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The Legend of Alundi - Journey to the Emerald Skull

Page 7

by Russell Claridge



  Stone Bay

  For the longest moment everyone was frozen on the spot, all the fear and hatred flowing from them all. Then Alundi stood in an instant, his warrior's soul taking over. 

  ‘Meredith, young Annabel, get these two inside and get them warm and fed. Garaff I am going to need two of your fastest horses.’ 

  The horse breeder nodded and started for his home followed closely by his entire family.

  ‘Assard go with him.’  

  ‘Young Little Annabel, can you fetch my travel bag and Excalibur, please.’ 

  She did not respond she just headed for the Inn. 

  ‘Knorrest, do you know Stone Bay?’ 

  He nodded and crouched beside Alundi, using his fingers he started to draw into the dirt. Alundi listened and studied the drawing intensely. By the time Assard had returned with the two horses Alundi had already formulated a plan of attack.

  ‘Knorrest ready all who are willing and able. Ride at a steady pace. Assard and I will scout ahead. If the alarm has not been raised in Four Points we shall raise it and tell them to follow you when you arrive. Bring young Little Annabel and I want her guarded by at least twelve, she will be needed after the battle is done.’ 

  Alundi collected his pack, strapped it to the saddle of the young white mare that Assard had got from Garaff, and jumped up into the saddle. Little Annabel walked over to him. Excalibur being held gently in her hands, the hilt still covered. Alundi grasped it slowly and strapped the scabbier to his belt. The mare bucked with his movement. Alundi calmed her quickly with magic. He and Assard were about to ride when Knorrest shouted.


  Alundi looked over. The cloth had fallen from Excalibur. Realisation was dawning on the faces of the crowd now. Knorrest looked up at Alundi with tears forming in his eyes.

  ‘You are Galahad…’ Knorrest gaped at him.

  ‘…Ruling Knight of Camelot.’ He whispered but, everyone having stopped all activity, he was easily heard. 

  Alundi bowed his head.

  ‘Knorrest, prepare them and leave as soon as you are able.’ 

  Assard and Alundi sprang into a gallop.

  Their journey was fast and hard. The mare was excellent. Alundi after making mind contact with her passed healing magic to soothe any aches and exhaustion. Assard was doing the same. Only when the two of them were over the third hill on the road from Mountain Rise did they discuss their plan. 

  ‘If their ship or ships are docked we will need to destroy them. We are to show them no mercy Assard. The Strem must be destroyed.’

  ‘I agree, father. Fear reverberated throughout everyone back there, when you mentioned the Strem. Can we rely on them to succeed in battle? They are no warriors.’ 

  Assard was right to ask. Alundi had asked himself the same question. Could they? Knorrest is a skilled leader and fit but he is still no warrior. 

  ‘We can son. But we will have to deal with more than our fair share.’ 

  Assard roared with laughter and dug his heels in making his, what Alundi assumed was soon to be named Arthur, stallion streak ahead of his mare. She was having none of it and quickened. There was a mass of activity at the cross-roads. The two warriors did not slow until they were within ten horse paces. 

  Alundi recognised Burton talking with a well-built Man who was on horseback. Alundi headed for them, Assard filed in behind him. Burton turned around just as Alundi and Assard became noticeable with the black of night around them. 

  ‘Travis here says there are Pirates in Stone Bay and that Grant’s boy Nash is with the healer Little Annabel. Is this true?’ 

  Alundi glanced over the crowd.

  ‘Twenty-two father. They are all from Kolpan’ Assard said.

  ‘It is Burton. The Strem have invaded Stone Bay.’ 

  Hatred shot over the face of Burton. Fear was not present within him. The same could not be said of the others present. The Strem’s reputation was well earned and learned from history.

  ‘Knorrest will arrive by sun up. Assemble all that are able and willing. I need you all to fall in behind Knorrest.’ 

  Travis scoffed at the notion but did not say anything. 

  ‘My Brother?’

  ‘Is safe and well, he will be riding with Knorrest.’ Assard assured Travis. 

