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Executive Engagement: A Boardroom to Bedroom Fake Fiancee Romance

Page 4

by Alexis Angel

  The feeling of it all is beyond words.

  For once in my life, I feel sated. I feel spent.

  “What the fuck is your name, anyway?”

  “Call me Will.”

  I struggle to catch my breath and kiss him.

  Will. More like will you fuck me like that again?

  Or maybe later anyway when I don’t feel like a giant cup of Jell-O.

  “And you?”

  Fuck. What is my name?

  I can’t even remember.

  “Kat? Kat.”

  Am I right? Oh, fuck it. Who cares? I’m returning him, anyway.

  “Well, Kat. Why don’t get we grab some refreshments and move this along to the bedroom?”

  I look at him and the man looks like perfectly fucking composed. You’d never tell that he just fucked me senseless.


  “Yeah. Seriously? What? Did you think I was done?”

  Holy shit. What did I get myself into? How am I ever going to survive work tomorrow?

  But how the fuck do I say no?



  Somewhere, there’s an alarm blaring.

  I’m fucking confused—didn’t I just quit the day job?

  Isn’t that what we just hired a new CEO for?

  A few blinks, and it all comes back to me.

  Kat. Sweet, luscious little Kat.

  She’s up and moving.

  “I have to go. It’s my first day at my new job,” she explains. As she scrambles around, she pauses to look at me. “Can you get a move on?”

  She sounds pissed. Maybe she’s been speaking for a while. I don’t fucking know.

  “Sure, babe,” I stretch, and yawn. “But I was hoping for a solution to this morning glory, actually.”

  She gives me a scowling frown, so telling of just so much frustration. It makes me want to put my cock in her mouth and show her some real relief.

  She’s pulling on a tight skirt and slipping into a blouse while she brushes her hair.

  “Get up,” she barks, just expecting me to leave without a fight.

  I gawk at her as she puts on a pair of pink heels.


  I do and dawdle to the bathroom, cock swinging. Once I’m done, I wander toward the kitchen. I come up behind her and grab her around the waist, pushing my cock against her ass.

  For a moment, I can feel her.

  Her body relaxes. Her eyes close. Her lips part ever-so-slightly as she tilts her head toward the heavens…

  She fucking wants it.

  “That’s right, baby,” I tell her, running my hands up and down the crispness of her linen blouse. “Feel me. Love me. Give into it.”

  “No,” she says, now sounding really irritated. “Feel me—we’re not doing this right now. I need to get a move on…and you need to get the fuck out.”

  She pushes me off and steps away.

  “But baby,” I joke. I can’t stop grinning. “I’m your mail-order husband. I’m supposed to swan around here all day being pampered until you get back to fuck me.”

  She lets out a very angry exhalation, holding her nose briefly.

  “Look, enough of this shit. Last night was great and all, but it’s back to business now. I have a job to get to, and you have other various engagements of being a fuck toy, I’m sure.”

  She’s clearly trying to insult me. The joke is on her though; it was a rather accurate description. Nothing she’s saying is stinging in the slightest.

  She glares at me, sipping some coffee.

  “Aren’t you going to offer me a beverage, darling? Were you raised by wolves or something?”

  She slams her cup down on the counter—mercifully empty, otherwise she’d be getting changed—and points furiously at the counter.

  “Make your own fucking coffee. I’m not your slave!”

  “No, babe, but I’m yours. You’re supposed to take me in and love me.” I give her my best sad puppy face. “I have no clothes. I’m stuck here.”

  She stares at me, face going flat. “You…”

  “Yeah, babe. I arrived here wearing nothing but a fucking bow,” I say, stirring up some coffee for myself and jutting my hips out so it’s very obvious how hard my cock is. “Which you remove from me, if you’ll recall. So, if you want me to get the fuck out, I’m going to get arrested.”

  This is fucking hilarious. I grin over the edge of my coffee cup, jiggling my cock up and down.

  “Will you fucking stop that!”

  “Not until you suck it, babe.”

  “Where the fuck do they find guys like you anyway?”

  “Oh, we’re made to measure. Printed off an assembly line by 3D printers. Quite amazing actually.”

  “Okay, fuck this,” she says, rolling her eyes at me. “I’m late now. Really fucking late! Stay here, then. See if I give a shit.”

  She grabs her purse and slams out the door.

  I chuckle as I finish my coffee. It’s nice to antagonize her just that little bit more—as well as make her late for work.

  Wish I could’ve talked her into sex, though. Then, she’d be even later, and it would wear that edge off her.

  I sit down on the couch casually, picking up the phone. I call my secretary, but before I can explain everything I need, she’s already on it.

  “What’s the address, Will?” she asks.

  I chuckle at her bored tone. The many times I’ve ended up buck naked somewhere I don’t remember going!

  I settle back to wait for my emergency package to arrive. Once I’ve got a suit and a cell, I’ll head to work and squeeze the new CEO just for kicks.

  Once my suit arrives, with a bit of emergency cash and a new phone, I head out to get a cab. It’s a nice morning, all clean and crisp with sunlight.

  Whatever job that woman does, it must be rough. It’s barely nine a.m. now. I can’t remember the last time I was up this early.

