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The Legend of Alundi - Journey to the Emerald Skull

Page 16

by Russell Claridge



  Unwelcome Guests

  The moment Alundi had escaped any prying Elf eyes he collapsed to the floor in agony. Every member of the Quest witnessed this except Isacal and Kraco. Assard quickly picked his father up from the floor and carried him to one of the beds. He stayed with him until night had completely fallen. When he came out he had asked Little Annabel whether she could spare Nasel. She carried the sword to Alundi with Assard carrying the Fire Sword. They laid each of the blades upon Alundi’s chest and left him in his healing sleep. They returned to find both Boahim and Calqui had chosen to bathe before returning to Isacal’s side. Assard sat at the table that the Elves had prepared, what could only be described as, a banquet. He started selecting every sweet and high sugared fruit he could find and devoured them. He knew the Elves did eat meats however he had learned from Alundi that they never farm animals, just hunted and sporadically. There were no obvious dishes that contained meat and Assard was too tired to look through them. He was joined by Annabel who wore a frown. Here we go he thought. 

  ‘Why did Alundi do that?’ She barked. 

  Assard finished chewing the slice of apple that he had placed in his mouth before answering. 

  ‘It was necessary. He told you, didn’t he, why he did not want to take this route.’ Annabel snapped a nod, still angered. 

  ‘They fear him. And fear can be a powerful ally Annabel. Allow me to touch your brow.’ 

  ‘Why.’ She snapped. 

  ‘Trust me.’ He placed the back of his hand on her brow and closed his eyes. 

  ‘Can you hear me?’ 

  She let out a series of shocked breaths as if she had just been splashed with a bucket of freezing cold water. 

  ‘Yes.’ She said out loud. 

  ‘Just say the word in your mind and I will hear you.’


  Assard smirked. 

  ‘Let me tell you what Alundi suspects the Elves, more precisely what the Council, will do now that we are here.’

  Boahim and Calqui returned the following day. Alundi was still recovering and so they met with Assard. They had been ordered by Isacal to remain with them until Alundi was fit and well. Isacal had left before dawn so she could return to Wen-Fen-Nu to attend the Council. They said this would suit Assard as they could run errands. Assard simply told them to rest and relax and every so often ask another to bring food and drink. The Quest had finally, for at least a while, come to a halt. Little Annabel wanted to explore, at first Assard and her mother forbade it but Boahim and Calqui both promised that she would be safe. Assard had woken Alundi on the matter and he said it would be fine as long as Assard and the two Elves were with her, and that he carried the Fire Sword. They went on a few walks around Osia, and were given a wide berth. Annabel found herself sitting with Alundi most days sometimes studying his face, other times wiping down his skin with a hot cloth. It took a week for Alundi to wake, when he did so he found Annabel asleep in a chair next to his bed. Merging his magic with Excalibur he learned what had transpired in the days of his magic sleep. Afterwards he outstretched his hand and stroked Annabel’s hair. She moved to the touch then woke surprised. It took a few moments for her to realise what was going on then she shouted. 

  ‘Alundi!’ And wrapped her arms around him, he laughed and groaned so she quickly let go. 

  ‘I’m still fragile young Annabel. But I am also hungry and I really need a bath.’ She smiled brilliantly. She turned to leave but stopped when Alundi said,

  ‘I’m sorry young Annabel. I know I must have scared you.’ 

  ‘Don’t worry about it Alundi. Assard explained everything.’ She said with a blank expression. 

  ‘Everything?’ Alundi asked. 

  ‘Everything.’ She replied with a smirk. ‘I do not doubt you Alundi.’ Alundi frowned. 

  After a moment Annabel looked away as she noticed tears were forming in his eyes. He stood awkwardly and embraced her again. 

  ‘You have no idea how much that means young Annabel.’ 

  She pulled away, placed both her hands upon Alundi cheeks and kissed him gently on the lips then pulled him back into the embrace.

  By the time the others had returned Alundi had spent most of the day in the baths. Annabel had sent for some clothes and he had found a great assortment of colourful and dull sets of clothes. One thing Alundi did like about the Elves was their fashion. He selected a black tunic and trousers and black boots. He came out and found them sampling all and every food that had been set for them. Little Annabel and Calqui ran to him and embraced him. For the first time it did not cause agonising pain. Assard embraced him afterwards and it was obvious to Annabel that they shared a silent conversation before they returned to the table. Boahim walked over but did not embrace Alundi. 

