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Serving the Bad Boy: War Hawks MC

Page 27

by Carmen Faye

  “You are fucking amazing,” she said, as she stared into his eye through the mirror.

  It was like someone put an accelerant into his cock because he was coming right… damn… now and fuck if she wasn’t coming with him. He pulled his cock from her wet heat, picked her up, and tossed her on the bed. Her legs were spread and her eyes were glazed, like she was confused. Well, she can join the damn club.

  Matt moved up her body and lined up his cock with her opening and slammed in. The noise he was making sounded like an animal to his ears, but he couldn’t stop it. He latched on to her nipple and sucked hard in a rhythm that matched his thrusts before he moved up to her ear. Faster and hard he went, as he tried to get deeper and deeper into her. She sat up and bit his shoulder, as her pussy gripped his shaft in a way that told him she had climaxed, and his balls emptied into the protective gear he’d placed on it.

  What the hell was that? He took a few seconds to get his breathing together before he got off of her and found some supplies to clean them up. It had only taken a few seconds, but when he returned, she was asleep in the middle of the bed. He wiped her off quickly and placed a blanket that was in the closet over her.

  She was one hot piece of woman, and he hoped she found that out when she was trying to fulfill all the other things on her to do list. He’d helped her complete the first one—and helped himself as well. That was one of the best hook-ups he’d ever had, but no one-night stand was complete until you woke up by yourself, so he’d give her that, too.

  Gathering his clothes, he put on his underwear and hoped that no one was in the hallway, as he left his sleeping beauty to enjoy the rest of her vacation.


  Emmy woke up startled and naked. She looked around the room and found she was there alone, and the room looked like all the things she swore were done to her was a dream. She got up and felt the aches and pains that came with the memories of what she’d been through and smiled. He was such a beautiful man, and that dirty mouth he had was unbelievable. She didn’t’ think she’d ever heard anyone put those words together like that and sound so good. She wanted to say something back but was afraid it would sound stupid. Emmy decided she needed to work on that because she wanted to make someone feel like Matt had made her feel.

  Matt was built like a model. Too bad she’d not been given much opportunity to explore his body, but she wanted to lick each and every defined muscle and tattoo. In his disclaimer, she was shocked he didn’t make her sign some sort of waiver. She got the implication that she wasn’t to try and contact him. It was bad enough that he was trying to help her obtain the first thing on her vacation to-do list, but she didn’t want to be anyone’s charity project. She wondered, If he hadn’t seen that list, would things have gone the way they did?

  She knew she was fairly attractive in a plain-Jane-could-stand-to-lose-a-few-pounds kind of way, but he was one of those guys who could grace magazine or romance novel covers. He was out of her league in a major way, but she would be happy with what she had, and she’d make sure she didn’t act like a groupie or cling on.

  There were other things to do today, like put on a bikini and walk on the beach. After a long, hot shower and a breakfast of fruit, toast, and coffee, she was ready to put on the bikini. Maybe I should do it after lunch. No. Procrastination will get me nowhere. She put on the suit that she’d felt so confident in at the store, but when she looked out her window at the beach and the beachgoers below, she didn’t know if she could do it. It was a high-waisted suit, so it wasn’t like it was a string bikini, but she was still self-conscious.

  She put on her robe, took a deep breath, and walked into the hall way. When she got to Matt’s door, she wanted to knock so bad it was like a compulsion, but she would not do it. Who knows, he may have had his own list and wanted to screw as many women as he could. She wouldn’t down his list; they all had their own needs and desires that they wanted to fulfill.

  When she first found out that his room was down the hall from her, she was excited. However, now she wasn’t, because her stomach would be in knots every time she left the room, hoping she didn’t see him bring someone in. Am I ridiculous? Absolutely. Matt was a one-night stand… that means our time is up and we are both free agents.

  She got to the elevator and onto the board walk by putting one foot in front of the other. Yet, now that she was here on the beach, she knew she should actually take the floor length robe off, but she couldn’t seem to do so. It was a beautiful day, and the water looked refreshing, but she just couldn’t lay down here with this suit. Maybe I could find a one piece with a skirt and try again. She took a step backward and bumped into someone.

  “Are you going down to lay on the beach or not?”

  The sexy voice was back, and her body responded like he told her to spread her legs and let him eat her pussy. She was wet and ready just from the one non-sexual sentence. Turning around, she wasn’t prepared for how Matt looked in the full light of day. He looked like a movie star or a Greek god. He must have been running because he was glistening, and his muscles were so defined. She couldn’t find the words to say, and he smiled at her.

  “Are you wearing your bikini?” he asked, as he fiddled with her robe ties.

  “Hey,” she said shocked out of silence. “You read more of my list than you claimed.”

  He lifted one eyebrow. “Can I see your suit?”