  ‘Where are you going?’ Burton asked. 

  ‘Assard and I are going to scout their positions. Join with Knorrest. He knows what to do.’ 

  Alundi started for Four Points. It took a long time to get through the crowd. As soon as they did Alundi did not push the mare too hard as the ground in Four Points was not trodden and frozen. The other side of Four Points was where the road widened and softened. Alundi pushed the mare on; time was well and truly not on their side. Even with all speed Stone Bay was still half a days' travel. And even he and Assard would need to rest before battle, let alone the horses. 

  Only when the sun rose on a new day did Alundi realise just how cold the night had been. Assard seemed to be thinking the same thing as he checked that within his bag was one of his fleeces whilst continuing to ride at the same pace. 

  By high sun Alundi chose to rest the horses on a small bank of the R’hop River. Even with all the healing magic spent, the horses welcomed the rest. Assard and Alundi both relieved themselves and ate all of what Assard had gathered from the party. For the first time in over an entire year Alundi opened his travel bag and pulled out a leather bundle. An eagle spread over the front. Assard did the same. Alundi rolled the leather out to reveal an assortment of weapons. There were six very small knives all of which were decorated with an eagle’s wing etched into the face of the blade.  There was also a long knife to which he added the one Conner had given him just the previous morning from his belt. Yesterday now seemed an age ago. The last of the weapons was a small white bow with a number of arrows. Alundi pulled out another bundle and unrolled it. 

  ‘One of these days you are going to regret having that leather armour instead of metal.’ Assard said a hint of sarcasm in his words. 

  Alundi grinned. 

  ‘You still have to learn to be observant son.’

  ‘What do you mean?’ 

  Alundi chuckled, stood and pulled on his leather jacket. Unlike normal leather this jacket had a slight green tint to it. 

  ‘This is no piece of leather Assard. Its dragon hide manipulated by the finest magic-wielders the Elves have to offer.’ 

  Assard’s mouth fell open. In all the time it took Alundi to grab the blade Conner gave him and the six small knives and place the rest back in his bag Assard had not moved. Eventually however he continued his preparations. They jumped onto their horses and started for Stone Bay again. 

  ‘You never told me it was Dragon hide.’ Assard shouted, stinging Alundi slightly.

  ‘Assard you have only seen thirty-three seasons. There are many Men that are older and have not seen as much as you have seen, but there are also far more Men that have seen more then you. You are your own master Assard. If we are very unfortunate and have to visit the Elves I will demand one is made for you.’ 

  This pleased him.

  ‘I have never seen a dragon. Do you think they will ever return?’ Assard asked his tone lighter.

  ‘No I do not. Their kinship with the Elves was strong but even the Elves were driven for dominance over them. Dragons were, are, fantastic beasts and have minds many times stronger than Man or Elves. They should not be served, but more than respect needs to be given. Acceptance was needed, acceptance that dragons are far fairer, wiser, stronger and better beings than all of us combined.’ 

  ‘To admit that one is unequal to another is the most difficult thing to do. It would be a great honour to meet one.’ 

  ‘That it would son.’ 

  The rest of the journey was in silence. As they neared the coast the air became moist, lighter to the skin and easier to breathe. The sun had finally se
t. The land of Stone Bay was utterly and completely flat, with the exception of a small hill set to one side. Any army wanting to invade Stone Bay would have to use the sea, as any amassing of horses or Men would be seen for miles. This night they did have an advantage however. A thick fog had started rolling in from the sea. It would easily cover the two of them. Alundi was completely certain what needed to be done. They were to scout the Strem’s positions to see if they had any scouts set up themselves. Then they were to confirm the Stone Bay residents were hopefully alive. And then the battle would commence. Two leagues from Stone Bay the two warriors climbed off their horses and using magic instructed them to walk to the north. There was no cover except the mist, but that was thinning. 

  ‘Shroud.’ Alundi instructed Assard. 