  ‘It is good to see you well Alundi. I must leave you. I was under orders to remain here until you were well. I must follow my Queen to Wen-Fen-Nu. I have assigned Calqui to stay with you at all times.’ He said gesturing to his underling. 

  ‘I must travel to Wen-Fen-Nu as well. Where is Kraco?’ 

  ‘Little Annabel contacted him four days ago. He was permitted to land near the Yazin Pools.’ 

  Alundi looked away for a moment then nodded in satisfaction. Alundi stood and offered his hand which Boahim shook. 

  ‘We will travel via Kraco tomorrow. Can you prepare a suitable place for him to stay?’ Boahim glanced at Calqui then nodded. 

  ‘Good.’ Boahim nodded at the rest spun on the spot and left. 

  ‘So young one…’ Alundi said spinning back round and taking his seat, 

  ‘…what think you of Elf country?’ 

  It was such a fantastic feeling to hear Little Annabel talk about his former home. She talked about everything she saw with glorious wonder and excitement. But in truth he was most happy that she was smiling again. From death and enslavement they were safe. From the Elves they were not, but what they wanted was not as dangerous. He sat there until night fell listening to her and Annabel describe what they saw. When he decided that they all should retire Alundi returned to his room followed by Assard and Calqui. 

  ‘Calqui can we ask you a few questions about the Council?’ Alundi asked. 

  She seemed shocked at the question and confused. 

  ‘All I really want to know is who or at the very least how many were against the Queen leading your escort.’ 

  Calqui answered their questions, then with Assard left Alundi who fell asleep quickly. 

  Dawn was a busy affair as they prepared to leave. Calqui walked in to Alundi’s room as he laced up his boots.    

  ‘Dosia wishes to speak to you.’ Alundi nodded and followed her out of the hall. Standing at the entrance was Dosia with several other Elves whom Alundi assumed were part of his patrol. 

  ‘Alundi, I have just come to inform you that a party of Elemamtels were spotted twenty leagues from our border. It seems they studied the ground then retreated. It is unlikely they ascertained who you were or what you were. It is an obvious conclusion although they will report what they have found to Nala-Kahn.’ 

  Alundi nodded. 

  ‘You have my thanks Dosia. They would not have challenged you. Their number would have to be a hundred times more, before they even thought of it, thank you.’ Alundi said bowing his head. He received a bow back from Dosia and then the others. 

  ‘Fetch the others. Osia wishes us out of her hair.’ 

  Calqui smiled and spun round. 

  They walked in single file with Calqui leading, Assard walking no more than one pace behind Little Annabel. Alundi took the rear, with Annabel a few steps in front. Almost all the Elves and Man-Elves stopped and watched the Quest leave. They headed for the arch they passed under when they first arrived in Osia. Before them at the arch stood a contingent of Man-Elves dressed and ready for battle, they were calmly talking amongst themselves paying no attention to the Quest until Gurean looked
up and stepped through the crowd into Calqui’s path. Alundi made his way to the front glancing at Assard in the process. 

  ‘Alundi, I wish to apologise for my actions.’ Gurean said in a testy voice. It was obvious he had either been ordered to do this or it had been suggested to him. Alundi shook his head. 

  ‘Do not worry about it. I trust I did not permanently injure you?’ 

  ‘No Alundi. I have assembled my patrol. To, if you would permit us, escort you to Wen-Fen-Nu, it would be our honour.’ Gurean added as he noticed the look on Alundi face. 

  He glanced at Assard and Calqui who both simply shrugged. Alundi opened his arms in acceptance. Gurean nodded and his patrol turned and left Osia with the Quest striding behind them. 

  ‘Alundi, Little Annabel!’ Kraco boomed as they neared. The voice echoed through the trees which seemed to shudder at the sound of the dragon’s voice. 

  ‘It is good to see you fit, Alundi.’ 

  He smiled as he passed through into the clearing where Kraco sat. The pools were like sheets of black ice against the snowy green around them. Kraco stood out like a blazing sun against them both. He had been treated well and was noticeably quite full. His scales shone with no help from the rays of light that cut their way through the canopy. The Man-Elves stayed within the confines of the tree line staring in awe and fear of the gold dragon. 

