of something Morning Star is planning, something that has to do with a secret dark divine army perhaps?” I replied.

  Drakael was studying me in the rearview mirror, not saying anything about my assumption, which told me I was right.

  “Yeah, I figured it out on my own though I’m not sure why that was such a big secret.” I said.

  “Will you be there or not?” Drakael continued ignoring my statement and refusing to confirm what I said.

  “Nope. I have other plans,” I stated, thinking of my date with Star.

  Drakael paused for another moment.

  “You know that being with her will only make them more aggressive towards her and those in her close circle of acquaintances, right Cam`ael?”

  “And I’ll deal swiftly with those then. My only concern is her, and I’m making sure she won’t be there for starters. Even if I have to remain cloaked, I’m not leaving her out of my sight.” I simply said.

  “Cloaked? As if that made a difference before in her being able to see and sense your presence. That does count as interference by the way.” Drakael chuckled this time.

  “No it doesn’t. You said that control over those of my kind were my call, and that is exactly what I intend to do.” I stated.

  “The results of your actions may end up causing more devastation than would have been.” He said.

  I laughed at that one, “Then I suggest your side actually steps in for a change beforehand and do some preventative measures before it does. I’m gonna handle this the way I want to. You worry about taking out those dark divine ones like you and the rest of your kin are here to do. I just hope you’re not outnumbered. Don’t look to me to step in and police anyone, weren’t you the one who said I was no longer Chief Angel of all Powers?” I reminded him with sarcasm.

  “I don’t expect you to go out of your way to do anything that wasn’t asked of you. Any of our plans are of no business or concern of yours.” He then said turning to look out of the window at the traffic that passed us on the freeway.

  “Funny how there is never a hesitation in requesting my help or needing me to do something considered reprehensible to aid your side — even killing, but I am not allowed to know anything else? You trust me enough to ask favors and spy for you, even rescuing these chosen and bringing them to you safely, but not enough to fill me in on plans that involve thwarting Morning Star’s actions; when it’s obvious that despite being fallen, we are on the same side here?” I then said with an agitated raised brow.

  Drakael looked at me pointedly and said nothing in response to my statement, probably because he knew damn well that I was right.

  “We will never be on the same side.” He replied flatly.

  “Then why does your side keep summoning and following me around?” I spat back.

  “Because among your brethren, you are a very dangerous, rare, and highly feared yet venerated demon; being that you can hold both light and dark, and have kept them balanced within you for all this time without abusing it.” Drakael then said.

  I eyed him in the rearview mirror and a smile played across my mouth at his words, “Translation, you need me more than I need you. So maybe it’s you who should be showing me a little more respect then. After all of this, find yourself a new informant among the fallen and good luck with that.” I stated and I meant it.

  “Considering what you desire, the need goes both ways Cam`ael. Are you telling me or Elohim that?” He raised a brow.

  “I don’t owe you a damn thing Drakael so who the hell do you think I’m talking to?” I said with semi-clenched teeth and biting back what I really wanted to say to him personally.

  His mouth tightened and he said nothing.

  I didn’t think he would, but it made me wonder if he were being scolded, given the expression of subtle surprise and then humility that flickered across his pale face.

  After all this time, I was beginning to think that maybe the light remaining within me was more of a burden of obligation, and that I was a tool, rather than it being a gift that left me some favor. Though I was grateful, I often wondered about it, but I would never ask, even if I could still communicate with Elohim directly.

  I drove slowly on purpose, taking the longest route in knowing better than to show up at Rahab’s diner with Drakael in tow. That wouldn’t go over well.

  “There is something I do want to know that’s had my curiosity,” I began, glancing at his face in the rearview mirror.

  His expression changed to inquisitiveness, waiting to know what it was.

  “Other than the obvious to us all in regard to her aura, what else is so special about her? Why does Morning Star want her in particular, and alive so badly as opposed to the other chosen? There is something so don’t say there isn’t.” I then went on to say.

  Drakael inhaled a slow breath and let it out just as slowly,

  “The very reason you yourself are so drawn to her. You’ll know eventually if you don’t already.” Drakael then said coolly.

  I narrowed my eyes at him in the rearview mirror,

  “Really? Well, I’m not in the mood to decipher any riddles or sacrosanct codes so just tell me now,” I stated harshly.

  Drakael just smiled.