  “I don’t know if I want to do this today. I’m thinking I can do some other things I wanted to do and come back another time.” She watched his face contort into a frown just a bit and didn’t like the way his disappointment felt. What am I doing? He was her one-night stand—not someone who was supposed to mean anything to her. She shouldn’t place that much importance on his thoughts about what she was doing.

  He pulled the tie so that the robe fell open and the look on his face made her proud. She wondered if he did self-esteem classes or something.

  “Take the robe off, so I can see how you look.” Matt fiddled with the robe, and she tried to act like his touch didn’t make her warm. It was like he had something on him that made her want to lick him.

  “I know what you’re doing. Trying to make me think I look okay so I won’t worry.” She squinted her eyes at him, hoping to see the truth somewhere.

  “Is that what you think?” he asked, moving closer to her.

  “Yes. That’s what I think. All this ‘You’re amazing’ crap, and now, ‘Can I see your suit?’…come on.” Somewhere in there Emmy had stopped being impressed by his beautiful body and face and had lurched into her normal silly self. Making weird impressions of him and his voice as she mimicked him. Unbelievably, his smile was even bigger.

  “Well, you are amazing. Just the thought of your pussy makes me want to fuck you right here in the warm sand. I’ve been watching you stand her for the last five minutes, trying to decide if you were going to take off that large robe and show the world your fantastic body. I could tell you were talking yourself out of it.” He cocked one eyebrow at her, and she was lost. How in the world did he know that?

  “So you decided to come down and help me?” She knew she was a charity project to him, and she hated that.

  “Actually, I just wanted to tease myself with what you look like in a bikini, with the sun shining on your skin, and the sound of the water lapping against the sand.” He always looked like he was amused—unless he looked like he was about to come. That thought had her stomach doing flips.

  She put down her stuff and took off her robe. “You happy now?”

  “Immensely. You look good in your suit. Looks like you had a rough night last night.” He touched her neck. “You’ve been marked.”

  “I know I was in bed with a crazy man, but it was the best time I’ve ever had.” She admitted that to him because it was the truth, and she wanted to let him know that she’d enjoyed herself—in case she didn’t get to talk to him again.

  Looking around, she began to be aware of all the women in the area
who were looking at this fine form of a man who stood out from the crowd.

  “Well, don’t let me keep you,” she said, as she picked up her items and then walked down the steps to the beach. That was difficult, but she didn’t want him to think he had to save her from herself—whether she appreciated it or not.

  When she got to the spot she picked out, she set up her umbrella and chair. It took a few minutes, and she promised herself that she wouldn’t look back at him until she was done. He’d get bored and leave before she finished—of that she knew for sure. Plopping down on the chair, she looked back to where she’d left Matt and found him standing there watching her. She wondered what he was thinking, but he waved and jogged away.

  She lay on the beach and enjoyed the warmth on her skin. It had taken about fifteen minutes to realize that Matt had done it again. He’d gotten her so worked up about whatever she was fussing with him about that she forgot to be anxious about her near nudity and her size in this bikini. Damned if she’d thank him, but she chuckled at his brilliance because she knew he’d done all of that on purpose.

  There was a man coming toward her with a drink, and Emmy watched him come her way. She intended to ask him for a beverage when he delivered that delicious drink to wherever it was going, but he stopped right in front of her.

  “A drink for the lady,” the young man said, as he set down a flip table and the drink he was carrying.

  “Who sent it?” she asked, knowing who it was but wanted to see what clever name Matt would put down.

  “A secret admirer.” The man wagged his eyebrows at her, and she laughed.

  “Well, tell the secret admirer thank you for me.”

  “I think he has plans to come over and collect the thank you himself.”

  Emmy picked up her drink and watched the young bartender walk away. This is what she thought her life would be like on the beach. She knew that her admirer was Matt, but she found herself giddy to see him again. Who knew, maybe she would thank him for giving her the confidence to sit here on the beach, because once she got down here, it was fine and she’d had no problems.

  “Can I sit here? I brought my drink over so we can share a drink together.” A voice from beside her said. He was standing up with the sun at his back so all she could see was the blinding sun. She knew one thing; it wasn’t Matt.

  “Ummm… sure.” She looked around and found she wasn’t in a very populated area. When she’d been standing on the boardwalk with Matt, it seemed to be more public. She shouldn’t worry too much though because there were people in shouting distance, and she was supposed to be meeting new people and finding out more about herself in the process. However, something about this guy just didn’t sit well with her. It was probably because he was nothing like Matt, and that’s who she really wanted to spend some time with.

  “I saw you sitting here all alone. A pretty girl shouldn’t have to be by herself,” he said, as he looked into her eyes. They were a beady shape, and the way he was looking at her breasts made her uncomfortable. It was like he was trying to figure out how he could taste them. He also kept hitting the front of his swimming trunks, like he was covertly playing with his dick, as he salivated at her cleavage. She cleared her throat, hoping that would get him to use some manners.

  “I like being by myself.” She didn’t want the drink anymore if it came with this guy. Emmy knew she had no business taking it when she didn’t know who it had come from, but she assumed—which her father always said stood for make an “ass out of U and me”—was coming from Matt.