  ‘Kraco!’ Little Annabel called and ran to him hugging his leg. 

  ‘Would you permit us my friend to travel on your back to Wen-Fen-Nu. You would make a marvellous entrance.’ Assard chuckled as did most of them. 

  Kraco bowed his head then shot a glance at the Man-Elves staying in the tree line.

  ‘Why do they stare?’ Kraco asked specifically to no one. 

  ‘They have never seen a dragon before Kraco.’ Calqui said instantly.

  ‘And you scare them in fact the entire forest fears you.’ Alundi added wrapping an arm around Calqui’s shoulders. 

  ‘Why do they fear me?’ Kraco ask painfully. 

  ‘Isn’t it obvious?’ Assard answered looking directly into the dragon’s eyes. 

  Kraco sighed his answer. 

  ‘The Fire Sword receives the same reception.’ Assard continued hoping to comfort the young dragon. 

  ‘I do not like it here, Alundi.’ Kraco voice echoed in his mind. Alundi looked up to him in sorrow. 

  ‘I know my friend. I need you to sway the Elder Council. Once that is done you can leave this place.’ 

  ‘Thank you. I am still bound to the oath I gave Little Annabel and you. I will do what needs to be done and more.’ 

  ‘None of the Quest doubt you young Kraco, none.’ 

  A short while later they had all carefully and awkwardly climbed onto Kraco’s back and strapped themselves down as best they could. Alundi had told Gurean that it was best that he and his returned to Osia as they would travel through the air. Kraco beat his wings and they lifted from the ground with relative ease. They broke though the canopy of the Elf forest and sailed over it northeast towards the heart of the Elf kingdom. Alundi enjoyed the spectacle as he had never seen his former home from this point of view. At the speed Kraco flew they were above Wen-Fen-Nu just after high sun. Kraco circled a number of times until an old friend signalled them towards a clearing to the north of Wen-Fen-Nu. Kraco gradually fell towards the ground and landed smoothly in front of Boahim. They climbed down, Calqui greeting Boahim in the typical boring, unemotional Elf way. Alundi realised that they must be being watched. Alundi helped the Annabels down and then left them with Assard and Kraco. 

  ‘Boahim when did the Council take session?’ Alundi asked Boahim calmly walking over to him and Calqui. 

  ‘Just after high sun.’ Boahim answered. 

  ‘Then I will leave them to bicker before I enter.’ 

  Calqui and Boahim shared a concerned glance. 

  ‘Alundi everyone is magically forbidden to enter the Council Chamber once it has started.’ 

  ‘Everyone except those of royal blood Boahim, I may be a proud corrupted Elf but royal blood still cascades through my veins.’ 

  Both of them were obviously oblivious to the law of magic that the Council and the royal family had invoked. 

  ‘Do not worry Boahim I will wait until early evening.’ 

  Boahim regarded Alundi with suspicion but then nodded and grinned. 

  ‘I have just recalled there is someone with us I would think you would want to meet.’ He smiled broadly and gestured for them all to follow. 

  ‘I’ll remain here.’ Kraco growled shaking the trees around them. 

  Boahim weaved his way through the dense wood heading north. Assard had lifted Little Annabel onto his back as they all followed single file. It did not take long for Alundi to realise where they were heading. After a short while Alundi recognised the familiar sound of metal clanging against metal. The trees parted as if they had been instructed to. In front of them was an open area the size of a large crop field. Anywhere and everywhere they looked Elves and Man-Elves were training with fist, sword and bow. Even though it was nowhere near the speed Alundi and Assard were accustomed to, it was still a thrilling spectacle. For a short while they stood in awe as Elves battled harmoniously. Calqui walked past them and greeted a number of Elves all clad in the same armour that she wore when they first met. Excalibur felt a familiar presence to their right and Alundi followed. He did not have to search long as there was a sizeable crowd around one of the many sparring circles. The crowd parted as Boahim neared. As they did, Alundi recognised the one that fought four Elves. 

  ‘He arrived just as we met at the Rubicon Falls.’ Boahim said softly. 