  We reach the building, and I tip my cabbie, whistling a bit as I hit the stairs. I’m interested to see the new CEO. I’ve been wining and dining so much for the business—and for myself—that I haven’t had a chance to meet the guy yet.

  I’ve heard he’s some kind of prodigy, quite young for having jumped into big business. I feel like the guy might have a rough day, and I want to be there to see him sweat. Nothing like pressure from the owner to make a new job even more rough.

  Not to mention a nice collection of fires I’ve set up.

  Sometimes, I’m so good I amaze myself.

  I wander up to the main floor, still whistling a bit. I can hear female voices from the office—my old office—so I head there. It’s just hitting main business hours, so that’s where the new guy should be.

  As I approach, I start to get a weird feeling. These voices are familiar. My secretary, of course I know.

  But the other voice…I’m sure I’ve heard it somewhere before.

  Oh, dear god. Please don’t tell me one of my former fuck buddies has tracked me down. It happens occasionally, and it’s always embarrassing as hell.

  I move up to the doorway, and I see her from the back.

  The recognition is a physical shock. I notice the pink heels first. I lean on the door frame, grinning and enjoying the view.

  “Well, fuck me,” I blurt, announcing my presence loudly.

  They both turn and look at me.

  When she sees me, she doesn’t look happy about it.

  “No,” Kat says, jaw dropped. “What the fuck—no. Get. Out. Now. Before I call security.”

  My poor secretary is trying to melt into the wall. My grin just gets wider as I look my newest acquisition right in the eyes.

  “I don’t think so, baby. Allow me to introduce myself. I’m Will Ambrose, and I run this fucking show. Welcome to my company, sweetheart.”

  The silence is glorious, but the look on Kat’s face is even better.



  I can’t move o
r speak for a few seconds. Mostly because I’ve just realized I let this guy fuck the shit out of me, not knowing who he was.

  It was supposed to be a fun little blowout—the kind of thing I never do—and just a bit of fun.

  Not a fucking major disaster.

  He strides into the room as the secretary bolts. He stops in front of me, and my crossed arms move to my hips while I stick my chin out.

  I’m not going to back down.

  They made me CEO here, and just because I fucked the daylights out of him, doesn’t mean I have to give in. I still have some power here.

  “How fucking funny is this?”

  He’s positively delighted.

  “At home, I work for you. But here, you work for me.”

  “I don’t see it that way,” I snap.

  I’m utterly fuming, but I keep my voice steady. Self-control is what’s gotten me so far in life, after all.

  “In my opinion, you’re the one who’s butting in where you shouldn’t be. I run the company now. You’re such a fucking slacker, and it needs someone who’s committed to the role.”

  He stops in front of me, only inches separating our bodies.

  I wish I could stop thinking about his body. I wish my body wasn’t responding to him.

  I can’t help it. The harder he looks into my eyes, the wetter I get.

  I’m aching. It makes me mad.

  “That may be true,” he says easily. “But I still own the joint. You still have to listen to me.”

  “Only if it benefits the company,” I snap again. I keep my aggressive stance, even after he steps back a little.

  He’s looking me over, trying to think of something smart-assy to say, no doubt.

  “So maybe we should have some ground rules for our relationship,” he suggests. He leans on the desk, gloating like a kid at the fair that won all the tickets. “I think it’s only fair since we find ourselves in this predicament.”

  “I release you from my service,” I say.

  I take my hands off my hips, but I don’t step back. I don’t know how he can look so relaxed, just sitting there.

  My nerves are shot, and my pussy’s flaming for his attention. The more he looks at me with those cheeky eyes, the harder I ache inside.

  “Oh, I don’t think it’s going to be that simple. We have to interact, you see. Any dissolution of contract isn’t such a simple matter as speaking it out loud. Even if you release me, I certainly don’t release you. You have to take my orders and do as you’re told.”

  “Then you’ll also have to do as you’re told,” I rasp.

  I’m furious, but I don’t raise my voice. I don’t lose my cool. I’m thinking of hundreds of dirty horrible husband jobs I could make him do.

  He’s no doubt thinking the same thing about my position.

  “Oh,” he says as he grins at me. “I’m counting on it. Last night, you were quite capable of giving me orders. It’s only fair I do the same to you.”

  It’s awful. I feel hot and screwy inside, like I might cry.

  That I refuse to do.

  I was supposed to be making my own way—proving what I could do—not getting caught in some fuck game with the goddamn boss.

  “You know this is my old office, don’t you?”

  “I…” I start. The rest doesn’t come out.

  I did know that, but in the shock of the last few minutes, I’ve forgotten.

  “Do you have any idea how many hot, tasty pieces I’ve fucked right here, on this very desk?” he taunts.

  He strokes the wood gently, and I know my cheeks are flaming.

  I know his rep, of course. You don’t get a job like this without researching the company and its key members.

  “What’s your point?”

  “What makes you any different from them? You begged for my cock just like them. I think you’re enjoying this, all of it—the power struggle, the physical interaction, everything.”

  I step closer to the desk, and he stands up.

  Again, there’s only inches between us. I wish the heat rising off him didn’t make me think about sex.