  Summoning the magic the air warmed and thickened, forming a bubble around them. Someone else of magic would be able to sense their magic but would still, like everyone else, be unable to see them. 

  The approach was fast but cautious. There were scouts, one on either side of the main road into Stone Bay. Both were heavily drunk and asleep. They had no reason to expect attack unless they knew that Grant’s boy had escaped. Still the two of them did not use the road. Assard moved to the right of the road heading north. Alundi headed south. Most of the houses were occupied by pirates, of that Alundi was certain. Alundi feared what they had done to the women. In truth he did not want to think about it. It mattered little anyway. By high sun every one of the Strem would be dead, and Alundi was pleased that he would be the one to despatch them, at least a good number of them.  

  ‘There.’ Excalibur called. Alundi looked. Within a large wooden cage the size of a small barn were the Stone Bay residents. If it was all of them Alundi could not say. 

  ‘Father there is a magic-wielder among them. It feels familiar but it is not strong.’

  ‘His influence will be used to guard the Captain. We can risk contact with one of the prisoners. Get over here Assard.’ 

  There was no reply but Alundi knew he would be there soon. A number of moments passed and Assard was standing beside him panting ever so slightly. 

  ‘Find one.’ 

  Assard stretched out his magic and will towards the prisoners. It was as if he was stroking their minds trying to find a crack or hole. He found one. Assard glanced at Alundi. 

  ‘That one.’ Assard said picturing a short dark haired girl just leaving her teenage years at the far edge of the wooden cage. 

  ‘I will do it, you need to keep your strength.’ Alundi pushed his magic and will as Assard had done towards the prisoners, however in this case all of his efforts were directed towards one. He melded his magic into a soothing almost Emerald white cloud. And with it he engulfed her mind. 

  ‘Do not be troubled young one, I am a friend.’ Alundi whispered. 

  Her reaction was predictably one of fear and shock. She looked around frantically looking for the source of the voice. Hearing the voice of another within her own mind would scare anyone.

  ‘Please calm yourself, I mean you no ill. My name is Alundi. May I ask what your name is?’ Alundi projected still in a whisper. Her trembling was beginning to be noticed but this girl seemed to be getting it under control. 

  ‘You may.’ The girl said out aloud and Alundi chuckled. 

  ‘Just say the words in your mind. I will hear you. So young one, what is your name?’ Alundi said slightly louder.


  ‘Hello Bella. As I have said my name is Alundi I am one of two magic-wielders that have travelled here from Mountain Rise after we heard of your plight.’ 

  Unrelenting joy exploded from Bella. Both Alundi and Assard felt it. 

  ‘How did you know that they were here?’ she asked.

  ‘A boy by the name of Nash was picked up by two on the tra…’

  ‘Trail between Stone Bay and Kolpan, Nix and Travis. Are the three of them safe?’ Bella cut him off. 

  ‘Very, unlike you and yours, I am going to ask something of you. It will not be easy for you but I implore you it will help us rid Stone Bay of this Strem filth.’ Bitterness and spite caught Alundi’s tone. 

  ‘What do you ask of me?’ Her fear was palpable. 

  ‘Let me see your memories of everything that has happened since the ship was first seen. We will feel what you felt during the memory but there is no other way.’ 

  Bella did not hesitate. Alundi grasped Assard’s arm and the two of them studied the attack through the eyes, ears, and feelings of Bella. 

  A hazy image of a shared bedroom, dark and warm, a voice familiar to Bella at least sounded downstairs. Bella did not make out the words but it did not matter. She knew what was wrong and what needed to be done. Bella leapt out of bed and ran to her sister's side. 

  ‘Carla wake, you must wake.’ 

  She stirred. 

  Bella wrapped her arms underneath the younger girl's legs and back and picked her up off her bed. It was a struggle, Carla was growing fast. She squeezed through the door grazing her right elbow in the process. She did not care. Descending the stairs was tricky. She was met by seven young boys and girls. 

  ‘This way!’ 