  Alundi made no sign that he heard him as he studied the battle before him. His movements were skilful and fast but also sluggish on his right leg. The Elves however had not capitalised on it, mind. His blade whipped round with deadly accuracy and speed. Not one of the Elves had penetrated his defence. 

  ‘He’s done it.’ Assard mumbled. 

  Alundi nodded he certainly had. Falling to the floor the swordsman whipped round his sword catching all but one pair of the sets of legs. He rolled backwards and swiped his sword up at the advancing Elf catching her on her shoulder finishing the bout. Though his blade caught the Elf hard there were no visible injuries. 

  The Elves all bowed and the ones that watched were stunned in silence. 

  ‘You used to be faster than that old friend.’ Alundi boomed. The warrior spun round surprise coated his face. 

  ‘Galahad?’ He said in disbelief. 

  ‘Alagon.’ Alundi returned with a sly smile. 

  ‘Fancy your chances?’ He asked tauntingly.

  ‘No my friend I am quite injured at the moment, thanks to another old friend.’ Alundi replied whilst stepping forward and embracing his former comrade-in-arms. As they parted Alundi noticed the pain in Alagon’s eyes. 

  ‘What has happened, what pains you?’ He asked in dread. 

  ‘I arrived here with seventeen refugees from my home, Ne-aan, Merlin…’ Before he could continue anger boiled within Alundi and he continued Alagon's sentence.

  ‘…betrayed us, he is dead Alagon. I had no choice.’ 

  ‘We had no choice.’ Excalibur corrected. 

  Alundi looked down at the great sword as did Alagon. Alundi grasped Alagon’s shoulder and led him away from the arena and the eager crowd. 

  ‘Alagon may I introduce you to my Quest. Calqui and Boahim of the Wolf Guard, young Little Annabel and her mother young Annabel and Assard, my son.’ Alagon gaped at Alundi for a few moments then quickly started shaking Boahim’s hand. 

  ‘Everyone, this is Alagon son of Bors surviving Knight of the Round Table.’ The greetings were sober and quick though Alagon asked Annabel if that was her natural hair colour. She had seemed confused but answered blushing. He also ask Little Annabel a couple of questions about whether she found Alundi annoyingly over superior. She had giggled but answered
in the negative. Alagon glanced at Alundi who smirked. Sharing a look with Assard his son pulled the others away. Alundi led Alagon in the opposite direction into a more secluded part of the forest.

  ‘The Empire’s soldiers came. I fought and killed so many. For every one I killed, four took their place, and they just kept coming. My son Dagonet was taken along with the young Wielder in Ne-aan Erik. Eighteen of us are here, thirty seven are dead. That leaves nine unaccounted for, all children.’ 

  Alundi's heart broke at the pain in Alagon words. 

  ‘Your wife?’ 

  ‘She is here with my young daughter, Donna. Galahad what’s going to happen to my son?’ Alagon asked in unimaginable pain. 

  Alundi pulled Alagon into a tight embrace. 

  ‘We’ll find him. You’ll find him. I am so sorry my friend but you know where my journey ends?’ he pulled away and nodded, tears streaming down his cheeks. 

  ‘Speak with Assard and I will see if I can glean any information from Lan’s memories.’ 

  ‘Lan?’ Alagon said in almost the same amount of pain. 

  ‘I was not strong enough to defeat Merlin. Lan sacrificed itself for me, us.’ Alundi corrected before Excalibur interrupted. 

  ‘Thank you Galahad.’ Alagon muttered. 

  ‘I have done nothing my friend. Not yet.’ Before Alagon could contradict him, Boahim walked over. 

  ‘My apologies for the interruption but the Council have taken a recess. They are coming.’ 

  Noticing the anger and annoyance on Alundi's face Alagon quickly said.

  ‘Do you want to meet the rest of my family?’ Alundi wrapped his arm around his former comrade and smiled broadly. 

