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Divinity: The Gathering: Book One

Page 35

by Susan Reid

  “He waits for you…you both have much in common!” He growled in a whisper.

  He didn’t deny the name. So, whoever their leader was…that shadow in Star’s friend had told me the truth.

  I was suddenly robbed of the complete satisfaction of destroying this demon when a white spear of divine light shot through him like a lance, almost blinding me as I leapt and turned away at that precise moment.

  In the next split second, he cursed in both rage and pain, as he instantly disintegrated into oily black ash and a tendrils of wispy vapor before winking out of existence altogether. He was one of many without a doubt, who had been a part of this rogue legion, and who were trying to kidnap Star too.

  It made me wonder now, truly how many there were and how well of trained fighters they, because they certainly had no magic, at least this one hadn’t. I don’t think Morning Star would appreciate them vying for his prize either. I should just step back and let the two destroy each other. Well, actually this Toraen wouldn’t stand a chance against Morning Star, which made me wonder just how arrogantly bold he thought he was, and if Morning Star even knew this. What did he mean by; we both had much in common? Both being fallen perhaps and wanting the same mortal chosen? Or maybe, another fallen like me who also still retained some light within?

  I scowled and sighed. I wished I could’ve interrogated him more, and I would have if it hadn’t been for unsolicited intervention. I should have known, when I saw his smug face ghost into my view, whom the divine light belonged to. I wondered where Star was now, and what he had done to ensure her safety if at all at the same time.

  Drakael appeared both calm yet suspicious when he looked over the wound in my wing and then he smirked, “Looks like I made it just in time.” He commented.

  I glared at him with clenched teeth, “I didn’t need your help. Where is Star?” I asked.

  He shook his head at my insistence.

  “Your injury tells a different tale. Following or should I say stalking her again? You’re like a love sick puppy.” He simpered.

  “Likewise apparently, and I wasn’t following her I was following them! Did you know they were here? The ones from the other rogue legion?” I asked him.

  “As a matter of fact, I did. Why do you think I’m even here to begin with? Your little battle here almost became visible to the mortal plane you know,” Drakael answered.

  “There are rogue dark fallen everywhere in this realm right now, as well as dark divine armies all rallying for her, the same goals, and breaking rules in the process, which means this concert may turn into a bloodbath for both humans and us; and all you’re worried about is any confrontation or fight being visible to the mortal plane? This little fight was nothing compared to what’s about to happen, so forgive me Drakael but — fuck you!” I fumed with a glare at him, and then turned my attention to my injured wing.

  Drakael’s face remained neutral at my words, almost speechless, but I knew that wasn’t the case with him.

  “Focus on your kin. The divine warriors are here to protect both humans and the chosen here. We will handle the dark divine army. You are needlessly on the verge of putting yourself in the position to be eliminated either by your own kin, or by Elohim himself.” Drakael warned.

  “I don’t care what you think and who else is here to do what; I’m not going to stop protecting her.” I corrected with a glare at him.

  He shook his head and gave me a wry look.

  “Protecting her from what? Her fate and her destiny? How oxymoronic is that?” He replied.

  “You think it’s going to be that easy to retrieve or release her once Morning Star has her? Once he has her, she’s gone — doomed, and even I won’t be able to help her then! He really wants her and he wants her alive!” I was essentially shouting now in my rage.

  “Elohim will take care of that when necessary.” Drakael assured.

  I shook my head in frustration, “And if she chooses dark?” I challenged him.

  “That will be her free will to do. She must be given the opportunity to decide if that’s the case, and you know that. Funny, your attraction to her doesn’t include faith in her. If she does choose darkness, you should be pleased.” Drakael commented.

  I smirked, “If anything at least you will be out of the equation then as much as that would disappoint you. You want oxymoron? How about giving her false hope in a pointless story, when her fate is already sealed no matter what she decides to do or not do at this point? If she’s free to choose, why are you trying to influence her decisions?” I retorted.

  Drakael narrowed his eyes at me, and I could swear that I saw his jaw working. Funny, angels don’t act or react on or out of emotions. Though we were and represented love and patience, we were neutral beings when it came to emotions, because we were forbidden to show favoritism over one human being as opposed to another.

  That has always been the fastest and most sure fire way to end up falling, and becoming branded as a demon once that clear line had been crossed. And from the looks of it lately…and now —Drakael was on the verge of jumping that line with both feet.

  “Unlike you I only act and move when I am given permission or where I see fit. My story wasn’t a means of influence, it was a means of hope, and I wasn’t saving you by the way.” He then said as he looked over my bleeding plumes. I couldn’t pull in or retract them in this condition until they healed, so for now we both remained cloaked and invisible to normal humans. If Star had been nearby she would have been able to see both of our signatures though, and Drakael knew that, which was why he placed her back in her car for when she awoke.

  “Hope my ass. I don’t remember thanking or asking you to. Is she’s still safe?” I shot back.

  “She’s shielded.” Drakael stated flatly.

  Okay…she was safe.