  She headed out of the house into the street. Everyone was out. The ships, if they were not so terrifying, Bella would have described as beautiful. The sails alone were larger than anything she had ever seen before. She did not pause however. She led the young ones to a house four doors away. Instead of entering though, she walked between the two houses and stopped at the back of the house. She stamped her foot. A wooden trap door swung at her feet from the wall of the house. The young ones descended one at a time. The last was Carla who just before she was placed on the floor gave Bella a tight hug and a kiss on the cheek. Bella slammed the door shut and kicked what dirt there was to cover the entrance. Bella already knew that Cindel will already be there. Bella returned to the front of the house. 

  ‘What are you doing Bella? You need to hide.’ Anger boiled within her.

  ‘I am going to fight with the Men, so what are you doing here Karl?’ 'Arse doesn’t deserve to be a Man, skilled yes but brave no.' 

  ‘Are you out of your mind, they will rape you! I cannot allow that to happen.’ Karl shouted pleadingly. 

  ‘I am not yours to protect Karl! And I never will be! Nix has taught me the sword. And when we survive this I’m his, not yours. Now get out of my way pig.’ Bella pushed hard passed him hurting her shoulder. She ran back to her room and fell to the floor next to her bed, reached under it and pulled out a short sword. It was a gift from Nix. He had bought it from Knorrest last Market Day. He knew her well and knew that the sword was by far the best gift he could have given her. A slight grin spread across her face. A scream reverberated through her. They’ve landed. Bella ran back out of the house. A Man stood, his back to her. She charged. Her sword sliced into his back and exploded through his gut. He roared. Bella yanked the sword clear and sent it through the back of the Man's neck. His body fell right. Bella’s heart plummeted as her eyes fell onto the body of Karl; there was no life in his eyes. No life was within him. At that moment Bella looked up towards the ship. What seemed like hundreds were pouring off it. One caught her eye. A tall well-built Man was the only one motionless on the deck of the ship watching everyone else. He made eye contact with her.

  Alundi severed the connection at that moment between them. 

  ‘Pousin’ Alundi said to Assard. Antagonism exploded throughout Assard. Alundi returned to Bella’s mind.    

  ‘Thank you young Bella. You have given all we need. I can assure you by falling sun every Strem will be dead.’ 

  ‘Thank you.’ 

  Alundi left her mind and glanced at Assard. 

  ‘We’re going to have to swim.’ 

  Assard chuckled.

   They made their way quickly and quietly to R’hop River. Assard pulled off his armour and left it on the bank within a brush of grass. A slight chuckle from Alundi
was silenced by a glare. In truth Alundi was worried, as any parent would be. Assard was one of the best warriors of this world and there was no being of the Strem could ever match him. But still the worry existed. The water was freezing. Both of them used magic to heat their skins. The swim was long. They made their way to the bow of the ship. They climbed quickly but instead of heading for the deck they headed for the open hatch. Their climb was a bit more difficult. The smell was unbearable. Their shrouds were cast away. No one was inside, a storage room by the looks of it. 

  ‘We need to find the powder stores. Kill all, no sound.’ 

  Assard nodded and pulled out two long knives one of which was the one he purchased from Conner. Alundi did not draw Excalibur, which did annoy, however he followed suit pulling out two of the short knives. Assard closed his eyes and drove his magic to feel what was beyond the door. It was risky but if a magic-wielder were here he would be close to Pousin. There were Men present. Seven in total all awake which would make this difficult. Assard shared his scouting with Alundi. He moved to the right of the door and pulled it quietly open. A quick glance in both directions was all he needed. Alundi gestured four to the right of the door and three to the left. He then gestured that the four were his. 

  ‘Why do you get the four? Just trying to outscore me aren’t you.’ 

  Alundi grinned broadly and pulled out a third small knife. Holding all three knives in his right hand Alundi stepped out of the room and took one step to the right, simultaneously Assard stepped through the door. Alundi threw the knives and at a lightning speed drew Excalibur and ran towards the fourth. The three knives sliced respectively into the necks of three of the Men standing. By the time the fourth had noticed, the tip of Excalibur had already punctured his throat. Assard had thrown his two long knives. They both struck their targets in the chest easily slicing their hearts in two. The third had enough time to draw his sword but that was all. Assard struck the sword away and plunged Nasel into the Man's chest straight through his lungs making sure no sound escaped him.