  They met up with the rest of the Quest before heading for where the Elves had housed the Ne-aan refugees. The Elves had accepted them more than willingly. Alagon explained that they got to work immediately with magic and will and built many new simple dwellings. Even though they had been assembled quickly and were relatively small, that did not mean they were built unskilfully or without aesthetics in mind. Many of them were marked by the Crafts-Elf who had built them, with Elf language on almost every surface. All were Elf proverbs relating to life, friendship, help and love. Walking through the small village-like camp it was obvious Alagon commanded, and rightly so, a great measure of respect amongst his people, many of them giving him nods and embraces of care and love. His wife sat on the side of a stone well cupping water in her hands and splashing it onto a metal chest-plate of amour. It was scratched, dented and stained with congealed blood but Alundi recognised it instantly. It sported two golden bulls on either breast charging at each other. He remembered when Bors had gifted it to Alagon when he came of age and left for the Emerald Skull. He was asked to work it so it would suit Alagon’s sleeker and taller physique. Alagon took after his now long deceased mother, rather than his father. Bors had thirteen children in total but Alagon was the only one who had been gifted with magic. The others led good and long lives but none of them were of any magic and so succumbed to death. Alundi had known for a long time that Bors had hated the fact that he would out-live his children, Alagon being the exception. Like Arthur and many others, Bors had been killed during the battle of Ulin all those years ago. By then however Alagon was the only son still alive. A couple of his daughters still lived at the time but soon afterwards they joined their father and brothers. Alundi watched as Alagon took a few hurried steps and embraced his wife. A young girl no older than four ran over from one of the small dwellings and hugged Alagon’s leg. He laughed and pulled her onto his arm and spun round. 

  ‘My love, little one, may I introduce Galahad and his Quest.’ Everyone around them had ceased their tasks. 

  ‘Galahad, my wife Maria and my daughter Donna.’ They all greeted each other shaking hands and trading kisses on the cheeks and names. 

  One that had been close since they entered the camp noticed Excalibur upon Alundi’s belt and demanded that they stay for a banquet. Alagon urged Alundi not to turn it down as it would be a great dishonour for him to refuse, and not least the fact that his wife made a mean steak and ale pie. That had swung him. There were a number of young children the same age as Little Annabel, and with Annabel and Alundi’s blessing she ran off to play. Assard mentioned that it could be dangerous which Alundi was obviously aware of, but Little Annabel was still a child and wanted to have fun. 

  After the main meal was served and devoured, Alundi consuming more than four portions, he silently slipped away with Boahim. There were many Elves waiting outside the Council Chamber, young and old. They gave Boahim a bow of the head as he passed, each one he returned. Most of them regarded Alundi with confusion and amusement. He stepped in front of the Council arch and waiting for a few moments. 

  ‘You certain about this?’ Boahim asked silently. 

  Alundi smiled then stepped under the arch. There were sharp intakes and gasps of breath from the Elves present. Before he entered the inner Chamber Alundi took a few moments to study the outer hall. In all the years since he called this place home it had not changed a single bit. Deep reds, greens and gold garbed the walls. It was grandeur at its finest and Alundi had hated it then and hated it still. He concentrated on his connection with Excalibur and pushed his will and mind through the doors to the inner Chamber. There were many within the Chamber he recognised, but most he was not familiar with. Hunting he found a well seeded and crafted Callious plant and attached his and Excalibur’s consciousness to it. From there he was able using the life force of the plant and his and Excalibur’s magic to join with one of the Elves he did not recognise without her knowing. It did not take long for this to help Alundi hear and understand what was being said.

  ‘…believe it is the only way to reaffirm our influence in this land.’ One of the Elders was saying. 

  ‘Our standing will not improve with a simple Man girl.’ One of the younger Council members retorted. 

  ‘One Man girl who is as, or more, powerful than Merlin, would improve ou…’ 

  In that moment Alundi threw back his arms and pushed violently through the inner chamber doors, pulling back his consciousness at the same time, much to the shock of the now standing and shouting Elves. Isacal sat in a simple garment upon her throne unimpressed with Alundi's entrance, but it seemed, also pleased to see him. He stared into his sister's tired eyes for a few moments then asked.

  ‘What have I missed big sister?’ 

  She smiled for a moment then started to show Alundi what he needed to know. Only one of the Elders, Angeli-Cuo, was solely against the prospect of training Little Annabel. The rest of the Elders' minds were concluded and also deluded, however, most if not all, of the younger members which was an inaccurate labelling as all of them were much older than Alundi and Isacal were either against this or undecided, which gave Isacal some confidence. 

  ‘Where do you stand?’ Alundi asked softly. 