  I thought for a moment, shaking off the agitation. I didn’t feel like digging deep into some philosophical level of thought as to why or what.

  “And you wonder why you irk me.” I growled through clenched teeth as I sighed sharply.

  “The truth is, I don’t have the answer to that.” He finally said.

  I eyed him. I knew he was telling me the truth.

  “But there is something…isn’t there?” I pushed.

  He took a long moment fo
r pause.

  “Yes.” he said.

  I paused this time as my mind worked to gloss over all of the things I’d ever learned, observed or listened to during the times that I did watch her, but I couldn’t think of anything in particular at the moment.

  “I would think you guys would be a bit more proactive in watching over her then.” I then commented.

  “We are doing what we were instructed to do. Everything is being watched Cam`ael…everything.”

  I scoffed at that with a snort of incredulity.

  “Is that why you were having lunch with her?” I asked him then.

  “My having lunch with her was a kind gesture. Don’t perceive your intentions as my own. And for your information, the convergence of your brethren at this event is going to have a devastating effect so we need to level and preserve the fallout.” He then said.

  “Then do it, you don’t need me there to handle any of that.” I replied.

  “No, we don’t. You have another purpose for which, I don’t know since it is not my request.” Drakael then said.

  Another request?

  I was beginning to feel like a chess piece in a never-ending game.

  “When was this request made?” I glared at him in the rearview mirror.

  “Not long ago.”

  I paused to think of why Elohim was doing this to me all of a sudden. He wouldn’t even speak to me directly anymore and hasn’t ever since I fell. Typically, it was a request or two here and there and I happily obliged if it had anything to do with countering Morning Star but now, it was becoming tedious because despite it all and following through obediently; I still remained shunned.

  Thinking of things logically, I knew it was only because the angels didn’t have as much rule or control of the mortal world as Morning Star and his minions do…for now. It was one of the major laws and agreements of interference. Elohim’s reason for that was to allow all beings to exercise the gift of free will that they were given—freely without influence; which also meant having to deal with the consequences of or reap the rewards of those choices as well.

  In the spirit realm though, it was the complete opposite.

  However, by virtue of claiming chosen and turning them against the side of light…Morning Star had broken many rules, and would pay the price dearly soon. The law of interference became null and void in that regard, which was why an army of angels were coming soon.

  “This is a mission to destroy divine dark ones isn’t it? Because if he’s got them, I guarantee there will be some, but not the majority of them at this concert.” I then said to see if he would admit to anything or give more information.

  He didn’t address that comment either.

  “You don’t need me there.” I said again.

  He looked at me with a hint of surprise at first, “Your presence alone makes many of your kin nervous if not fearful.” Drakael explained.

  I wasn’t flattered.

  “And it could provoke even more violence on the flip side. You know what the point of bringing so many together in one place means.” I countered.

  “Yes and we will be there to gather. There will also be divine warriors in the mix as well.” He then said.

  This time my eyes widened, and I eyed him in the rearview mirror, nearly slamming on the brakes as I quickly made a sharp right and pulled off the road, stopping curbside in the parking lot of a service station.

  “Are you guys insane? Don’t you get how badly this will escalate and turn out for mortals, not to mention the slaying of those in my legion as a possibility?” I exclaimed.

  “You are the only one who can control the power of the dark ones Cam`ael, we’ll handle the rest.” Drakael said calmly.

  “I’m only one! I can’t do all of that, and even if I could I’ll be putting myself as well as those in my legion at risk of being found out if not destroyed. It would ruin everything we’ve been trying to accomplish before the end! I don’t want to have to kill off any divine warriors to protect them, but I will if I have to!” I was angry now.

  “You won’t have to. They are aware of their mission, and have been bound to adhere to the specific orders and laws.” Drakael noted.

  “They’re not going to stop to analyze the differences between myself and those in my legion from Morning Star’s Drakael! You and I both know this!” I slammed a palm against the steering wheel causing the entire car to rock, I was furious now.

  The energy and heat in the car was becoming evident and Drakael shifted in his seat to prepare for anything I might do.

  “We’ll have your back.” Drakael assured.

  I sighed in frustration and ran my fingers through my hair, shaking my head in disbelief.

  There was a moment of silence.

  “I have a date with her and I’m going to finish it. If your side is confident in knowing what they are doing then promise me you will have someone protect her while I’m there.” I said.

  “She will be with you.” Drakael then said.