  They dragged the bodies back into the storeroom and bolted the door. Having no time to clear the blood off the deck, they just had to hope that no one saw it. Collecting their weapons Alundi gestured down the stairs, Assard followed. There were many here but all rum drunk and sound asleep.

   Heading further down the stairs all light had ceased. This was it. There were eight on this deck, five to the stern three towards the bow. Alundi drew two of his small knives. 

  ‘The five are yours.’ 

  Assard grinned and drew his long knives. The five were sitting round a large candle placed at the centre of a barrel. He advanced on them from out of the darkness, they could see nothing. Alundi held his spot until Assard was standing just outside the silhouette of candlelight. Just before Assard lunged Alundi threw two of the knives. Both sank their way into the two closest to Assard.

  ‘You arse.’ Assard spat as he stabbed the two of the three remaining. The last stood but Assard was quicker then he and sliced the Man's throat. The moment Alundi threw his knives he drew two more and threw them at the two pirates who had their backs to him. He advanced a few steps then quickly drew the blade Conner gave him and threw that. Even Alundi grimaced as he saw the blade slice into the pirate's face. As before, they collected their weapons but did not care to hide the bodies. All they needed was the location of the powder. 

  Both headed back up the stairs slowly and quietly. This would be too easy, lambs to the slaughter. Alundi and Assard stood side by side facing opposite directions. A glance was shared. 

  Alundi sprung forward drawing Excalibur and sliced through two close to him. One was able to start a yell before his breath failed him but it was enough to wake many. Alundi drew the blade Conner gave him and leapt forwards. What followed was death. Few had any time to register what was going on, the ones that did still did not have time to draw their blades. The speed of Alundi’s movements coupled with the dim light made it impossible for his foe to even see what was attacking. After a short time Alundi was standing within a circle of dead pirates. 

  Assard pulled out his two long knives and sank them both into the chest of a large beast of a Man. No sound escaped. A yell from behind him stirred many. Assard flicked the long knives into the air, grasped them by the blades and threw them. Both met their targets and killed instantly. Assard pulled Nasel from its scrappier; the ring of the blade was glorious. Two had advanced. Assard skilfully parried the swings and with his counter-strike killed the first of his adversaries. His movements were fluid and perfect, the speed of which was only exceeded by Alundi. Just after Alundi had despatched the last of his rivals Assard sent Nasel high through the chest silencing the remaining pirate and Assard stood within a circle of dead pirates. 

  They were certain that sound had escaped the confines of the battle. Powerful footsteps on deck could be heard above them. Four pirates came rushing down the stairs with blades and axes ready. The two magic warriors attacked. The fight to the deck did not take long. They were met by four others who had been sent to find the previous four. They were of no consequence. The sun was beginning to rise. As Alundi reached the hatch to the deck followed by Assard the sun shot across his face warming his dirty and blood-splattered face. Nine stood on deck with no visible sign that they expected the two of them. 

  ‘Quickly, quietly.’ Alundi muttered. They both sprang faster than a pouncing tiger. The nine fell with no sound. 

  ‘Alundi.’ the voice of Little Annabel exploded within his mind. 

  ‘Knorrest is in position with the others, waiting for the sign.’ 

  ‘They will receive it shortly young Little Annabel.’ 

  Alundi looked over to Assard who nodded. Summoning the core magic within him fire erupted from his hands. His will controlled the fire and sent it towards the powder. They did not hang around. Both ran at full pace and leapt from the side of the ship, which was over fifty paces away from the harbour's edge. Just as their feet met the dirt of Stone Bay a deafening crack, heat and power of the powder exploding ripped the ship apart. Alundi and Assard shielded their back deflecting any splinters that shot from the explosion.

