Divinity: The Gathering: Book One

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Divinity: The Gathering: Book One Page 32

by Susan Reid

  The one thing that I did realize last night was that maybe Drake was right, that there were guardian angels around us all the time, but then again Ms. Hawthorne had told me that I also had a dark one following me too and maybe that was why China felt and smelled weird to me for a moment thereafter. The shadow that had taken over China and the demon that had been that cop all — left their negative energies behind. That demon cop had the same type of tattoos as Cam on the same part of his hands, and that alone struck me as vividly, uncanny more than any other part of last night did, as a detail that I would never forget.

  I gasped and sat up with a sudden realization, that to anyone else would have seemed out of this world and crazy but to me…it had to be the only explanation. The feather in my room — was it an Angel feather? A symbol for me to let me know my guardian angel was out there and looking out for me? But Angels were spirits not physical and real to the touch like the feather was…were they? Well, I supposed they could manifest into flesh just like Demons could…I knew that was true firsthand.

  Oh my God — I had an actual Angel feather in my possession!

  I wanted to hold it between my fingers once again, and I flung the covers off of me, nearly staggering and falling down, gasping at the throbbing pain of the hangover headache that seized me, nearly bringing me to my knees. I cradled my head and paused, leaning against my dresser for support; feeling the bile and Sake, along with undigested sushi begin to snake its way up my esophagus with a burning vengeance.

  I hiccupped; cupped a hand over my mouth and raced to the door, yanking it open and making a dash for the bathroom where I nearly collided with China who squealed as she jumped out of my way.

  The bathroom was humid and foggy, she had just finished her shower apparently, but I didn’t care about or notice anything else; barely making it on time to lift the toilet lid and spew chunks of last night’s happy hour tray in gags and bursts of involuntary stomach spasms that kept pumping the disgusting looking stuff out of me. The more I puked though, the better I began to feel.

  “Oh eww… here, you’re gonna get it in your hair,” China said as she quickly but reluctantly knelt down beside me and held my hair away from my face.

  “I got mine over with this morning already.” She then quipped.

  I finally stopped, feeling as if my entire stomach had turned inside out but with much relief as I spit out the rest and reached to flush.

  “Better?” China asked.

  I heard her running the sink faucet. So far, she sounded like and behaved like China again.

  I nodded weakly as I closed the lid and sat back against the side of the tub with my eyes closed.

  China handed me the cool washcloth and then leaned back against the opposite wall with her arms folded across her middle. Her hair was still damp and she was in her robe. I wiped my mouth and held the washcloth over my head and then the back of my neck.

  “I don’t know much of what happened last night but looks like we both made it home alive,” She began, “I Guess we couldn’t hang, and I don’t know what the hell I did or how I got this bump on my head and you obviously didn’t even bother to change or shower either I see. Damn, we must have fallen and rolled around on someone’s lawn or outside here at the apartment.” China joked rubbing the lump on her forehead tenderly.

  My eyes widened when I looked at her and I caught sight of the small reddish cut on the skin beneath her hairline that had already begun to heal over but leaving a small, rounded, lightly bruised lump. It was a reminder that last night did happen as I fingered the fourteen carat gold ring that held mine, my mother and my father’s birthstones around my fourth finger.

  My grandmother had gotten it for me on my birthday a year before she passed away. I guiltily glimpsed down at it for a second seeing a small spot of dark brown dried blood that had been China’s crusted on one of the stones. I cringed inside, making a mental note to let it soak in my jewelry cleaner jar.

  I looked down at myself. China was right, I hadn’t made an attempt to get out of my filthy clothes and I felt disgusting all over.

  “Does it hurt?” I asked her.

  “Nah, not really, but I hope the swelling goes down before tonight though. I guess a little ice may do the trick. I don’t remember busting my ass but thank God it’s my only injury. Wanna get some coffee and a big fat greasy burger downtown?” She suggested.

  I moaned despicably at the sound of food, though I smirked when I looked up at her and admired the pretty familiar face that I’d known for the last two years, with the glimmer of light in her vibrant green eyes. Though I hadn’t planned on telling her any of what really happened last night, I realized I didn’t have to. She didn’t remember anything, but I guess that wasn’t her fault, of course she didn’t remember anything much like Professor Phillips hadn’t.

  China didn’t bust her ass, I had punched her in the forehead. I stopped myself from reliving the events of last night in my own head when I felt my pulse quickening again and goose bumps rose on my arms from the mere thought. Last night had given me the most sickening feeling I had ever had since the episode in Professor Phillips office and even Hurricane Katrina.

  By the grace of God she was China again and she was okay for now, I was grateful for that much.

  “I can’t, gotta get to the Y.” I then told her.

  “In your condition? Uh, I think you should call in sick.” China then said.

  I shook my head no.

  “You are a trooper Star. Well, shower is all yours then. I guess I’ll just make us some coffee with some greasy BLT’s here and take in some study time. How long are you gonna be at the Y?” She then asked.

  I grunted as I braced myself against the side of the tub and reached over to turn on the hot water on and run the shower.

  “Same time as always why?” I asked.