  “You like sitting by yourself because you’ve not spent any time with me.” He sat down on the lounge chair—uninvited. She wasn’t sure what she should do. She had barely even seen his face because he was trying so hard to get a closer view of her breasts.

  “Excuse me, sir. You are making me very uncomfortable. I’m going to have to ask you to leave.” She tried to move away from him and hoped that he’d listen to what she said.

  His head snapped up, and she saw his eyes were a navy blue, and they were filled with rage.

  “Bitch, I bought you a drink, and you accepted it. The custom is for you to share the time you spend drinking it with me.”

  “I didn’t know I was selling myself by accepting your drink, but now that I know, you can have it back. I hope you got your fill of looking at my tits because that as close as you’re ever going to get. You need to learn some manners.” She got up because it didn’t look like he was going to leave quietly, and she wasn’t going to fight him.

  He pulled her back down onto his lap and looked both ways before trying to grope at her breast. “Let me just suck on one of those fat nipples for a second, and I’ll leave you alone. We can call it even.”

  Emmy reached down behind her and put her hands in his shorts, reaching blindly for his dick.

  “Yeah, baby. It’s always the big girls who are the freakiest. Stroke me off right here. Nobody can see. You like that don’t you. Dirty whore. You can be my dirty whore. I’ll feed you this cock until you gag on it. You’d like that, huh, wouldn’t’ you, baby.” The man was getting himself all worked up on his own words, not even noticing that Emmy was trying not to either cry or throw up.

  She got his prick and his balls in her hand and twisted as hard as she could. The screeching yell sounded like a strange animal being tortured, but she stayed on his lap and hung on. This fucker had messed with the wrong woman on the right day. She was so tired of people thinking that they could just run right over her. She may have had issues with self-esteem, but the fact that this man wanted to take that and use it against her was making her even more upset. If it wasn’t her, it would have been someone else this man deemed fat or ugly.

  “No one deserves to be treated like you just treated me. You keep your dirty hands and filthy looks off me. I can’t believe there are monsters.” She let go of his mangled manhood and stood up. The drink that had looked so fresh and inviting just made her angry looking at it. She picked it up and dumped it on his head before she walked off. She wanted to wash her hands because who knew where that man and his dirty dick had been.

  Damn it. She didn’t want to leave all her shit there, but she just picked up her purse, shoes, and towel and left the chair and umbrella where it was. Maybe she could talk to someone in management about going to get it for her later this afternoon.

  The nerve of that guy. Just thinking that because I have a few extra pounds on my frame that I would be willing to go to bed with just anyone. Maybe he knows about Matt and knows that I got fingered in a restaurant where anyone could have seen me… but who cares if I did. Even if he did see what happened between two consenting adults that doesn’t mean he can get it in just because he wants to. She opened the door to the hotel and couldn’t even enjoy the coolness of the air conditioner because she was fuming. It was like the further she was from the situation the angrier she got.

  “Hey there, Emmy,” Matt said from behind her. What’s up with everyone coming up on me where I can’t see them?

  She whirled on him, “What do you want?”


  Matt didn’t know what was going on with Emmy, but when he’d seen her marching into the hotel lobby like the devil was at her heels, he wondered what he’d missed. After he left her, he got a bit to eat and then took a shower. He was actually getting ready to find her out on the beach when she stormed past him. When he caught up with her, she whirled on him with heaving breaths and adrenaline running through her like wildfire.

  He held his hands up to his chest, as he waited for her to get it together and realize he wasn’t a threat. However, he really wanted to ask whose ass he needed kick.

  “I’m sorry,” she said, once she caught her breath. It looked like the adrenaline had left her in one fell swoop, and she was exhausted.

  “Tell me what happened,” he said, as he pulled her into a hug. She settled into his arms, and he wasn’t going to think about how right this felt. This wasn’t his normal rou
tine—emotional women, comfort in public places, the fire in his belly to maim the person who’d done this to her. He had to pull himself together, too.

  She pushed off his chest gently. “It’s nothing. I’m okay. Go about your day.”

  He caught her arm. “That’s not going to work. I want to know who made you run like that. Did someone threaten you?”

  “I’m not a child, Matt. I know you read my list and feel like I need some assistance with every area of my life, but I can handle myself.”

  “I know you aren’t a child; believe me, I know. The reason I keep coming back is because I enjoy your company. Did I want to help you fulfill the items that I could on your list? Yes. I enjoy your company.”

  “And I’m an easy lay?”

  He’d been around enough women to know when one wanted to fight, and even though he hadn’t been the one to bring the anger out of her, he was going to have to be the one to deal with it.

  “I don’t remember that being on your list. Did you want to be an easy lay?” He backed her up against the wall in the alcove and brought his mouth down to taste her. “Someone got your panties all twisted up, and you are ready to let loose on someone. I’m willing to let that be me.”


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