  Anger boiled within her and she was about to express it when she notice the worried frown upon Alundi's face. She cooled her temper with a long breath and answered. 

  ‘With my baby brother.’ 

  Alundi could not help smiling which she returned. Slowly the shouting became thunderously loud to the point where it was deafening. Alundi pooled his magic, centred it at his feet, and it exploded. The force of it knocked every one of the standing Elves back into their seats, a number falling to the floor, which thankfully shut them all up.

  ‘If any of you issue orders to your Elves or your puppet Man-Elves that prevent or hinder young Little Annabel’s journey to the Emerald Skull, I will not kill the instrument. I will return here and kill the issuer. Do I make myself clear?’ Alundi said calmly. 

  For a short moment there was absolute silence within the Chamber. Then one of the Elders boomed. 

  ‘An empty threat.’ 

  Alundi faster than any Elf, grasped one of his throwing knives which were slid onto his belt and threw it at the Elder. The blade travell
ed faster than a bolt of lightening but it stopped a hairs width from the Elder's throat. Alundi held his hand aloft using magic to stop the razor sharp blade. There were gasps and shouts of anger but not from the Elder, who he now recognised as Tarant-Quo, his father's military advisor. He slowly drew his hand back and the knife was drawn back with it, before it fell harmlessly into his hand. 

  ‘Not a threat, Tarant, a fact.’ Alundi said softly. 

  ‘How can you enter here?’ One of the younger members asked. 

  ‘I would love to tell you and convince you that my training within the Skull had given greater power and knowledge far beyond any magic you have invoked. In fact it has, but to say I used it to enter this Chamber would taste a lie. Elders, I would like to learn the logic behind your decision to train young Little Annabel here.’ 

  They all shared looks of shock and outrage which Alundi could not hide his amusement of. 

  ‘You think I would enter here and not know where allegiances lie.’ 

  Isacal smirked and many of the younger members nodded approvingly. The only Elder who seemed not angered was Angeli-Cuo who simply stared at Alundi curiously. 

  ‘Being taught within the Emerald Skull does not increase one's magic reservoir. What it does is increase the knowledge of how to best use one's magic. And that is a knowledge that the Elves in all their long history do not have, and so cannot teach. The eldest Elf is here isn't he?’ Alundi asked scanning the highest circle of Elves. Many looked to the seat above the throne seat where Isacal sat. He recognised him as Tei-Ore the last of the Elves who led them to these woods over two thousand years ago.

  ‘The teacher within the Skull is many thousands of years older than you Elder and her knowledge is limitless.’ 

  There were shared glances of disbelief and some sniggers but also surprise. 

  ‘With the magic I have, I am easily ten times stronger than all of you combined. And with Excalibur upon my belt…’ Alundi said patting the legendary sword’s handle. 

  ‘…that increases to twenty times. Young Little Annabel is without doubt over forty times stronger than you all and that my friends, is without any legendary sword.’ There were more gasps of shock and louder ones too. Whether they believed him or not they were interested. 

  ‘She is of Man and she will fight for Man. Elf-kind have not suffered under Nala-Kahn's oppression and you have over fifty Man-Elf puppets that if trained within the Skull would have been worthy additions to the Round Table of Camelot, but now they are only ordinary. Alagon has been here for a short while so you all must know how easily he can defeat multiple Elves, and his magic is nowhere near mine or young Little Annabel’s. So I have entered here to cast my vote to help mine Quest in any and every way, shape and form.’ 

  There were now looks of confusion, anger and disgust. Tarant-Quo stood but did not have time to say anything as another boomed.   

  ‘Your vote is accepted…’ Angeli started whilst standing. She peered down at him and their eyes locked.

  ‘…Alec-Keo.’ Alundi silently heard her say. 

  ‘What gave me away?’ Alundi asked out loud with a gleaming smile. 

  ‘Your passion, young one.’ She said returning his smile. 

  ‘Your vote is accepted Prince Alec-Keo.’ 

  The stunned silence that followed for a short while was finally broken by a loud annoyed sigh from Fredren. Alundi looked up at him and did not even bother hiding his loathing of the Elder.

  ‘It would have harmed your position had I come this day and if you were the one to make my presence here common knowledge.’ Alundi did not give the Elder time to reply. 