  Tens of pirates were running to the seafront now. Both of them could hear the sound of Knorrest's charge horn but still from afar and it was unlikely that the pirates would have. 

  Alundi drawing Excalibur with a deep breath yelled. 


  A blinding white light as strong as the sun itself burst from the blade of Excalibur. Many yells of pain and shielding of faces followed. Slowly the brilliant light from the great sword dimmed and eventually extinguished.


  Many drew their blades. 

  ‘You have only one chance! Lay down your weapons and you will not be harmed! Any other choice will lead to your deaths!’ 

  A tall young pirate took two steps forward from the main body of them and screamed a warrior scream. They advanced towards each other. 

  ‘Kill them all Assard.’ 

  Fire erupted from the son's hand while at the same moment white magic projected from Alundi’s right hand. Simultaneously the two sent the fire towards the advancing mass. Twelve fell to the magic. Alundi pulled all six of his throwing knives with his right hand and threw them all. Each killed an advancing pirate. So many were running out of the houses of Stone Bay towards them but their numbers meant nothing. Both of them charged the mass of pirates. As blade, shield and axe met, the bloody, savage and brutal battle for Stone Bay had begun. 

  Little Annabel tensely sat in front of Annabel atop a young mare on the only hilltop anywhere near Stone Bay. It was the perfect place to see everything. Knorrest had sounded the charge and his horse company which numbered just under fifty were pounding with all speed towards Stone Bay from the north. Shock and despair had gripped her as she watched Alundi and Assard charge towards many tens o
f pirates. The awesome spectacle played out in front of her eyes. And though she could not dispute the evidence of her own eyes she could not believe it was happening. Alundi, someone who loved her as a daughter and she loved as a father started cutting his way through them all. Each swing and strike sent towards him was parried and deflected and each strike he sent killed its mark. Assard, someone though she did not know as well but also loved, was just as deadly. The two of them cut two separate paths through the mass of pirates. 

  ‘Clever.’ One of her fourteen guards had muttered though his gasp of shock at the same spectacle. She forgot that anyone else was with her. 

  ‘What?’ Another asked. 

  ‘Just watch.’ 

  Alundi and Assard started attacking the pirates to their right. Before long they had cut through them all and were now fighting with their backs to the south. They were facing north where Knorrest and his horsemen were about to pour over the small embankment. The next few seconds to Little Annabel took a lifetime. The sheer number of the pirates would mean the certain death of Alundi and Assard she knew. They held off the drunk, unskilled pirates for those seconds with blade and magic but still more pirates closed the gap. Little Annabel concentrated everything she had on Knorrest. Using what skill she had learned from Alundi she broke the barriers within his mind and whispered.

  ‘Blow the horn again, Knorrest.’ 

  If he was shaken at hearing Little Annabel’s voice in his head he did not show it. Just as his company started drawing their blades and axes Knorrest grasped his horn and blew a full breath into it. It worked, the pirates stopped their advance towards Alundi and Assard and turned and froze in utter immeasurable shock as the fifty strong horse company leapt over the northern embankment of Stone Bay charging with all speed towards them. 

  It was as if two storms were converging on the pirates. Alundi and Assard continued their advance on the pirates as Knorrest and the front of his company made sword ringing, shield pounding and bone crushing contact from the other side. What followed were only moments of vicious and brutal carnage. The pirates were swept aside. 

  The sound of Knorrest’s second horn blow had given Alundi and Assard a chance they did not expect though they quickly took advantage of it. Alundi drew the blade Conner gave him and leapt forward. Assard who had already drawn Nasel also carried a rather decorative sword he had taken from one of his dead foes. Assard sliced two from shoulder to leg. Others reacted and the fight was on. His arms were moving with such precise furious speed that every Man that neared him was killed. Alundi also fought with the same ferocious speed and accuracy. Alundi blocked high, crossing his blades. His assailant pulled back his sword and Alundi sliced down cutting through the Man's chest. A sword came down from high. Alundi only had enough time to duck the blade and roll to his left. He stood, intent on throwing Excalibur at the mounted Man but stopped quickly realising it was Knorrest. 