  Goddamit! I’m supposed to be working!

  He leans close. Our faces are almost touching. I can’t pull away.

  “I’m different from the others because I own your ass. Every tight inch of it,” I whisper against his lips, refusing to give in to the pressure he’s exerting.

  Sure, he’s seen me naked. He’s seen my ‘oh’ face.

  Big fucking deal.

  Now he can see how I strap it on and manage the fuck out of the company he’s been running into the ground.

  “Oh,” he responds, smiling. “Is that so? You own my ass?”

  “That’s right. Every last bit of it and all the rest that it’s attached to. Sure, you might get to give me orders here. Why not? You’re the big boss, and I have to keep you happy. But if you want to run me through shit, then be utterly sure I’m going to do the same to you. I’ll double-check my own contract here, with Ambrose Industries, and I’ll pull you up and make you toe the line on every policy if I have to. I’ll also review the Male Order contract and make sure I put you to very good use.”

  He reaches out and touches my waist.

  I don’t move. I keep my eyes fixed on his.

  “And what if my first instruction was to take care of my great big cock, Kat darling? What if I wanted you to finish me off, right here on the desk?”

  It’s like he can feel my body responding, even though I’m trying so hard not to let it show.

  There’s a magnet pulling us together.

  Maybe just one more fuck…I want to know how it feels when he’s in charge. I want to be taken…

  “Mr. Ambrose! There’s a call!” the secretary barks from the door.

  We step apart quickly.

  “Can’t it wait?” Will asks with a frown.

  “No, sir. We’re about to lose the Paxton account. Someone has to talk to him now!”



  I sit back and observe as Kat has Paxton on the loudspeaker. She’s dealing it out beautifully.

  I’ve never seen anything like it. It’s the perfect blend of firm yet giving.

  First, she asks him what the problem is, wheedling him with a soft, caring tone. When he starts going over the multiple issues to his account, which I deliberately botched to create this exact scenario, she answers him quickly and decisively.

  It’s kind of like watching a dominatrix work, all hard and soft at the same time. She pulls up the file with one hand, looking at the screen as she talks.

  Any issue Paxton comes up with she’s armed with the current issues on the account.

  Here’s the kicker: she knows how to fix it, too.

  With a few neat moves, she works through the file and comes up with solutions I hadn’t even thought of. It seems being a rich little snot has its drawbacks; I was prepared to go out of pocket for the whole experience just because I wanted to see my new CEO sweat it.

  If the whole thing fell into a hot mess, I was just going to replace the funds from my own money.

  Kat’s coming up with shit I couldn’t have thought of. I’m seeing her in a whole new light, and not just crazy fucking hot and wicked in the sack.

  She’s smart—really fucking smart—with business and personal instincts that are actually kind of scary in their accuracy.

  She’s increasing his bottom line while she’s still on the call, switching from that firm, matron-like voice to a schoolgirl giggle. She’s playing the old fuck right into her lap.

  I can see she’s getting off on it, too. Her breath deepens and comes faster, just like it did last night. Her cheeks go just a bit pink, and she starts teasing one lip between her teeth.

  I didn’t think my new CEO could be this fucking good.

  She laughs with Paxton for a few minutes before transferring him back to the main desk to sort out some financial details. She’s sitting in my big swivel chair, making it squeak as s
he shifts around. She looks up from the screen, seeing me lean over the desk with both hands pressed flat to the wood.

  “Yes, Will?” she calls to me. She’s got that matronly, dominatrix tone again.

  Oh yeah.

  “No, nothing…I just…”

  “You what?” she says, her eyebrow raised.

  Her tone gets sharper as she stares me down.

  “That was actually pretty fucking good,” I admit grudgingly.

  I’m not going to tell her that I’ve literally never been this impressed by another person before…ever. And I’ve met some excellent ones. The other week, I entertained a prince, for fuck’s sake.

  But no one I’ve ever seen compares to the look of her—not when she’s handling money in one hand and emotion in the other. She understands how they’re connected, and she has instincts like a fucking shark. She’s as keen as a knife’s edge.

  Most of the chicks I’ve fucked can’t find their way into their own goddamn shoes. Even the good-looking ones, the smart ones…none of them have ever impressed me.

  Actually, I don’t think any person ever has impressed me.

  But here I stand. Fucking impressed. In awe.

  She’s in her element here, at the top of the pyramid.

  She’s grinning at me. I feel uncertain for a second and step back.

  “What’s the matter, Will? Didn’t think a hot piece of ass like me could put out a fire?”

  I love her smile right now.

  Oh my god.

  I want to fuck her, right now, in the chair.

  Last night, she was a mixture of fire and ice, but I didn’t see this side of her. Not the self-assured, fully confident Kat. The Kat that can also be a kitten.

  I think of her devouring my cock with the same soft look in her eyes as she’s wearing now, and my cock actually hurts.

  What the fuck’s wrong with me?

  “It was a good job, that’s all,” I say.

  I know I’m frowning a bit. I feel like I might be floundering here, and I need to gain some ground.

  “I’ll reward you good and proper when we get home. Extended cunnilingus, or a nice hard fucking?”


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