  Being shielded was only done in extreme measures, and it stopped time, literally. Only Angels had the power to manipulate and invoke it. At the same time, the mortal and all other living beings within the vicinity fell into a state of unawareness or unconsciousness, with no memory of passing time let alone anything they may have seen or heard and weren’t supposed to. The individual was then temporarily cocooned in a divine aura of protection from whatever threat or entity remained, until it was eliminated.

  However, in my opinion, that act toed the fine line of interference; in that it was only used to prevent mortals from seeing anything not of this plane accidentally.

  “What difference does her seeing us make at this point? I don’t know if you’re even aware but her blood has already been spilt…twice! As far as I’m concerned there are no more rules! Morning Star isn’t playing by them anyway, but he’s not going to get his own hands dirty either. She sees us already and she knows we’re real, so if you think she doesn’t suspect you of something out of the ordinary while you continue to heal her…you’re more of an arrogant ass than I thought!” I furiously stated in frustration as I as glared at him, and shook my head in exasperation.

  Drakael seemed to ponder what I said for a moment.

  “What she thinks she sees or knows is not my responsibility or concern as long as the rules are followed. I’m sure she suspects something. All divine have the sight ability, which makes them different in the first place, and there is nothing we can do about that. But do you really want her to see you with your wings splayed fully out, is that it? For her to see your marks and know that you are a fallen?” Drakael replied frankly.

  “Isn’t that what you want for her to see and know? I heard every word of your blatantly overdone speech about her being vigilant, which was shy of naming me outright, so don’t lecture me about what is forbidden! I’m not the one out to hurt or kill her!” I stated harshly with a grimace.

  At least not yet, I then thought to myself.

  Drakael eyes traveled to my right wing again, his face showing more of a slightly empathetic expression this time, which surprised me. I supposed he was probably communicating with Elohim in his
silence as well when his face went solemn and humble just now.

  I sighed impatiently, looking down at my wing as I shifted to a kneeling position from where I had been sitting and then stood up. The injury to my wing was already in the process of healing. The gilded gold edges glimmered and sparkled, working to reform each white plume efficiently and quickly as well as the blackened ones, which would always regrow black no matter how many times I had tried to remove them myself in the past. The blood flowed and faded away back into the veins of the renewed flesh and the roots of each feather.

  I glanced in the direction of Star’s car and the parking lot of the park, thinking about our date tonight. I wasn’t sure how that was going to go now, because I knew that this altercation had been nothing compared to what would come but I looked forward to it. In fact, the only thing that kept me from exacting rage or giving into my sin once again — was being alone with her, talking with her and maybe even getting the chance to kiss her too.

  As if Drakael had read my mind, he spoke, “Seduction is forbidden, don’t forget that. Do not forget to bring her tonight before the ten o’clock hour.” He reiterated.

  I glared at him, “The rule was that I could not lie down with her, but I won’t stop or resist her if she comes on to me first.” I smirked.

  He sighed and pursed his lips while eyeing me suspiciously, then shook his head with disdain as his signature faded, and then he was swiftly, gone.

  Remaining cloaked, I staked out Star’s car to make sure no other being was stalking and waiting for her cocoon of protection to evaporate before making a move again.

  When she had awoken, I waited a bit longer wondering if she were going to get out, and knowing how perplexed she must have been feeling since she sat there for a while. The confusion on her face verified what I figured, and I wanted to go to her and tell her everything so badly, but I couldn’t. It was like a horrible itch that I couldn’t scratch, even though I had to ability to do it.

  After several minutes, she finally drove off without further incident. Expecting that Morning Star had no intention of stopping his pursuit of her, was like expecting a criminal to simply walk by a bag full of money lying on the ground.

  I had to make one quick stop before returning back to the farmhouse that I was using as a temporary dwelling, to clean myself up. The rip in my wing had healed completely at that point.

  I sent out a quick mental message telepathically to Edanai, to check-up on both her and Ryziel, to see how they were coming along. She was much safer here in the mortal world than in the spirit plane right now. That being because there were stricter rules set by Elohim and the angels that were actually followed and adhered to more here by the demons and shadows, than there. Knowing Edanai though, she wasn’t just going to skulk around in the background and remain cloaked.

  “What’s your major?” I joked.

  “I kind of like this liberal arts curriculum.” Edanai responded back telepathically.

  “That sounds like it suits you well. Does the name Toraen sound familiar to you?” I then asked her.

  “Toraen? Fallen?” She asked.

  “Yes, part of, or leader of a rogue legion.”

  “That’s funny Cam, all dark fallen are considered rogue. Wanna be more specific?”

  “You know what I mean. There’s another legion out there looking to establish the same thing as Morning Star once the Earth has been disbanded.” I then said.

  “I don’t know. It sounds like I’ve heard that name somewhere before. I can ask around.” Edanai replied.

  “No, don’t do that. I don’t want any one of them to know anything.”

  “Does this have to do with this chosen human girl? I haven’t seen this amazing mortal girl you’re gushing over yet by the way but there are a lot of fresh, young testosterone factories running around without a clue. I’m in total paradise right now.”

  “It does and I figured you would be. Thank you for doing this for me.”