  ‘I do not nor will I ever apologise. Things don’t always go to plan do they? I planned not to come anywhere near your country, because I didn’t want to have to deal with the pathetic old pointing ears stabbing me in the back.’ 

  The Elders all leapt to their feet shouting at the top of their lungs, Angeli and Tei being the exception. So many insults and declarations of violence were being shouted that it was just a deafening roar. 

  ‘BE SILENT!’ Isacal stood and screamed piercing even Alundi ears. She had a face of pure thunder that Alundi had not seen in many years.

  ‘Tell them.’ She demanded staring at Alundi. 

  ‘You think that wise?’ Alundi asked silently and slowly.

  ‘Their influence will be crushed and all the younger members will side with me, you.’ She amended, Alundi simply nodded.

  ‘How the mighty have fallen in the years I’ve been gone. Gone are the days when you Elders could intervene and weave your influence upon Elf and Man-kind. My father was a fool to trust you, as is my sister.’ Alundi added glancing at Isacal. 

  She frowned but Alundi gave her a quick wink of reassurance. 

  ‘But she had no choice, inheriting a corrupt system of government that I did not then, or ever, want.’ Alundi stared evilly at Fredren who was frozen.

  ‘Disappointment, that is what is in your eyes when you looked upon me Fredren Elder. How difficult these many years must have been since my father's death. Having to pretend to be my sister’s friend and mentor to recover a slice of the power you once had.’ Alundi chuckled loudly. 

  ‘But you have even failed at that.’ Alundi now started laughing cruelly. 

  ‘Listen carefully Elders and you lot.’ Alundi started pointing to all the younger Council members. 

  ‘I am a corrupted Elf and proud of it. I am not proud of the first steps I took to become what I am, but I had no choice. Xais-Xao was killed by my hand. Tei-Ore, can a corrupted Elf sit upon the throne of your people?’ Alundi asked loudly. 


  ‘And who would have become your ruler had Isacal killed Xais-Xao a fellow Elf?’ Tei glanced at Angeli who just shrugged but her eyes told Alundi that she was impressed with him. 

  ‘You would have after your father’s death.’ Tei answered precisely. 

  ‘A notion that scares me to this day. So Fredren, who was ordered by the Elder Council and my father, shortly before I and Isacal left with the Wolf Guard for the Northern Kingdom, at any cost, to kill Xais-Xao?’ All eyes were now locked on the now shrinking and fear ridden Fredren. Even Alundi and no doubt Isacal knew that Fredren was not entirely to blame, in truth he was but one of the many voices that weaved themselves into his father's senile and delusional mind. However Fredren was the spearhead of the vote to train Little Annabel and so that pretty much made him the target and he had to be dealt with. If he had been a bit smarter he would have made it less obvious that he was the driving force, but he was old, arrogant and over confident which meant he had to be dealt with. 

  ‘I do not believe we…’ Fredren was cut short when Alundi shouted at the top of his lungs.

  ‘ANSWER THE QUESTION ELF!’ The hate was spine cringing. 

  ‘Isacal.’ Fredren whispered. 

  Alundi did not wait for the reaction. 

  ‘I was never going to watch my beautiful sister fall into insignificance. And neither was I going to fall. I am as shaven as Darz and proud of it. But you Elders, you two the exceptions.’ Alundi said gesturing to Angeli and Tei, ‘Are poor excuses for Elves. You have become as bent, devious and cunning as Dwarves. And that is higher praise then you deserve. Cast your votes Council members and I will leave you to do so. Politics is an arena much more suited to dishonourable beings.’ Alundi glanced at Isacal then turned to leave. 

  ‘Alec…’ Angeli called. Alundi spun round. 

  ‘It is pleasing that you have returned to us my Prince. Selec won’t shut up about you.’ Angeli said with a smile. 

  ‘That lovely old twisted lady has always loved me.’ Alundi said with a smirk. 

  ‘Brother, the royal court is at yours and the Quest’s disposal.’ Isacal said standing from her throne. 

  ‘A gracious offer my Queen but mother's home will do fine.’ Alundi replied with a bow of his head.

  ‘Mother's home has been sealed since h
er death.’ Isacal muttered confused.

  ‘Sealed to you, sister, do not feel down Isacal, I was always her favourite as you were always father's.’ Alundi said softly.


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