  “Well, I want you to come with me. CYU is one of the radio stations that are hosting a live pre show event down in college town, and they’re giving away free prizes, tickets and backstage passes for the concert tonight. I’m trying to score an interview with one of the bands, because I’ve got to cover it for an assignment anyway, so I’ll be recording and making notes too.” She grinned excitedly. I really had no interest in going myself, but if China wanted me there, I’d go for her.

  I frowned, “What time is it now?” I then asked.

  China stepped out to peer at the clock in the living area for a moment and then turned back to face me.

  “Eight ten.” She said.

  Good, I still had some time. I didn’t have to be at the YMCA until nine anyway, and it wasn’t far.

  “I can meet you there I guess, but I won’t be out until three.” I told her.

  Her shoulders sagged, “Three? Well, it’s going on up until five, because they’re gonna be there for the concert, so I guess that’ll work, but text me when you get there so you can meet me wherever I happen to be. What time is your date?” She then asked.

  It took me a moment to even comprehend what she asked when she said date, and I couldn’t believe that I almost forgot, even though he had crossed my mind this morning. I’d have guilt stamped all over my face when I was with him tonight, and that made me feel nervous.

  I guess I could always cancel the date.

  No, I wanted to be with him, especially after last night.

  “Oh…yeah I think he’s picking me up at seven, so I need to be back here by five so I can get ready.” I told her.

  “Cool! Well I can’t wait to meet him now —I mean I’m sure I won’t miss him if he’s as tall, dark and gorgeous as you said he is. I still can’t believe you’re gonna be dating a cop. Are you bringing him to the concert?” She said excitedly with a wide grin and then asked.

  I wondered how of all things that happened last night, she could only remember that.

  “No, he’s not into rock music.” I then said.

  “Oh, well that sucks we could have all made a double date night of it.” China pouted.

>   “Maybe another night,” I told her as I moved to the sink to rinse out my mouth and brush my teeth.

  “What the...wait, be still.” China then said as she moved towards me and examined my back.

  “What?” I asked, craning my neck around to try and see what she was looking at.

  “I thought that was mud and dirt at first. Is that dried blood? Are you bleeding?” China then said in a more panicked tone, as she began to lift my soiled shirt up.

  I flinched and winced out loud, feeling my shirt come away from my skin like sticky tape.

  “Oh my God!” She gasped with a hand over her mouth, and a look of shock on her face.

  “What?” I exclaimed, starting to panic now myself as I lifted my shirt higher and turned my back to face the mirror.

  I paled.

  There were three parallel, long, vicious, reddish brown welts slashed across my back with several smaller, three fingered scratches randomly marking my skin, in between those lines. Though it wasn’t profusely bleeding now, it had been bleeding, and the lines of dark crimson had already dried and stuck to my shirt.

  “Wh…what is that? What happened?” She then asked as tears began to form in her eyes.

  “I don’t know. I guess I fell or something too,” I whispered as my heart thundered in my chest, knowing exactly what it really was. That was why my back was sore this morning, and felt as if it had been on fire last night, not to mention that I got sick to my stomach when it happened too. All of those shadows had been trying to grab at me.

  “Fell on what? A barbed wire fence? Damn, what the hell did we get into last night?” She said breathlessly with worry etched on her face.

  “Obviously up to no good,” I laughed and tried to make light of the moment.

  “It looks bad. Does it hurt or burn?” She asked gently touching the area around it and accidently grazing an open scratch. I gasped and jerked away.

  China immediately went for the peroxide and bandages under the sink

  “Let me shower first.” I told her.

  “Are you sure? It’ll sting, it may even be infected.” She then said with a serious face, as she continued to examine the marks.

  “I’m a big girl.” I smirked, quickly sliding my shirt back down.

  “You should go see the nurse anyway for a tetanus shot, just to be on the safe side.” China then urged.

  “I will when I get a chance,” I waved off.

  She sighed at my nonchalant attitude towards her advice, “Okay, well I’m gonna treat them when you get out, I’ll get started on the BLT’s.” She said. Her brows still furrowed, in trying to figure out the source of my wounds.

  I closed the door once China retreated to the kitchen, and when I heard the comforting sounds of her rumbling around the cabinets for a frying pan, I felt relief. After all that’s happened so far and now this new mark of another assault, I was becoming more disenchanted and afraid.

  These demons weren’t playing that was for sure. The marks they were leaving on me were real, and the level of assaults was escalating. As real as this was to me, I was sure that to other people —I was simply insane and probably intentionally hurting myself. I wasn’t sure what to think anymore. Was I crazy? Had I done something so heinous in my life that these demons were trying to drag me to hell with them? I didn’t know if there was any use or point of fighting back anymore. I bit my lip and to my own surprise…I began to cry.

  I didn’t like crying. I’m not the weepy type, so it wasn’t like me to cry so easily like this, but it came on all of a sudden, as if the dam had burst and I could no longer contain it. I had been crying a lot lately, and I haven’t really since…my grandmother died.

  Have I really not cried in three years? Over anything?

  No, I hadn’t.

  I thought of the feather again, my guardian angel feather.