  “Sure. I freshened up and changed at your temporary abode, Rahab told me you said it was okay and don’t worry…I cleaned up.” Edanai said before I could even speak

  She knew me so well.

  “Where is Ryziel?” I then asked.

  “Last I saw him he was hitting on some prom queen blonde girl type with big breasts.”

  I sighed, “Well, she should be returning to her apartment soon. She’s staying at the Wayford Hall apartments about a mile and a half from the University.”

  “I’m sure I’ll find her but when I do, then what?”

  “Keep an eye on her for me…please.” I asked sincerely

  She paused.

  “Is she that naive?”

  “No, she’s that valuable. Also, if any other shadows or demons try to physically attack her again…don’t kill them…do what you can to run them off as inconspicuously as you can, and let me know who it was right away.” I told her.

  “Morning Star wants her too?” Edanai asked.

  “Yes.” I finally admitted to her.

  There was a brief pause.

  “Alright.” She finally agreed with some semblance of determination in her resignation, which surprised me.

  “Make sure to mask your brandings and tell the others to do the same because she will be able to see them. Rahab has but she’s already seen mine and I don’t want to have to explain that to her if she happens to see yours. Keep an eye open for Berith too.” I then added.

  “Uh huh and I doubt that was an accident either. Don’t worry I’ve been looking for her ass already anyway. Is there anything else my Lord?” Edanai giggled.

  “Don’t you start,” I warned but I sensed she had already broken our mental connection.

  I supposed I could have manipulated things to get this concert cancelled, but that would only irk and provoke Morning Star. His plans to cause medial havoc and devastation could go from a minimal to a catastrophic proportion within a split second decision to express his rage. Many millennia of dealing with him, I knew that the best way to defeat or frustrate him and any of his plans, was to let them come to or close to fruition, giving him a false sense of victory before countering and moving to strike against him. I found it hysterical that after all this time and all he has done; that he still believed he would come out the victor in the end.

  I passed a local flower shop on my way back to the farmhouse and immediately thought of Star. I knew what her favorite flower was, it was one of the many things I noted and kept in mind having watching over her during the times that I had. One of those I remembered well was her awe of lilies or more the exotic colored ones. I chose a large bouquet of Stargazer lilies with white roses mixed in to have sent to her before our date.

  Once back at the farmhouse, and as much as I knew it may have been a bad idea, I didn’t have much choice or options at this point and I needed some direction to follow, as well as answers.

  Against my better judgment I had given in, and mentally summoned Berith.


  Even though cloaked, I knew she could sense my signature and pick up my scent. The four-bedroom, two-story farmhouse was open and large, with a second floor open loft design. It was old and decrepit when I found it, which made a great disguise on the outside.

  Inside however, it was a completely different abode. I purposefully left it sparsely furnished yet thoroughly repaired, cleaned, spotless and comfortable enough for temporary lodging. I left the fireplace going as I waited and watched in the rafters, to ensure she arrived alone, and that there were no others in the vicinity. Regardless, around Berith you always kept your guard up, eyes open, and your groin covered with the understanding that half of the things coming out of her mouth were one hundred and ten percent — lies.

  She stepped slowly, I could tell she was looking around to make sure she wasn’t being ambushed either. The clicking of her heels thumped, and sounded heavy on the hollow wood floor.

  “Alright Cam`ael, I came alone I promise, but I know how you are so I�
�ll give you a moment to make sure and no, I didn’t tell anyone I was meeting you.” She called out.

  I ghosted outside to scan the perimeter of the farmhouse and listen for a few moments, before returning and materializing at the top landing of the steps.

  I noted her sense of initial surprise, or maybe it was paranoia, but she immediately smiled seductively as she eyed me up and down with her hands on her hips. She wore a black lace body hugging dress with not much more underneath save for a slinky black thong.

  She ran her tongue across her upper lip, an obvious invitation.

  I stood for a moment, hands in the pockets of my jeans and leaning against the wall casually, admittedly taking in the view myself.

  “Damn, you are one sexy assed demon,” She purred and bit her bottom lip, as she moved to the bottom of the stairs with a hand on the balustrade, to pose provocatively, hoping I’d tell her the same.

  I took my time descending the stairs on purpose and her eyes never left me, “This is a nice, cozy place. Nice camouflage on the outside too, and this is definitely you…not a micro speck of dirt or dust anywhere.” She glanced around and giggled.

  “Don’t get the wrong idea. You asked me to summon you and I did, so get to the point.”

  She pretended to pout, “A little concoction to create a relaxing atmosphere?” She smiled and held up her manicured hand.

  She twirled her index finger, and in the next instant a chilled bottle of expensive wine and two wineglasses appeared on the square coffee table in front of the couch and fireplace.

  I pursed my lips and looked at her wryly.

  “Whether you believe me or not I didn’t come here as the enemy,” She began as she sashayed her voluptuous figure towards the couch and proceeded to open the bottle of wine using magic.

  “I don’t believe that, but okay then — why did you want me to summon you?” I asked not making a move to join her on the couch, as she poured a deep burgundy wine into both glasses.


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