  The battle for Stone Bay seemed over. Only six stood on their feet. Four were pirates that had thrown down their weapons. Two of Knorrest’s horseman, neither from Mountain Rise, had been struck down and now lay on the floor amongst the many dead pirates. Alundi did not have to ask Assard as he was already at their sides. Alundi stood breathing heavily.

  ‘You did well, Galahad of Camelot. I wonder whe…’ Knorrest was launched from his horse by an invisible force. He sailed ten paces before crashing into the wooden cage that held the Stone Bay residents. The beams of the cage buckled and snapped. Alundi spun on the spot, forcing his magic and Excalibur’s around all with him. Another invisible magic force was sent towards him only to be absorbed by Excalibur. 

  ‘Young Little Annabel get down here quickly, Knorrest is hurt.’ 

  ‘Come out magic-wielder!’ Alundi bellowed. A few moments later a tall pale skinned Man stepped around one of the houses of Stone Bay. Alundi’s heart dropped as he recognised who it was. 

  ‘Iruc!’ Assard spat from behind Alundi. 

  He was drawn and thin. 

  ‘You ally yourself with this filth?  One of the students of Sara, serving the Strem!’ Alundi bellowed in disgust.

  ‘He does not serve us Alundi. He is here of his own will, a partner if you would!’ A voice boomed from behind the same house. Another Man too stepped out and stood alongside Iruc. Alundi sheathed Excalibur. 

  ‘Captain Pousin. I will kill you. And you Iruc…’ Alundi turned and glanced at Assard, 

  ‘He’s all yours.’ 

  Alundi undid his belt which carried Excalibur and left it on the ground. Still holding the blade Conner gave him, he casually walked towards Pousin who had stood aside from Iruc. The Captain drew a large broadsword and took his stance. Alundi continued his casual walk until the captain swung the great sword at him. Alundi ducked the swing, parried two other strikes then leapt into the air. Twisting and somersaulting over the Captain he reversed his blade and plunged it into the Captain's back. The end of the blade sliced out of the Captains chest. Alundi moved closer to the Captain's ear.

  ‘Oh, I’m sorry Captain, had you expected this duel to last longer? I have neither the time nor the patience for that.’ Alundi yanked the blade from the Captain's back. He fell with little noise. 

  Assard moved with more caution. He had known Iruc for a long time but this could not be forgiven. 

  ‘I see you still follow this Shaven everywhere. Doesn’t he trust you to go on your own?’ 

  Assard started to laugh. 

  ‘Iruc there is absolutely nothing you could ever do or say that would ever drive a wedge between Alundi and me. Are you ready?’ Assard muttered with a measure of pain in his voice.

  ‘COME ON YOU PIG!’ Iruc boomed. 

  Assard summoned fire from his hands and sent a stream towards Iruc. Iruc gestured his hands forwards and the flames were deflected around him, however Assard's magic did not cease. Sweat started pouring down Iruc’s face unable to prevent the heat from breaking through his barrier. Moments later the flames became overwhelming for Iruc. He leapt high into the sky evading the magic flames. Assard dispersed the flames and as he leapt to meet Iruc he drew Nasel. Iruc drew his blade and as the swords made contact silver sparks flew from Iruc’s blade. Both landed a few paces apart. Iruc advanced. The duel was equal. Neither able to best the other. The swords were moving at such speed that even Alundi who was now healing Knorrest had trouble following the battle. Iruc's physical condition started to slow him down and eventually he started to waver under the constant, unrelenting ferocity of Assard’s strikes. In a last ditch attempt Iruc summoned a last force of magic and aimed straight at Assard. It was over. Sadness gripped Alundi in his realisation. Assard with a speed far faster than the lightest Elf spun round Iruc and thrust Nasel through his back slicing his heart in two. The final mercy granted to an old friend from an old friend, an instant and painless death. Now the battle for Stone Bay was over. They had won.


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