  I need to make sure I had it with me at all times. Maybe it would help me. I drew in a deep breath to suck up my tears with a new determination.

  I shucked my dirty clothes and stepped into the steaming water, not making a sound as the spray beat against the scratches, sending shockwaves of stinging pain across my entire back and shoulders. I said a silent prayer, not to help me but to help me understand what I’m up against, and what I needed to do now in order to keep my friends from harm and being possessed again, if I was even capable.

  Cleaned, renewed and refreshed, though still in stunned silent shock, I let China treat my wounds while I downed the BLT and coffee she had made. The burn didn’t seem so bad after my shower and I managed to ignore the nagging, cold sting against my skin with each touch of the cotton ball.

  I had my journal out and had already commenced to make my bucket list, starting with number one. I wanted to lose my virginity of course, but I didn’t want to just give it away regardless of the circumstances. I thought of Joel then.

  That might put our friendship on a different level if not messing it up entirely and I didn’t want to do that, but he was the only one that I cared about in that sense.

  Next, I put road trip across all fifty states, staying one night in the capital city of each of those states. Third, I wanted to head back to Jamaica and look up any relatives that my parents and I may have lost contact with on my mother and grandmother’s side, to let them know I was ok and I was the only one left for now if they even cared, but I knew many of them only spoke French and Spanish anyway so communication may be an issue, even if I ever did manage to find and see them. Anyway, then I’d go down to the unemployment line and just hand out money to each and every person standing in line to find work, for just one day.

  I had to put down both para-sailing and line-zipping…I’d always wanted to do those things.

  “This is crazy Star. God, I hope this won’t leave scars because you have like totally flawless skin. I’m not gonna bandage them yet, they need to breath. Go to the nurse and get a tetanus shot though, seriously,” She urged as she capped the bottle of peroxide.

  I appreciated her compliment and was beyond relieved when she had finally finished, as I pulled down the loose t-shirt that I would be wearing today over the leotard instead of just the leotard with shorts, like I usually did.

  “I’ll be fine. I’ve had stranger boo-boos.” I joked, but that was actually true.

  She sighed, “Still, they could get infected and we have no idea how or what scratched you.” She fussed.

  I sighed with a shiver.

  “What’s that?” She then asked with a nod towards my journal after reading number one.

  “I’m just writing a bucket list.” I told her.

  She quirked a brow and laughed a bit, “A bucket list? I second number one there…that’s like three years overdue for you, but ah —where did this whole idea come about anyway?” She then asked with a quick glimpse over my shoulder and then moved to the sink to wash her hands.

  “Everyone should have one since we’re not all promised tomorrow. I don’t know what happens after death but I don’t wanna have any regrets.” I told her.

  She nodded, “Sure I guess so but…” She chewed her lip as she studied me for a moment, while steadily drying her hands with a paper towel.

  “What?” I asked.

  She paused, and her expression went from confusion to sadness, as if she were trying to figure out what she wanted to say.

  “You know how…you know how you always see things like shadows and stuff like that?” She then asked, looking at me with a serious inquisitiveness.

  I stiffened and my heart began to pound.

  I could only nod, wondering if China had indeed either seen something too, or remembered something from last night after all.

  “Have you ever seen an angel?” She then asked me.

  I had to admit, she was creeping me out for some reason, but not in a bad way. I swallowed, waiting for her to go on and wondering where she was going with this, not because we hadn’t had this conversation before though.

  I shrugged a shoulder and
shook my head as I looked down at my shoes for a moment, “No, not that I know of anyway. Why?” I then asked her softly.

  She licked her lips and looked as if she were trying to search for the words, “How do you know you haven’t?” She then asked me as she folded her arms across her middle, almost protectively.

  I didn’t know what to say or how to answer that.

  “I guess I don’t really know.” Was all I could come up with for an answer.

  She inhaled as if she was thinking for a moment, and it had me concerned. She seemed strange to me all of a sudden and though I had an idea of why, I still couldn’t help but wonder where this was really coming from. I looked at her suspiciously, which was becoming automatic for me now regarding everyone, in my paranoid state.

  “Did you know that sometimes —when I look at you, it’s like you’re glowing? It’s like you have this super bright halo of light around you. I don’t know if you ever noticed it. It’s in some of the pictures I have of you and the ones on my cell phone too,” She then began.

  She had my attention now, and I wasn’t sure why suddenly every muscle in my body seemed to grow chill and tense, hearing this from my best friend.

  She had never mentioned any of that before, hell I hadn’t really noticed or paid much attention myself either and...what was she doing going through all the pictures she had of me or us all of a sudden anyway?

  Maybe being possessed and being delivered from it had given her some sort of second sight, I wondered. Had she seen an angel? If so, I was jealous.

  “Where is this coming from?” I then asked nonchalantly.

  She slowly shook her head.

  “I don’t know. It’s weird. I feel like it was a dream, but I have this burnt image of you in my mind being on fire — but it’s not like regular fire, it’s super bright and there were shadow things surrounding you, trying to touch or grab you, but they couldn’t because each time they did the fire would burn them and they’d curse and scream in frustration.” She tried to explain.


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