  I snapped. I was practically in the backseat now…facing him and duly pissed off by his calm, smug demeanor and hating the anger and frustration that he was igniting in me.

  “You have got to be bullshitting me!” I flatly said through hard, clenched teeth.

  Drakael inhaled and sighed at my vulgarity. I only said it to tick him off if that were possible. I knew everything he told me was the truth in what was to be.

  “Not only will she be in danger and a distraction for me in making sure that she remains safe, but she will see all of those divine warriors and the dark divine as well! Is this a joke?” I spat out.

  And then it hit me and I instantly felt a pang of pain in my chest like death’s vice grip itself.

  This event…would be where she would die.

  Drakael’s side meant to keep me busy and distracted so I couldn’t interfere and do anything to stop it or try to save her.

  “No. No, this isn’t fair! You want me to bring her to her death and watch her die at the hands of one of Morning Star’s minions? Not gonna happen.” I told him firmly and I meant it.

  I couldn’t only be with her for one night, and then forever be erased from her memory only to become an enemy. This wasn’t what I wanted or expected!

  “Cam`ael, do not go against what is to be. You’ve already known this was coming, you asked to meet her and you have.” Drakael said in a soothing tone.

  I wasn’t hearing him.

  The anger, hate and defiance building within me was taking over and I was doing everything I could to keep myself from unleashing darkness, and killing Drakael even if it would provoke Elohim’s anger and revenge. I remained quiet for a while, though the dark energy could tangibly be felt in the car, and I know that along with my silence was making Drakael nervous.

  Demons couldn’t cry however sorrow was another thing, and it was something I’d known far too long and all too well. I was tired of the feeling. She wouldn’t know me anymore, but I would always know and remember her, and that is what would hurt the most, aside from knowing that she would hate me.

  What if I just simply killed her myself? Spilled her blood? Then Elohim would kill me instantly, and that would be the biggest favor he could bestow on me, ending my existence forever. At least then, I wouldn’t have to continue existing with a never-ending punishment, and with this longing and ache.

  If killing her... violently in order to shed her blood was what I had to do to end myself and ultimately save her, then I would it, as torturous as that would be for me to do.

  “Fine, consider it done. Now get the hell out of this car and if Rahab happens to see you again in this realm and the other, I will not stop him from tearing you apart as I’ve done for so long anymore.” Was all I said flatly without even looking back at his face.

  “Don’t hate the messenger Cam`ael. There is no need for anger. For once, think logically before speaking in rage. If Morning Star wants her alive, do you really think he will cause the death of so many when she
will be among them?” Drakael said and in the next instance he was gone.

  Yes! He’d find a way to secure her away before unleashing some kind of disaster, whether it be in the form of a malfunction, or something else freakishly creative. I didn’t believe Drakael, even if he had a point. I was tired of this, and I didn’t want to risk her no matter what or who told me it had to be.

  Unless he was saying that it was going to happen, and by her simply being there, she’d save many people from being killed and taken tomorrow night. I don’t know if that even mattered for me. There were going to be far too many dark ones, as well as his new dark divine army members there all attempting to either hurt, take or even kill her if she resisted or fought back...and she would, I knew she would.

  I could accept her death if need be, but I’d be damned if it was at the hands of one of Morning Star’s servants. On the up side, Morning Star would not be able to have her either, allowing her safety in becoming a full-fledged divine warrior. Two birds with one stone…a stone of my own sacrifice. I knew what I had to do. Call my intentions suicide, it was pretty damned close, and I only hoped that my friends and all those in my legion; Rahab and Edanai, would understand and continue on the fight against Morning Star.

  XII: Starling:

  Iwas beginning to feel more empowered and better about everything since meeting and being with both Drake and Cam. Cam — God, I could not stop thinking about him. He was beautiful, though I liked being with, and talking to Drake too, who was also just as gorgeous, and not just because he resembled Antonio Sabato Jr., it was because he made me feel good mentally and spiritually. On the other hand, with Cam…I felt sensuality, caution and so freaking horny. All throughout our conversation, there were currents and surges of heat and energy in the form of something dark, mischievous, and naughty that tweaked every erogenous zone on my body. I tried my best to ignore it all, but it had been tough. I felt it last night, and in the cruiser, but it was twice as strong today. I would say it was strange, but…well I supposed it was a natural reaction to being around a guy who looked like him.


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